Dynamo Pro Wrestling is ready for a big night

Dynamo Pro New Black Logo

Dynamo Pro Wrestling is proud to announce an all ages, live, professional wrestling event on Saturday, February 27th, 2016. This professional wrestling event, sponsored by AlignLife Chiropractic, AllState Insurance – The John Standefer Agency, Slackers – Music, Movies, Games, Toys & Comics, and Computer Specialists, will be held at the Douglas Club, located at 102 Whitelaw Avenue in Wood River, Illinois. Doors open at 6:30 P.M. with a bell time of 7:00 P.M. Tickets are $10 for adults. Tickets for children from five to twelve years old are $5. Tickets for children under five years old are free.

This action-packed night of professional wrestling will feature some of the fastest rising stars in Dynamo Pro Wrestling. Please come out and experience the best in professional wrestling as Dynamo Pro Wrestling makes its return to Wood River, Illinois. To purchase advance tickets, log on to www.dynamoprowrestling.com or contact the Douglas Club at (618) 254-2211.

Since 2007, Dynamo Pro Wrestling has strived to bring professional wrestling fans of all ages with hard hitting, fast paced, edge of your seat professional wrestling action. Please join Dynamo Pro Wrestling as it brings the best professional wrestling to the St. Louis metropolitan area. For additional information on Dynamo Pro Wrestling, you can check out our website at www.dynamoprowrestling.com, follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dynamopro, and on Twitter at www.twitter.com/DynamoPro. For Douglas Club venue information, you can follow them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/564364883727641/

For additional information regarding this event, please contact:

Jim Yount, Promoter
Dynamo Pro Wrestling
(314) 452-8868