Dr. Keith Lipinski Show w/Mike Quackenbush

Dr. Keith Lipinski Show Recap

Mitch Ryder, Lightening Mike Quackenbush

Recap by Brian Cooper, BigVanVader.com


Simply Marvelous Mitch Ryder Recap

Keith introduces Mitch as a true king of professional wrestling. Mitch says he has been in wrestling since the Terry Garvin friendly age of seventeen. Mitch always aspired to be like Jerry Lawler until he got into the business and saw what an arsehole he was. Mitch also was a fan of Jackie Fargo as a kid. Keith asks what good advice Jamie Dundee give Mitch? Mitch says none, although says he always was in a condition to perform. Pro Wrestling Illustrated hate talk: Mitch says there is no interest and no need for PWI today. Dr. Keith then calls the PWI crap, Mitch replies that apart from number 327 of the PWI 500 then it is a pile of crap.

Keith asks how Mitch got involved with Chikara. Mitch says he was working for Ian Rotten at the time, and loves working for Chikara. Mitch talks about his wrestling for WCW and WWE. Keith asks about fond memories of WCW Saturday Night. Mitch puts over the great Center Stage saying it gives you a case of the goosebumps. Rider talks about working with The Steiners, Barry Windham and Arn Anderson amongst many others. Keith discusses the Cowboy Bill Watts regime. A highlight for Mitch was wrestling the likes of Rick Rude and Mick Foley. Mitch calls Rip Rogers the ‘CHEAPEST MAN IN THE WORLD.’ Steiner Brothers rib talk!

Onto WWE. Mitch talks about the Owen Hart tragedy and Vince McMahon’s post tragedy birthday celebrations. Keith asks about traveling with Jamie Dundee and the Midget. Mitch talks road stories. Including taping duct tape and eight track tapes to the Midgets feet so he could drive 200 miles! The good doctor demands more midget stories! Mitch gives a MIDGET CHRISTMAS MARIJUANA story ~ yay! Mitch puts over the mindset of the young Chikara wrestlers as great students of the game and sees a great future for the promotion in 2008/09. Mitch name checks Claudio Castignoli as the top indie wrestler today.

Mitch Rider cuts a promo on Lince Dorado,: ‘Listen closely to what I’m saying, before I am done with Lince Dorado, he will no longer wrestle in this country, you will know what I’ll do to Lince Dorado, and there is no more Lince Dorado then and only then will I be done with him. This is personal, this has nothing to do with the wrestling business, this has nothing to do with anything, he’s humiliated me. I’m gonna expose him for what he is. He’s in hear under false pretenses, he’s a liar, he’s a cheat, he deserves to be in a prison somewhere. I’m gonna do everything I can to run him out of the company I love so much, Chikara.’ Mitch talks about his prior hatred for Mike Wolfe and working with him in Rider’s XCW Mid West promotion.

Lightening Mike Quackenbush Recap

Dr. Keith introduces Mike Quackenbush to the show. Mike talks of the concussion he received prior to winning the Ted Petty Invitational. The injury happened due to his left leg hitting the rope mid-tope. Mike calls it ‘the nature of the game.’ Mike talks about the different legislation in Illinois with no ringside physician being mandatory. Mike says he is ‘100% certain’ he had a concussion likening it to alien abductions! The original plan was for Quackenbush to be removed from the tournament although Mike insisted but states it wasn’t the ‘brightest decisions of his life.’ He credits the crowds emotions for getting him through and has no regrets saying in hindsight he’d do the same thing again.

Keith asks about concussions in professional wrestling. Mike says a lot of the information has only come to light since the Chris Benoit tragedy and most of the information has come from the likes of Nancy Grace. Mike credits Chris Nowinski for what he says on the topic. Mike says that the attitudes towards concussions were that of a minor injury until recently. He says that he has lost count of the amount of concussions he has had and says it is not unusual for a wrestler to have dozens of concussions during a career. Mike has since canceled a couple of ROH booking including the recent PPV taping. Mike aims to return to the ring for Michinoku Pro and says this is his fifth scheduled tour of Japan with him yet to appear.

Mike calls 2007 his greatest in-ring year to date and goes onto talk about the future plans of Chikara Pro and perhaps touring new markets and future wrestlers he hopes to bring in. Dr. Keith asks about bringing in the feuding Bryan Alvarez and Larry Sweeney to Chikara Pro. Keith urges fans to purchase more Chikara DVD’s to hang from your Christmas trees.

Wellness questions! Keith asks if Mike can prevent the usage of Hydra. Mike suspects drug testing for independents could be too expensive. Mike says he is thrilled for his guys that make it big in the pro-wrestling world. Keith asks if we’re going to see more of Quackenbush in ROH? Mike hopes so. What about IWA Mid South? Mike feels an obligation to them and will be back. Mike asks all listeners to check out www.currenttv.com for Chikara Pro podcast goodness and of course www.ChikaraPro.com and www.ChikaraFans.com

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In addition on the showgram this week MONKEY PORN~!, a new member makes his debut with a NUGGET~! of wisdom, Keith Karaoke, torn pectoral muscles for everyone! In the immortal words of the Wiseman Bivins, “smack it up, flip it, rub it down, oh no!” It’s the Dr. Keith Show! This is members only show for people on very fine F4WOnline.com website. If you are not a member of the EMPIRE~! you are missing out brother Jack dude! Sign up today! $7.95 a month (CHEAP!) and soon complete audio archives of all Dr. Keith Lipinski shows…

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Next week: Luke Hawx, Mitch Ryder (part 2)
Following week: WrestleFanFest roundup, hijinx
Soon: Icarus, Joker, Claudio Castagnoli, Christopher Jericho

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Dr. Keith Lipinski

Host Of The Dr. Keith Lipinski Show http://www.f4wonline.com
Head Of Talent Scouting – Wrestling Society X http://WSX.MTV.COM
MySpace http://www.myspace.com/vivalipinski