Dr. Keith Report – September 26, 2007

Dr. Keith Report – September 26, 2007
Dr. Keith Lipinski of www.drkeithshow.com
A complete listing of upcoming big shows…and whacky hijinx…

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http://www.tmz.com/2007/09/26/ultimate-fighter-upstaged-by-ultimate-knockouts/ (pictures and video onsite)
Ultimate Fighter Upstaged by Ultimate Knockouts
Posted Sep 26th 2007 11:05AM by TMZ Staff
Filed under: Hot Bodies, Hot Vegas
It didn’t matter that UFC Light Heavyweight Champ Quintin “Rampage” Jackson wasn’t a featured model at the Ed Hardy fashion show at Pure nightclub at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas last night — he took his shirt off anyway!
But when the smokin’ hot, scantily clad models hit the runway, nobody, and we mean nobody, cared what Rampage was or wasn’t wearing.
Thanks to our good friends at SpyOnVegas.com, we’ve got all the hot action on film. Enjoy!
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Dr. Keith Show Recap – By Brian Cooper – www.bigvanvader.com
NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World Adam Pearce

Dr. Keith asks the new Heavyweight Champion of the World why the fans call him Repo Man and not other illustrious Barry Darsow gimmicks such as Golfer or Smash? Pearce calls Darsow the sexiest man in Demolition closely followed by the fine specimen of a man, one Mr. Fuji. Onto wrestling death and the woman with the big mouth.

Onto the NWA Heavyweight Championship Tournament of the World. Adam destroys kayfabe by revealing that Bryan Danielson was the initial choice to win before being injured. Adam Pearce presumed that Brent Albright would go over and says that the NWA title ‘means a SHRED of what it did in the past,’ and that the NWA has been terrible for fifteen years. Adam then goes into detail how the NWA are changing perceptions in 2007. The champ states that TNA didn’t promote the NWA name ‘AT ALL.’

Pearce puts over wrestling in Puerto Rico and is looking forward to returning. The fact that most of the fans didn’t recognise him didn’t really bother him. Keith asks Adam his thoughts on Ring Of Honor not recognising the NWA title. Adam says he has no problem with this as he would expect a promotion like ROH to put more emphasis on their own champion. Pearce can’t see this changing this in the near future. ‘It’s not a big deal at all.’

Keith asks the secret of being a good heel in Ring Of Honor. Adam says it is from grass roots level to try and get the fans not to like a single thing about him and to apply the all important NERVE HOLD. Adam talks about being on the beach with a shirtless Bryan Danielson complete with eye patch. The doctor asks for photographs of a sixty year old woman in a pink thong. Gang Wars are discussed. Pearce says he fought the Truth Commission during his jobber days.

Keith asks about defending the title in Japan. Pearce says he did discuss it briefly with Morishima but has other obligations at this moment. More importantly who would Pearce like to do karaoke with? Pearce would choose the Great Muta and tells of a story of Muta fighting Ron Waterman and his MOTHER FUCKER catchphrase. After impregnations by green mist talk, Adam talks about the ROH locker room post-PPV. Pearce says the buy-rate figures might take three or four months.

The two plug the forthcoming NWA tournament DVD release on Big Vision Entertainment in November. Splendid interview with the new NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World. Check out rohwrestling.com and nwawrestling.com.

The Musketeer

Dr. Keith says he has had many World champions on the Dr. Keith Show but he has never had a musketeer… until now! The Musketeer credits Johnny Rodz with The Musketeer gimmick. Musketeer was a huge fan of the Magnificent Muraco. He decided to become The Musketeer due to dreams of becoming an action figure and appearing on lunch boxes.

ECW talk. The Musketeer credited Taz, Tommy Dreamer and D-Von Dudley for helping him get the job. Johnny Rodz and Dory Funk Jr. also put in good words for him. Dr. Keith talks about is dream for a stable of Musketeers, name-checking Mikey Whipwreck as a potential statement. Keith asks he ever practised sword fighting? Luckily the Musketeer had a fencing friend who taught him the basics of sword swinging shenanigans.

