Cary Silken discusses ROH’s future on HDNet

The owner of Ring Of Honor, Cary Silkin, was the special guest on this week’s live edition (12/28/09) of Monday Night Mayhem (presented by, hosted by The Big Mosh, Blade, & “The Chairman Of The Board” Todd Vincent. You can feel The Mayhem live & in streaming audio every Monday night (at 8PM ET/7PM CT), exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (,,,, &   

Cary’s return MNM appearance (as part of Monday Night Mayhem’s “2009: Year In Review” Special) is now available for free in Windows Streaming Media, or via The Mayhem’s official Podcast on ITunes:

Cary Silkin/Monday Night Mayhem Interview (MNM Streaming Audio): 

Cary Silkin/Monday Night Mayhem Interview (MNM Podcast On ITunes):

Here are some of the highlights of Cary’s exclusive interview, provided by The Mayhem’s co-executive producer & host, John “The Big Mosh” Masiulionis:
The Big Mosh, Blade, & “The Chairman” Of The Board Todd Vincent welcomed Cary back To The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network to look back on a banner year for ROH in 2009 & preview what lies ahead in this forthcoming new year. Cary thanked The Mayhem Crew for the pre-New Year’s Eve invitation, in what has become a yearly tradition on “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio.”
Mosh began by asking Cary for his thoughts on Ring Of Honor’s internet Pay-Per-View debut two weeks ago, “Final Battle 2009,” and how he would grade ROH’s final event of 2k9. “I think it went really well. It was a crazy weekend. We had to come back through some terrible weather conditions. We were in the worst spot possible Friday in Manassas, VA, which is 45 minutes west of Washington. It started snowing there around 8PM at night, and by the time we left the show & headed for New York, it was so bad. It was a bad snow, the driving was rough, and it took the crew & the wrestlers triple what it should have to get to New York…or at least double. So, we were faced with that. We had a good show Friday night; everybody was excited, a little tired, but I think the adrenaline overcame that. Saturday was a big success: It was a excellent crowd. The fans braved the weather & made it to The Manhattan Center. The guys from GoFightLive did a great job. I thought the production was really good. I was watching it myself over the last few days (the replay). I thought it went really well. It was a hell of a show, and it gave us a chance to offer a live product to anyone in the world. The buy numbers were good; they were a little higher than what we expected for an inaugural show of this nature. People have to get used to watching it on this format. I was very happy with it. The feedback has been well. We plan on continuing on with GoFightLive with some future shows.”
One of the biggest moments for Ring Of Honor this past year was the surprise return of Jim Cornette to the company & his new role as the Executive Producer of ROH On HDNet. “The Chairman Of The Board” asked Cary for his initial reactions to Cornette parting ways with TNA, how he has embraced his return to Ring Of Honor in ’09, along with where he sees things progressing with HDNet into this new year that is now upon us. “We had a very good relationship with him. He was a solid part of Ring Of Honor over a course of a couple of years going back to 2005-2006. He had the opportunity to work for TNA as a full-time, which I can’t begrudge him for doing that. When they foolishly let him go, I was quick to contact him. I didn’t know where his head was at, as far as he might be a little burned out, or did he want to get back, or did he not want to work to work with us. Greatfully, he did. His experience in Ring Of Honor was very positive previously. He was interested in coming back to a place where he felt it was professional wrestling that he liked & wrestling fans liked. And to be given the opportunity to be put into a position where he could make a difference & be involved in something he really believed in, he liked that idea; I was thrilled with that. His influence & his knowledge is undeniable, and the effects that we’ve seen from Jim haven’t even started. He’s really interested in making Ring Of Honor more successful. He’s totally vested in the project, and I’m extremely grateful for that.” On the topic of Ring Of Honor’s expansion in 2009 with HDNet & what the future holds between both entities: “I have nothing but nice things to say about HDNet. They are behind us 110%. The production quality is fantastic. They are really nice people to work with. They’re interested in seeing us grow. We too would like to see them on every cable system, and there’s going to be a lot of changes in 2010 within HDNet as far as their visibility. We’re just happy with our position with them now & are looking forward to 2010 to grow with them; It’s very exciting.”
After playing some interesting comments from ROH World Champion Austin Aries on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network from September, in which “A-Double” stated the individual that Ring Of Honor cannot afford to lose out of anyone on the roster or crew to the WWE and/or TNA is Cary Silkin. For several years, critics from across the globe have given ROH’s death sentence & have said that the company would not make it into the future. Despite those “armchair quarterbacks,” Ring Of Honor is now on the verge of celebrating their eighth-year anniversary in several weeks in “The Big Apple.” In closing, Cary gave his final remarks of 2009 by giving a forthright response to those detractors & haters of ROH. “People have put up our tombstone many, many times upon losing various guys (Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Bryan Danielson, & Nigel McGuinness). Sometimes when it looks the darkest, it gets the brightest. I’m really excited for 2010. Who knows what’s going to happen.”

