Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 7/10


Friday July 10, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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7/9 ECW TV results from Bakersfield, CA: Nikki Bella over Katie Lea; Shelton Benjamin over Yoshi Tatsu; Ezekial Jackson over Jack Meridol; and Christian over Vladimir Kozlov.

7/9 Superstars TV results: R-Truth over Ricky Ortiz; Zack Ryder over Tyler Reks; and Hornswoggle over Chavo Guerrero.

Smackdown tonight on MyNetwork has Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho for the IC title which is said to ber very good; CM Punk vs. Great Khali in a non title match; Jeff Hardy vs. Kane; The Hart Dynasty vs. Cryme Time; and Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison.


John Cena is getting married in Boston on Saturday to his long-time girlfriend Liz Huberdeau. The couple met in high school and have been engaged since 2007.

WWE.com at http://tinyurl.com/ludxkd posted an interview and graphic footage on Edge’s Achilles surgery.

Gerald Brisco underwent successful heart surgery in Tampa on Thursday.
He is expected to go home later today and recovery time is estimated at three months.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian for the ECW title was added to Night of Champions.

Rey Mysterio has new ink which is a based on a prayer of protection that was written for him by his daugther. Its translates to “do not let me fall on the canvas.” He got the tattoo following the death of Mitsuharu Misawa, who died in the ring last month in Tokyo.

Dos Caras Jr., who said he was going straight to the main roster, debuted at the FCW tapings on Thursday in Tampa losing to Kris Logan. He was introduced as Dos. Sicodelico Jr. also worked the show losing to the former Lance Hoyt.

Jim Ross wrote in his latest blog that Jerry Lawler would leave WWE if he was elected Mayor of Memphis: “If Lawler wins the Memphis Mayoral race he will have to come off Monday Night Raw which would certainly end an amazing era that started 15 years ago… Jerry has often talked seriously, yes we did talk seriously on occasion on our many, many road trips together, about how he would like to do something positive for his hometown.”

The Jericho-Miz Twitter feud continues after Jericho was detained at the airport in Manila. Miz wrote: “Just got off a 14 hour flight from Australia. Here’s to [Jericho] getting a cavity search in the Philippines. Jericho wrote in response: “Turns out we were detained at the airport because Miz is wanted for molesting Filipino livestock. He is not welcome back here.” He later added: “Australian police have issued a warrant for Miz on the charges of impersonating a wrestler.
He’s not welcome back.” Jericho is kicking Miz’ ass so far.


7/9 Impact TV results from Orlando, FL: Homicide over Doug Williams to win back the Feast or Fired briefcase; Beer Money over The Motor City Machine Guns; Tara over Velvet Sky; Tara over Angelina Love to win the Knockout’s title; AJ Styles & Daniels over Kevin Nash & Matt Morgan; and Kurt Angle over Mick Foley& Jeff Jarrett in a three-way.

7/9 house show results from Jamestown, NY: Creed over Sheik Bashir; Taylor Wilde over Angelina Love; Eric Young over Jay Lethal; Beer Money over Team 3D; Homicide over Suicide; and Daniels & AJ Styles over Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe.

The show drew around 800. The main event of Angle vs. Styles was changed to a tag, apparently because Angle didn’t want to work a singles. The highlight of the night was said to be Creed dancing to Michael Jackson’s Thriller after his match.

TNA run tonight at Copps Coliseum in Hamilton, Ontario with AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle as the advertised main event. They also run Hamburg, NY on Saturday and Syracuse on Sunday. We’re looking for reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


TNA announced their travel packages for Bound For Glory in Irvine, CA on 10/17. Prices start at $589. That includes one ticket to the show, one ticket to the fan interaction event, three nights in the same hotel as the wrestlers, plus a free t-shirt and 8x10s. More info at www.tnawrestling.com.

Kevin Nash, who turned 50 on Thursday, is doing a search for a new valet through the TNA website. A press release quotes Nash as saying: “In 20 years as a pro wrestler, I never have had a full-time valet, so this truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for some lucky winner to be treated like a queen … at least for one day… For the Big Sexy World Tour search, I encourage all MILFs and Cougars to apply, not just the 20-year-olds in bikinis. In fact, if you don’t know anything about a Quinn Martin Production, your chances of being chosen are very limited.
I am not looking for Miss Right, but rather, Miss Right Now.” The winner gets an all-expenses-paid trip to the Final Resolution PPV on 12/20 in Orlando.