The Musketeer talks about wanting the respect of his locker room peers. Keith asks about the locker room during the ECW TNN period? The Musketeer talks about the exposure from appearing on TNN and on PPV but clamours for more. The Musketeer puts over Tommy Dreamer as being one of the more decent guys in pro-wrestling even dipping into his own pocket each and every week when Paul Heyman’s cheques bounced. The Musketeer then talks about Mitch the Umbrella guy and promo time with Simon Diamond and Tommy Dreamer.

The end of ECW is talked about in detail. The Musketeer reveals that a few guys were frustrated because ‘maybe they were a little behind in pay,’ and that many of them thought that ECW was just on a brief hiatus. Musketeer is happy for the guys that got picked up by WWE and talks about himself having to return to the ‘real world.’ Keith asks if they ever figured out what Simon Diamond’s problem was? Musketeer then WORKS the doctor.

Musketeer is now a personal trainer but has wrestled since for Stampede Wrestling and talks about his Hardcore Homecoming appearance. Musketeer says he is now 220 – 230 and dreams of being in TNA or WWE one day although doesn’t specify if his new body is wellness friendly or not. Musketeer says he is not the WUW Heavyweight Champion of the WORLD and talks of his defence against the ECW Zombie. The Musketeer then talks about the REAL tables and chairs because concussions are cool.

The Musketeer masturbates over the reaction at Hardcore Homecoming before putting over The Sandman for being such a cool guy to the lesser paid talent and more importantly as one hell of a chess player. Check out www.wuwonline.com or listen to the interview for an email address to be able to book The Musketeer.

Ted ‘The Trailer’ McNaylor

Dr. Keith welcome Ted The Trailer to the internet. ‘This is the first of my life,’ Ted declares. Keith asks about Ted’s Chico hate. Ted says it stems from an issue of Figure Four Weekly where Bryan Alvarez made a dastardly claim that Ted The Trailer was small and had no muscles as his MySpace profile states that his body type is athletic. Ted The Trailer calls Bryan wicked names such as coward, chicken and that he has a yellow stripe on his back. Keith asks about the fund to bring Chico to Derby City Wrestling. Ted The Trailer has thus far raised $4.16 before the take out.

Keith asks about Ted’s Derby City alumni; Nine-Fingers Dewey who is the muscled one and Adam Revolver who is the ‘educamated’ one. Ted The Trailer was inspired by pro-wrestling greats: Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Jake The Snake, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Keith asks if, instead of a pro-wrestling bout, he and Chico could have an arm-wrestling contest or a pose down to show off his athletic frame. Ted says that would be too easy. Ted talks about ‘his woman’ and that Bryan has crossed the line in saying that he might come down to Derby City just for her.

Through Keith’s knowledge of trailers and trailer boys, he has yet to come across a ten-wide trailer that Ted The Trailer hopes to possess. Keith then asks about Ted’s spelling bee skills and whether Ted ever considered testing his skills on a higher level? Ted says no as he only speaks American and not any of those foreign languages.

