Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: July 30, 2009 (Taped: July 20-21-22)
OPENING SEGMENT: Kurt Angle was furious with Bobby Lashley rejecting their offer to join the Main Event Mafia. Angle told his fellow Mafia members that they would take out Mick Foley, Bobby Lashley, and whoever else gets in their way TONIGHT!
The Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe -w/Taz- & Kevin Nash -w/Jenna Morasca & Traci Brooks- & Scott Steiner & Booker T -w/Sharmell-) + Bobby Lashley + Mick Foley: Kurt Angle said somebody (Bobby Lashley) tried to make a name for himself at the expense of the Main Event Mafia last week. Angle said when you cross the boss it’s not good for ratings, it’s not good for business, and it’s not good for that individual. Angle said his reputation is tarnished so there is a price to be paid. Angle said he had an agreement with Lashley and when he turned on them he took a big dump on that agreement. Angle said people do stupid things for no reason and the Mafia doesn’t do business with people who do stupid things. Angle told Lashley to come out and face the Mafia or they would go find him and destroy him. Lashley came out immediately with a black baseball bat in his hand and the Mafia backed into one side of the ring. Lashley said the Mafia was the greatest group of stars ever put together. Lashley said he wanted to be apart of the group, but he saw what the group was apart. Lashley said the Mafia aren’t hungry any more, and he is still hungry. Lashley said the Mafia wants to hustle, cheat, and steal titles. Lashley said unlike Samoa Joe & Taz, Angle can’t buy him. Angle said Lashley was young and stupid just like the rest of them. Angle said the Mafia makes up over 75% of the payroll because they may not get around like they used to buy they are smarter. Lashley said he came out to make Angle an offer he can’t refuse. Mick Foley came out next to join the party and thanked Lashley for saving his butt last week on iMPACT. Foley said Lashley kicked some serious Mafia butt all over the iMPACT Zone last week. Foley asked Angle to look into the camera and try to see the TNA Board members look into their televisions waiting for the ratings to arrive. Foley challenged TNA World champion Kurt Angle & TNA Legend’s title Kevin Nash to a match against himself & Bobby Lashley with both the TNA World and TNA Legend’s titles on the line. Foley said it would be the ratings that Angle has been promising. Angle turned and looked Lashley in the eyes and yelled “you’re on!”
Hernandez defeated Samoa Joe w/Taz: Hernandez pinned Samoa Joe after a splash off the top rope! After the match, Joe was shown throwing a fit backstage until Taz calmed him down and chased the camera away..
Lauren Brooke & Matt Morgan: Matt Morgan said he has arrived (hasn’t he been around for 2 years?). Morgan said he still wants to be apart of the Main Event Mafia and tonight he will secure his position in the group. Morgan said the Mafia represents everything in professional wrestling that he wants. Morgan said he was a PPV moment just waiting to happen.
Jeremy Borash & A.J. Styles: Jeremy Borash plugged TNA Mobile and Twitter. Borash said it’s been a tough couple of weeks for A.J. Styles. Styles said he underestimated Kevin Nash and that was his mistake. Styles said he sees the good in everyone and that is why Eric Young’s betrayal was so shocking. Styles said Young was part of the TNA originals and now he’s no different than the Main Event Mafia. Styles said they would cross paths again and make Young wish he was never born.. Styles said if Matt Morgan was looking for a fight, he’s got it – one match at a time!
Jeremy Borash & Mick Foley & Bobby Lashley: Bobby Lashley said he’s been talking to Kurt Angle about coming in and joining the Mafia. Lashley said he was training for a fight against Bob Sapp. Lashley said Mick Foley showed him something he’s never seen before, somebody that was fighting for what he believes in. Foley said he was fighting for TNA, his own existence, and his own pride at Victory Road. Foley said he and Lashley have done a lot of thinking and it’s in everybody’s best interest to get one of the singles titles away from the Mafia tonight,.
A.J. Styles defeated Matt Morgan:
Lauren Brooke & Traci Brooks + Taylor Wilde: Lauren said Traci abused her power last week to win $50,000 and secure a position in the Main Event Mafia. Traci said she’s been calling TNA for months asking for work and they kept saying they had nothing for her. Traci took a fit saying she was better than all the other Knockout’s. Traci said the company she bled, cried, and sweat for since the beginning had nothing for her so screw TNA! Lauren said maybe the TNA officials are doing the best they can. Tracy said the best they can wasn’t enough so she is now property of the Main Event Mafia. Taylor Wilde came in and said Traci broke her heart last week. Taylor said Traci was the original Knockout and they all looked up to her. Traci said the business wasn’t made for soft women like Taylor, it was made for bitches like HER!
