Legendary World Class Championship Wrestling Announcer Marc Lowrance was the latest guest on the Pancakes and Powerslams Show. He discussed many road stories about his time in WCCW, the personality of Fritz Von Erich, wrestler deaths in WCCW, drug use in the wrestling business, the Dallas Sportatorium, the negative turn of WCCW and much more.
Throughout the history of WCCW, there were a number of deaths of wrestlers who passed away while a member of the roster or shortly after. Notable names such as the Kerry, David, Mike, and Chris Von Erich, as well as top stars such as Gino Hernandez, Chris Adams and Bruiser Brody, all suffered tragic deaths. When asked how this could be explained, Lowrance stated that he “think[s] it would only be speculation as to a theory of what went on,” and that “it’s not one thing but a chemistry of contributing elements.” As far as the Von Erichs, Lowrance felt that “they never had the emotional maturity to handle what came to them at a young age of their [lives], and there were people who preyed upon them, people who took advantage of them, they had drugs literally brought to them. It was like predators. People just wanted to be associated with them, and they’d find ways to do it. So that contributed to it, and they just made bad choices. Fritz’s denial about some of that when those loved ones tried to get his attention contributed to that.” He also stated that WCCW “had an active drug culture that no one was willing to acknowledge, recognize or do anything about. So the guys come in and got thrown into that, and it became a contributing factor.”
There is current speculation that the Fabulous Freebirds will be inducted in this year’s WWE Hall of Fame. When asked what makes the Freebirds worthy to be in this class, Lowrance responded, “I think the Freebirds were a remarkable chemistry of physical and psychological giftedness. [They] are three different personalities. Michael Hayes obnoxious, flamboyant, could just reach an audience with his ability to communicate both verbally and physically. You had Terry Gordy who was a big ol’ bully, would beat up the side of a building if he had the desire. And you had Buddy Roberts, who was exceedingly acrobatic but could play the part almost to the stooge, but yet there was this suspicion that he was acting, that he was a whole lot smarter than he really was. So you had these three great personalities that complemented each other.” Regarding the infamous Von Erich feud, he said that the Freebirds “became the perfect counteract for the Von Erichs who played the part of these wholesome, home-grown, hometown, never color outside the line boys, who really didn’t have all that much charisma and personality. David did, and Kerry had the body, but the Freebirds had the personality to antagonize and bring the electricity to that, and it was just the perfect combination. They don’t get enough credit. The Von Erichs were good, but dad owned the promotion and they had to have somebody to showcase them, and [The Freebirds] in many ways brought a whole lot more to the office than the Von Erich boys were ever able to offer.”
Talking about the importance of playing a good heel and babyface, the art of kayfabe was discussed and why that is so important in drawing a good story and creating a good star. On this topic, Lowrance stated, “let’s hope that the day returns when that great psychology of a heel who can study human behavior, and pick up those characteristics of the abusive boss, the greedy politician, the guy overseas who’s trying to take over the world, whatever it is, can come back and bring that spark and fun back into that world.”
You can listen to the full interview at this link.