Promo time ~ YAY! ‘Chico, I know you feel safe hiding behind your little internet show, your little newsletter. Chico, I got a little challenge for you. Why don’t you step out of your little comfort zone, why don’t you come down to DCW, I’m here every single Thursday Chico, when’re you gonna come down? I’m gonna be waiting for ya.’ Splendid interview finishing with Keith recommending the cheaper option of sending down a greyhound for Bryan Alvarez and Ted talking about his disappointment at not being Mr. McMahon’s son due to the similarity between the names McNaylor and McMahon and setting up a PALPAY account. Check out www.derbycitywrestling.com.
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WWE No Mercy – Sunday October 7, 2007 – Allstate Arena, Rosemont, IL
1.       WWE Championship – Last Man Standing Match:  John Cena vs. Randy Orton
2.       World Heavyweight Championship – Punjabi Prison Match:  Batista vs. The Great Khali
3.       Triple H vs. Umaga
4.       ECW Championship Match:  CM Punk vs. winner of Elijah Burke vs. Tommy Dreamer (ECW 10/2)
TNA Bound For Glory – Sunday October 14, 2007 – The Arena at Gwinnett Center, Atlanta, GA
1.       TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match:  Kurt Angle vs. Sting
2.       TNA X Division Championship Match:  Black Machismo Jay Lethal vs. Christopher Daniels
3.       TNA World Tag Team Title Match:  Team Pacman (Ron Killings & Adam Pacman Jones) vs. AJ Styles & Tomko
4.       Ultimate X Match:  The Latin American Xchange (Homicide y Hernandez) vs. Triple X (Elix Skipper & Senshi)
5.       Must Be A Winner:  Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage (Special Enforcer:  Matt Morgan)
6.       Tables Match:  The Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott Steiner) vs. Team 3D (Brother Ray & Devon)
7.       TNA Women’s Championship – Knockouts Gauntlet Match: participants include Christy Hemme, Gail Kim, Ms. Brooks, Jackie Moore, Roxxy Laveaux, ODB, Talia Madison, Shelley Martinez, Angel Williams, Amazing Kong
8.       Fight for the right (reverse battle royal)  Match – winner gets a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship: participants TBA
9.       Monsters Ball:  participants TBA
UFC 77:  Hostile Territory – Saturday October 20, 2007 – US Bank Arena, Cincinnati, OH
1.       UFC Middleweight Championship Bout:  Rich Franklin Vs. Anderson Silva
2.       Tim Sylvia Vs. Brandon Vera
3.       Eric Schafer vs. Stephan Bonnar
4.       Jorge Gurgel vs. Alvin Robinson
5.       Yushin Okami vs. Jason MacDonald
6.       Josh Burkman vs. Forrest Petz
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ROH (Ring Of Honor – www.rohwrestling.com)
A Year Of Frustration
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
It was roughly one year ago when Claudio Castagnoli smacked Austin Aries in the ribs with his Haliburton ending Aries & Roderick Strong’s record setting nine month reign as ROH World Tag Team Champions. Aries thought things couldn’t get any worse. Yet that night was only the tip of the iceberg. Now the question has to be asked- how much can one man take?
Aries first met frustration in trying to regain the World Tag Titles. Then Roderick Strong shocked everyone by turning on his partner and friend to start the No Remorse Corps with Davey Richards & Rocky Romero. Satisfaction evaded Aries as he went after revenge on the NRC. Things couldn’t get more bleak when Aries was forced to leave ROH for a few months due to a contract situation with another company.
“That was a really tough time,” Aries said. “There was nothing I wanted more than to get back in the ROH ring. I was denied my chance to lead The Resilience and help Matt Cross and Erick Stevens grow as wrestlers. I couldn’t even get an opportunity to get revenge on Roderick Strong. I was going stir crazy.”
Aries hit a crossroads in his life when he was at home. He began to wonder if it was time to look for another career. As Aries began to look at other possibilities, he was given a second chance to return to ROH. When Aries made his triumphant return in June, things couldn’t look more positive.