More is contained in this exclusive interview with Ring Of Honor’s owner, as Cary Silkin gives his candid takes on what he feels were on the best moments in ROH in 2009, plus which superstars gave some of the best lasting memories from this past year, along with which ones are “ones to watch” in this new year. Check out the next set of ROH On HDNet television next Friday & Saturday at The Arena in Philadelphia tapings, and be sure to log onto to purchase your tickets to Ring Of Honor’s Los Angeles debut as part of the WrestleReunion IV weekend (which will see ROH World Champion, Austin Aries going one-on-one with Jushin “Thunder” Liger, plus the ROH World Tag Team Champions The Briscoes & The Young Bucks squaring off with The American Wolves & the newly-reformed Kings Of Wrestling), in addition to the celebration of Ring Of Honor’s eighth-year anniversary at The Manhattan Center in New York City (where Brian Kendrick will make his ROH return).
To celebrate the New Year’s holiday & beginning this Monday, you will be able to log onto, and vote for Monday Night Mayhem in this month’s 2010 Wrestling Radio Awards. Help keep MNM atop the throne as “Show Of The Year,” and take home some of the most-prized hardware in the industry! “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” is officially presented by ReelWrestling: the latest & hottest innovation from the coverage of professional wrestling online. Want to be a part of the RW movement? It’s simple…head on over to, and subscribe (via e-mail or SMS) for free announcements on what’s hot & fresh on Your favorite Superstars & Divas are just one click away! The award-winning Monday Night Mayhem (voted on by you, the fans as the “Show Of The Year” in the 2009 Wrestling Radio Awards), is also sponsored by: Sizzlin’ Sauces (the official hot sauce of The Mayhem:, The History Of (bringing you the best in the illustrious history of the wrestling business since 2002:, (the official online traffic school of The Mayhem:, & ACN (get info about the ACN home-based business opportunity, video phone, & network marketing by contacting Shawn Allen at

All new & old members of The Mayhem Nation can check out the official Monday Night Mayhem Audio Vault, which contains the finest programming/audio content from over five+ years of Mayhem goodness. You can re-live interviews with some of your favorite warriors from Ring Of Honor (ROH World Champion Austin Aries, Tyler Black, Jerry Lynn, & Claudio Castangoli), WWE superstars (Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, & “The Glamazon” Beth Phoenix), WWE Hall Of Famers (Jesse “The Body” Ventura, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, Bret “Hitman” Hart, & Jim Ross), your favorite stars of TNA Wrestling (TNA President Dixie Carter, “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan, “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash, TNA World Heavyweight Champion “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, Daniels, Team 3-D, Beer Money Inc., “The Monster” Abyss, The World Elite’s Eric Young/Homicide, The Beautiful People’s Velvet Sky, TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champion Taylor Wilde, & Christy Hemme), plus some of the biggest names in the worlds of sports, entertainment, & Hollywood (Ice-T, Dennis Rodman, Nancy O’Dell, Brooke Hogan, Michael Buffer, Bob Zmuda, Curtis Granderson, Jim Kelly, Marv Levy, Theo Fleury, & many more). All this is now available World Wide & 365 at