Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 11/2


Monday November 2, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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10/29 Superstars TV results: Jack Swagger over Primo Colon; Alicia Fox over Kelly Kelly; Zack Ryder over Tyler Reks; and Cryme Tyme & R-Truth over The Hart Dynasty & Mike Knox.

10/30 Smackdown TV results from Rochester, NY: Dolph Ziggler over John Morrison via CO; Beth Phoenix over Jenny Brooks; Matt Hardy over Eric Escobar; CM Punk over referee Scott Armstrong; and Chris Jericho over Kane.

Raw is live tonight from Worcester, MA with Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne as guest hosts. No matches announced at press time.

The Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Providence. Both crews then head to the UK and Ireland for a huge two-week overseas tour.


Mickie James is said to be extremely content with her current position within WWE and has no plans to exit the company. Her recent signings with Skyline Management is to help launch her musical aspirations. She is planning for continued success with her wrestling career, as well as establishing herself as a female country vocalist.

WWE Studios has optioned a straight to DVD western set in the 1800s about an Undertaker. No prizes for gussing who they have in mind for the role. Dave Rich is attached as executive producer and is the same producer who brought you The Condemned with Steve Austin.

Shad Gaspard wrote on his Twitter that he’s recovered from the swine flu which kept him off television last week. He later updated the post saying that he didn’t really have swine flu, and was just joking around.

WWE.com announced that Backlash will be held on April 25, 2010 and Extreme Rules will be held on May 23, 2010. This means that Judgment Day is being replaced with Extreme Rules instead of being renamed. (Thanks to Devin Cutting)

Steve Lewington (DJ Gabriel) is currently wrestling under a mask as Mr.
FCW in developmental. Apparently this is a creative idea to improve his body language, which is hilarious because it’s the same scenario that Matt Morgan found himself in while working in OVW before they brought him up with the stutter gimmick and then released him.

Trinity McCray in developmental has been renamed as Naomi Knight.

Tommy Dreamer is doing some talent evaluations this week in Tampa.

WWE sent out a release touting “WWE Week” on MyNetwork. Tuesday has Deal or No Deal with Dolph Ziggler, Eve Torres and Maria; Wednesday has The Marine with John Cena, and of course Friday night is Smackdown.

CM Punk is interviewed at http://tinyurl.com/yzwveqa comparing working Smackdown vs. Raw, WWE DVDs, Harley Race, and more.

Shane Helms (The Hurricane) has been added to the European tour dates, but on the Raw side of things. He still remains a Smackdown/ECW talent, for now.

Today’s Hartford Courant has a story on Democrats in Connecticut filing a complaint with the Federal Election Commission over Linda McMahon allegedly working with WWE to remove YouTube video links that they sent out to supporters that may be damaging to Linda’s campaign. “A search of YouTube using the phrase ‘WWE’ continues to produce almost 500,000 results,” the complaint stated. “Thus, it appears that WWE only ordered YouTube to remove the videos that may be damaging to Ms. McMahon’s campaign, and neglected to protect WWE’s other copyrighted material and intellectual property.” WWE regularly take down YouTube videos featuring copyrighted material so it’s not like this is something new. Linda’s spokesperson Ed Patru shot back: “It’s a baseless accusation and the campaign has complied with all FEC rules and regulations. This latest attack from Chris Dodd speaks volumes about just how worried he is about Linda’s campaign. Chris Dodd has an enormous credibility problem, and one of the reasons people don’t trust him is because of his apparent coordination with AIG executives in which he gave carte blanche to his political supporters instead of regulating them, and then arranged behind closed doors to have them receive millions in taxpayer-funded bonuses. It’s troubling that Chris Dodd’s political apparatus seems more concerned with watching wrestling videos on the Internet than restoring trust in government.”

