Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 12/7 (part 2)

Monday December 6, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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12/5 Supershow results from Bossier City, LA: Goldust, Tommy Dreamer & Hurricane Helms over Vance Archer, Zack Ryder & Ezekiel Jackson; Sheamus over Evan Bourne; Mickie James over Beth Phoenix with Jillian Hall as guest ring announcer attempting to sing White Christmas; Chavo Guerrero over Alex Riley; Matt Hardy & Kane over Legacy; Kofi Kingston over Jack Swagger; Drew McIntyre defeated Jimmy Wang Yang; Christian defeated William Regal; and Triple H over Randy Orton in a falls count anywhere match. Shelton Benjamin was advertised but didn’t appear.

12/6 Raw house show results from Monroe, LA: Hurricane Helms, Tommy Dreamer, Goldust & Alex Riley over Zach Ryder, Vance Archer, Ezekiel Jackson & Chavo Guerrero; Sheamus over Evan Bourne; Christian over William Regal; Drew McIntyre over Jimmy Wang Yang; Kofi Kingston over Jack Swagger; Mickie James over Beth Phoenix with Jillian Hall as guest ring announcer this time singing Jingle Bells; Matt Hardy & Kane over Legacy; and Triple H over Randy Orton in a falls count anywhere match.
Show drew 4400.

Raw is live tonight from the American Airlines Center in Dallas with Dallas Mavs owner Mark Cuban as the guest host, and DX vs. Chris Jericho in a handicap match. Little People’s court may have been postponed for another week.

The Smackdown crew has a house show tonight at the Ford Arena in Beaumont, TX with The Undertaker facing the winner of a battle royal.
The TV tapings are Tuesday at the Toyota Center in Houston with Rey Mysterio vs. Batista in a street fight. We’re looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


WWE production crew earlier today were working on a video package in tribute to Eddie “Umaga” Fatu. Whether this airs on tonight’s Raw or just ends up on the WWE website is a Vince McMahon call.

There were actually some paranoid people in WWE going into tonight’s show suggesting that Mark Cubin may try to plug for Ring of Honor on HDNet and one person even suggested to Stephanie that they not to let Cubin have a live mic in case this happens.

The latest PPV buy estimates has Breaking Point back in September (return of The Undertaker in his first match since Wrestlemania 25) did 195,000 buys. Hell in A Cell in October (the first PPV to feature three Cell matches) did 300,000 buys, up from the No Mercy PPV it replaced, which did 261,000 buys in 2008. Bragging Rights also in October (Raw vs.
Smackdown themed show) did 200,000 buys, up from the defunct Cyber Sunday PPV, which did 153,000 buys in the same slot last year.

John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre for the IC title has been added to the TLC pay-per-view.

Jim Ross updated his health at www.jrsbarbq.com. He wrote: “The facial paralysis on the right side of my mouth is still prevalent especially when I tire but it is improving. My right eye is still problematic but is slowly getting better. The new news that I am borderline diabetic was an eye opener but, luckily, with a drastically changed diet and an exercise program in place I think I can nip that issue in the bud. I have two doctor’s appointments next week which will hopefully go well.
All this stuff sounds serious but I know and see so many folks whose issues are on such a different level than are mine. I am so thankful for my many blessings and have no complaints.”

Ross sent a special package of his BBQ sauce to catering today in Dallas.

Mickie James is expected to release her first country music album this spring. She just signed a recording contract with Nashville producer Kent Wells, who has worked with artists such as Dolly Parton, Michael Peterson and Neal McCoy.

There is a 3-disc DVD on Shawn Michaels in the works which will be marketed as his best matches.

Former ring announcer Lauren Mayhew recently signed with the same New York-based talent agency that represents Steve Austin… She talks her new movie Frat Party at http://tinyurl.com/ye7bq7x.

The Fox News affiliate in Tampa covered Vladimir Kozlov officially becoming a U.S. citizen this morning at http://tinyurl.com/yzruxsq. He is quoted as saying: “If you work hard, you can reach whatever you want… I went through a lot to get here to this point, I’m just proud to be here.” There is also a video where he is filmed holding Old Glory, and he just looks so happy.


12/4 house show results from Portland, ME: Amazing Red over Suicide; Hamada & Awsome Kong over The Beautiful People; Abyss over Dr. Stevie; Kurt Angle over Desmond Wolfe; Beer Money & Matt Morgan over The British Invasion & Sheik Bashir; and AJ Styles over Daniels.

