Johnny Mundo victorious, and more results


Hazard – Bluegrass Championship Wrestling at The National Guard Armory: Adam Newsome, Colby Carmichael, and J.T. Walker defeated Dr. X, Michael Jameson, and Jason Steel… Stan Sierra pinned Matty B. … Beau Jamesbeat Earl Fields by Disqualification … Kyle Maggart pinned Ronnie Roberts … Eddie Browning pinned Mid Southern Champion Jordon Cage in a Non Title Match … Larry D. defeated John Noble

(09/10/15) – Fay Ferguson

Irvine – New Origins Wrestling at The Estill County Fair Grounds: Izzy Real pinned Sean Bane… Nick Vickers beat J.D. Cross when the referee stopped the match due to injury… John Strange, Izzy Real, andJustin Storm beat Stevie Phillips, Devon Drake, and Beau James with Misty James… Ryan Dookie beat Heavy Weight Champion The Fijian Wildman in a Casket Match to win the Title… Johnny Mundo pinned Brock Landers

(09-11-15) – Tyler Pickle

Morrison – Tennessee All Pro Wrestling at The Victory Center: Southern Ladies’ Champion Misty James pinned P.D. Hogg in an Inter-gender Match… Perfection Unlimited destroyed Robert Z. Real and James Black … Beau James pinned Anthony Wayne… A.C. Frost pinned Chris Carlton… NWA Southern Tag Team Champions The Monsters Of Mayhem, Hammer Jack and Tim Jernigan defeated Mario Devito and Red Curtis…  The Super Destroyer pinned Big Hawiian Kilawaya… Tennessee All Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Champion Gregory McDaniel and the Tennessee All Pro Wrestling JR Heavyweight Champion Adam McCormick Double Disqualification with Caleb Courageous and Draven Lee

(09-12-15) – Fay Ferguson