Don West & Tara: Tara said her time with the WWE was a dream, but all good things have to come to an end. Tara said there was a point where she wasn’t sure if she would be able to leave the wrestling business happy and full of pride. Tara said the Knockout’s are amazing wrestlers, and said when she worked for the WWE she was impressed by Awesome Kong. Don West asked Tara has any sour grapes over what happened at Victory Road. Tara wanted to talk about the Beautiful People giving referee Slick Johnson sexual favours but West said it was a family show and changed the subject. Tara said she doesn’t start anything that she cannot finish.. The end of the interview got weird and confusing..
Tara & ODB (w/Cody Deaner) & Awesome Kong (w/Raisha Saed) defeated The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne): Eventually Awesome Kong and Tara started fighting, and that left ODB to fight all three members of the Beautiful People.. Cody Deaner knew he had to do something to help ODB, so he got up on the ring apron and kissed Angelina Love!! ODB followed up and miraculously pinned Love to win the match all by herself!
World ELITE (Eric Young & Brutus Magnus & Doug Williams & Rob Terry & Sheik Abdul Bashir & Kiyoshi): Brutus Magnus introduced the leader of the World Elite, Eric Young! Young said while growing up in Canada he used to hear stories about the USA – home of the free and land of the brave. Young said he heard so many positive things he knew this was where he wanted to be. Young said he knew if he wanted to make it in the wrestling business he had to move to the United States. Young said he packed up and moved to the United States and made it on his own. Young said he was standing there living his dream. Don West said it was one of the most emotional speeches he’s ever heard, but the fans chanted “shut the hell up!” Young said for every good piece of press this country gets, it deserves twice as much bad press. Young said every country in the world hates the United States of America. Young began insulting all Americans. Young said the fault lies with the disgusting people who live here. People like Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley. The fans chanted “go home, Eric!” Young said he was one of the greatest professional wrestlers in the world. Young said the people would only cheer him when he made them laugh, and if that isn’t ignorance he doesn’t know what is. Young said he would no longer be the dancing puppet they want him to be. Young said from now on he would be the man he wants to be and started shaving his head with a set of hair clippers. Young said from now on he calls the shots; the entertainment stops and the violence begins! Young called out Team 3-D so they can put smiles on the faces on the fans like he used to do. Team 3-D came out and Brother Ray said “this is America.. love it or leave it!” Ray said they weren’t the World Elite, they were just a bunch of punks with big mouths!” Ray said when they hear Devon say “get the tables!” they will know they are in the greatest country in the world. Team 3-D started a “USA!” chant!
The British Invasion (Brutus Magnus & Doug Williams w/World Elite) defeated Team 3-D (Brothers Ray & Devon) to win the IWGP Tag Team titles: The rest of World Elite stayed at ringside for the match, including Eric Young, the Sheik, Kiyoshi, and Rob Terry. The brawl went all over the iMPACT Zone. A few minutes later, Team 3-D set up a table in the ring and lost focus long enough for the British Invasion to regain control. Referee Earl Hebner was squashed out cold and Rob Terry jumped in the ring to interfere on behalf of the World Elite. Magnus did a stupid move and got put through the table by Devon! Eric Young jumped in and pushed Magnus out of the ring and bashed Devon onto the broken table. The referee woke up and saw Devon on the reckage and declared the British Invasion the winners and NEW IWGP Tag Team champions! I wonder if New Japan approved that.
Lauren Brooke & Dr. Stevie: Dr. Stevie went nuts yelling “50,000 dollars!” and showed off his scars from his battle with Abyss. Dr. Stevie put a bounty on the head of Abyss for $50,000.
VIGNETTE: Rhino training Sgt. Jesse Neal..
BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: The Main Event Mafia barged into Mick Foley’s office and attacked Foley and Bobby Lashley. After the commercial, Scott Steiner & Booker T were fighting backstage with Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm)..
Mick Foley & Bobby Lashley defeated TNA World champion Kurt Angle & TNA Legend’s champion Kevin Nash: Bobby Lashley’s music played but he failed to appear. Then Mick Foley’s music played and he failed to appear. Kurt Angle & Kevin Nash just stood in the ring pretending to be innocent. Angle told the referee to declare them the winners! Foley’s music played once more and Foley limped out to the ring, where he was attacked by both Angle & Nash. So the perpetually injured Foley is good to go after the assault, but the big tough MMA fighter (Lashley) isn’t? The Mafia guys dismantled Foley for several minutes before the lights went out and Sting appeared in the crowd and distracted the Mafia team. The lights went out again and Bobby Lashley was suddenly in the ring! Lashley took out Angle and speared Nash, allowing Foley to pin him and win the TNA Legend’s title!