However, the roadblocks didn’t stop. Aries battled nagging injuries. While Stevens and Cross scored some wins and showed improvement, The Resilience was unable to even the score with the No Remorse Corps. Then Jack Evans entered the faction war in a big way with the introduction of The Vulture Squad with Evans, Ruckus, Jigsaw & Julius Smokes.
This kind of mental and physical wear and tear can beat a man down. Lesser men would have crumbled and faded away by now. Aries is proving his resilience by taking every obstacle and not just battling past it, but coming back stronger. Aries has the desire to be known as the top athlete in ROH. He is not about to let anything derail him.
“In 2005 I was on top of this company,” Aries said. “I know what it takes to be a champion. I know what it takes to be “the man” in a promotion. I feel I’m stronger, smarter and better than I was in 2005. I know I can take that top spot again.”
Aries has the drive of a champion. That drive fuels him to overcome every obstacle and comeback stronger each time. Now Aries is petitioning ROH officials for a chance to show he belongs on top. At the same time, Bryan Danielson wants to get back in the World Title picture. These two can both claim to be the “ace” of ROH. Now ROH officials will give these competitors a chance to show who is the true “ace” of ROH as both try to get another ROH World Title shot.
Danielson and Aries will collide in a three match series this Fall. The first Danielson vs. Aries bout has already been signed for 10/5 in Boston. The second one will take place on 10/21 in San Francisco. The final one, if necessary, will occur on 11/2 in Philadelphia. The winner of the series will get a ROH World Title shot on 11/3 in Manhattan. Aries will get an opportunity to finally get revenge on Roderick Strong when they collide in a singles match as part of the pay-per-view taping on 10/6 in Edison, NJ.
“Now that’s what I want,” Aries said. “Edison, that’s where I get my revenge on Roderick Strong. Then my focus is on the World Title. Bryan and I have had some battles in the past. We are both better wrestlers since the last time we fought. I know I have to be at the top of my game and I’m sure Bryan feels that he has to be at the top of his. This is why I got into wrestling. This is the kind of competition I want.”
Aries knows the road is about to get even tougher. The prize at the end of it is the World Title. He has had to get past injuries, feuds and politics. Lesser men would have walked away by now. Aries is just getting started. He is determined not to let anything stop him.
Ring of Honor heads to the West Coast starting on Friday, October 19th with a show in Las Vegas, Nevada at The Empire Ballroom on 3765 Las Vegas Boulevard.  Bell time is 7:00pm.  You must be at least 21 years old to attend this event.  Tickets go on sale Wednesday, September 26th at 11am EST.
October 19th will feature ROH’s annual “Survival Of The Fittest” tournament. You will witness six single matches in the first half of the show. The winners will advance to the main event Six Man Elimination Match to determine this year’s champion. There will also be non-tournament bouts on the card. “Survival Of The Fittest” is always one of the most unpredictable and grueling nights of the year. It is perfect for the Las Vegas atmosphere. Already signed for “Survival Of The Fittest 2007” are:
 -Defending Champion Delirious
-2005 Champion Roderick Strong
-Race To The Top Champion Claudio Castagnoli
-Austin Aries
-2004 Champion Bryan Danielson
-Chris Hero with Larry Sweeney
-More names will be announced soon in the ROHwrestling.com Newswire
On Sunday, October 21st Ring of Honor will hold a live event in conjunction with Wrestle FanFest 2007 at the San Francisco Cow Palace.  For more information on this gigantic wrestling convention please visit http://www.wrestlefanfest.com/.
Please note:  You must have at least a General Admission Wrestle FanFest ticket to get into the Cow Palace for the Ring of Honor event.
Tickets for the FanFest convention start at $25.  In addition, there are a limited number of reserved ringside tickets available exclusively through the ROH website for the 1st and 2nd rows.  These tickets will also go on sale Wednesday, September 26th at 11am EST.
Keep checking the ROH website for updates on both of these big events.