SkySports.com has a Q&A with Kofi Kingston at http://tinyurl.com/yem49b7. On the recent gimmick tweak, he said: “I was actually born in Ghana, West Africa. As far as the whole Jamaican thing is actually concerned, growing up I actually loved everything about Jamaica. I loved the food, the culture, the laid-back attitude. When I came to the WWE initially I wanted to come out to something that attributed both my love for wrestling and the Jamaican heritage. I wanted to come out to something unique and something people had never seen before. But at a certain point it becomes about being real and true to yourself, as opposed to playing a character. You look at guys like Triple H. When he first started out he was Hunter Hearst Helmsley and before that he was Terra Ryzing – I don’t know if a lot of people know that. Stone Cold Steve Austin was Stunning Steve Austin before he became Stone Cold. The Rock was Rocky Maivia before he became The Rock. Shawn Michaels was a Rocker before he became the Heartbreak Kid. I think in wrestling and the WWE you see a trend of guys who make transitions. And I think for me I’m in that transition stage into coming into my own.”

USA has been running ads saying that they are going to run new episodes of Psych with big guest stars when the series returns in January. John Cena, Jeri Ryan and Judd Nelson are among those shown. The writers of Psych appear to be wrestling fans, as a recent episode had the guys watching the Royal Rumble with dolls dressed up like Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Junkyard Dog, and discussing wrestling stats. (Thanks to Karen B.)

The Food Network’s WWE themed Dinner Impossible will air on November 11 featuring a dinner served to VIPs during Summerslam weekend in August.

Edge, who turned 36 this past weekend, is going to be at Steve Irwin Day on November 15 during his promotional tour of Australia.

Jim Ross has a new blog up at www.jrsbarbq.com.


10/29 Impact TV results from Orlando, FL: Tara over Alyssa Flash; Machine Guns over Team 3-D; Bobby Lashley over Eric Young; The Beautiful People over ODB, Christy Hemme & Hamada; Abyss over Dr. Stevie to retain the Legends title; Matt Morgan over Rhino; and Desmond Wolfe over Kurt Angle via referee stoppage.

10/30 house show results from Rio Rancho, NM: Hernandez over Kip James; Awesome Kong over Hamada; Suicide over Eric Young; Beer Money over Kiyoshi & Homicide; Abyss over Rhino; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe.

10/31 in Loveland, CO had the same matches and results. They had some type of promotional deal with the local Hooters and had Hooters girls working as valets and doing the backstage pass deal with Jeremy Borash.

Rio Rancho drew 500-600 while Loveland was very weak with 200 paid. The building in Rio claimed over 1,000 in attendance but they have embellished their numbers in the past when asked.


Impact on Thursday night averaged a 1.24 rating, it’s highest rating since July, but nothing significantly higher than average. Still, 1.24 up against the World Series, the NBA and College Football is a solid number. Hour one did 1.26 and hour two dropped to 1.21 showing viewers tuned out as the show progressed. The most-watched quarter-hour featured Eric Young vs. Bobby Lashley for the Legends title and the opening of the Knockouts tag match. The least-watched quarter-hour, was the final quarter hour, with Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe, and the Hulk Hogan signing announcement that closed the show. However you try to spin this the truth is the Hogan signng buzz didn’t mean anything for ratings despite Spike heavily advertising the show as Hogan’s debut. 

ODB just signed a new multi-year deal with the company, according to Dixie Carter via her Twitter. As previously noted here her old deal was due to expire very soon.

D’Angelo Dinero wrote a blog at www.theelijahexpress.com thanking the fans, the TNA locker room, and Dixie Carter, for their support during a trying time for him and says he looks forward to returning soon.

Time.com has a Q&A with Hulk Hogan at http://tinyurl.com/yf8vyzq where he talks about jumping to TNA “to help these young wrestlers who don’t understand the business and the art form.” He also talks about his past steroid use and takes some shots at MLB.

Tremendous interview with Hogan at http://tinyurl.com/ygntf5b where he claims after Vince McMahon Sr. died he moved into a house next door to Vince Jr. in Connecticut and taught VKM how to lift weights, drink, party, and run a wrestling company, you know, because Vince was clueless back then, and now he’s showing TNA how to do the same.

Linda Claridge is clearly not happy with Hogan’s new book. Fox News has a story at http://tinyurl.com/ykzna9j with Linda’s attorney ripping the book as full of lies. Hogan’s rep is quoted as saying Hulk “stands by what is written in the book.”

Story on Hogan and Awesome Kong’s first ever meeting at a book signing in New York City at http://tinyurl.com/ylpuso3.

