Impact & Global Impact Insights

HeadLocker — Jay Shannon
The Impact and Global Impact Dual Recaps
Our resident philosopher looks at both the weekly edition of TNA Impact and the Global Impact 2 special

More pieces of the puzzle fell into place for Bound For Glory. TNA brought out the biggest upset in TNA history! Samoa Joe faced Amazing Red for the X-Division title and Kevin Nash defended against Hernandez. Plus, Abyss and Matt Morgan reunited to battle Kurt Angle and Mick Foley. A TNA star came very close to death on this week’s show. Read on.

The show opened with a look back at the bloody attack on Abyss by Mick Foley. Abyss told Mick that he was his hero, but no more. Abyss told Foley that he started in wrestling because of Foley.

This Week’s Episode: Old Wounds Reopened

Abyss stood inside a ring bathed in crimson light. Abyss draped the ropes with barbed wire as his music played. Abyss picked up the microphone and started talking to Mick. Abyss said he was trying to make himself feel at home. Abyss poured out thumbtacks on the canvas. Abyss told Foley that he (Foley) had bled all over the world, but Foley had never bled like he would a Bound For Glory. Abyss challenged Foley to a Monster’s Ball match. Abyss told Foley that he would not have a very nice day at Bound For Glory, because Abyss was going to “kick his *ss”.

Mick Foley then came from back to confront The Monster. Foley had the barbed wire bat in his hand. Foley started to get in Abyss’ face but Abyss yelled at him. He talked about how Foley called Abyss “a cheap rip-off and knock-off”. Abyss talked about main eventing the first Lockdown with A.J. Styles. He also talked about working with Sabu and Sting, beating the latter to become TNA champion. Abyss ridiculed Foley for “writing children’s books and playing with sock puppets”. Abyss stabbed at the heart with the comment “I’m Hardcore…and you just used to be”. Abyss said Foley was only half the man he used to be. Foley tried to backpeddle by banning the $50,000 Bounty on Abyss. Foley accepted the match and told Abyss to bring his “A Game”.

Foley left the ring but stopped to “tweak” the match. He told Abyss that he would not be allowed to use thumbtacks in the match. Foley then set Dr. Stevie as the special guest ref. Stevie and Daffney came to the ring. Stevie grabbed the stick and confronted “Chris”. Stevie told Abyss that Abyss had succeeded in alienating everyone, including his own mother. Lauren rushed in to try and talk sense to Abyss. Stevie called Lauren “a $20 a night street walker”. That went way too far. Abyss stepped back into the ring. Stevie called Lauren the same thing and Abyss went for a Chokeslam. Daffney hit a Low Blow and Foley came back in and ran the barbed wire bat into Abyss’ face. Matt Morgan ran down to save Abyss. Abyss and Morgan would team later in the night.

JB talked with Eric Young about the war with the Main Event Mafia. Eric said that they had dominated their enemies. Eric said that The World Elite was the most dominant force in wrestling. JB asked about the rumored match between Eric Young and Hernandez. Eric said that Hernandez would never be in the ring with him, one on one.

JB talked with Kurt Angle about Eric’s comments from the last segment. Kurt asked JB to repeat what Eric had said. When JB did, Kurt grabbed him and yelled about Eric’s attitude. Kurt put a $30,000 hit on Eric. Any Mafia member who eliminated Eric would get the 30K.

Hernandez came down to go after Kevin Nash’s Legends belt. TNA looked back at the World Elite attack on Hernandez and Kurt Angle from last week. Nash then came out to a decent pop.

Kevin Nash v Hernandez (No Contest)
Legends Championship Match

Hernandez shoved Nash and then the two locked up. Nash threw Kneelifts and fists. Hernandez fought out of the corner with Fore-arm Shots. Nash hit a Kneelift, a Big Boot and a La Bandera Clothesline to take Hernandez to the floor. Nash went out after Hernandez and tried to whip Supermex into the corner post. Hernandez reversed the move and Nash struck the steel. Hernandez slid under the ropes to break the count. Nash was then thrown into the barrier. Hernandez threw Nash back in the ring and Shouldered Nash in the corner. Hernandez hit a Splash and went to the outside. Hernandez hit the Springboard Shoulder Tackle and then ripped off his shirt. Suddenly, Eric Young rushed down to the ring and clipped the knee of Hernandez, causing the Disqualification.

