DDP donating money to the CAC


Not only is Diamond Dallas Page receiving two awards at this year’s CAC Reunion, he is going to donate money to the club as well!

To coincide with his induction, DDP will be donating 30% of the proceeds from his DDPYOGA workshop at the Hard Rock Hotel on Monday April 13th from 6pm-9pm to the CAC. For those of you who have not attended a DDPYOGA workshop before this will be an epic event.

It includes:

  • How and why DDP created DDP YOGA
  • Attainable goal setting
  • Active breathing techniques
  • Secret of Dynamic Resistance
  • Correct Diamond Dozen alignment
  • Interactive Workout
  • Principles of owning your life
  • Q&A
  • Pictures and signing!

To sign up go to www.ddpyogaworkshops.com or click the link: http://www.ddpyogaworkshops.com/events/ddp-yoga-ultimate-sin-city-workshop/

All other inquiries email marlon@dallaspage.com.