Jerry Lynn Interview on Wrestling Weekly

Jerry LynnOn October 16th, Wrestling Weekly host Doc Young and Les Thatcher were  joined this week by Jerry Lynn. Wrestling Weekly airs every Tuesday at 8pm Eastern at

Les ask’s Jerry if it’s true that he asked for his release from TNA. Jerry Lynn highlights it was true and that they sent him home for two TV tapings in a row, so there was one whole he wasn’t getting paid, so he decided to go. He continued by saying he wasn’t happy with TNA’s direction for his character. Doc asks if he was still helping out as a road agent for the X Division. Lynn noted once he returned to in-ring competition he was no longer a road agent. Jerry talked about three month angle with Chris Sabin & Christopher Daniels, which weren’t thought out well, with Lynn highlighting about the Daniels angle “it was three weeks of him leaving me laying and then the pay-per-view match, put him over…done, angle done”. Jerry Lynn continued by saying there was  more he wanted to learn before retiring and wouldn’t learn it by doing what he did.

Doc emphasises that Jerry’s working a lot of indies now and Lynn pointed
out he’s working for Danny Daniels in Chicago, ACW in San Antonio. Les
notes that Jerry will be doing Super 8 this year, which Lynn highlights
will be for the first time. Les & Jerry talked about that wrestling is a
continuous learning process & it‘s always evolving. Les then spoke with
Jerry Lynn about his matches with Sean Waltman. “We had a lot of fun, we
were hungry & we both just really loved the business & respected it…we
watched a lot of tapes together”. Doc asks if Jerry still talks with
Sean. Lynn notes that he does once in a while. Doc says that the
listeners in the chat room are saying that they’d love to see Jerry in
Ring of Honor and if he has any plans to work there. Lynn pointed out
that he’s been talking with Gabe (ROH booker Gabe Sapolsky) and he’d
like to work for them “somewhere down the road” & that he‘s worked a lot
of the guys in ROH on the indies.

Doc asks if Jerry has been asked to work in Japan. Lynn said he hasn’t
and talked about the last time he went there & the in-ring style there.
Jerry Lynn spoke about CZW, whom he’s worked for twice & said it was
fun. Listener DeCapo asks for Jerry to talk about the ECW locker room.
Jerry said the ECW was “always great, out of any fed I’ve worked for, it
was more like a family” and he discussed the end of ECW, which said
effected the morale but still went out there to give it their all & they
still find ways to have fun. Lynn noted that Bubba (Team 3D’s Brother
Ray) booked some venues for ECW, Taz did the designing, Tommy Dreamer
helped out with the merchandise & Mikey Whipwreck, Danny Doring &
Roadkill started on the ring crew. Jerry said that Tommy would have done
anything to help ECW and anyone in general. Lynn said he’s often asked
who his favourite opponent is and said that he has favourites for
different reasons. Doc asks Jerry Lynn what style suits him best. Jerry
said “Sean (Lighting Kid) & I started the X-Division back in 1989/90,
over the years we just kept kicking things up a notch…we watched
Mexican/Japanese types and merged all the styles into one”.

Doc asks Jerry how wrestling effected his family. Lynn noted you have to
truly love wrestling to make it in this business. “If you don’t have a
genuine love for it (wrestling) you’re not going to last long. I have
sacrificed good job opportunities, family…friends, relationships you
name it. This is the one job where I wake up and look forward to going
to work & I have done so many different jobs…& I was told if you find a
job you love, you will never have to work another day in your life”.
Jerry then talked about the reaction he received when he first said he
wanted to be a wrestler & that wrestling has to be something you really
want to do & love”. Doc asked Jerry Lynn what other jobs he did spoke
about his previous jobs before getting into wrestling.

A question from the chat room is, if Jerry wrote a book, what would the
title be. Lynn replied by saying “it would probably be something
like…‘Wrestling: Everyone’s Dirty Little Secret’ because there‘s so many
people out there who don‘t admit to watch wrestling but sure know who
Hulk or Stonecold, The Rock…”. Another question is if Jerry Lynn could
pick any era, angle & faction to work with, who would it be. Jerry said
he always wanted to work in the ring with Eddie Gilbert & talked about
when he first started out he sent tapes to USWA & Eddie saw the tape &
brought him, which he said was a compliment. Lynn continued by saying
the next year he brought him into Global (Global Wrestling Federation
[GWF]) & emphasised he would have loved to be in an angle with Eddie
Gilbert. Jerry is then asked about road stories & Lynn say‘s any road
stories you can talk about on the radio have to be pretty boring. Jerry
Lynn was then asked if he owns an I-Pod and if so, what’s on it. Jerry
say’s he doesn’t but if he did it would have a bit of everything, but
mostly death metal. Jerry Lynn then spoke about his favourite death
metal bands & that he attended ‘First Avenue’ nightclub in Minneapolis,
where the concert scenes of ‘Purple Rain’ were filmed & Jerry noted he’s
seen a lot of concerts there. Lynn also pointed out he’s wrestled at
‘First Avenue’ too. Another question is what crowds did Jerry like to
wrestle in front of. Lynn says Texas, Chicago, Philadelphia & that there
was so many.

Doc asked Jerry if he left on good terms with TNA. “I think so, actually
I think they were confused as they asked why” & he pointed out he
couldn’t work there because he wasn’t getting paid for a month. Jerry
then pointed out there’s certain indie’s he couldn’t work for because of
the TNA DVD distribution deal, TV Spots, pay-per-view‘s etc. Les points
out that there was talk of TNA having a training camp in Nashville.
Jerry noted that it never happened & when the budget got tight they
wouldn’t fly people in. Doc asked Jerry Lynn if he still watches WWE &
he highlighted if he’s home he tries to watch it but normally “I can’t
watch it for very long…you can’t take any of it seriously…I‘d rather
watch G.L.O.W!”.

Jerry Lynn’s Myspace is

Jerry is then thanked for being a guest.

Next week’s guests will be Ryan O’Reilly & Bill DeMott (Hugh Morrus)

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