The Slam Wrestling website has a story on Taylor Wilde at http://tinyurl.com/mcor9j.

The Baltimore Sun at http://tinyurl.com/ng9y2u has a Q&A with Jim Cornette where he talks about how he views wrestling today and the need to develop new talent.


Paul Heyman at http://tinyurl.com/ksprcy talks Brock Lesnar ahead of his fight with Frank Mir at UFC 100, and how Brock accidentally broke his neck back in 2003.

Ring of Honor on HDNet returns after a one week absence on Saturday night at 8pm. The show has Jay Briscoe vs. Roderick Strong; Jerry Lynn, Kenny Omega & Erick Stevens vs. Austin Aries, Rhett Titus & Kenny King; Brent Albright vs. Claudio Castagnoli in a flag match; plus D-Lo Brown and more. For everything ROH, visit www.rohwrestling.com.

Interview with ROH owner Cary Silkin at http://tinyurl.com/mzwhua.

Another note on the ISPW show that runs on Saturday at the 3-2 Count Athletic Training Facility in Freehold, NJ. In addition to Balls Mahoney, Crowbar, Julio Dinero and Nikki Rozz, there is also speculation that a former WWE star that recently signed with TNA may be at the show.
More info at www.ispwlive.com.

CZW run on Saturday at the Arena in South Philly, PA.

The AAW group run on Saturday in Berwyn, IL at the Eagles Club with Jay Bradley vs. Tyler black. More info at www.aawrestling.com.

The final line up for the WWC 36th Anniversary show in Puerto Rico on Saturday was released. The show, billed as a dedication to Hugo Savinovich, features Carlito & Primo (as a team despite the WWE
storyline) vs. Thuinder & Lightning; BJ vs. Steve Corino; Mr. Kennedy vs. Umaga; Apolo vs. Bronco; Shane Sewell vs. Idol Stevens; Tommy Diablo vs. Chicky Starr vs. Ricky Reyes vs. Hiram Tua vs. Johnny Styles vs.
Carlitos vs. Angel; Traci Brooks vs. ODB; and the main event is Ray Gonzalez vs. La Pesadilla in a hair versus mask match with boxer Felix Trinidad as guest referee.

Umaga missed a scheduled autograph signing on Thursday in Putero Rico.
WWC sent Hugo Savinovich in his place who said that Umaga had gone to the hospital with circulation problems in one of his legs soon after he arrived in the country.

Former WWF wrestler Damien Demento at http://tinyurl.com/mgz4lw is calling out Rob Van Dam. This guy is either a great worker or has serious issues. He also has a rant up on Randy Orton.

Alex Marvez at http://tinyurl.com/m53ldh talks to Jim Rose about his circus act and friendship with Kane Roberts.

Jeff Hardy’s band Peroxwhygen has a gig next Friday at Scotty’s pub in Fairfield, OH.

www.blogtalkradio.com/thedarkmatch has new interviews up with Baby Doll and former WWE wrestler Antonio Thomas.

TMZ.com has a clip of Steve Austin blowing off Nick Hogan when he tries to greet him.

The latest episode of Dork Funk’s Bang TV show is up at www.dory-funk.com.

Story on Armando Estrada’s restaurant in Arizona at http://tinyurl.com/l3nymb.

Diva-Dirt.com presents WGN’s Diva of the Day, Terri Runnels at http://www.diva-dirt.com/divaoftheday/



Please send any mailbag letters or questions to


“American Wrestling’s Elite Stars Of Mat Entertainment (AWESOME) joins
forces with JWA-United Wrestling to present a very special
once-in-a-lifetime pro wrestling event on Saturday, July 11 at 3 p.m.
onboard the fantail of the historic World War II-era Battleship New
Jersey, now located at 62 Battleship Place in Camden, NJ 08103.

This show, entitled “Bedlam on the Battleship,” will be a fund raiser
for the Battleship New Jersey Museum. Doors will open to the public for
seating at 2 p.m.

Already signed to appear: JWA Wrestling Alliance World Champion Rick
Silver, United Wrestling Federation World Champion Bill Ding, JWA-United
and Jersey Shore Women’s Champion Taylor Nicole Rules, Jersey Shore
Cruiserweight Champion Dan Rageous, Radical Robby Morrison, Brian
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For more information on JWA-United Wrestling, visit
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Wrestling events, call 732-854-2455 or visit


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