Grade: B-

Jay’s Thoughts: I have only one question. What the heck happened to Hernandez’s push?

Eric stomped on Hernandez and hit the Piledriver. Eric grabbed the Legends belt and told Nash: “You owe me!” Eric handed the belt to Nash and left. In the back, Abyss ran up to talk to Matt Morgan. Abyss thanked Morgan for what he did for him. Abyss said that he didn’t want the main event match but he was in it. Abyss wanted to know if he could trust Morgan? Morgan said that he could trust him, tonight, but this wouldn’t lead to any reformation of their team or friendship.

Eric and Nash were talking in the hallway. Nash wanted to know what the heck Eric was thinking. Nash wanted to know if it was wise to be near him. Eric told Nash that Angle had put a $30,000 Bounty on him. Eric said he would put up $60, 000 to take out Hernandez in a Triple Threat Legends Title Match at Bound For Glory. Lauren then said that Hernandez’s neck seemed to be injured. Hernandez jumped up and grabbed the stick and screamed at Eric in both English and Spanish.

Samoa Joe came out to defend his X-Division title against Amazing Red. TNA looked at the attack on Bobby Lashley, last week. Joe was not happy about having to face Amazing Red for the X-title.

Amazing Red d Samoa Joe
X-Division Title Match

The Finish:

Joe pounded and kicked Red in the corner. Joe turned to taunt Lashley. Earl Hebner told Lashley to leave and then stopped. Joe called Lashley to join him in the ring. Hebner told Lashley to come on it. The two got into a Hell of a fight. Lashley hit a Full Nelson Slam on Joe. Red hit the Corkscrew Plancha off the top and a Backsplash Senton to pin Samoa Joe!

Grade: A+ (To quote Mike Tenay: “the biggest upset in TNA History”)

Jay’s Thoughts: Wrestling’s other Mr. Styles (Joey) would have the perfect way to describe this: “Oh, My God!” I was expecting Lashley to get involved. but I thought this would lead to an X-Division battle between Joe and Bobby. Never did I think Red would walk away with the strap. Finally, the writers did something right.

Lauren was interrupted by Samoa Joe. Joe screamed at Lashley about his actions. Joe declared war on Lashley. He said that before the end of the night, he would destroy Lashley.

Daniels and Suicide walked to the ring for a tag team battle. They faced Homicide and D’Angelo Dinero. These four men will square off in an Ultimate X match at Bound For Glory.

D’Angelo Dinero and Homicide d Daniels and Suicide

The Finish:

Homicide was Dropkicked out of the ring. He then noticed Hector Guerrero and Willie Urbina at the Spanish announce table. Homicide cursed them in Spanish (apparently the censors don’t understand Spanish, or Homicide would have been bleeped for calling Hector a “P*ta”.) He slapped Willie, for no reason. Suicide rushed up and protected Willie. In the ring. Daniels hit a Uranage on Dinero. Daniels went for the BME but Homicide grabbed the leg. Dinero hit the D.D.E. on Daniels to take the win.

Grade: A-

Jay’s Thoughts: The Ultimate X match between these four is going to steal the show at Bound For Glory. I like Dinero’s character but hate the “new” Homicide. Suicide is starting to bore me, as is the watered-down version of Daniels. Bring back Curry Man! Despite my feelings about the personalities, all four men are superb at what they do.

Kurt Angle went off on Kevin Nash for not taking out Eric young. Kevin kept mentioning that Eric offered him double. Kurt stormed off as Kevin wondered if Kurt should offer him triple.

