TNA IMPACT 09 03 2009


Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: September 3, 2009 (Taped: September 1 & 2)

UPDATE (ADDED AFTER RECAP): I just want to say this episode of TNA iMPACT had significantly fewer pointless backstage segments, and it seemed like they put more effort into the in-ring product. They kept the backstage stuff short and to the point, and limited the talking in the ring to meaningful and memorable words (Joe/Daniels). Congratulations to Total Nonstop Action for making an effort to improve their product – keep up the good work!

Sting defeated Rhino: Well you know Rhino isn’t going to win, because he’s already booked against Bobby Lashley at No Surrender. After the match, Rhino GOREd Sting and continued the assault with a beat-down! Four referees managed to convince Rhino to back off while the trainer checked on Sting..

BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: The trainer taped up Sting’s ribs, as A.J. Styles watched with concern. They are pushing this as Sting’s last opportunity at earning a title shot.

Lauren Brooke & The Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle & Booker T -w/Sharmell) + Kip James + Scott Steiner: Kurt Angle said Booker T & Scott Steiner messed up Matt Morgan last week and now he has to reprogram him. Sharmell started yelling in the background, and the cameras found Kip James installing a phone line. Booker T yelled at him saying “what are you doing in here? you used to be somebody!” Kip James got in Booker’s face and Angle pretended to hold him back. Scott Steiner walked in an Kip James left the room. Steiner threw his bags in the corner and asked if he could hang out in Booker’s (custom designed) dressing room. Steiner started making a mess of things and Angle said “it’s starting to be a zoo in here, I’m outta here!”

A.J. Styles defeated Chris Sabin: Alex Shelley joined Mike Tenay & Taz on commentary and was scolded for talking over the introductions. Great match, but Alex Shelley was excellent on commentary!

Lauren Brooke & Hernandez + Eric Young: Hernandez said it was quite a coincidence that he and his brother (Homicide) were randomly chosen to face each other in the first round of the tournament. Eric Young came in and said World Elite wants Hernandez, and Hernandez vs. Homicide doesn’t sound like a coincidence to them. Young said when he came to the U.S. he had hopes and dreams, but those hopes and dreams were crushed. Young said it wasn’t an even playing field for people like them. Young said American dreams are reserved for Americans only. Young said tonight he will show Hernandez that they are familia.

Christopher Daniels + TNA X-Division champion Samoa Joe: TNA still wants me to call him DANIELS, but he will ALWAYS be Christopher Daniels to me. Christopher Daniels talked about his match with Samoa Joe at No Surrender, and said he had something to get off his chest – so Joe, come on out! Samoa Joe came out with the X-Division belt over his shoulder. Daniels said he didn’t know if they ever wrestled for the belt again that it would be under these circumstances. Daniels remembered when TNA revolved around the X-Division, around Joe, Daniels, and A.J. Styles. Daniels said the three of them came up in the business together and they were like family. Daniels said all that work paid off four years ago at the Unbreakable PPV in a triple threat match, which was the only time the X-Division title was ever defended in the main event of a PPV. Daniels said that was the night everybody realized that TNA was the future of professional wrestling. Joe said he’s given Daniels enough time to make a point that he cares about, and excused himself from the scene. Joe tried to leave but Daniels pulled him back by the arm. Daniels told Joe that the Main Event Mafia was scared of Joe. Daniels said when Joe was World champion, he beat every member of the Mafia. Daniels said they paid Taz off to convince Joe to join them. Daniels said Joe took their money and threw away his friendships and his integrity. Daniels said he doesn’t even know who Joe is any more. Daniels said the guys in the back, like A.J., don’t even recognize Joe any more. Daniels questioned how Joe’s wife and son can respect him now. Daniels turned and said something to Taz, and Joe gabbed him and dumped him on his head with an over-head suplex!

Lauren Brooke & Matt Morgan: Matt Morgan said nobody was playing head games. Morgan said, just like Kurt Angle says, they’re chalking it up last week to a learning experience. Morgan said nothing can get in between he and Kurt – they have each other’s back. Morgan got serious and said he was counting down the days until he steps inside the ring with Kurt again at No Surrender.

Doug Williams defeated SUICIDE: Late in the match, D’Angelo Dinero came to ringside and SUICIDE jumped off the top rope and took him out! SUICIDE got back in the ring and was hit with the Chaos Theory (Tenay called it a Rolling German Suplex – yawn) for the win!

BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: Jeremy Borash said the doctors are telling Sting that he has two or three cracked ribs. Borash said that Sting wasn’t in his prime and shouldn’t compete tonight. Sting asked how many times will he get to fight for the World title? Sting said he knows the end is near, but tonight, the beginning is right in front of him..

