Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 11/30

Monday November 30, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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11/28 Raw house show results from Johnson City, TN: Melina & Eve over Maryse & Alicia Fox; Sheamus over Primo; Santino Marella over Chris Masters; Mark Henry overJack Swagger; The Miz over Evan Bourne; Triple H & Kofi Kingston over Legacy; and John Cena over Randy Orton.

11/28 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Upper Marlboro, MD: Drew McIntyre won a battle royal; Mickie James over Beth Pheonix; R-Truth over Dolph Ziggler; Yoshi Tatsu over Vladamir Koslov; Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Matt Hardy over CM Punk; Drew McIntyre over John Morrison via count out; and Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho.

11/29 Raw house show results from Charlottesville, VA: Mark Henry over Jack Swagger; Melina & Eva over Maryse & Jillian Hall; Sheamus over Primo; Santino Marella over Carlito; Chris Masters over Alex Riley; The Miz over Evan Bourne; Triple H & Kofi Kingston over Legacy; and John Cena over Randy Orton.

Raw is live tonight from Baltimore with Judge Mini Me as the guest host preciding over a court room battle between DX and Hornswoggle with a jury of Little People. Nothing else announced for the show at press time. A skeleton crew of WWE talent fly out to Iraq tonight to tape the annual Tribute to the Troops show which airs December 19 on NBC.
WWE has signed Jillian Beyor to a developmental deal with perks. She is
a 24-year-old Bikini model who was named 2008 Playboy Magazine Model of
the Year. She also appeared in the CW reality show Beauty and The Geek.

Some notes from the weekend house shows: Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho
headlined Saturday night in Upper Marlboro. He didn’t work Sunday’s TV
taping in Hampton but is scheduled for a street fight against Batista
next week in Houston where I assume he will be written out of storylines
as he is scheduled for knee surgery soon… The Great Khali started back
on the road after recently taking time out to have his knee scoped and
attend the wedding of his younger brother in India… Maria Kanellis
returned as a valet for Cryme Tyme, and worked the TV taping as part of
the Piggy James storyline… Carlito also returned and worked a singles
match with Santino in Charlottesville… Cena vs. Orton headlined the
Raw tour despite the storyline stipulation… Alex Riley from
developmental worked the Raw tour… Trent Barrera and Caylon Croft from
developmental made their ECW debut at the TV taping. They are the
current FCW tag champs as The Dude Busters… Paul Burchill is
apparently staying with ECW under a mask.

BskyB announced today it has renewed it’s television contract with WWE
for another five years. The new agreement which takes effect in January,
2010 through 2015 includes the addition of Superstars and a magazine
show called This Week in WWE as part of the new package. That’s around
50 hours of WWE TV in the UK each week. They have also quietly increased
the number of PPV’s airing on Sky Box Office to eight, with the other
five PPV’s airing free on Sky Sports. BskyB has controlled the rights to
WWE programming in the UK since 1989.

Today’s Guardian in the UK at http://tinyurl.com/yktdlrd has an obit on
Lou Albano.

The Miz, who is battling laryngitis, talked his way out of a traffic
violation this past weekend. Miz broke the news himself on Twitter
saying, “Just got pulled over. This always happens to me. Let’s see if I
can get just a warning. Probably not though never that lucky.” A few
minutes later, he updated with his predicament: “And the verdict is
in… not guilty. Well actually I was guilty but was let go with a
warning. See there are nice cops out there.” Not the smartest thing to
Tweet about…

Current line up for the TLC PPV on December 13 from San Antonio: The
Undertaker vs. Batista for the World title in a Chair match; John Cena
vs. Sheamus in a Table’s match for the WWE title; Christian vs. Shelton
Benjamin in a ladder match for the ECW title; Chris Jericho & Big Show
vs. DX for the tag titles; and not confirmed yet but likely is Michelle
McCool vs. Mickie James for the Women’s title hopefully not in a Hog

The title of Steve Austin’s next movie is Hunt to Kill which is
currently shooting in Vancouver. The film stars Austin as a border guard
who is taken hostage, along with his teenage daughter, by a gang of
killers. The gang are then double-crossed by another outfit, and
Austin’s character is recruited to help track them down to save the life
of his daughter.

Hall of Fame tickets go on sale January 15 via Ticketmaster. The
ceremony takes place at Dodge Theater in Phoenix, AZ.

The Norwich, CT Bulletin reports, “What once was a flood of would-be
challengers to incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd has
now evaporated into what is essentially a two-person race — former
Congressman Rob Simmons versus millionaire former WWE Wrestling CEO
Linda McMahon.” … Linda is the guest speaker on Tuesday for The Rotary
Club of Stamford meeting at 12:15pm at the Holiday Inn Stamford, CT.