Mike Tenay stood in the ring with Team 3D, Beer Money, Inc., The British Invasion and Scott Steiner/Booker T. The four teams will compete at Bound For Glory for the IWGP and TNA tag belts. It will be a Ladder Match where both belts will be hung. The first men to get the belts become the champs. Booker started to ramble and then James Storm attacked Booker. It broke down into a Heck of a fight. Brother Ray fought Brutus Magnus on the floor. Team 3D got the tables but they were jumped by the Brits. In the ring, Robert Roode tore into Booker. Sharmell got in the ring to protect her hubby. Roode was tossed off the ladder by Rob Terry. Devon jumped Terry. Devon was then Double Uranage’d through a table by Steiner and Booker. The Mafia music sounded as the World tag champs stood tall. The Brits jumped Steiner and Booker, only to get annihilated. Terry Side Slammed Steiner. The World Elite theme music sounded as The British Invasion held all 4 title belts. TNA went to break.

Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky walked backstage, in preparation for an 8-Knockout tag match.

Rayne and Sky were joined by Alissa Flash and Traci Brooks to form the heel faction for the tag match in this Hour Turner battle. Their opponents were: Taylor Wilde, Sarita, Christy Hemme, and Hamada.

Velvet Sky, Madison Raine, Alissa Flash and Traci Brooks d Taylor Wilde, Sarita, Christy Hemme and Hamada
8 Knockout Elimination Tag Team Match

The Finish:

Rayne jumped Sarita after the elimination of Sky. Rayne went for a Suplex but Sarita converted it into a Small Package. Rayne barely kicked out in time. Rayne went to the ropes and ended up School Girl’d for a two. Rayne reversed an Irish Whip into a Kneelift. Rayne came off the ropes with a Running Boot. Alissa Flash came back out to distract the ref. Lacey Von Erich slithered around the ring, while the ref was distracted. Sarita nailed a Tiger Bomb on Rayne but Lacey rushed in to kick Sarita in the back. Lacey dropped Sarita with a Uranage Chokeslam. The ref finally got in the ring and counted the pin.

Grade: A

Jay’s Thoughts: I was really surprised by how good this match was. Lacey is such a great addition to the roster. It’s strange to watch Lacey in action, since I actually met Lacey when she just barely out of diapers. Ok, I now, officially, feel old.

Kurt talked with Mick. Kurt demanded that Foley not play games during the main event. Foley was in no mood to play games. Angle’s comment: “Good, keep that attitude”.

Sting walked backstage. He had something to say…next.

Sting made his way to the ring. Sting focused his comments to A.J. Styles. Sting thought about Styles’ recent comments about “passing the torch v not wanting it anymore”. Sting said that for 23 years he has brought his best. Sting said that when Styles challenged him, he jumped at the chance. He talked about having the will to win. sting said that he would be bringing his best in California. Sting mentioned that it might be “Showtime…for the last time”.

Kurt Angle then walked out to confront his former Mafia partner. Kurt wanted to know if Sting was planning to retire. Kurt grumbled about being screwed at No Surrender. Kurt accused Sting and Styles of “kissing each other’s *sses”. Kurt demanded to have the title shot at Bound For Glory. Kurt said that Sting would have to beat him, 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring, to be the very best. Kurt asked Sting to retire before Bound For Glory so a real wrestler, not some washed-up has-been, would get the title shot. Sting told Kurt to retire him, if he could. Sting shoved Kurt and security rushed in. Kurt started to leave but turned to jump Sting. Kurt jumped Sting and slapped on the AngleLock. Styles rushed out to protect Sting. Kurt wanted a shot at Styles’ title, next week. Angle threw the stick to Styles. Styles accepted the title match. Kurt grinned at getting what he wanted.

Lauren asked Styles if it was wise to face Kurt, next week. Styles said it wasn’t wise, it was necessary. Styles understood that Sing handed him the belt. Styles needed to prove he was worthy to hold the belt.Taz and Tenay then ran down the updated Bound For Glory card. Backstage, Samoa Joe was tearing up everything in sight.

Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley were out to talk to the fans. Sabin talked about how bad their entrance music was. Shelley made fun of Consequences Creed throwing up, last week, due to their entrance music. Shelley sent it to the new music of the Motor City Machine Guns.

