IWA vs. Elite Pro Special Challenge on 10/13

IWA vs. Elite Pro Special Challenge – Best of 7
Saturday October 13th, 2007
Hartman Recreation Center
511 N. Collins Street – Joliet, Illinois
Bell time – 4 pm; Doors Open – 3 pm
Ticket prices: $20 front row; $15 general admission

ElitePro: Jason Hades vs. IWA-MS: “Pure Dynamite” Billy Roc

Two of the best up-and coming light heavyweights in the midwest will collide in what should be a fast-paced matchup. Billy Roc has already successfully defended the honor of IWA-MS against ElitePro, being a member of the successful 8-man tag team at the ElitePro Showcase. Jason Hades has broke out in both ElitePro and IWA-MS with his dreaded “Killswitch” finisher and has chosen to represent ElitePro in this special singles challenge
ElitePro: “The Human Highlight Reel” Acid vs. IWA-MS: Chuck Taylor

Two of the best natural athletes in either promotion, Acid and Chuck Taylor are considered by many to be the faces of their respective promotions. Taylor is fresh off losing the IWA World Heavyweight Championship to Mike Quackenbush and Acid is ready to show the independent wrestling world that he’s one of the very best in the midwest. This match above any other could be the “show-stealer” as both men are incredibly athletic and talented.
ElitePro: Dysfunction vs. IWA-MS: Ricochet

Dysfunction will represent ElitePro as their champion in this unusual matchup. One of the premier “hybrid” style wrestlers in the country, Dysfunction will have to find a way to ground one of independent wrestling’s best high-flyers.
ElitePro: Kimberly Kash vs. IWA-MS: Mickie Knuckles

This is a rematch from the ElitePro Showcase, which saw outside interference from The Night Breed and J.D. Hughes. At the end of the match, Kimberly Kash walked out with the IWA MidSouth Women’s Championship, a belt Knuckles prizes dearly. Many fans expected Kash to fold under the intensity of Mickie, but Kash showed she had fight and stood her ground. But as IWA-MS fans well know, if there’s one woman in the world you don’t want to cross, it’s “The Walking Episode of COPS”.

ElitePro: Team Taliban (“Prince” Arya Daivari & Jake O’Neill) vs. IWA-MS: The Iron Saints (Sal & Vito Thomaselli)

The Iron Saints are the proud owners of both the IWA MidSouth and ElitePro Tag Team Championships. But in this Best-of-Seven Challenge, they have decided to side with the promotion where they first broke out as a major independent tag team. They have assured Ian Rotten that they will wrestle the match as they always do, to win. For Team Taliban, this is an enormous opportunity for the two up-and-comers to score the biggest upset either promotion has seen in quite some time.
ElitePro: “The Real Deal” Jay Jensen vs. IWA-MS: Deranged

Two of the toughest men in their respective promotions, Jay Jensen and Deranged could very well be the hardest-hitting of the seven matches in the series. Deranged, known most for his work in deathmatches, has been impressive against so-called “strong style” wrestlers recently. Jensen prides himself on his toughness and this will certainly be a test of just that.
ElitePro: “The Impact Bully” Brandon Thomaselli vs. IWA-MS: “Th Undisputed King of Hardcore” Ian Rotten

Many of the wrestlers in the IWA MidSouth locker room have long made mention of the fact that a young Brandon Thomaselli never got his “initiation” match into IWA with promoter Ian Rotten as so many of them before him had. With Ian retirement from wrestling just about 2 months away, time was running out for Brandon to get was has been coming to him for nearly four years. Not only must Brandon try to survive his first singles match with Ian Rotten, he must do what his brothers have decided NOT to do – defend ElitePro Wrestling.