EWF Results from Marion, IN on 11/24

EWF Results for November 24, 2007
Marion, INDIANA – www.ewfarena.com
A 10 bell salute sounded in honor of Independent wrestler
“the Natural” Mike Lawson, who passed away this week.

* “The Southern Boys” Wildman Rogers & Hank Calhoun beat Damian Michaels & Destinee Payne

After the match, it was announced this was Hank Calhoun’s last match in the EWF as he is moving to Colorado. The fans sent him off with a “thank you Hank” chant…

* Matt Cavins beat M.I.A.

* Bob beat Snake

After the match, Bob continued to beat down Snake and brought a chair into the ring. Snake escaped before Bob could use the weapon.

* Midwestern Title: Nate Phoenix (c) beat Craig Poling

* Hillbilly Jedd & Joey Owens beat “The Soul Shooters” Apollo Star & Drew Johnson

Diva Michelle came out and told the fans she had a special guest here tonight. Then familiar bagpipe music hit and out comes a man with his back facing the audience in a kilt and leather jacket… when he turned around it was General Lee with a wig on over his mask…

General Lee got in the ring and claimed it was his single right punch that brought Roddy Piper to his knees last week during Piper’s Pit. Lee says that he heard that Piper left shortly after the match and didn’t meet with the fans. General Lee went on to say he had to make public apology to Roddy Piper because he didn’t realize that Piper was such a gentleman…

Lee then went on to say how Andy Santos interfered last week when he was beating on Piper and he would be taken care of…. Santos came out and jumped Lee again.

* Andy Santos beat General Lee after Diva Michelle tried to interfere and cost Lee the match

* EWF Title: Osyris beat Big Ric Cannon (c) by Count Out

After the match, Hurricane came out and said after talking with Commissioner Tony Angelo and knowing how Cannon is, and that he knows Cannon has some time before he has to defend the title again that Cannon will have to defend the belt against Osyris at SEASONS BEATINGS on December 29th!

And to make sure Cannon can’t run again that he will have to defend his title inside a steel cage!

EWF Wrestling returns to action this Saturday Night, December 1st!

At the EWF Arena on 3400 S. Adams in Marion, IN. Bell time is 7:30 PM. Tickets are only $8. Kids 5 & Under are free with paid adult.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, December 29: “Seasons Beatings 2007” featuring Big Ric Cannon defending the EWF Title against Osyris in a Steel Cage Match.

Saturday, January 5, 2008: Former WWE, ECW, WCW star THE SANDMAN in action!

Tickets are only $15 VIP Ringside, $12 General Admission

Visit us online at www.EWFArena.com