Should Matt Riviera be granted an NWA championship match?


By Jay Cal:

For 67 years, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship has been synonymous with legacy and tradition when it comes to professional wrestling.   Affectionately called the The Legendary 10lbs of Gold, the top prize in the National Wrestling Alliance has been more or less idle while residing in the land of the Rising Sun around the waist of one Hiroyoshi Tenzan.  Either due to other obligations or maybe even a lack of interest, the NWA World Championship has laid idle for far too long, the title hasn’t been defended since April. Apparently two NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship matches will happen this month in Texas. August 29th the former Unified National/North American Champion and all around monster Jax Dane will be stomping into San Antonio Texas for Branded Outlaw Wrestling to challenge for the title. Now, not for one second am I attempting to take anything away from Godzilla as he has earned his shot. But for the second scheduled match, I would like to make the case for “Lover Boy” Matt Riviera.

As member of the Empire, Riviera has seen much success. For the Empire it seems like success follows the group. Recently Tim Storm regained the NWA North American Championship, the “Exclamation Point” Steve Anthony is the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion. And of course, Riviera’s reign as NWA Western States Champion shouldn’t go unnoticed. Since the titles inception in January of this year, in California alone the Western States Title has been defended five times, six if you count this week against former WWE Intercontinental Champions Carlito Colon.  And the names who’ve competed for the championship; Brian Kendrick, former champion Jeff Jarrett, Chris Masters, and Americos, to name a few, do more than just lend a bit of credibility to what Riviera’s accomplished. These victories over top tier talent in wrestling lend credence to the fact that Riviera could do these things while wearing the 10lbs of Gold. If Riviera was presented with the championship match in Sherman Texas on August 21st, you have to believe that he could walk away champion. Furthermore, he could do something that Tenzan, Kojima, Conway, and Kahagas, couldn’t do. Bring the Championship back to California, which has been home to over a dozen World Heavyweight Championship Matches and perhaps even help Vendetta Pro Wrestling rival Smoky Mountain Wrestling as the top NWA Promotion.

Without question Matt Riviera should be granted an opportunity to face Tenzan. And at the very least, be given the opportunity to face whomever is NWA World Champion after August 29th.

This article was in no way influenced by any member of the Empire.

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