Lauren Brooke & The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky): Lauren Brooke asked the Beautiful People if they knew who Madison Rayne’s mystery partner was. Velvet threatened to run a cheese grater over Lauren’s face and said they don’t care who Madison’s partner was. Velvet said they would rip out Madison’s hair and kick her in the face! Angelina yelled at Lauren and said they don’t speak UGLY. Angelina suggested Lauren be Madison’s mystery partner so they can give her the ass kicking she deserves. Angelina said they do not care who Madison’s partner is, because it’s not going to make a difference. Angelina said they may be extremely beautiful, but they can get downright ugly in the ring!

Tara & Christy Hemme defeated Sojourner Bolt & Ayako Hamada: They call her HAMADA, but one of my pet peeves is when wrestling companies take away half of someone’s name for no reason (like Daniels). After the match, Tara brought out her tarantula. Hamada kicked Sojo Bolt in the gut and planted her with a Hamada-driver!

BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: Jeremy Borash said he thinks Matt Morgan is working Kurt Angle. Angle said not to be ridiculous, and that Morgan needs him and don’t even forget it. They bumped into Matt Morgan, and Angle called him “Mr. Morgan.” Morgan said he was looking forward to No Surrender. Morgan looked forward to teaming with Angle, and Angle asked if Morgan was screwing with him right now. Morgan said screwing with Kurt would be career suicide. Morgan said when it comes down to the two of them, there will be no questions asked! Morgan patted Angle on the shoulder and took off..

Hernandez defeated Homicide: The former members of Latin American eXchange squared off for the first time in a TNA ring. Hernandez wanted a hand-shake after the match. Homicide hesitated but accepted the hand-shake gracefully.

Lauren Brooke & The British Invasion (Brutus Magnus & Doug Williams & Rob Terry): Doug Williams said he was a fan of A.J. Styles, and rates him very highly. Williams clarified that he doesn’t rate A.J. higher than himself. Williams said in order to be the best, he has to beat the best, and that’s A.J. Styles. Williams said he has to beat A.J. fair and square, so he would leave the British Invasion backstage..

Jeremy Borash & A.J. Styles: A.J. Styles said a couple weeks ago he hit rock bottom, but it was necessary for him to move forward. Styles said he has his confidence back and he will become World champion again at No Surrender..

A.J. Styles defeated Doug Williams: TNA World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle joined Mike Tenay & Taz on commentary for the match. Styles countered the Rolling German Suplex for the victory!

Lauren Brooke & Team 3-D (Brothers Ray & Devon) + Jesse Neal: Brother Ray said he and Devon are heros to wrestling fans all over the world, but Jesse Neal is a hero to all Americans. Ray said Jesse dedicated his entire wrestling career to his best friend (who was killed while fighting terrorism). Ray said Rhino took Jesse under his wing and he was supposed to train him. Ray said Rhino beat the crap out of him because he wasn’t a superstar over night. Ray said Rhino wasn’t the toughest guy in the world either, and remembered when he used to beat the crap out of him in ECW. Ray said Jesse Neal has fallen under the protection of Team 3-D and has taken him back to the Team 3-D Wrestling Academy. Ray said when they are done with Neal, he will be a WAR Machine. Brother Devon said they haven’t forgotten about the British Invasion, who are running around with their IWPG Tag Team titles. Devon said they were counting down the seconds until they get their hands on the British Invasion…

Sting defeated Hernandez by DQ: Sting competed with his ribs taped, and Hernandez showed respect to Sting by not targeting the injury. Late in the match, Homicide (wearing a mask) showed up at ringside and bashed Sting in the ribs with a weapon, causing Hernandez to get disqualified! Taz noticed that Homicide had all of his tatooes removed (thank you for not insulting our intelligence!). TNA security dragged Homicide away and pulled off his mask, revealing Eric Young! Hernandez was furious that Young cost him his opportunity at the TNA World Heavyweight title..

Hernandez + Eric Young & World Elite (Sheik Abdul Bashir & Kiyoshi & Brutus Magnus & Doug Williams & Rob Terry) + A.J. Styles + Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm) + Team 3-D (Brothers Ray & Devon) + The Main Event Mafia (Booker T & Scott Steiner): During the commercial break, Hernandez refused to leave the ring. Hernandez called Eric Young out to the ring, but Young didn’t come alone. The entire World Elite faction showed up and destroyed Hernandez! Eventually A.J. Styles ran down and tried to help Hernandez, but he was beaten up as well. Beer Money Inc. hit the ring and cleared the ring of all the heels! World Elite tried to reteat but they were sandwiched by Team 3-D and a crazy brawl broke out between both sides. Are the trying to recreate the riot from a few weeks ago already? Team 3-D set up the Sheik for a table spot, but Booker T & Scott Steiner ran down to interject. Beer Money jumped in and went after the Mafia members. The British Invasion took out Robert Roode with their finisher, and the Mafia guys double-choke-slammed James Storm through the table! The Main Event Mafia & World Elite got the last laugh in this situation!