WWE Monday Night RAW
Location: Buffalo, NY
Date: September 28, 2015
Commentators: Michael Cole, JBL and Byron Saxton
Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look back at Kane and WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins from last week and then we get the RAW opening video. We’re live from Buffalo as Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by JBL and Byron Saxton.
– We go right to the ring and out comes WWE United States Champion John Cena to a very mixed reaction. Cole hypes his US Open Challenge.
Fans boo as Cena takes the mic and he says it seems like some of them are salty tonight. Cena tells them to have no fear because the champ is here. Cena says he will be defending his title tonight, right now. Cena kicks off the open challenge and tells whoever to come get some. Xavier Woods’ trombone starts up and it’s playing Cena’s music. Out comes WWE Tag Team Champions the New Day.
Big E says they’re here to make WWE great again. He talks about getting rid of The Dudley Boyz this coming Saturday night on the WWE Network. Big E says they’re here to answer Cena’s challenge and give him a brand new slogan – Hustle, Loyalty and Booty. Kofi Kingston talks about The New Day holding the US and Tag Team Titles at the same time. Cena cuts them off and tells them to pick one and send him in the ring. He says there’s a time to entertain and a time to be serious. If they don’t take him serious, he will beat all their asses. Cena drops the mic and The New Day goes into a huddle. Woods enters the ring and Lilian Garcia begins the introductions.
WWE United States title match: Xavier Woods vs. WWE United States champion John Cena
Woods taunts Cena with the trombone before the bell. Cena immediately nails a clothesline and Woods goes to the floor to regroup, screaming that he wasn’t ready. Big E and Kofi get on the apron but Cena decks Big E. Woods comes in but Cena slams him. Kofi backs off but distracts Cena mid-move. Cena yells at him and the referee ejects Big E and Kofi from ringside. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Cena slams Woods. He nails a Five Knuckle Shuffle and goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Woods slides out and hits a big right hand. Woods drops Cena with a kick to the head for a 2 count.
Woods goes to the top but Cena cuts him off. Cena goes for a super AA but Woods escapes to the mat. Woods ducks a crossbody and hits a nice DDT from out of the corner for another 2 count. Cena catches Woods in the air and powerbombs him for a 2 count. Cena goes for another AA but Woods slides out and kicks him. Woods with a knee. Woods slams Cena on his face for a close 2 count. Cena comes back and drops Woods again for another close pin attempt. Woods escapes another AA and drops Cena onto his boot for a 2 count.
Cena with a roll up for 2. Woods with more offense and a 2 count. Woods goes to the top and lands on the mat as Cena moves. Cena with a clothesline. Cena applies the STF in the middle of the ring. Kofi and Big E run to break the hold for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: John Cena
– The pyro goes off and out comes The Dudley Boyz. Devon and Bubba Ray help Cena clean house. The New Day drags Devon out of the ring and beat on him, which brings Cena and Bubba out. The New Day runs in the ring and stands tall as we go to commercial with the two teams facing off.
John Cena and The Dudley Boyz vs. WWE tag team champions The New Day in a 6-man tag team match
Back from the break and Cena and The Dudleyz have Kofi down in their corner. Bubba drops Kofi with right hands and tags in Devon for some double teaming. Devon with a 2 count. Cena tags in to some boos and hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle to Kofi. Big E tags in and has a staredown with Cena.
They lock up and Big E applies a headlock. Big E drops Cena with a shoulder and stomps away on him in the corner. Kofi tags in with more stomps in the corner. Woods tags in with stomps now. More tags and stomps from The New Day. Big E whips Kofi into Cena’s chest while he’s down. Woods grabs the trombone and starts playing it as Big E dances on the apron. Kofi with a 2 count on Cena. Cena fights out of a headlock but Kofi trips him on his face. Big E tags back in, runs the ropes and splashes Cena for a 2 count.
Devon and Kofi tag in with Devon getting the upperhand. Woods comes in but Devon decks him. Devon with a neckbreaker on Kofi out of the corner. Big E comes in and charges Devon but he moves and Big E ends up spearing Cena off the apron into the barrier. Devon with a 2 count on Kofi now. Bubba tags in and ducks Trouble In Paradise. He nails a Bubba Bomb for a 2 count as Woods breaks it up. Devon takes Woods out. Devon tags in and hits the big top rope headbutt as Bubba holds Kofi. They call for a 3D but Woods pulls Bubba’s boot. Kofi nails a Trouble In Paradise on Devon as he’s distracted for the win.
