The Sheik gets his chance at NWA World title

Pro Wrestler Gets His Chance at the World Title

(Tampa, FL) – Speaking animatedly and through his interpreter, champion wrestler The Sheik spoke enthusiastically about his upcoming shot at the NWA World Title, a chance that’s been a long time coming.

The Iranian-born Sheik, in his 12th year of professional wrestling, will finally get his chance at a world championship when he faces current title holder Blue Demon Jr. on October 24 in Chicago. The winner will hold the NWA Heavyweight Title Belt. And to hear The Sheik say it, this opportunity is long overdue.

“I have worked hard. I have beaten some of the best. It’s my time now,” were The Sheik’s translated words about the NWA Title bout with Blue Demon Jr., whose legend began in Mexico.

The Sheik, who uses his name with the consent of legendary wrestler Sabu, is currently the Pro Wrestling Fusion Florida champion.

“I deserve this match. No one has my intensity,” The Sheik says.

The Sheik is perhaps most remembered for his long-standing feud with Savio Vega, which began in Puerto Rico in 2008 and still has people there talking. The feud culminated in a shocking Globe of Death match—The Sheik and Vega alone in a steel, globe-shaped cage—in front of over 8,000 fans.

The Sheik held the Pro Wrestling Fusion Heavyweight Title from May 2008 until February 2009, defending it many times.

The Sheik has also appeared in Pro Wrestling Fusion matches with partner Meng to form a fearsome tag team. He’s been wrestling professionally since 1998.

His eyes dancing and his adrenalin pumping, The Sheik had some final words.

“Some people love me, some people hate me,” the Iranian wrestler says. “But all WILL respect me. Each person writes their own story, and now it’s my turn!”

For more information about Pro Wrestling Fusion, visit For more information about NWA Wrestling, visit


For interview opportunities with The Sheik, contact Shannon Rose at (813) 960-8412, (813) 389-0801, or





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