Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 9/28


Monday September 28, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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Raw is live tonight from Albany, NY with Rev. Al Sharpton as the guest host, and the main event of John Cena running the gauntlet vs. Randy Orton, Chris Jericho & Big Show.

The Smackdown TV taping is the tenth anniversary special Tuesday airing Friday from the Boston Garden. The televised main event for that show will be The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels & John Cena vs. CM Punk, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase Jr.


Columbia Pictures are in Albany this week shooting scenes for  The Other Guys starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Samuel L. Jackson, Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg and Eva Mendes. None of the actors are on set today. Filming is taking place on Pearl Street across from the site of tonight’s Raw, The Times Union Center. The street reopens at 7pm so if you are going to the show expect heavy traffic around that area.

Phil Mushnick in today’s New York Post http://tinyurl.com/yexqhfn took his yearly pot-shot at WWE.

TMZ ambushed Rev. Al this morning arriving in New York at the airport http://tinyurl.com/yddbmjh.
Jim Ross at www.feelthepain.net talks creative, creating stars, Bret Hart returning and more.

Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, Brock Lesnar, Jackie Haas and Trish Stratus were among those in attendance at the Mr Olympia Expo this past weekend in Las Vegas. Austin signed over 1000 free autographs at the Muscle & Fitness booth, while Hogan was charging $50 worth of his supplement products for an autograph http://tinyurl.com/y8tg5x5.

Lilian Garcia, who is getting married TODAY, has already accepted bookings here and there and makes her wrestling convention debut at Legends of the Ring 9 October 24 in Monroe, NJ. She will also be appearing at the Big Apple Con October 16-18 in New York City, and will sing the National Anthem at the Jets-Panthers football game on November 29.

The Ottawa Sun interviewed Jim Duggan at http://tinyurl.com/ye5hy5l. He made a point to talk about his recent appearance on Raw in Calgary where he came out to Bret Hart’s old entrance music. He said: “I definitely had a few reservations about doing it… They threw a little curveball at me. Bret and I have been friends for quite a few years. There was a huge pop until the fans realized I wasn’t Bret. I didn’t understand the reasoning behind it, but it got everybody in Canada talking about WWE.
It took me 13 hours to get home. So I’ve been joking that’s why it took me so long. Even though I carry the American flag, I can appreciate how passionate Canadians are about their country.” He added that after 30 years he realizes that he doesn’t have much time left in the ring.

Slam Wrestling at http://tinyurl.com/y9aocgo has a story on John Cena.
He talks about the recent signings of Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness, and who he views as future break out stars.

Superstars last Thursday did a 0.8 rating.

James Guttman at www.WorldWrestlingInsanity.com interviewed the former Julie Hart. On Bret working again with WWE, she said: “Well, you know, he would make a great agent. Totally he would. I mean, he knows that business inside and out. He’s got great ideas and stuff. I could see him being an asset to Vince in that way. But I don’t know about wrestling. I don’t know. I haven’t really heard that, but all the power to him if he is going back.”


TNA are currently on tour in Europe. They run Tuesday and Wednesday in Germany, Friday in Switzerland, and Saturday in Ireland. We’re looking for reader reports from these shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


Impact last Thursday was back down to a 1.0 rating.

TNA Knockout Hamada buried Naofumi Yamamoto (WWE’s Yoshi Tatsu) in a recent interview with the Tokyo Sun newspaper in Japan. When asked about whether she ever wanted to go to WWE, she said: “I can’t work for WWE. I wouldn’t normally object to it, but as long as Naofumi is there, I can’t. We met up a few times in Japan and it was terrible. The man is a sleaze and is constantly trying to get a feel of any woman he comes across. When I was eating lunch one time, he sat on my lap and started running his fingers through my hair. When I told him to get off, he did.
But he only sat next to me and started doing it again. He asked me for my number, but I wouldn’t give it to him and walked away. He followed me and kept asking for it and even stood in front of the garbage can where I was to throw out my lunch. He literally grabbed my lunch from my hands and threw it out. I walked away, but he followed me again and kept tapping me on my shoulder. I wanted to hit him, but I’m not the physical type so I just kept on telling him off. He rubbed my hair again before walking away. On his way out, he blew me a kiss. I saw him a few more times after that, and the same things would happen. I can’t be around that man and I hope those women in WWE stay as far away from him as possible. He’s trouble.” Ouch!


