Alan Wojcik interviews Francisco Ciatso

Courtesy of Alan J. Wojcik and

For the last decade Francisco Ciatso and Pete Cannon have been running rampant through Florida as Double Deuce Inc. Recently they joined with Amy Vitale to form the Double Deuce Social Club. Thanks from this interviewer go to Mr. Ciatso for taking time out of his busy schedule to do this interview.

Alan Wojcik: This past February you made you Ring of Honor debut teaming with fellow 911Inc. members the Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis & Jon Davis) taking on Roderick Strong, Brent Albright & Erick Stevens. Talk about working for ROH and your partners in crime the DCFC who will be part of the Evolve debut in January.
Francisco Ciatso: Alan,..I have worked a lot of places. WWE, TNA, England, China, Puerto Rico, countless top indy’s such as IPW, NWA Florida, Fusion, FIP, etc etc etc. I have had big matches with a big match feel. Sal Hamaoui called me and asked me if I would do the show and I jumped at the chance to do it ( so huge thanks to him for that). To be honest,..walking down that rampway in Orlando at Proving Ground night 2 in front of over 700 fans was one of the coolest things I have done to date. I mean, everything from the lighting, to the entrance way, to the way the match is presented was BIG MATCH FEEL. It was an honor to work along side two of my friends in Jon and Kory. That match helped them get their spot in ROH and I was happy for that. After the match we got a please come back chant which gave me goose bumps. I was proud of my work in the ring that night. ROH style is not my style but I kept up with them, went blow for blow, stood toe to toe and left the building that night feeling good. I had my doubts about how I would fair in there,..but I proved to myself and all the doubters that I could more than hang.
Alan Wojcik: This past August we did an interview exclusive to Pro Wrestling Fusion’s website ( One of the topics was a scheduled championship match with Steve Madison which was ruined when he lost to the Sheik. Judging from the results from 8 Times Over Miss October you got some revenge on Madison. But why not take your anger out on the current champion?
Francisco Ciatso: I did get some revenge over Steve Madison that night, I left him bloody and battered and beaten. I am not satisfied though, not by a long shot. I didn’t take my frustration out on the current champion The Sheik because Francisco Ciatso understands that there is a time and a place for everything. The Sheik and I have a mutual respect for each other. He also knows that if push comes to shove and I don’t get a title shot soon,…I will be coming for him. No one can stop the Ciatso express. people have tried for years, whether it’s been in the ring or in the office. WHEN I DON’T GET WHAT I WANT,..I TAKE IT. PWF IS HOT RIGHT NOW,..SO THERE IS NO BETTER PLACE FOR ME TO WIN GOLD!!!
Alan Wojcik: This past month was the 7th annual Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup which you have been part of, but never in the actual tournament. Do you take this a slap in the face or do you no longer consider yourself a cruiserweight?
Francisco Ciatso: I have been a part of all 7 years which has been my honor Alan. Jeff was a personal friend of mine so anytime I am asked to be a part of the JPC my answer is yes, and it’s never followed up with ” what am I doing?”. Why? because it’s not about me. It’s about honoring Jeff Peterson. I will be a part of EVERY Peterson Cup as long as I can be. I was proud to go toe to toe with Bruce Santee for the RIOT heayweight title the first night. This year proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jeff’s name will live on forever. I was happy to sit back the second night and watch some of the best talent in the country go spot for spot in Jeff’s honor. The tournament gets bigger and bigger year in and year out. Jeff is looking down and probably HOT because he can’t compete,..LOL. Miss ya buddy!!!!