During the video, Samoa Joe came out and beat down the Guns. Joe got in the ring and screamed at Lashley to bring his *ss to the ring. Lashley didn’t have to be asked twice. Joe went out to meet Lashley and the fight was on. The two fought overt o the Spanish Announce table. Hector and Willie hauled butt out of the way as the two men fought up to the announce area. Joe hit a Low Blow to Lashley. Joe climbed the rigging as Lashley was out on the announce table. Joe hit an Elbow Drop from the scaffolding, sending Lashley to the floor. Joe clutched his arm and screamed “Mafia!”

Don West talked about some upcoming shows and Bound For Glory.

TNA looked back at the Elbow Drop from Joe. In the back, Lashley was being checked out by the medics. Lashley really played up being in severe pain.

Tara came out to battle for the Knockout title. She had Poison at her side. ODB then walked down in hot pink, with blue bra and panties.

ODB d Tara
Knockout Title Match

The Finish:

Awesome Kong came out with a sledge hammer. ODB jumped the distracted Tara. Kong grabbed SoCalVal and forced her to grab the tarantula cage and place it on the floor. Tara was trying to lock in a Devil’s Gate but released when she saw Kong draw back with the sledge to kill Poison. Tara saved her pet by holding the sledge and then hitting a Pendulum Slide through the ropes to kick Kong in the chest. ODB caught Tara with an F5, out of nowhere, to retain her title.

Grade: B-

Jay’s Thoughts: It’s rather sad when the champion plays second fiddle to another feud. In ODB’s case, Tara v Kong and Beautiful People v Wilde/Sarita are both over-shadowing poor ODB.

Angle and Foley talked backstage. Foley said “We” are ready. Angle wanted to know which “we” that he meant. TNA went to a quick break.

Foley made his way from the back with his barbed wire bat, Barbie. Foley brought out Dr. Stevie and Daffney to join him at ringside. Stevie was wearing a ref’s shirt. Slick Johnson sent Daffney and Dr. Stevie to the back (he could have left Daffney out there, she’s cute). Kurt Angle then jobbed to the ring, wearing the new “rose” shirt. The Twisted Circus music of Abyss introduced The Monster. Finally, Matt Morgan arrived.

Abyss and Matt Morgan d Mick Foley and Kurt An

The Finish:

Abyss crawled over and tagged Morgan into the battle. Morgan went to town on both opponents. He hit the Side Slam on Angle. That allowed Foley to jump Morgan from behind. Morgan dropped Angle with the Discus Clothesline. Abyss took Angle over the ropes with a La Bandera. Morgan went for the Goozle but Foley kicked low. Foley went for Socko but Abyss distracted Foley with the barbed wire bat. Foley turned and got knocked out by the Carbon Footprint.

Grade: A

Jay’s Thoughts: I do look forward to Abyss v Foley. It should be brutal, bloody and most excellent. As for Angle v Morgan, all I can say is…Yawn!

Final Grade: A-

Final Thoughts: TNA is really starting to push Bound For Glory. I’m actually tempted to plop down my $40 and get the show. Some of these feuds put what WWE offers to shame.

After the show, TNA showed Global Impact 2. There were tons of interviews and some great action. To quickly highlight the show:

Global Impact 2 Recap

The various TNA stars talked about loving to work Japan. The show profiled the fact that Team 3D had never lost a match in Japan. Team 3D got into it with their opponents, due to lack of respect. Respect is a huge thing in Japan. It ended up in a shoving match. The show went to break.

The program looked at the arrivals of Kevin Nash and Kurt Angle at the Tokyo Dome. Kurt talked about the Main Event Mafia wanting to show their dominance. The Motor City Machine Guns were set to battle No Limit for the IWGP Junior Tag titles. Shelley and Sabin talked about their past victories.

