OWW Radio #29 Welcomes Dr. David Reiss

OWW Radio #29 Welcomes Dr. David Reiss; Psychiatrist and CAC Consultant 
OWW Radio #29 is pleased to welcome this week’s featured guest, Dr. David Reiss; Psychiatrist and Cauliflower Alley Club Consultant.

Dave has been a practicing psychiatrist for over 20 years, recognized internationally for expertise in understanding and working with character and personality dynamics. Dave has performed more than 10,000 psychiatric evaluations of persons from diverse social and cultural backgrounds, from every occupational field. He has given lectures and seminars and had multiple publications in academic journals and non-academic media.

A fan of wrestling since childhood, and always intrigued by the unique aspects of professional wrestling that differ from almost every other form of sports or entertainment, Dave learned about the Cauliflower Alley Club through the OWW Genesis Forum where Dave is a registered member known as Spinarama. Interested in CAC’s work in supporting multiple generations of wrestlers, Dave made contact with the Board of Directors, provided a brief presentation at the Reunion in 2009, and since then has been writing articles for the CAC website and The EAR (which have been crossed posted on various other sites, with the permission of the CAC).

You can hear Dr. Reiss’ OWW Radio LIVE this Tuesday starting at 6pm PST/9pm EST.

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