FCW’s Sheamus O’Shaunessy Reeks Havoc

Sheamus O'Shaunessy280lb goliath Sheamus ‘The Irish Curse’ O’Shaunessy teamed up with Hade Vansen in a tag match against high flying cruiserweights, The British Lions, namely Chris Gray and Steve Taylor at a Florida Championship Wrestling match on Tuesday night.It all kicked off in the Bourbon Street nightclub when ‘SOS’ faced Gray initially in the tag match with the Lion’s speed evading the aggressive Celt’s raw power. Frustrated eventually by the smaller man’s tactics 6’6″ Sheamus rolled out of the ring and grabbed his trusty axe ‘An Troid’ and attempted to return to the action but was only stopped by tag partner Hade reminding him of the DQ he got for similar behavior recently against Steve Lewington.

Hade took the Irishman’s place and went at it with Gray, and after a short-spell both British Lions double-teaming him. A severe battering ensued on Vansen until O’Shaunessy distracted Chris Gray just long enough for his partner to counter with a vicious Clothes-Line. And as the tide-turned both Sheamus & Hade double-teamed Gray until he hit broke away with a spectacular dropkick on Vansen.

Somehow Sheamus got the tag and he stormed into the ring throwing his opponent around like a rag-doll. The fast paced match eventually ended after a double drop-kick floored O’Shaunessy but was saved from the pin by Vansen. Chris Gray went up top for a flying-cross-body but the crafty Irishman was feigning injury and caught him mid-air, hoisted him up high by the throat, and drove him hard into the canvas with his deadly FRH finisher… The ring bounced!

SOS put the pin on Gray: one, two, three – Goodnight and Thank You All!