The house show scheduled for January 10 in Mankato, MN has been

Jeff Hardy: My Life, My Rules goes on sale tomorrow although some
Walmart stores are already selling the DVD. An interesting note is that
“My Life, My Rules” is the slogan of the straight edge culture, and was
featured on CM Punk’s first ever WWE T-Shirt.


Southpeak Interactive sent out a release today confirming the company
has acquired the rights to the TNA video game from Midway. The game, TNA
Impact: Cross The Line, will be released on PSP and Nintendo DS early
next year.

AJ Styles did an interview with Sport FM in Australia and talked about
Impact moving to Monday night’s to compete with WWE. He said: “A lot of
things [wrong] is our production issues. The reason why WWE has been [at
the top] for so long is [because] their production is very expensive.”
He added: “We’re working our way up there to get to that point. We just
don’t have the money they do.” When asked about those on the current WWE
roster who he thought would be a good fit for TNA he noted Shawn
Michaels, Shelton Benjamin, Rey Mysterio, Christian and Evan Bourne.

Bobby Lashley’s next MMA fight will be announced later this week. This
may signal the end of his TNA run.

Mick Foley revealed his upcoming book will be titled Countdown to
Lockdown and announced he’ll start blogging soon on the TNA website.

There is a taped interview this week on Impact from Dixie Carter’s home
where she answers questions from fans who wrote to her via Twitter.

Spike TV will air a four hour TNA special on New Year’s Eve from 7pm
until 11pm, including a countdown show of the ten best matches of 2009
as voted by fans on the TNA website. Hour two of Impact that night goes
head to head with WWE Superstars on WGN.

AJ Styles vs. Daniels and Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe headlines house
shows this coming weekend.

Q&A with Robert Roode at http://tinyurl.com/yctdoa3

TNA has a Best of 2009 DVD out on February 16.

Daffney has donated items for auction to Wrestler’s Rescue to benefit
Dr. Death Steve Williams who is battling cancer. More info at


Ring of Honor tonoght on HDNet has Eddie Kingston vs. Claudio
Castagnoli; The Briscoes vs. The Dark City Fight Club; Kevin Steen & El
Generico vs. The Set; and Austin Aries vs. Colt Cabana for the ROH
title. More info on ROH at www.rohwrestling.com.

Brent Albright is still under contract to ROH contrary to reports else

TMZ.com at http://tinyurl.com/yhy4tzm claimed Nick Hogan was involved in
a minor car accident Saturday night in downtown Los Angeles. The report,
citing no sources, no police reports, nor stating whether Nick was the
driver, claimed the accident occurred while he was traveling home from a
charity event to raise funds for a program that teaches people to drive
safely. Reportedly nobody was injured. Nick was convicted of reckless
driving in 2007 when he crashed Hulk Hogan’s Toyota Supra during an
alleged street race in Clearwater, FL. The crash left his passenger and
best friend John Graziano with severe brain injuries.
A correction from yesterday in which we noted Kai Maiava, citing The LA
Times, as a nephew of  Dwayne Johnson. From Jim Varsallone of The Miami
Herald: UCLA’s Kai Maiava is the brother of former USC football player
Kaluka Maiava. Note the different last name spelling to Maivia. I recall
Kaluka Maiava at USC was not a blood relative per se to The Rock, but
the story was he was related to The Rock. High Chief Peter Maivia and
Neff Maiava were very good friends and billed as cousins or brothers,
but they were not biologically related – just very good family
friends/Samoans. I think Peter helped start Neff’s career. He is younger
than the former High Chief. I remember reading this. Unless there is
other info…. I also remember writing something about it during last
season’s NFL draft. So the same would hold true then for Kai. Family
friends but not related.
Today’s Diva of the Day is Terri Runnels at
Gene Okerlund, Jerry Lawler, Dutch Mantel and John Layfield all
celebrated birthday’s this past weekend. Christian (36) and Tom Zenk
(51) both celebrate birthday’s today.

The Iron Sheik is shooting a movie soon in Los Angeles. We should have
more details soon.

Lilian Garcia sang the National Anthem at the NY Jets game this past

Former WWE Diva Amy “Lita” Dumas is currently on tour in Europe with her
band The Luchagors. All the tour dates including several in the UK are
listed at http://www.myspace.com/theluchagors13.

TSN has a story on Trish Stratus teaching yoga to Toronto Maple Leaf
players at http://tinyurl.com/yaqs79b.

Mike Mooneyham has a story on Sandy Scott who is battling cancer at

Jim Niedhart headlines for National Wrestling Superstars on December 4
and 5 in Kenilworth, NJ and New Milford, CT. More info at 

Davey Richards vs. Kota Ibushi was announced for Evolve’s January 16
debut show in New Jersey. More info at www.evolvewrestling.com.


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