Friday October 5, 2007
Roxbury Community College – Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Ctr (1350 Tremont St Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120)
1.       ROH World Title Match:  Takeshi Morishima vs. Kevin Steen
2.       The Vulture Squad (Jack Evans, Ruckus, & Jigsaw) vs. No Remorse Corps (Roderick Strong, Davey Richards, & Rocky Romero)
3.       BJ Whitmer vs. Delirious
4.       Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. The Age Of The Fall (Jimmy Jacobs & Necro Butcher)
5.       Three Match Series – Match One:  Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries
6.       Claudio Castagnoli vs. Mike Quackenbush
7.       Four Corner Survival:  Nigel McGuinness vs. El Generico vs. Tyler Black vs. Chris Hero
Already signed:  Brent Albright; Adam Pearce; Matt Cross; Erick Stevens; Daizee Haze; Mitch Franklin
Cancelled: Claudio Castagnoli vs. El Generico
Saturday October 6, 2007
Inman Sports Club (990 Inman Avenue Edison; NJ)
PPV Taping #4
1.       ROH World Title Match:  Takeshi Morishima vs. Nigel McGuinness
2.       Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong
3.       Claudio Castagnoli vs. Chris Hero
4.       Vulture Squad (Jack Evans & Ruckus with Julius Smokes) vs. The Age Of The Fall (Two of Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black & Necro Butcher with Lacey)
5.       Delirious & TBA & TBA vs.  Hangman Three (Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer & Brent Albright)
Already signed:  Jay & Mark Briscoe; Bryan Danielson; Davey Richards; Rocky Romero; Matt Cross; Erick Stevens; Mike Quackenbush; Sara Del Ray; Daizee Haze; Kevin Steen; El Generico
Friday October 19, 2007
The Empire Ballroom (3765 Las Vegas Boulevard Las Vegas, NV moved from Sams Town Hotel & Casino)
Survival Of The Fittest 2007
12 Particpents:  Delirious, Roderick Strong, Claudio Castagnoli, Austin Aries, Bryan Danielson, Chris Hero
Already signed:  Nigel McGuinness; Jay & Mark Briscoe; Davey Richards; Rocky Romero
Sunday October 21, 2007
Cow Palace (2600 Geneva Avenue, Daly City, CA 94014)
1.       Three Match Series – Match Two:  Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries
Already signed:  Jay & Mark Briscoe; Nigel McGuinness; Roderick Strong; Davey Richards; Rocky Romero
Friday November 2, 2007
Pennsylvania National Guard Armory (2700 Southampton Rd, Philadelphia, PA)
Glory By Honor VI – Night 1
1.       Mitsuharu Misawa & KENTA vs. Takeshi Morishima & Naomichi Marufuji
2.       Three Match Series – Match Three (if necessary):  Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries
Already signed:  Jay & Mark Briscoe; Nigel McGuinness; Roderick Strong; Rocky Romero;  Davey Richards; Chris Hero; Claudio Castagnoli; BJ Whitmer; Jimmy Jacobs; Jack Evans; Ruckus; Mike Quackenbush
Saturday November 3, 2007
Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom (311 West 34th St. New York, NY)
Glory By Honor VI – Night 2
1.       ROH World Title Match:  ROH World Champion vs. winner of Aries/Danielson Three Match Series
Already signed:  Mitsuharu Misawa; Takeshi Morishima; Jay & Mark Briscoe; Naomichi Marufuji; KENTA; Bryan Danielson (he will appear if he is still injured); Nigel McGuinness; Roderick Strong; Rocky Romero;  Davey Richards; Austin Aries; Chris Hero; Claudio Castagnoli; BJ Whitmer; Jimmy Jacobs; Jack Evans; Ruckus
Friday November 30, 2007
Montgomery County Fairgrounds (1043 S. Main St, Dayton, OH)
Saturday December 1, 2007
Frontier Park Field House (9807 S. Sayre Avenue Chicago Ridge, IL)
Friday, December 28th, 2007
Connecticut Expo Center (265 Reverend Moody Overpass, Hartford, CT)
Friday February 22, 2008
Deer Park Community Center  (41 Homer Avenue Deer Park, NY)
Friday April 25, 2008
Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center (1120 W. State Fair Ave, Detroit, MI)
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PWG (Pro Wrestling Guerrilla – http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com)
Sunday October 14, 2007
Burbank Armory (3800 W. Valhalla Dr., Burbank, CA, 91505)
Friday October 26, 2007
Studio Jenny (1 Avenue Jenny, 92000 Nanterre Paris, France)
Co-Promotional Show with Queens of Chaos Wrestling