Regarding a note yesterday on Rob Eckos no showing the NWS group in New Jersey, Eckos’ booking agent told us he canceled off the NWS shows a few week’s ago and was confirmed with NWA NJ and NYWC for this past weekend.
The NWS group maintains that Eckos no showed them. Seems to be a break down in communication along the way or that Eckos wanted to work the NWA show because it was a tribute to the late promoter Dennis Coralluzzo.
Please also see today’s mailbag regarding this story. *

Ring of Honor tonight on HDNet has Tyler Black & Jerry Lynn vs. Rhett Titus & Kenny King; Nikki Roxx vs. Sara Del Rey; Sonjay Dutt vs. Alex Payne; and Brent Albright vs. Claudio Castagnoli in a steel cage.

Eddie Edwards is undergoing surgery Thursday to repair the broken elbow he suffered Friday night in Boston. The surgeon told him he will need a steel plate and screws inserted into his arm to fix the problem. No word yet on how long he will be out but ROH have pulled him from their October cards.

Brock Lesnar talks his upcoming fight with Shane Carwin at http://tinyurl.com/y9b58m8.

www.diva-dirt.com has a lengthy audio interview with former WWE/TNA babe Shelly Martinez. She is currently acting in Los Angeles. She says she would be open to retuning to TNA, but says she would never want to work for WWE ever again.

Stacy Kiebler will be appearing at Harrah’s Hotel and Casino Saturday night in Atlantic City, NJ.

From the where are they now files… The former WWF tag team Men on a Mission were reunited this past weekend at the Signamania event in Fairless Hills, PA: http://tinyurl.com/y8qczt2.

BBC in the UK has a show called See Hear at 1pm on October 21 featuring the Power Trip Wrestling group.


* A recent issue of Wrestling Globe contained a report that Rob Eckos
no-showed a booking in New Jersey this past weekend. Please know that
Mr. Eckos did, in fact, appear in NWA NJ rings on Both Friday, September
25 and Saturday, September 26. Both bookings were made well in advance
of the show dates. They were conspicuously advertised in various media. 
For any local entity to allege that they did not know of Rob’s prior
commitment is simply not credible.

Rob Eckos is a dynamically talented young performer. His work ethic is
exemplary. Eckos is an asset to any promotion fortunate enough to secure
his professional services. Treat him fairly and you will experience a
talent destined for the true big time. The audience’s reaction to his
talent was loud and enthusiastic.

NWA NJ and NY endorse Mr. Eckos for employment by our friends and
competitors without hesitation.

Fred Richards, Chief Operating Officer
National Wrestling Alliance of NJ and NY


First of all, I just want to thank you for the service you provide. I’ve
subscribed to your email since my college days, and I look forward to
every issue.

This past Saturday (September 26), my wife and I joined her sister and
brother-in-law for the University of Memphis football game. At some
point in the morning, my brother-in-law ran into Jerry “The King” Lawler
and Brian Christopher campaigning for Mayor of Memphis. The previous
weekend, they had met in a local bar, and had hit it off pretty well. He
asked them to come to our tailgate site, and meet me.

Not only did they do that, but Brian Christopher decided to kick it up a
notch when he got there, and said “Where’s [my name]? I hear he’s the
coolest and I have to meet this guy.” I nearly fainted when I heard

I ended up spending 10 minutes getting pictures, talking wrestling, and
in general shooting the breeze with Brian Christopher. I must say, one
of the nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, famous or
not. “The King” came over a few minutes later, talked to us for a bit,
and got a picture with my wife and myself.

I must say it was one of the more surreal moments of my life, talking
wrestling with a Memphis Wrestling legend. I definitely got to hear his
opinions on some people, and was just overall impressed with how nice
the Lawler’s were. The King definitely has my vote!

Will Kelley


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