Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 12/15

Tuesday December 15, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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12/14 Raw TV results from Corpus Christi, TX: Christian, Kane & Great Khali over William Regal, Kozlov & Ezekiel Jackson; Kofi Kingston over Cody Rhodes via DQ; Legacy over Kingston & Evan Bourne; John Cena over CM Punk; Randy Orton over Undertaker via CO; Jerishow over DX via DQ so DX retain the tag titles; John Morrison, Yoshi Tatsu & Mark Henry over The Miz, Drew McIntyre & Zack Ryder, Babyface Divas over Heel Divas; and John Cena over Randy Orton to become Superstar of the Year.

Slammy results are on WWE.com for those who care.

The Smackdown/ECW crew are taping television today in Laredo. ECW tonight on SyFy includes a Kane appearance, and The Hurricane vs. The Ripper (Paul Burchill) for an ECW contract.


The Bret Hart reference last night during Raw is likely the start of a long term storyline that could lead to Bret vs. Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania 26, but not necessarily in a wrestling match. Bret has stated in several recent interviews that he is open to the idea of appearing again on WWE television in a non-wrestling role. As far as doing the guest host deal we don’t know he has agreed to anything in that regard, but a Bret Hart appearance on January 4, his first Raw appearance in 12 years, against Impact would surely be a blow to TNA’s chances of making a dint in WWE ratings… We also know now that there is a Hart Foundation DVD in the works. Jim Neidhart was telling people about the project during an autograph signing this past weekend in Long Island.

The other major news out of Raw was Shawn Michaels challenging Undertaker to a rematch at Wrestlemania 26.

Raw did a 3.3 rating off hours 2.95, 3.48 and 3.44.

Irv Muchnick at http://tinyurl.com/ya89cdt reveals that the WWE did have access to medical research on Chris Benoit’s brain despite their recent claims to the contrary. Dr. Bennet Omalu of the Brain Injury Research Institute at West Virginia University, who supervised the research on Benoit’s brain, told Muchnick that Dr. Joseph Maroon, who launched the WWE concussion testing program in 2008, visited the Institute and had access to the facility’s research on Benoit. The WWE gave a statement to ESPN just last week claiming that they have been denied access to the Benoit research despite numerous requests.

President Obama will deliver a special holiday message during WWE’s Tribute to the Troops. The show airs this coming Saturday at 9pm ET on NBC. General David H. Petraeus, Commander, U.S. Central Command, will also deliver his holiday wishes.

Bill Apter has an interview with Gerald Brisco at
http://tinyurl.com/ycxjhr6 which is Brisco’s first recorded comments since suffering a series of mini-strokes earlier this year. He said his strength is returning but he is having some problems with his speech.

The Irish Voice has an article on Sheamus winning the WWE title at http://tinyurl.com/yaoj3yo.

Johnny Damon of the New York Yankees is hosting Raw next Monday from Tampa. Damon, who is a huge wrestling fan, also had a TNA cameo in 2007 when he became involved in storylines with Chicago White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski.

Little People’s Court is coming next Monday. Jim Cornette talks about the origin of this skit at http://whosslammingwho.podomatic.com/ along with other Podcasts from Lanny Poffo, Bill Behrens, Jody Hamilton, and Kenny Bolin.

CableFax magazine has named Vince McMahon as one of it’s Top 100 People in the cable industry. Vince was No. 40. They put over WWE ratings and that they grossed over $50 million for Wrestlemania 25.

We incorrectly noted yesterday that UFC had just moved it’s 111 PPV in Newark to March 27, the night before Wrestlemania 26. The March 27 date was actually booked back in August. Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao tentatively scheduled for Match 13 is apparently just a coincidence, unless UFC knew something nobody else did.

There is a trailer up for the movie Wapakman which stars Manny Pacquiao and Batista at http://tinyurl.com/y888mel. Wapakman is scheduled to play at the Metro Manila Film Festival, which opens on December 25.

Dr. Mike Lano has a look at Rey Mysterio’s book at http://tinyurl.com/yecw9a4.

