World’s Best Wrestling 11/17 Debut Cancelled

WBW fans we regret to inform you that the debut of World’s Best Wrestling on Nov. 17th has been canceled.On the morning of Nov. 3rd a building adjacent to our venue caught fire and burned down, but the gymnasium was unharmed. At the time the Trustees did not think there would be a problem using the facility but we have just been informed that the insurance company will not cover the gym until the debris is cleaned up. We have exhausted our options for a nearby facility, and feel it’s to close to show time to move the show further away.

We would like to thank our fans and sponsors:

Mosier’s Furniture of West Union
Prathers IGA of West Union
Blakes Pharmacies of Manchester, Peebles and West Union Davis Barber Shop of West Union Sparkles Car Wash of West Union Chozen Sisters Apparel of West Union Dusty Duck Web Design

All pre-sale tickets can be returned to point of purchase for a full refund.

We would also like to thank the following workers for their dedication to our product:

Sean Casey and Samantha
Nikki Tyler
Tyson Rogers
Sam Hane
Bill Runyon
Matt Taylor
Livewire Aaron Williams
Clutch McAllister
The Cincinnati Kid
Dirk Extreme
Hollie Wood
Sharon Rock
Ms. McKenzie
Flash Fury

Most of all we would like to thank the staff of WBW, they overcame a lot of obstacles and dirty tactics from a local carny promoter, but ultimately an untimely fire was more than we could overcome…for now.

Due to the overwhelming sponsorship and pre-sale response we will be back in very early 2008. Fans in this area are obviously craving great wrestling, not just great wrestling but the best wrestling. Stay tuned to for further updates, the best is yet to come.

World’s Best Wrestling
“It’s not just our name, it’s a fact!”