Winners: The New Day
– After the match, Cena is still down against the barrier and Bubba checks on Devon. The New Day celebrates all the way up the ramp.
– We get a look at Paige’s promo from last week. Still to come, Becky Lynch and WWE Divas Champion Charlotte will be on Miz TV. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Triple H is talking with Ashley from WWE Human Resources and Stephanie McMahon. Triple H says he’s not sure if HR is the way to deal with Kane. Kane walks in and Triple H tries to interrupt but Stephanie says Ashley is here because there has been an anonymous complaint filed against Kane, saying he’s created an unsafe working environment. Stephanie says they take the health and well-being of their employees very seriously. Seth Rollins walks in and he’s acting outraged at the complaint. Rollins mentions it was an anonymous e-mail but Stephanie didn’t say that. Ashley is here to give a performance evaluation to Kane. Kane tells Rollins he can handle the heat, there’s no pressure. Kane walks off with Ashley telling her all about Total Divas. Rollins says he’s going to keep his eye on Kane and he walks off too.
– Cole hypes tonight’s main event – Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt. We see Reigns and Dean Ambrose backstage. Ambrose tells him going out there alone tonight isn’t the smartest decision. Reigns says he doesn’t care what The Wyatt Family is planning. He says Wyatt started this war and he’s finishing it tonight, one-on-one. Ambrose says he will come swinging for the fences if Braun Strowman and Luke Harper try anything. Reigns says Randy Orton will give Ambrose a hand if he needs it. Ambrose is skeptical after what happened with Chris Jericho. Orton appears. Ambrose calls Orton an outsider and Reigns cuts them off. Orton tells Reigns he’s got tonight to handle his business with The Wyatts, after that its open season. Orton leaves and we go to commercial.
Big Show vs. Mark Henry
Back from the break and Mark Henry waits in the ring as Big Show makes his way out. The bell rings and they go at it trading blows. Henry tries to scoop Show but can’t. Show takes Henry down with a spear and yells at fans, threatening to slap a guy in the face. Show scoop slams Henry. Show taunts Henry as he tries to get up. Show with another scoop slam.
Show yells about how he’s a giant and this is his ring. Show with another big scoop slam. Show with a kick to the face and more trash talking. Show calls for the knockout punch and nails it for the squash win.
Winner: Big Show
– After the match, Show leaves yelling about how he’s the greatest.
– Still to come, Reigns vs. Wyatt. We see The Miz backstage getting make-up put on. We go to commercial.
– Back from the break and The Miz is out for Miz TV. He welcomes us and says people can’t get enough of the Divas Revolution but the Divas have had enough of each other. We see Paige’s promo from last week. Miz introduces Becky Lynch and WWE Divas Champion Charlotte, out they come.
Miz says they got decimated by Team Bella last time they were on his show. Becky says they remember it like Miz almost getting beat up for being a sexist, chauvinistic jackass. Miz brings up Team PCB and Charlotte says Paige has two options – come talk to her face to face like a woman or come out to just fight. Miz says she can’t just invite guests on his show. Becky takes Miz’s mic and throws it up the ramp. Charlotte calls out Paige again but Nikki Bella, Brie Bella and Alicia Fox come out instead. Nikki calls them losers. She says they didn’t come to fight, they came to thank them. Team Bella says while they fight like high school girls, Team Bella is more united than ever. Nikki says she’s starting to feel sorry for Charlotte because she’ll be consumed with drama by the time they have their rematch. Charlotte invites Nikki into the ring and says she will make her tap out again. Team Bella enters the ring now as Nikki and Charlotte cut promos. Charlotte says the Revolution isn’t about any individual Diva; it’s about fans believing in them and them believing in each other. Alicia points out there’s three of them and two of them. It looks like we’re about to have a fight but out comes Paige.