12/5 house show results from Amherst, MA: Amazing Red over Suicide; The Beautiful People over Hamada & Awsome Kong; Matt Morgan over Sheik Bashir; Kurt Angle over Desmond Wolfe; Abyss over Dr. Stevie; Beer Money over The British Invasion in a non-title match; and AJ Styles over Daniels. Show drew around 700.

12/6 in Glens Falls, NY had the same results as the night before except AJ Styles & Kurt Angle over Daniels & Desmond Wolfe in the main event.
Show drew close to 1,000.

There are TV tapings today and tomorrow in Orlando. We’re looking for reader reports from the Impact Zone to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


Bubba the Love Sponge on his Tampa radio show this morning claimed that Hulk Hogan has made the call to revert to a traditional four-sided wrestling ring. I guess it’s less corners for him to do his pose downs.
I still can’t see this happening but this is apparently one of the major changes that Team Hogan plans to initiate.

The company sent out a press release this morning touting the 3-hour live Impact on January 4 with Hogan making his debut. The release listed Sting among those scheduled for the show. Team 3D will be MIA as they are booked for New Japan’s annual Tokyo Dome show defending the IWGP tag titles against Team No Limit.

Lisa Marie Varon (Tara) has a reality television project in the works.
She is reportedly pitching her show to TV execs this week.


Tonight’s Ring of Honor show on HDNet includes the television debut of Jim Cornette; the introduction of the Pick 6 Challenge; Austin Aries vs.
Davey Richards, Kenny Omega & Roderick Strong in a four-way; and Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. The Briscoes for a tag title shot.

Cornette wrote a shoot promo for the ROH website at http://tinyurl.com/yjcqqc2. He basically rips on Vince McMahon and apologises for working as long as he did with TNA: “Even though it’s true that I never publicly praised any part of TNA’s booking or creative direction, dancing around on my interviews, grasping for something positive to say, changing the subject, my very presence in a Vince Russo-booked promotion lent my tacit approval to it. I wasted three years of my life. I worked and sweated over something that ultimately had no chance of success. I abandoned my principles. I took the check.
And for that, I hereby apologize to every wrestling fan in the world.
I’m sorry. I’m ashamed of myself. Most importantly, I won’t do it again.
And I ask for forgiveness.”

ROH wrestler Austin Aries at http://tinyurl.com/y9vwkbq talks indy wrestling, TNA and WWE.

Nick Bockwinkel turned 75 on Sunday. He is said to be doing very well following a recent surgery.

Superstar Billy Graham is back in Phoenix and is scheduled for upcoming surgery.

Nick Hogan isn’t the only son of Hulk to be training at Rikishi’s Knokx Pro Wrestling school in California. Brent Ferrigno, son of Lou, who starred in the TV series The Incredible Hulk has also been coming to the Gym to work out.

Stacy Keibler will appear in the 100th episode of How I Met Your Mother on CBS. The episode airs on January 11 with Keibler playing a hot bartender who one of the main characters attempts to bed.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett officially proclaimed December 5, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan Day, this past weekend at a Dave Herro show that drew 1500. There is a video online of the presentation, including a King Kong Bundy cameo at http://tinyurl.com/yckvcrr.

Dutch Mantel’s upcoming book is about to go to press. His latest blog with a story on traveling with Steve Austin during an ice storm is online at http://theworldaccordingtodutch.blogspot.com/.

Lance Storm, who stopped watching TNA earlier this year because the booking kept him awake at night, says he is going to try them again starting in January. His latest blog is at www.stormwrestling.com.

The Miami Herald interviewed Bruno Sammartino at http://tinyurl.com/ylds36q.

American Wrestling Rampage announced another European tour in March, 2010 with dates in Dijon, Grenoble, and Bordeaux, France.

From Kris Zellner in Mexico: Some weird news about Octagon’s sentence for his recent DUI arrest as he was sentenced to 20 hours jail time for the arrest but only served 6 hours and 20 minutes before being let go early by the jail for some unknown reason where they would allow him to come back after he filed his defense. Octagon never came back and if he doesn’t show up soon then he would have a warrant out for his arrest and could face a stiffer penalty.

Mike Mooneyham has a look at the Gary Hart bio at http://tinyurl.com/yd6gm8w.

Ric Flair is signing autographs at Walmart in D’lberville, MS on Thursday, December 10 from 6 to 8pm.

One of our readers stalking Brian Knobs talking TNA and Hogan in a dark parking lot at http://tinyurl.com/yekvdg3.

Today’s Diva of the Day is Beulah at


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