Press Release: World Wrestling Entertainment

WWEWWE® Takes Home The Gold For Annual Fan Axxess Tour

STAMFORD, Conn., October 19, 2007 – World Wrestling Entertainment® has won a Gold Award in the Mobile Marketing category from Corporate EVENT magazine for last year’s 2006 WrestleMania® 22 Fan Axxess tour.

A sister publication of the long-running EXHIBITOR magazine, Corporate EVENT magazine provides exclusive, strategic case studies of successful marketing events. Each year, Corporate EVENT hosts its annual Corporate EVENT Awards, honoring excellence in event-marketing strategy. The international competition is judged by renowned marketing/design experts from a variety of fields. Previous winners include Microsoft, Xerox, Ford, and Volkswagen.

In its fall issue, Corporate EVENT devotes a feature article to WWE’s award winning tour, calling it “an unabashed success for WWE.”

Corporate EVENT concludes: “In true WWE style, the company not only pinned down its objectives, it annihilated them with its 2006 tour.

Traffic at the events hit 237,750 in 2006, a 91 percent increase over 2005.”

This year, WWE was one of five winners honored for marketing events launched between March 1, 2005, and March 1, 2007 – taking home a Gold Award in the Mobile Marketing category for its 2006 WrestleMania 22 Fan Axxess Tour.

Serving as the official kick-off on the “Road to WrestleMania,” the Fan Axxess Tour is WWE’s largest annual interactive mobile marketing initiative, giving fans a chance to go behind the scenes with WWE Superstars, Legends, memorabilia, programming and the newest WWE products – from WWE MobileTM to WWE 24/7TM On Demand and much more. In 2006, the Fan Axxess tour made multiple stops at shopping malls, festivals and WWE events in the U.S. and Canada during its 13-week run. The tour ended in Chicago during WWE’s annual pop culture spectacular, WrestleMania 22.

“The WrestleMania Fan Axxess Tour has developed into a fantastic annual event for WWE fans, affiliates, sponsors and promotional partners,” says Monty Ross, Senior Director of Marketing for WWE. “We are honored to be chosen by Corporate EVENT as a Gold Award winner, alongside past recipients such as Microsoft and Volkswagen. We’re continuing to expand and improve upon the program each year – as demonstrated by our successful 2007 Fan Axxess tour, which just wrapped up at WrestleMania 23 in Detroit.”

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