Triple H discusses EVOLVE and other Indies

HHH column

WWN officials were not expecting Triple H to discuss EVOLVE, part of the WWN Family, yesterday. We are overwhelmed by his positive comments. First, it is important to look at what HHH said. When he was asked by if he saw EVOLVE as a feeder system, HHH stated:
“As far as EVOLVE and Gabe (Sapolsky) as kind of a feeder system, yeah. I look at all of that as feeder system. I love what Gabe does. I love what EVOLVE does. I think that they are one of the sounder promotions as far as how they handle their talent, as far as how they tell their stories, and as far as how they handle their in-ring product. I do see them as a feeder system. I support them. I supported their shows. A lot of our talent has come through there over the years and they’ve learned a lot from there. Everybody speaks highly of them, speaks highly of Gabe in that process and that’s important to me, as well. It’s the quality of the people. Yeah, do I support them? Do I see them as a feeder for us? If I had somebody that I didn’t have room here for at the PC or I wanted to give them some further training out there before I had a space for them here, would I send them to Gabe? Absolutely. I think they are a very important part of the business, and I know it’s a struggle out there, to keep things rolling, to keep things kinda alive if you are a small promotion, and some of the other, if this makes sense, bigger small promotions are making that more difficult sometimes, for the smaller promotions, so, you know, I support them in anyway I can. If I can help them out, I love to and, you know, promote their events. I think having that healthy independent undercurrent to the business is vitally important and I don’t want to see that go away.” – HHH
WWN President/CEO Sal Hamaoui and WWN VP Of Talent Relations, Creative & Marketing Gabe Sapolsky have responded:
“The WWN Family is something we’ve been building for years and it is very flattering to get this kind of recognition. We are proud to have so many talents like Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Neville, Kalisto and Luke Harper, among others, on the WWE roster. We look forward to seeing how even more former WWN talents progress in NXT. Having an industry leader like Triple H say those things about EVOLVE helps push us forward as we get ready for our next live iPPVs on October 18th and 19th in New York. Thank you.” – Hamaoui
“First, everyone in the WWN Family wants to thank Triple H for his comments. We are humbled and appreciative. This support is unprecedented. We are proud to be part of the independent undercurrent and will enthusiastically continue to promote and present today’s new stars. It continues on October 17th in Queens, NY and October 18th in Long Island, NY with two EVOLVE live iPPVs at These shows are especially interesting after Triple H’s comments because we feature several new and rising talents to go along with our regular, standout stars. It is obvious that the progressive NXT brand is offering more opportunities and exposure to independent wrestlers than anytime in history. Who will make the most of these opportunities? Who is next? We might very well find out at EVOLVE 49 and EVOLVE 50 this month. Join us either in person or on live iPPV and show your support for the next superstar. You, the people who support us and the wrestlers with ticket and iPPV buys, make it all possible. Thank you.” – Sapolsky