Paige says Charlotte and Becky wouldn’t even be on TV if it weren’t for her. She says she put NXT on the map by becoming the first NXT Women’s Champion. She says Charlotte wouldn’t be Divas Champion and people still wouldn’t know Becky’s name if it weren’t for her. Paige takes a shot at The Bella Twins, saying who needs ambition when you have two boyfriends like theirs, referring to John Cena and Daniel Bryan. A brawl breaks out and Team PCB clears the ring together. We go to commercial.
Team PCB vs. Team Bella
Back from the break and Paige is going at it with Fox as Kane made a match. They keep control until Brie and Charlotte go at it. Brie with a 2 count. Charlotte turns it around and tags in Becky for an awkward double hip toss and a double elbow drop. Alicia ends up nailing Becky off a distraction. Team Bella takes control as Nikki comes in and keeps Becky down.
Alicia comes in and suplexes Becky for a 2 count. Alicia with a knee in the back now. Brie tags in and stomps on Becky. Brie with a suplex for another pin attempt. Brie unloads with kicks in the corner. Nikki tags in with another pin attempt on Becky. Becky fights back but Nikki cuts her off. Becky blocks a suplex with a roll up. They both go down after colliding with clotheslines. Charlotte gets the tag and Paige doesn’t like it. Charlotte unloads on Nikki and hits the neckbreaker and superkick for a 2 count as Team Bella breaks the pin. Paige runs in and throws Alicia out. Charlotte goes for the Figure Four but Nikki kicks her into Paige, knocking her off the apron. Paige waives goodbye and walks out on the match.
Natalya meets Paige on the ramp and argues with her. Natalya goes to the apron to fill in for Paige but Paige pulls her down and leaves her lying. Nikki takes advantage and scoops Charlotte for the Rack Attack and the win.
Winners: Team Bella
– After the match, Team Bella stands tall in the ring as Becky, Natalya and Charlotte are at ringside.
– Cole hypes Lesnar vs. Big Show and leads us to a WWE 2K16 trailer.
– Seth Rollins is backstage talking with Ashley from HR when Kane walks up. Rollins plays it off like everything is cool. Kane hands Rollins a box with a bow on it. Rollins wants to know what’s in it but Kane tells him to just open it. Rollins pulls the head of his statue from the box. Kane says he went to a landfill in Baltimore and it took him all night to dig it up. Ashley says that’s very considerate. Rollins says is too much and he can’t keep the head. Rollins walks off. Kane jokes with Ashley and leaves her holding the head. Back to commercial.
The Prime Time Players vs. Luke Harper and Braun Strowman
Back from the break and Titus O’Neil is out with Darren Young. Luke Harper and Braun Strowman are out next.
Harper and Young start off. Harper takes Young to the corner and slams him. They get up and Harper drops him with a shoulder. Young fights back and nails a clothesline. Braun comes in and sends Young into the barrier. He and Harper control Young until Titus finally gets the tag. Titus unloads on Harper Braun hits Titus and Titus rocks him with a right hand but it does nothing.
Harper takes advantage of the distraction and drops Titus for a 2 count as Young breaks it up. Braun manhandles Young from the apron but Titus comes to the save. Titus turns around to a huge clothesline from Harper. Braun tags in and chokes Titus out for the win.
Winners: Braun Strowman and Luke Harper
Stardust vs. Neville
Back from a break and out comes Stardust by himself. Neville is out next.
They lock up and trade holds. Stardust takes control as “Cody” chants start. Neville counters, duck a clothesline and nails a hurricanrana. Stardust comes right back and runs into a kick. Neville goes to the top but Stardust nails him and turns him upside down in the corner. More back and forth. Stardust springboards in but Neville hits him with a huge dropkick to the mouth. Neville goes to the top for Red Arrow but out comes King Barrett. Stardust shoves Neville into a Bullhammer for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Neville
– Barrett stands over Stardust and helps him up but immediately drops him with a Bullhammer. Barrett demands a mic and says, “All hail the return of The King!” Barrett’s music hits as he makes his exit.
– Rollins is backstage talking with Ashley from HR again. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Ashley from HR is in the ring with Kane for his performance evaluation. Ashley goes to speak but the music hits and out comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins.