The Motor City Machine Guns v No Limit
IWGP Junior Tag Team Title Match

The Finish:

Sabin got planted by Naito with a Powerslam. Yujiro hit the Baseball Slide to take out Shelley. No Limit hit Poetry in Motion Dropkick on Sabin. Naito hit the Missile Dropkick and the Bridging Back Suplex for a two. Shelley saved his partner and took out Naito with a Falling Neckbreaker. Sabin planted Yujiro with a Springboard DDT. Both teams were down. Naito Scoop Slammed Sabin and went for the Moonsault. Shelley locked Naito in the Sullivan Tree of Woe and hit the Hesitation Dropkick. Shelley accidentally hit Sabin. no limit went into a Reverse Flapjack On Sabin. Shelley was sent to the floor. Naito went for a Twisting Moonsault on Sabin but missed. Sabin hit a Diamond Cutter on Yujiro. The Guns hit a Double Superkick on Naito. The Guns hit the Detroit Demolisher (Sliced Bread/Powerbomb combo) to take the win.

Grade: A+

Jay’s Thoughts: Even though the outcome of this match was well-known, it was still an amazing bout to witness. I wish No Limit would return to TNA.

Shelley was in tears as he clutched his new belt. Shelley had a bloody nose. Shelley talked, after the match, about taking the Junior tag titles back to TNA, which they did.

The show looked at Nash and Angle. Nash talked about the energy of the “Dome”. Angle mentioned having a chip on his shoulder when he performed. Angle and Nash were determined to expand the Main Event Mafia. The show went to the inside of the Tokyo Dome to introduce Kurt Angle and Masa Chono. Don West talked about Chono being a part of the nWo. The fourth member of the Mafia was Riki Choshu.The opponents were: Giant Bernard (aka A-Train), Karl “Machine Gun” Anderson, Takashi Izuka and Tomohiro Ishii.

Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Riki Choshu, and Masa Chono d Giant Bernard, Karl Anderson, Takashi Izuka and Tomohiro Ishii

The Finish

Choshu got blasted by all his opponents. Choshu nearly decapitated Anderson with the Lariat. Bernard made the save. Nash took Bernard out to the floor, where they continued to fight. In the ring, Angle Clotheslined Anderson and hit Germans on Ishii and Isuka. Angle then slapped the AngleLock on Anderson to take the win for the Main Event Mafia.

Grade: A-

Jay’s Thoughts: I happy to see Giant Bernard and Anderson get a chance to be seen on TNA. I’ve seen Anderson, quite a bit, on NWA Showcase. Bernard has been out of the spotlight since the A-Train left the WWE station, some time back.

Team 3D talked about wanting the IWGP World titles. Devon and Ray showed major respect to the Tokyo Dome. Ray showed respect to their opponents but continued to push that they had never lost in Japan.The match was going to be a Hardcore Match.

Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) d Most Violent Players (Togi Makabe and Toru Yaho)
IWGP World Tag Team title match

The Finish:

Makabe wore a chain around his neck in tribute to the late Bruiser Brody, who is and was a legend in Japan.

Ray hit a Double Clothesline. Ya no was planted with a Double Orange. Team 3D then dropped Makabe with an Inverted 3D. Makabe kicked out at two. Devon was busted open. Makabe Speared Devon off the Irish Whip. Ray with the Scoop Slam into the WASP! on Makabe. Ray called for the tables. He got the Japanese crowd to chant “ta-bales”. Devon tried to set up the table but M-V-P sent Ray through the tiny little table. The broken table was tossed out and the other set up. Makabe Clotheslined Devon. Makabe set Devon on the table by the “Unchained Gorilla”, Makabe. Ray Powerbomed Makabe and then went for the pin after a Splash. Makabe kicked out. Yano pulled Devon to the outside. Makabe wrapped his chain around his arm and went to blast Devon. He struck Yano by accident. Makabe came back to blast Devon. Makabe wrapped the chain around his arm, again, and went to hit the Lariat on Devon. Devon ducked and Team 3D dropped Makabe with the 3D to take the IWGP World Tag titles.

Grade: A+

Jay’s Thoughts: Like the Guns match from earlier, everyone knew that Team 3D were going to win it. It was awesome to actually see them compete in Japan. I like Makabe. Forget Kiyoshi, this guy could really be a major player in the World Elite. I’d still like to know why his jacket was video distorted.

Final Grade: A

Final Thoughts: I’d have loved to see the entire matches, instead of just highlights. I know that TNA needed to push the interviews and such. Despite too much talking, TNA shined in this extra hour of programming.


— Jay Shannon