Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 7/4


Saturday July 4, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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Editor’s Note: Happy 4th to all our readers celebrating. Just a quick update today with a couple of significant stories. We will be back with a regular newsletter on Sunday night covering all the news from the last few days.


Edge suffered what could potentially be a career threatening injury on Friday at the Smackdown house show in San Diego, CA. Its believed he either snapped or ruptured an Achilles tendon leading to the referee throwing up an “X” signal and his match against Jeff Hardy coming to an abrupt end. As trainers and EMT’s took Edge to the back he grabbed the house microphone and told the crowd he was “sorry.” We should have an update on his condition tomorrow. Injuries of this type are not good at all and even with successful surgery it can take over a year to recover and the damage is usually permanent.


We’re looking for reports from the WWE shows over the next few days in Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and Japan to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.

Jeff Hardy was interviewed on Spain’s Four Network to promote the WWE shows over there in September. He confirmed that he hasn’t signed a contract extension and when asked if he would, he said: “I don’t know…
I am 31-years-old now, and I don’t like making plans for the future. I can wrestle until I am 40, but I don’t want to make plans, I don’t like thinking about what could happen between now and the next five years.”
On his health after a recent string of brutal matches, he said: “My shoulder is fine, but his finger still hurts. I am a lucky guy, I have good bones, it helps that the injuries are not serious.” He said his best friends in the locker room were Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho, and said if he could wrestle anyone he wants at Wrestlemania it would be Shawn Michaels. “He [Michaels] has inspired me a lot throughout the years and has proven to be one of the best wrestlers there is; for his technique, style, things he does. I take my hat off to him. He is the one who inspires me.” (Thanks to reader Marko Villa for helping with the

British wrestler Tony Rowney passed away last Thursday in Kettering, England according to the Northants Evening Telegraph. He was 70 and had been battling cancer. Rowney was known as The Ring Gladiator and appeared on ITV’s World of Sport in the 70s and 80s against the likes of Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks. His son Tony said of his father: “He was a warrior and he fought all his life, right up until the end. He had an enormous character and loved his family. There was a tremendous amount of skill in what he did.” Rowner was a steelworker for most of his life and also a former Army boxing champion.

The deaths of Mexican midget wrestlers La Parkita and Espectrito Jr.
became news worldwide after the story was picked up by the Associated Press. There is no new information at press time. The New York Post at http://tinyurl.com/lggfwq has a story noting that about 20 women have been busted in the past year for the alcohol-drug scam used in order to rob their victims. They also noted that Alberto Jimenez wrestled at the
1997 and 1998 Royal Rumble.

There is a public funeral for Mitsuharu Misawa today in Tokyo.

Jim Ross wrote on his website that Gerald Brisco’s heart surgery has been postponed again. “He was mentally ready to undergo surgery on Thursday to repair a heart defect but the surgery has been postponed for the second time,” Ross explained. “Jerry’s heart surgeon had an emergency surgery to perform on Thursday, his surgery day, and now Jerry is re-scheduled for July 9. I told Jerry that the good news is that his heart condition is such that the WWE Hall of Famer can safely wait until next Thursday while the other individual who bumped Jerry was in an apparent life threatening situation. Jerry had prepared himself mentally for his heart surgery and now must patiently wait, if that’s possible, for next Thursday’s procedure. I think Jerry being so ready for the surgery is a good sign that he’s ready to solve his issue now and without the immense apprehension that can accompany an ordeal such as this.”



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