1.       Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Match:  Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness
2.       Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship Match:  El Generico & Kevin Steen vs. TBA
3.       PAC vs. Jack Evans
4.       Austin Aries vs. Joey Ryan
Already signed: Super Dragon, Davey Richards
Saturday October 27, 2007
The Mountbatten Centre (Alexandra Park, Twyford Avenue, Portsmouth, UK PO2 9QA)
Co-Promotional Show with International Pro Wrestling: United Kingdom
1.       Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Match (if Danielson is still champion):  Bryan Danielson vs. Martin Stone
2.       Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship Match (if Generico & Steen are still champions):  El Generico & Kevin Steen vs. Super Dragon & Davey Richards
3.       PAC vs. Jack Evans
4.       Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries
Already signed: Joey Ryan, Spud, The Kartel (Terry Frazier & Sha Samuels)
Sunday October 28, 2007
Musik Palette (Kettwiger Str. 20 45127, Essen, Germany)
Co-Promotional Show with Westside Xtreme Wrestling
1.       Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Match (if Danielson is still champion):  Bryan Danielson vs. El Generico
2.       Four Way Match:  Kevin Steen vs. Jack Evans vs. PAC vs. Super Dragon
Already signed: Austin Aries, Joey Ryan, Nigel McGuinness, Davey Richards, Tommy End, Bad Bones, Ares
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FIP (Full Impact Pro – http://www.fullimpactpro.com)
Friday, September 28, 2007
National Guard Armory (16386 Springhill Dr., Brooksville, FL)
1.       FIP Tag Team Title Match:  Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. BxB Hulk & Yamato
2.       FIP World Heavyweight Title:  Roderick Strong vs. TBA
3.       FIP Florida Heritage Title:  Erick Stevens vs. TBA
Already signed:  Jack Evans; Sara Del Rey; Delirious; The Necro Butcher; Black Market; The Heartbreak Express; “Sweet & Sour” Larry Sweeney; Steve Madison; Lacey; Rain; Jigsaw; “Kool” Seth Delay; Hallowicked; Gran Akuma; Irish Airborne; Scott Commodity; The YRR of Sal Rinauro, Kenny King, Chasyn Rance & Jason Blade
Saturday, September 29, 2007
National Guard Armory (8551 W. Venable St., Crystal River, FL 34429)
Cage of Pain II
1.       Cage of Pain II – Wargames:  Black Market & The Heartbreak Express vs. The YRR of Sal Rinauro, Kenny King, Chasyn Rance & Jason Blade
Already signed: BxB Hulk; Yamato; Jack Evans; Sara Del Rey; Roderick Strong; Jay & Mark Briscoe; Erick Stevens; Delirious; The Necro Butcher; “Sweet & Sour” Larry Sweeney; Steve Madison; ; Lacey; Rain; Jigsaw; “Kool” Seth Delay; Hallowicked; Gran Akuma; Irish Airborne; Scott Commodity
Upcoming FIP shows
November 9 – Crystal River, FL
November 10 – Arcadia, FL
December 14 – Melbourne, FL
December 15 – Crystal River, FL
January 18 – Crystal River, FL
January 19 – Arcadia, FL
February 15 – TBA
February 16 – Crystal River, FL
March 21 – Melbourne, FL
March 22 – Crystal River, FL
April 18 – TBA
April 19 – Crystal River, FL
May 30 – Crystal River, FL
May 31 – Arcadia, FL
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CZW (Combat Zone Wrestling – www.czwrestling.com)
Saturday October 13, 2007
New Alhambra Sports & Entertainment Center (7 Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA)
Choosing SIdes
1.       Scotty Vortekz & “Diehard” Dustin Lee vs. “The Psycho Shooter” Drake Younger & TBA
2.       CZW World Tag Team Championship Match:  Team AnDrew (Andy Sumner & Drew Gulak) vs. Derek Frazier & Niles Young
Already signed:  The Necro Butcher, Brain Damage, “The Lariat” DJ Hyde, Toby Klein, Danny Havoc, J.C. Bailey, The Olsen Twins, Cheech, Brodie Lee, Ruckus, Cloudy, Sabian
Upcoming CZW Shows
November 10, 2007
December 8, 2007
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JAPW (Jersey All Pro Wrestling – www.japw.net)
Saturday October 27, 2007
Rahway Rec Center (275 East Milton Avenue Rahway, NJ)
10th Anniversary Show
Saturday December 8th, 2007
Rahway Rec Center (275 East Milton Avenue Rahway, NJ)
Seasons Beatings
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IWA-MS (IWA Mid South – www.iwamidsouthwrestling.com)
Friday September 28, 2007
Don Preston Rec Center (14500 Kostner Avenue Midlothian, IL)