Alan Wojcik: Over that weekend we saw your Pro Wrestling Riot Tag Team championship be taken from you since your partner Sean Osborne retired (the new champs are Bumz R Us.) Do you think the Riot office should have let you find another partner?
Francisco Ciatso: NOW,…THIS IS A SORE SPOT. I was the RIOT Tag Team Champion with partner Sean Osbourne, we defeated one of the best tag teams in the business when we beat the Dar City Fight Club. My partner “retires” leaves the state, doesn’t say a word and I am stuck. GREAT TEAG TEAM PARTNER HUH? I am pretty f’n pissed that FIP/RIOT stripped me of the tag titles. I could have found another partner and defended them. Instead,..they screw me out of the deal and now ther belts are on a couple of Bumz!!! That has been the running deal with me though since 911 Inc broke up. We were too powerful, and too over. Kind of like Francisco Ciatso!! I am on my own now, DCFC is doing their own thing, it’s Ron Niemi and Francisco Ciatso alone in RIOT. That’s ok though because I have my sights on Bruce Santee and that RIOT Heavyuweight title.
Alan Wojcik: As mentioned allso over the weekend you took on Pro Wrestling Riot Heavyweight champion Bruce Santee. You lost the match when you didn’t listen to your manager Ron Niemi who warned you against going high risk. Why ignore his advice the man has knowledge overflowing from his mind.
Francisco Ciatso: I did lose to Bruce Santee but that is nothing to be ashamed of,..Bruce Santee is THE TOP HEAVYWEIGHT IN THE STATE. When the number 1 crowd favorite goes against the Number 1 MOST HATED WRESTLER IN THE STATE, it always proves to be one hell of a contest. Nothing compares to it. Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to Ron Niemi (which has most of the times been the case over the last ten years or so). I WAS CERTAIN I WAS GOING TO HIT THE FLYING CANOLI THIS TIME. I almost had him. I will become the RIOT Heavyweight Champion by hook or by crook.
Alan Wojcik: On December 5th you work for Pro Wrestling Uncensored in Orlando taking on former WWE/WCW star Big Vito. Or are you facing Skull Von Krush? Or are you taking Big Vito Lograsso?
Francisco Ciatso: I have known Big Vito since our days in Puerto Rico working for WWC in 2003. He has lost his mind,..first the dress in WWE when we faced in Deep South Wrestling ( WWE developmental) now I hear he is going back to being Skull Von Krush?? Regardless of his name he has always been one of the best. That being said it will be my pleasure to smack his face for him come December 5th in Orlando Florida. I have a lot of respect for Vito, Crush,…but he is just another stepping stone for Francisco Ciatso.
Alan Wojcik: Since I am not a fan of his so it pains me to bring up the person known as Mister Saint Laurent. According to the media for the next Vintage Wrestling event the two of you have shall we say mutual hatred for each other. I know why I don’t like him, please tell the fans why you don’t like him and what do you have in store for him on January 16th?
Francisco Ciatso: I HATE THE SON OF A BITCH PERIOD END OF STORY. He is a cancer in the wrestling business. Always has been, always will be. I knew MSL when he was buying tickets to see me wrestle and following the DTW Ninja around ( aka Chasyn “No Cock” Rance). His family has a little bread so be bought his way into the business, came in the back door. NEVER PAID HIS DUES, never had to sleep in his car outside an arena, never drove 12 hours to make $25.00,…. in fact that clown was never trained in what we do. He hung around long enough, BULLSHITTED ENOUGH PEOPLE INTO THINKING HE WROTE FOR THE WWE and he had some stroke. The only stroke he has is stroking his own di** to Tellatubbies at 4am on a Tuesday Morning. He is a talentless tool, his band stinks, and he is a nothing more than a lazy, fat, Bi-Polar twat. The guy loves when people talk about him. When he reads this I am sure he will have his di** in his hand getting all excited. Come January 16th,..I am going,…….NAH YA KNOW FU** THAT. I do my talking then.
Alan Wojcik: Your daily updates on your Facebook page have been followed by hundreds. Especially your morning routine of coffee and Coke Zero. What is so special about mixing those two items?
Francisco Ciatso: HAHAHAHA,..I knew this would come up. I am so weird I can’t just have a HOT DRINK. I have to have a hot drink and a cold drink. Even when we are on the road. I go to IHOP,..I always get a coffee,..and a unsweet tea ( 10 splenda). Just ask Pete Cannon or Barney Rumble how weird I am. Plus,….in the morning,…I have to have TONS OF CAFFEIENE OR I CANNOT FUNCTION. You wouldn’t want to be around me if I don’t get about 5 cups of coffee in the morning.
Alan Wojcik: In his new book Swimming with Piranhas former NWA president Howard Brody brings you up and a trip to China that was planned. I think this is the trip we did an interview around. Talk about the trip he is talking about and your feelings on Mr. Brody who ran NWA Florida during a time where it and IPW Hardcore ran in the Tampa Bay area.
Francisco Ciatso: The trip to China was INSANE!! I got the call two days before I was supposed to fly out to New Jersey for Christmas vacation in 2003 and it was a whirlwind for over a week. JFK, to JAX and straighht to Ghangzhou China!!!. You’re right we did an interview shortly after that tour will explain in detail what had happened in depth (Google it we’ll wait). After that tour I was not a BIG fan of Howard Brody. I was told that I was being brought back for more money, and a bigger tour. None of which ended up happening and I was told that the “Chinese government didn’t like me”. Which was kind of funny since the two delegates who were taking us around during the tour both gave me their e-mail and told me to contact them. So the story didn’t match up. I had several conversations with Howard following the tour and the story changed everytime we talked. Anyway,..the second tour never happened. Now, when Howard ran NWA Florida during the IPW days I think some REALLY GOOD BUSINESS could have been done if people would have just believed in it. Unfortunately too many people thought Ron Niemi was just a sawed off smart mouth ( I mean he is) but none the less he knew what he was doing and nothing in the state was HOTTER. Since China Howard and I have kissed and made up like EVERYONE does in Pro Wrestling. I have worked with Howard on a show he booked in Gainsville, Florida about a year ago and everything was fine. I am glad his book is doing well and I have always liked Howard. He has a good mind for the business and he has been around a long time. He is someone who even if years go by and we don’t speak,..when we do it’s like we never left off. I have read some pieces from his book and I am pretty excited to read it. I hoipe it continues to do well.
Anyway,..thanks Alan for giving me the interview. I have known you for a long time and you always call it straight, don’t censor what is said and allow me and others to get their point across without having to watch what they say. I look forward to 2010 and being a wrestler in the state of Florida. With promotions like Fusion, FIP, Vintage, RIOT and many others, Florida continues to be a HOT BED OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING.