Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: January 14, 2010 (Taped: January 5th)
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Taz
RINGSIDE: Mike Tenay & Taz recap the historic night of January 4th with all the surprise stars and a plug for the Genesis PPV this Sunday
Generation Me (Max & Jeremy) defeated The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley): This was a incredible match between these two great teams. I have heard a lot about Generation Me aka The Young Bucks in Ring of Honor and Dragon Gate USA. Around half way into the match we saw “The Band” walking backstage. A lot of references by Taz and the crowd. Taz asked “who are these young bucks?”
The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) + Team 3D (Brothers Ray & Devon): The Nasty’s are still trashing Team 3D’s Lockeroom and suddenly Team 3D start banging on the door but the Nasty’s wouldn’t allow them to come in.
VIDEO PACKAGE: Hulk Hogan: Hulk Hogan explained that Kurt Angle will get one last shot at A.J. Styles’ World Heavyweight title at Genesis. Hogan also said there will be another major superstar debuting at Genesis.
Kurt Angle + A.J. Styles + The Mystery Attacker (Tomko): Kurt Angle told us that A.J. winning the title at No Surrender was no fluke, and Styles proved it by pinning Angle last week. Angle said A.J. was the better man after last week, but for one night only. At Genesis, which is Kurt Angle’s last shot at A.J. Styles title, he will win the big one. A.J. Styles came out saying he will come out on top and this was Angle’s last shot in 2010 at his title. Kurt said no he only needed one more chance. They share a handshake and a hug, and Kurt walked to the back. A.J. was suddenly ambushed by the mystery stalker and it was revealed to be Tomko.
Christy Hemme & The Band (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall & Sean Waltman) + Bubba the Love Sponge: Bubba The Love Sponge interfered and took over the interview from Christy Hemme. Bubba asked where Mick Foley was? The Band ignored the question and said they are really happy to be back together, and whatever happened backstage stayed backstage. Bubba said he was going nowhere fast and threw it to Mike & Taz.
Hamada & Awesome Kong defeated The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne w/Lacey Von Erich): Before the match, Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky went over to someone in the front row and hugged Angelina Love! Lacey watched with envy and gave a jealous wave. Basic squash match. After the match, Angelina Love jumped the rail to check on the Beautiful People, but then attacked all three of them for trying to replace her. Love focused her aggression on fellow original Beautiful Person Velvet Sky!
A.J. Styles + Eric Bischoff: A.J. Styles stormed into Mick Foley’s old office and asked Eric Bischoff where Hulk Hogan was? Bischoff refered to him as “Mr. Hogan,” but he was busy at the moment taking care of business. A.J. demanded revenge on the stalker and Bischoff made it a main event A.J. Styles defending his World Heavyweight title against Tomko tonight.
BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: Beer Money Inc. was shown looking for Eric Bischoff..
Jeremy Borash & Eric Bischoff + Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm): JB went into the office with Hulk Hogan’s name plate on it and found Eric Bischoff. JB asked where Mick Foley was, and Bischoff replied saying JB let Foley in the building so what happened to Foley was his fault. Bischoff said if JB really cares about Mick Foley go out and find him, because he doesn’t care (about Foley). Bischoff warned JB that if he screws up like he did last week he will be fired (for allowing Foley into the iMPACT Zone). JB left and Beer Money entered and they explained that they have no problems with Bischoff but with “his boys.” Beer Money said they don’t appreciate being jumped from behind in a company they helped build. James Storm wanted Hall & Nash in a match at Genesis. Bischoff sipped Storm’s beer and said he would think about it and get back to them.
Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) defeated Lethal Consequences (Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed): Before the match; Bobby Lashley attacked Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed and demolished them both as Kristal watched with a big grin on her face. Kristal took a microphone and said they have not had a meeting with Mr. Hogan yet and will take out every member on the TNA roster one by one until they do so. Team 3D walked out, hit Creed with the 3D, and made the pin to get an easy victory. Brother Ray now carried an axe with him to the ring.
Team 3D (Brothers Ray & Devon): Brother Ray grabbed the mic and said while they were fighting in the Tokyo Dome, they had to hear about the Nasty Boys trashing their locker room. Ray asked “where the hell have the Nasty Boys been for the last ten years?” and wondered why Hulk Hogan associated himself with those two “fat asses.” Ray said the Nasty’s took over their lockeroom and now they have to change in the hall like kids. Brother Ray took out the AXE and said “say hello to my little friend!”
Team 3D (Brother Ray & Devon) + The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags): Team 3D burst into the locker-room and were distracted by the obscene smell as the Nasty’s attacked from behind and beat the crap out of them.” Welcome to Nastyville!” Editor’s Note: I feel sorry for Team 3D in this feud.
VIDEO PACKAGE: Tomko explained the punk kid he took under his wing in A.J. Styles.