The Chicago Tribune has a story on Hogan at http://tinyurl.com/y8monca where he says the only reason he still wears his WWE Hall of Fame ring is to cover up a tattoo. He also talks about how he is a great bass guitar player and once tried to land work with The Rolling Stones and Metallica, but the bands never called him back, and if they had, “I would have quit wrestling in a heartbeat.”

Sherdog has an interview with Bobby Lashley at http://tinyurl.com/yj7sqzy where he is clear that MMA is his focus and without saying it would likely be done with TNA if Strikeforce or UFC signed him and asked him to make a choice.

Mick Foley was due to miss today’s TV taping as he already took a comedy club booking in New York City before TNA scheduled the tapings. However, the gig was canceled due to the possibility of the Yankees winning the World Series. Foley did say he was planning to make the tapings on Tuesday.

The Hit The Ropes show at http://tinyurl.com/yeed38f had Desmond Wolfe and Les Thatcher as their guests this past week talking TNA.

Wolfe makes his house show debut on December 4 in Portland, ME.

SoCal Val is profiled on Maxim.com as one of their Halloween Hotties.

Jim Ross on TNA competing with WWE: “I think TNA simply needs to focus on their business and not where WWE is or isn’t. Ratings take care of themselves with consistently, good weekly TV shows. I don’t know if Spike can ever over take USA in the big picture. Lots of unanswered questions but the bottom line is that any business needs to focus on what THEY do and not fixate on what the perceived opposition does. WWE is in a different league than any other wrestling company and they have gotten there over a long period of time and lots of hard work. WWE isn’t going to be overtaken most likely by any wrestling company in the immediate or long term future. That certainly doesn’t mean that a company other than WWE can’t find success.”


ROH tonight on HDNet has The Young Bucks vs. The Briscoes; Rhett Titus vs. Alex Payne; Claudio Castagnoli vs. Grizzly Redwood; and Colt Cabana vs. Nigel McGuinness.

Greg Gagne (son of the legendary Verne) did an interview at 57Gold.com where he claims he and his dad invented Mixed Martial Arts. He said they pitched the concept during a 1992 U.S. wrestling conference in Las Vegas; Randy Couture and Chuck Liddell were supposedly sat in the audience and they took the idea to Dana White, and then White invented the UFC. Of course none of this is true…

Candice Michelle announced that she is pregnant. She said her due date is May and would continue to work and make convention appearances for as long as she can… Today’s Diva of the Day is Candice Michelle at http://tinyurl.com/yfw9egd.

There is a story on Jorge Gonzalez at http://tinyurl.com/yfctb6q. He is probably best remembered as Giant Gonzalez in WWE who had the horrible run of matches with Undertaker culminating at Wrestlemania 9. Gonzalez is now wheelchair bound and has to use a dialysis machine to treat his diabetes.
NOAH star Katsuhiko Nakajima is booked to replace the injured KENTA on the November 14 and 14 Ring of Honor cards in Detroit and Toronto. More info at www.rohwrestling.com.

The latest wacky Hulkamania tour promo is online with Ric Flair talking about being a 21-time World Heavyweight Champion at http://tinyurl.com/y9s89cy.

Austin Idol has a shoot interview out from HighSpots.com covering a wide variety of topics. More info at www.austinidollive.com.

Demolition, Austin Idol and Stan Hansen have been added to January’s WrestleReunion in Los Angeles.

There is a new Bloodstained Memoirs trailer online featuring Chris Jericho and his band Fozzy at http://tinyurl.com/y8um2cp.

There is a new Wrestlicious trailer online at http://tinyurl.com/yz29zz2.

Lizzie Valentine headlines for Dangerous Women of Wrestling on November
19 at the Roxxy in Philadelphia, PA. More info at www.dangerouswomenofwrestling.com.

NWA New York runs on November 29 in Lockport, NY with Jimmy and Sim Snuka at the Kenan Center. More info by calling 716-871-1616.

Diva Dirt and Torrie Wilson are auctioning off a WWE ring worn top on Ebay to benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Fans can bid on the item at http://tinyurl.com/ygcpq7d.

Happy birthday to Bobby Heenan who celebrated his birthday this past weekend.


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