Rollins calls her report biased and one-sided. He tells Ashley Kane is not the man she thinks he is and not the man he’s portraying himself as. Rollins shows us a video package on The Demon. Rollins says that’s the real Kane. Rollins goes on and talks about how he’s going to heaven, not hell. Kane shows us video of Rollins being out of line also. Ashley reads her report and she’s come to the conclusion that Kane is sound of mine and more than capable of fulfilling her duties as Director of Operations. She says Kane is professional, kind, helpful and thoughtful – far from being a menace. She calls him the perfect WWE employee as Rollins throws a fit. She says if anyone needs to be evaluated, it’s Rollins. She calls him rude, cruel, petty, narcissistic and paranoid. She says Rollins is the single most unprofessional person she’s met in her time at WWE. Rollins marches to the ring and gets in Kane’s face, yelling at him.
Kane has had enough and drops the mic. Rollins drops the title and Kane goes to pick it up but Rollins nails a Pedigree. Rollins yells at Kane and raises the title to boos. Rollins brings a steel chair in the ring and smacks Kane in the side and the leg with it. Rollins with several chair shots over the back now. Fans boo as Rollins stands tall with the chair. He places Kane’s ankle in the chair and talks more trash. Rollins stomps on the chair as Kane screams in pain. A WWE trainer comes in to check on Kane and calls for help. They bring a stretcher out as Rollins mocks Kane for being hurt. Rollins says Kane doesn’t look like a demon now, he looks like a regular human crying and screaming. Rollins goes on about how everyone knows Kane is a fraud. Kane is stretchered away as Rollins tells him he will never get near him or the title again. Rollins says Kane’s days of being jealous of him are over. Rollins raises the title and laughs. We see the stretcher be loaded into the ambulance. It drives away but suddenly stops. Rollins is still running his mouth and didn’t see this. We see the back of the ambulance lighting up with red inside. The doors open and smoke is coming out. The Demon Kane steps out and Rollins is scared now. Kane limps through the back and stops to stomp the pain away. Now he’s marching to the ring as Rollins grabs a chair. The pyro goes off and Kane’s music hits.
Kane enters the ring and Rollins hits the injured leg with a chair but it does nothing. Kane stares him down. Rollins pleads and backs up. Kane tosses Rollins into the corner and unloads. Kane with big right hands. Kane with a chokeslam. Kane cuts his own throat and scoops Rollins for a Tombstone. Rollins slides out and retreats to the floor. Rollins stumbles up the ramp as Kane laughs in the ring. Kane picks up the WWE World Heavyweight Title belt and Rollins is already in the back. Kane holds the title to a pop and makes the pyro go off around the ring.
– Still to come, Reigns vs. Wyatt in the main event. The Wyatt graphic flashes and Bray is on the big screen. He asks Reigns if he saw what Braun and Harper did earlier. Wyatt says they make him proud and they would love to come to the ring tonight to destroy Reigns but he’s coming to the ring alone. Wyatt says he will be the one to put Reigns down because they are the Alpha and the Omega. Wyatt says it’s always been about him and Reigns. He tells Reigns to run and we go to commercial.
– Back from the break and we see some of the NFL’s Buffalo Bills at ringside.
Bo Dallas vs. Randy Orton
Bo Dallas is in the ring with a mic. He gives a shout out to the Bills and that gets a pop. Bo calls them a true inspiration or almost an inspiration. Bo says they’re missing one important thing – a Super Bowl trophy. Bo says he can help them achieve that if they just Bo-lieve. Randy Orton is out next to a pop.
The bell rings and they lock up, going to the corner. Bo goes for a cheap shot but Orton drops him. They go to the floor and Bo shows off after just some minor offense. Orton fights back with uppercuts and whips Bo into the barrier in front of the Bills. Orton back drops Bo in front of the Bills and they’re going crazy. Orton brings it back in the ring but Bo nails a knee. Orton with a backbreaker. Orton with the second rope draping DDT as the Bills cheer him on. Orton readies for the RKO and nails it for the easy win..
Winner: Randy Orton
– We get a look at Kevin Owens walking out on Rusev in their SmackDown match against Ryback and Dolph Ziggler. Up next, Owens vs. Rusev in a non-title match. Back to commercial.
WWE Intercontinental champion Kevin Owens vs. Rusev in a non-title match
Back from the break and Ryback is out on commentary. WWE Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens makes his way out for this non-title match. Rusev is out next with Summer Rae.
