Complete ROH Coverage 4-6-2016

roh-logoROH TV 4.06.16

– Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly defeated Gedo and Kazuchika Okada @ 12:25 via pin [***]
Non-Title Match: Adam Cole defeated IWGP Jr Heavyweight Champion KUSHIDA @ 11:05 via pin [***¾]
– The Motor City Machine Guns defeated The Addiction @ 12:50 via pin [***]

– We get highlights of last week’s show, where Donovan Dijak returned and he took out Truth Martini. Lethal then cut a promo about his best friend suffering a broken neck. Dijak now has his attention, they molded him, but now they do things Lethal’s way and Dijak won’t survive.

Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly vs. Gedo and Kazuchika Okada: After some back and forth, Fish got the better of Gedo and dared Okada to come in. O’Reilly then tagged in, acting like he wanted to be a big boy, but Okada shut him down and even mocked him a bit. O’Reilly got an arm bar; Gedo took the ref, which caused Fish to try and get involved. Gedo took the cheap shot at O’Reilly, hitting the cauliflower ear; commentary actually set that up well, discussing how he’s had to get it drained repeatedly since the 14th anniversary show. CHAOS took control as we hit the break. Post break, they continued to work over O’Reilly, with Gedo trying to rip his ear off at one point. O’Reilly finally hit a flurry of kicks, got the tag to Fish who ran wild, even suplexing Gedo into Okada. Okada then fought back, hit the big elbow drop and then did the Rainmaker pose. He went for the Rainmaker but Fish countered and both men were down. Gedo stopped the tag to O’Reilly, Okada then hit a dropkick and the Gedo clutch on Fish got a near fall as O’Reilly made the save. Okada got sent to the post, reDRagon made their comeback and then all four men were in. Okada got dumped, chasing the dragon on Gedo and that was that. I’m not surprised with the victory by reDRagon; Gedo loves them and they have been heavily protected in NJPW. This was a good opener.

– We get a highlight from last week, where the Briscoes had a stand off with War Machine. We then got a promo from the Briscoes, who say that War Machine has ever defeated them, so they can’t claim to be the best. They know they need to win the titles, because it has been three years, so they have something to prove as well.

IWGP Jr Heavyweight Champion KUSHIDA vs. Adam Cole (BAY BAY): Cole did some showing off and took control, KUSHIDA fought back and out wrestled him and then mocked the Adam Cole BABY BAY pose. KUSHIDA started to put a run together; Cole then cut him off with an enziguri, which sent KUSHIDA to the floor. They worked through the break, and when they came back Cole was in control. KUSHIDA quickly fought back, looking to work the arm. They had some really well done and fast paced back and forth here, including KUSHIDA senton to the floor. KUSHIDA would then look for the moonsault, but ate knees on the way down and Cole took back over. Cole, the under handed dick, would use the ref to escape the hanging hover board lock. KUSHIDA would score with it on the mat but they traded pinning attempts and then battled back and forth with strikes center ring with KUSHIDA constantly fighting for the lock. Cole then countered the back handspring with the superkick ad hit the brainbuster to the knee for the finish. This was a more surprising outcome, partly due to Cole losing a lot recently and partly because KUSHIDA is a champion. But then I thought again and realized that NJPW doesn’t really give a shit about their juniors no matter what side of the Earth they compete on, and it all made sense.

– Dalton Castle cut a promo about next week’s fight without honor against Silas Young. Castle promises to get weird.

The Addiction (Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley): The Addiction attacked Sabin right away and tried to take out Shelley to get control of things. The Guns quickly fought back and tossed them to the floor and we took a commercial break. The Guns had control post break, working over Kaz. Shelley almost wiped out on a poetry in motion spot, but he and Sabin kept control of things and then Sabin hit a dive onto both members of the Addiction. Shelley followed with a high cross for a near fall. Daniels eventually crotched Shelly on the corner and that allowed the Addiction to get the heat. The Addiction worked a solid heat, lots of double teams with solid near falls on Shelley. They worked through another break, and when we came back they still had the heat on Shelley. Shelley eventually caught them with a DDT/stunner combo and Daniels then pulled Sabin to the floor to stop the tag. Shelley kept fighting and finally made the tag to Sabin. It broke down, the Addiction looked to finish off Sabin with double teams and Daniels hit a suicide dive onto Shelley. All four in again, double teams by the Guns and made is Detroit on Daniels finished things off.

– Post match the Addiction attacked, Sydal and KUSHIDA made the save, And then the Young Bucks attacked, SUPERKICKS! We then got a massive brawl to close the show.

– Next week we get Castle vs. Young in a fight without honor as well as AXCH vs. Kenny Omega.

* End scene.

* Thanks for reading.