Ted Petty Invitational 2007 – Night One
1.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  BJ Whitmer vs. Davey Richards
2.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  “Lightning” Mike Quackenbush vs. Billy Roc
3.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  Chuck Taylor vs. Jimmy Jacobs (IWA-MS title)
4.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  Chris Hero vs. Too Cold Scorpio 
5.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  Claudio Castagnoli vs. Nigel McGuiness
6.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  Human Tornado vs. Eddie Kingston
7.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  Drake Younger vs. “Spyder” Nate Webb
8.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  Joey Ryan vs. Brandon Thomaselli
9.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  Richochet (substitute for Jimmy Rave) vs. Josh Abercrombie
10.    2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  Joker vs. C.J. Otis 
11.    2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  Devon Moore vs. Dysfunction
12.    2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match:  Brent Albright vs. Tank
Cancelled: Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki, Alex Shelley, Matt Sydal, B-Boy, Tony Kozina, El Generico
Saturday September 29, 2007
Don Preston Rec Center (14500 Kostner Avenue Midlothian, IL)
Ted Petty Invitational 2007 – Night Two
1.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match:  TBA vs. TBA
2.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match:  TBA vs. TBA
3.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match:  TBA vs. TBA
4.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match:  TBA vs. TBA
5.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match:  TBA vs. TBA
6.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match:  TBA vs. TBA
7.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Semi-Final Match:  TBA vs. TBA
8.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Semi-Final Match:  TBA vs. TBA
9.       2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Semi-Final Match:  TBA vs. TBA
10.    2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Finals:  TBA vs. TBA Vs. TBA
Sunday October 7, 2007
Alley Cats (929 S. Indiana Avenue Sellersburg, IN)
11th Anniversary Show
1.       Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Multiple Scaffolds – Suicide Kid’s retirement match:  Suicide Kid vs. Mad Man Pondo
2.       NWA Womens Title Match:  Amazing Kong vs. Mickie Knuckles
Saturday October 13, 2007
Hartman Rec Center (511 N. Collins St. Joliet, IL)
Friday October 26, 2007
Capital Sports Center (1915 Gladden Road Plainfield, IN)
2007 Double Death Tag Team Death Match Tourney
Saturday October 27, 2007
Capital Sports Center (1915 Gladden Road Plainfield, IN)
2007 Queen of the Death Matches
Already signed:  Lufisto
Saturday December 8, 2007
Capital Sports Center (1915 Gladden Road Plainfield, IN)
1.       Ian Rotten Retirement Match:  Ian Rotten vs. Mickie Knuckles
Already signed:  Sandman
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CHIKARA (Chikara Pro Wrestling – www.chikarapro.com)
Friday, October 26, 2007
Riverside Beneficial Assoc. Building (1742 Pear St. Reading, PA)
1.       Campeones de Parejas:  Team F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma & Icarus) vs. Incoherence (Delirious & Hallowicked)
2.       Tim Donst vs. Eddie Kingston
3.       Open challenge:  Chuck Taylor vs. TBA
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Ryan Township Fire Hall (945 Barnesville Drive Barnesville, PA)
New Star Navigation
Friday November 16, 2007
Riverside Beneficial Assoc. Building (1742 Pear St. Reading, PA)
Battle of Who Could Care Less
Saturday November 17, 2007
American Legion Hall (397 Main Street Hellerton, PA
The Sordid Perils of Everyday Existence
Sunday November 18, 2007
New Alhambra Sports & Entertainment Center (7 Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA)
Chapter 11
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Dr. Keith Lipinski

Host Of The Dr. Keith Lipinski Show http://www.f4wonline.com
Head Of Talent Scouting – Wrestling Society X http://WSX.MTV.COM
MySpace http://www.myspace.com/vivalipinski