They start throwing rights and lefts to start. Rusev with a big forearm and a fall-away slam. Owens goes to the floor and Rusev follows. Rusev takes control and whips Owens into the steps but Owens blocks it. Owens sends Rusev into Ryback. Ryback fights back and now we have a brawl. Owens and Rusev team up to send Ryback into the steps and then in the ring. They double team him but out comes Dolph Ziggler. Rusev meets him at ringside but gets dropped. Ziggler enters the ring and Owens leaves just in time. Owens leaves with his title and raises it on the ramp as Ziggler stands tall with Ryback.
Result: No contest
– We get a look at various WWE Superstars and Divas dancing for Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month.
– We see Paul Heyman backstage walking. We go to commercial.
– Back from the break and Lilian introduces Paul Heyman. Heyman says anyone who steps in the ring with his Beast this month will go to hell because his client is Brock Lesnar. Heyman talks about Lesnar vs. Big Show this coming Saturday night at Madison Square Garden.
Heyman talks about how Show is bored and nobody can take him to his limits but this Saturday night, someone will take him to his limits. Heyman says when Show is pushed to his limits, he’s an unstoppable giant with a knockout punch full of power. Heyman declares that Lesnar will take Show to Suplex City this Saturday night. Show’s music hits and out he comes to interrupt.
Heyman comes out and cuts a promo on Heyman and Lesnar. He says Hyman didn’t finish promoting the “Go To Hell” tour because he’s afraid Show will make history on Saturday night. Show says it will be, “Eat, sleep beat Brock Lesnar at MSG, repeat.” Heyman drops his mic and walks out of the ring. Show stops him and tells him to think about his future, a future without Brock Lesnar. Heyman heads to the back as Show’s music hits.
– Still to come, Reigns vs. Wyatt. Back to commercial.
Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt
Back from the break and out comes Roman Reigns through the crowd. Bray Wyatt is out next but he’s got Luke Harper and Braun Strowman with him. Reigns takes the mic and he’s upset that Wyatt brought his “training wheels” out with him. Reigns asks if they respect Wyatt as a man or a leader because it looks like he’s just a little bitch. Wyatt whispers something to Harper and Braun and they leave to the back.
Reigns unloads to start the match. Reigns with a big throw and another. Reigns takes it to the floor and we go to commercial with Reigns in control.
Back from the break and Wyatt has Reigns down in a headlock. Reigns breaks it and slams Wyatt. Reigns crawls towards Wyatt but Wyatt chokeslams him hard for a 2 count. Wyatt pounds on the back of Reigns’ head with forearms. Reigns fights back but Wyatt nails a DDT for another 2 count.
Reigns makes a comeback finally and rocks Wyatt with kicks and a knee on the apron. Reigns with a suplex slam and a 2 count. Reigns with clotheslines in the corner. Reigns hits the ropes and nails a big shot on Wyatt to a mixed reaction. Reigns goes for the Superman punch but Wyatt catches him. Reigns slings Wyatt across the ring but gets kicked. Wyatt with a huge clothesline for a 2 count. They end up battling in the corner and Reigns hits a sit-down powerbomb for a 2 count. Reigns readies for a spear but runs into a boot. Reigns goes for another but ducks a clothesline and nails a Superman punch that sends Wyatt to the floor. Reigns charges around the ring but Wyatt side steps and Reigns hits the steel steps hard. Wyatt grabs half of the steel steps and launches them but Reigns avoids it. Reigns fights back and clotheslines Wyatt over the barrier. Reigns bring him back to ringside and takes apart the announce table. The referee has counted them both out.
Result: Double Count-out
– Reigns leaps over the barrier and nails Wyatt as he tries to retreat. They fight through the crowd near the production area and among the fans. The brawl continues and Wyatt launches a WWE tech worker into Reigns. Wyatt charges and crashes through part of the barricade with Reigns to some “holy shit” chants. Fans chant “this is awesome” now. Wyatt gets up smiling and laughing. Wyatt stands on top of the announce table and holds his arms out. Reigns runs up the steel steps and spears Wyatt through the table. A big “yes!” chant starts up as Wyatt and Reigns are laid out on top of the smashed table. The crowd pops big as RAW goes off the air.
Source: www.lordsofpain.net