Full ROH coverage 8-12-2015

roh-logoBy Vaughn Johnson, Sports Producer:

Ring of Honor tends to present television shows where it is heavy on the wrestling and light on the story and character development.

Only having one hour of television is no excuse either, as NXT finds a way to have nice balance of both on a consistent basis.

Ring of Honor finally seemed to find that right balance on this week’s edition of television, which took place in Baltimore.

With the exception of the opening match between ACH and Watanabe, every other match on the show had some sort of storyline element attached to it.

In a tag team contest between War Machine and House of Truth members Donovan Dijak and J. Diesel, ROH World Heavyweight/World Television champion Jay Lethal was ringside doing commentary. He was also scouting War Machine’s Hanson, who is his next challenger for the Television title.

After War Machine dispatched Lethal’s House of Truth running mates, Hanson got into a shouting match with Lethal.

Although Adam Page defeated a guy named Tim Hughes in quick fashion, his partner B.J, Whitmer attempted to provoke Steve Corino into a fight, furthering the story where Whitmer and Page manipulate Corino’s son, Colby.

Also, Page called out former two-time ROH World champion Jay Briscoe.

After an entertaining main event between The Kingdom and reDragon, Kingdom member Adam Cole stopped his comrades from dishing out some post-match punishment to reDragon member Bobby Fish, furthering the dissention within the group.

Overall, ROH made the most of its hour of weekly television to provide some entertaining matches and further some key stories.

Here are the full match results:

– ACH def. Watanabe

– War Machine def. Donovan Dijak & J. Diesel

– Adam Page def Tim Hughes

– The Kingdom def. reDRagon

Read more about ROH here!