For those who missed it, Batista interrupting Maria’s Diva of the Year acceptance speech was supposed to be a parody of Kanye West’s interruption of Taylor Swift at the MTV Music Awards earlier this year.
A lot of gags went over people’s head last night… Jim Ross at www.jrsbarbq.com addressed Michael Cole’s comments from his acceptance speech, saying: “[Cole’s] speech was written for him and his actions were designed and produced to make him look foolish.”


Daniels is a guest on the Lewis & Floorwax show, which airs on KRFX-FM, Denver, on Wednesday at 7am Mountain Time. Early birds can listen in live at http://www.thefox.com/pages/listenlive-index.html.

Everything you probably never knew about Awesome Kong is posted at http://tinyurl.com/ya4tr38.


Ring of Honor will debut their first Internet streamed PPV this weekend
at www.GoFightLive.tv. Final Battle 2009 on Saturday night is streamed
live from the Manhattan Center in New York City. Complete lineup is 
Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black for the ROH title; The American Wolves vs.
Jay & Mark Briscoe for the tag titles; Jack Evans & Rocky Romero vs.
Teddy Hart & Alex Koslov; Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. The Young Bucks;
Eddie Kingston vs. Chris Hero; Roderick Strong vs. Kenny King; Necro
Butcher & Delirious vs. Bison Smith & Erick Stevens; and Kenny Omega vs.
Rhett Titus vs. Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli in a four-way.
Limited tickets are still available at www.rohwrestling.com,
www.tickets.com, or by calling (215) 781-2500. For just $14.95 in terms
of pure wrestling this show will likely be the best action you will find

Verizon FIOS just added HDNet to their lineup which includes Ring of
Honor programming.

Former WWE wrestler Ken Doane (Kenny Dykstra), 23, is part of an
upcoming reality show called Seducing Cindy. I knew this show was in the
works a few months ago as a friend of a friend was part of the
production crew. The premise is Cindy Margolis as “America’s sexiest
cougar” looking for love with 25 guys from all walks of life competing
for her affection. Margolis, 44, is a former Playboy cover model who
gained fame in the late 90s for being the most downloaded woman on the
Internet, and later she became an actress. The show premieres on the Fox
Reality Channel on January 30. They taped eight one-hour episodes over
the summer. In one of the episodes the producers fake a car wreck and
worked the suitors that Margolis was on deaths door and needed one of
them to donate a kidney. “Fox Reality Channel is pleased to present the
network’s first original dating show, that will take viewers on the
exciting, emotional and potentially intimidating journey of finding love
over 40,” said Noel Siegel, VP Development and Production for Fox
Reality Channel. “Millions of men have downloaded Cindy Margolis photos,
but only one can win her heart.” Ken Doane is probably best remembered
as part of the Spirit Squad that had a brief run in the WWE. He was also
at one-time engaged to Mickie James.

Bobbi Billard, a glamour model who the WWE signed to developmental a few
years ago, plays the role of Anna Nicole Smith for a TV show that will
be airing next year on VH1. It’s a CSI style program which looks at
different celebrity deaths. Billard quit the WWE in 2004 after she was
injured in training and didn’t like the treatment she received from
then-trainers Jackie Moore and Lisa “Ivory” Moretti.

Denise Riffle, who was Chastity, a valet in ECW and WCW, reportedly has
a cameo in a new porn spoof called Tiger’s Wood. The film is being
produced by Adam & Eve Pictures, and stars Tyler Knight as Tiger Woods
and Kayden Kross as his wife Elin Nordegren.

Switching gears, we just want to send our best wishes to Stan Lane and
his mother, who is in her 90s, and recently fell and broke her hip.

Former Ontario area independent wrestler Damian “Truth” Evans passed
away on Friday at age 29 from a heart attack. Greg Oliver has the story
at http://tinyurl.com/ye85kld.

Wrestle Talk Radio at http://wildtalkradio.com.

Today’s Diva of the Day is Sable at


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