Sean Morley + Christopher Daniels: Sean Morley’s new catch phrase is “ladies, I’m here!” Morely said he and TNA were made for each other. Morely said he used to make his living with a different kind of TNA (T&A aka pornography). Morely said in those days he had to use a stage name, but those days are over. Morely said he was now a director, producer, and an online distributer of some of the most cultured films of all-time! Morely said when he walked into TNA last week he could see that TNA was poised to explode. Morely believes TNA should start a Film division (like WWE) and that was where he came in. Morely said his films would be a work of art, and would not be the kind of videos that go straight to video (making fun of WWE-produced films). Christopher Daniels came out gleefully shook hands with Morely – welcoming him to TNA. Daniels explained that he had a little Hollywood experience, and bitched a lame screenplay idea, but then suddenly attacked Morley hitting him with BME. Daniels said he doesn’t know who let Morely in the building but he made him sick. Daniels screamed at Morely as he continued his assault, until Morley started fighting back and Daniels quickly fleed.
VIDEO PACKAGE: Tara & ODB hyped their 2/3 falls title match this Sunday at Genesis for the TNA Knockout title.
BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: Matt Morgan & Hernandez preparing for their match..
Hernandez & Matt Morgan vs. Beer Money (James Storm & Robert Roode) ended in a No Contest: Big Rob Terry interfered and the match was thrown out. Big Rob attacked Super Mex (Hernandez), and then fought with Matt Morgan. The Band (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall & Sean Waltman) come out and attacked Beer Money Inc.. Eventually, TNA security tried to stop them but to no avail. Eric Bischoff came out to the stage and told Beer Money Inc. to be careful what you wish for because the next round is on him.
Eric Bischoff & The Band (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall & Sean Waltman): Eric Bischoff confronted The Band about what happened last week with Foley and this week with Beer Money, and sarcastically asked “what am I gonna do with you guys?” Waltman said “I thought that was what you wanted?” Bischoff said that’s not what he said he wanted. Eric Bischoff booked the match between Beer Money vs. Hall & Nash at Genesis. Sting was seen watching from the rafters.
VIDEO PACKAGE: Tomko revealed while he was out for a year with a arm injury (Editor’s Note: No, you failed a WWE tryout) and A.J. was rising to the top, he tried to phone A.J. but he realized what the deal was.
Desmond Wolfe defeated Samoa Joe: Pope D’Angelo Dinero joined Mike Tenay & Taz on commentary for the match. This was a short match but a good one. The crowd was chanting “this is wrestling!” After the match, the Pope and Wolfe started trash talking to each other. Their match at Genesis might be a showstealer!
BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: Ric Flair arrived at the iMPACT Zone in his limo..
VIDEO PACKAGE: Tomko talked about wearing a mask and attacking A.J. Styles for months and now he has got what he wanted – a World Heavyweight title shot.
Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff + Jeff Jarrett & Jeff Jarrett’s Lawyer: Jeff Jarrett stormed into Hulk Hogan’s office and screamed “I’m doing the talking!” Hogan calmly said “I got a problem with that. This better be damn important, Jarrett!” Jarrett told Eric Bischoff to take a seat because it was between him and Hulk. Jarrett said he wanted to talk about the company he founded, put on his back, and carried for seven years. Jarrett said the young talent in this company are worthless (Editor’s Note: wait didn’t he praise them last week). Jarrett said there wasn’t enough talent in TNA to fill a coffee cup, it’s always been HIM! Jarrett said Hulk wants to come in and grandstand after he worked hard for seven years. Jarrett said last week Hogan was crossing the line of defamation of character. Hogan asked “character? what character are you Jeff?” Jarrett continued to yell until Bischoff yelled “STOP!” Bischoff said he was sick and tired of hearing about the company Jarrett founded.
Bischoff said Jarrett and his old man started TNA and they would have been dead without Dixie Carter’s money. Bischoff said Jarrett conned Dixie and conned the wrestlers. Bischoff said the company would turn around, but because of Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff, not because of Jeff Jarrett. Bischoff told Jarrett to take his story down the street or lace up the boots and compete just like everyone else. Jarrett questioned Hogan for sitting behind a desk and let Bischoff talk like that. Hogan stood up and said he was hired to run TNA, but there was nothing in his contract that says he can’t kick Jarrett’s ass. Jarrett started to back-pedle out of the office dragging his lawler with him. Jarrett suddenly wanted to talk like real businessmen, and added “you haven’t heard the last of my attorny!” Bischoff said Jarrett needed an attitude adjustment, and Hogan said they were going to help him with that.
A.J. Styles defeated Tomko to retain the World Heavyweight Champion: Ric Flair joined Mike Tenay & Taz on commentary for the match and they made a huge deal about Flair being in the iMPACT Zone. Kurt Angle came out midway through the match and shook hands with Ric Flair, which distracted A.J. Styles for a moment. After the match, Tomko tried to attack A.J. Styles but Kurt Angle made the save and knocked Tomko out of the ring. Kurt Angle offered to shake hands, but A.J. took his belt and refused – as Flair watched with a slight smile (A.J. heel turn?).
VIDEO PACKAGE: Big GENESIS hype on Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles