Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 6/18


Thursday June 18, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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Superstars tonight on WGN has Chavo Guerrero vs. Santino Marella, and Carlito, Primo & Christian vs. DH Smith, Tyson Kidd & Jack Swagger.

Jim Ross on his website www.jrsbbq.com blogged that he received a phone call from Jerry Brisco on Wednesday. He said that Brisco, 62, did suffer a stroke after all upon a battery of further tests: “Jerry’s voice was naturally weak and his speech some what slurred but he was in as good a spirits as one could be after a stressful weekend where he was rushed to the hospital with an unknown ailment on Sunday. Jerry was preparing to meet Pat Patterson at the Tampa Airport to fly up to Charlotte for the three hour Raw broadcast when he took ill. Bottom line is this. After getting many of his medical tests back today, it was determined that Jerry did indeed have a stroke and not just one. Jerry had a total of three strokes over the past several days. The doctors now think that one stroke occurred Saturday and the other Sunday morning. They are not sure when Jerry suffered the first stroke. This is all new info confirmed on Wednesday afternoon. It was originally believed that Jerry had not suffered from a stroke but further tests proved otherwise.”

Ross noted that doctors also discovered a small hole in Brisco’s heart and his surgery, originally scheduled yesterday, will now be taking place next week: “Medication should address Jerry’s stroke issues, along, perhaps, with a reduced work load, and the heart procedure, while serious, is less evasive and considered more routine than many heart surgeries. I will assure everyone this; Jerry Brisco is a fighter and a man of conviction and determination who will unquestionably defeat this foe. In a business often times short on compliments, I have never heard one person say a negative world about Jerry Brisco in a WWE locker room.
Jerry Brisco has earned the respect of all of us who are lucky enough to call him a friend and has earned his distinction of being a WWE Hall of Famer many times over.”

Super Luchas in Mexico is reporting that 32-year-old Dos Caras Jr. has signed a three-year deal with WWE. He told the magazine that he will retain the rights to his name but WWE will have the rights to license it for the duration of his contract. He also said that he would be brought straight up to the main roster. He has been removed from EMLL booking sheets which kills his program with Shocker that was rumored for EMLL’s big anniversary show in September. Caras Jr. is the son of Luchador Dos Caras, the nephew of Mil Mascaras and Sicodelico, making him part of one of the most well known Mexican wrestling families in the country. His name translates as Two Faces, and refers to the symbol of a double headed eagle on his mask.

We’re told WWE also signed Calgary-based wrestler Randy Myres to a developmental deal. He is a big 26-year-old kid, 6’4, 230lbs and has the look they like. I believe at one time he trained with the Hart family and is friends with Tyson Kidd, DH Smith, Teddy Hart and that whole circle.

Another match just added to The Bash next Sunday in Sacramento is a Scramble for the ECW title with Tommy Dreamer, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, Christian and Finlay.

Some more Donald Trump fun. Robin Quivers on the Howard Stern radio show on Wednesday read out the USA press release about Trump purchasing Raw.
She was talking about it like it was legit news until Howard had someone check it out and they realised it was just a storyline. A listener also called in to say the release wasn’t real and then Howard started making fun of the guy for watching wrestling.

There were also some funny reports on MMA website’s calling Trump a “traitor” for getting involved in pro wrestling when he had an interest in the Affliction MMA group.

USA sent out another release this morning apologising for Tuesday’s
release: “USA Network and WWE issued a press release on June 16 that referred to Monday Night Raw’s storyline of a ‘sale’ of WWE’s Raw to Donald Trump. We intended the release to be promotional for that ongoing story arc on the series. There is no such actual ‘sale’. We apologize for any confusion.”

The Smackdown house show in Valparaiso, IN that was scheduled for Monday has been postponed until 8/30. The building was told it was a scheduling conflict but in reality WWE want the entire roster in Green Bay for the commercial free Raw. Also, Raw TV in Oklahoma City on 9/22 has been moved to the BOK Center in Tulsa due to renovations at Ford Center.

Several WWE wrestlers and Divas are scheduled for the WWC Anniversary Show in Puerto Rico on 7/11. The event will be dedicated to WWE Spanish announcer Hugo Savinovich, who worked for WWC as wrestler, manager and announcer during the 70’s and 80’s. Carlito and Primo vs. TBA, and MVP vs. TBA (originally Umaga) will all wrestle on the show. WWC is promoted by the legendary Carlos Colon, father of Carilto and Primo.

The Best of SmackDown 1999 – 2009 DVD which is due out later this year will feature 100 greatest moments in the show’s history. Not so surprisingly there are no mentions of Chris Benoit although a few Kurt Angle skits and matches did make the cut. The 3-disc set is hosted by Michael Cole and Matt Striker. Some of the highlights include: Hulk Hogan as Mr. America; Triple H vs. Tazz title match from 2000; Mick Foley & The Rock teaming as The Rock ‘N’ Sock Connection; Eddie Guerrero auctioning off Kurt Angle’s gold medal; Rob Van Dam vs. Steve Austin from 2001; Billy & Chuck Wedding from 2002; Booker T and Steve Austin in a supermarket brawl from 2001; and the 9-11 Tribute Show from September 13, 2001, which was listed as the No. 1 moment in Smackdown history.

AdMeld at www.admeld.com announced a partnership today with WWE to manage its ad network relationships for WWE.com.

Some notes from WWE developmental. Tyler Reks beat Drew McIntyre to become the new FCW champ. McIntyre has just started on the road with Raw… DJ Gabriel, Ricky Ortiz and Ezekiel Jackson are back in Tampa until creative come up with new ideas for them… Joseph Canterbury (son of Mark Canterbury aka Henry Godwinn) has been released.

FCW has a TV taping tonight at the FCW Arena, located at 4535 South Dale Mabry, Tampa. They also have a special Father’s Day show on Friday at the Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee. For more info you can call (321) 697-3333. There will be special autograph signings with Mike Rotundo, Haku, and Ted DiBiase who all have sons in FCW as well as Beth Phoenix, Candice Michelle and Festus listed as appearing.

ECW on Tuesday dew a 1.1 rating.

Raw was No. 5 and No.8 in rankings for the top 15 programs on cable networks for the week ending 6/14. The Closer on TNT, Royal Pains on USA, NASCAR on TNT, and Burn Notice on USA all finished ahead of WWE.

On The Price is Right on Monday there was a guy who had a replica WWE belt who spent the show trying to act like Randy Savage. You can watch his antics on YouTube at http://tinyurl.com/lwhxaq.

The reason Edge and Christian were pulled from house shows last weekend was to rest as both were banged up from Extreme Rules.

Ric Flair came to Raw on Monday apparently under the impression that he would be made Raw GM as that was something he had discussed with Vince more or less straight after Vickie Guerrero gave notice. In fact, the only reason they had him come to the show, other than being in Charlotte, was the hope that some of the wrestlers would leak the info, as only a handful of people knew about the deal with Trump. The funny thing was most people were assuming it was going to be Flair anyway as the show was in Charlotte.

From Globe reader Joseph Sena… I was watching the A&E channel earlier today and the Hardy Boyz theme was used in the Dog: The Bounty Hunter promo for tonight’s show. It was the theme they used back during the Team Extreme era.

Impact tonight on Spike includes Team 3D & Beer Money, Inc vs. The Motor City Machineguns & Lethal Consequences; Angelina Love & Daffney vs.
Awesome Kong & Taylor Wilde; Daniels vs. The Amazing Red; and a three-way main event of Mick Foley & Jeff Jarrett vs. AJ Styles & Samoa Joe vs. Sting & Kurt Angle.

Trina Michaels, a former adult movie star, who is trying to break into wrestling hinted on her MySpace that she is TNA-bound. She received some attention recently for some promos she put on YouTube, including one which a WWE writer “borrowed” which ended up used on Raw almost word-for-word. Its believed that Mick Foley has recommended using her to management.

TNA is now doing a deal where if you purchase a regular priced ticket for Slammiversary on Sunday you get a second ticket for half price. So far over 2,500 tickets have been sold in the 20,000 capacity Palace at Auburn Hills. I am sure with walk up they will be thrilled with anything near 5,000 on the night.

The latest Spin Cycle is online at http://tinyurl.com/n2gs4y with Angelina Love, Raven, Scott Steiner, and Alex Shelley. At the start of the show Jeremy Borash played an audio clip of Eric Bischoff knocking him during a radio interview. What ensues with Mick Foley is hilarious.
You have to check this out.

The Grand Rapids Press at http://tinyurl.com/kq2jep has a story on Alex Shelley pushing Friday’s house show. He talks about growing up in Detroit and said he was living out of a car when he broke into the business in 2002.

The Examiner at http://tinyurl.com/kufvuc interviewed Daniels. On the untimely death of Misawa: “It’s definitely tragic. I think it’s a fear we all have in the back of our minds that we are going to die in the ring. He carried his promotion on his shoulders and I think that may have contributed to his early demise; just that pressure of being the man in his company for such a long time. It’s pressure I can hardly imagine. If it were my shoulders that the company rested on I don’t know how I would’ve handled it. Plus the fact that he handled it with grace and dignity for so long. It’s a tragedy that it happened the way it did but his legend goes way beyond him.”

Always interesting to see what different wrestler’s are ‘Tweeting’ on Twitter. The following post last night is courtesy of Melissa Anderson aka Cheerleader Melissa aka Raisha Saeed: “Getting a Brazilian wax!
Yes.. Right now!” She didn’t post a photo…

We don’t know any details yet but its been confirmed to us that Rena Lesnar (the former WWE Diva Sable and wife of Brock) gave birth to a baby boy. Mother and baby are said to be doing fine.

The latest ROH videowire is up including their 10-bell salute to Misawa at http://tinyurl.com/lxptp6.

More than 1000 tickets have been sold for tonight’s Wrestling Supershow at the Fort William Gardens in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The show features Sid vs. Jim Duggan; Hannibal and Abdullah The Butcher vs. The Highlanders; Brutus Beefcake vs. Lanny Poffo; and Koko B. Ware vs. Tiger Rag Singh.

Ricky Banderas at http://tinyurl.com/ls86pz gives his version of the altercation and drug-related beatdown of a fan from last weekend in Chihuahua, Mexico. Interview is in Spanish. Basically he claims he had zero-involvement in the altercation and that he didn’t use any drugs like was reported by the various news outlets. He claims that he was actually trying to calm down the situation but believes that the fan just wants to screw with his career.

The Milford, MA Daily News at http://tinyurl.com/kn39wj has a good article on Roddy Piper looking at his previous battle with cancer.

Paul London recently shot a commercial for Pizza Hut.

Wrestlers Rescue at www.wrestlersrescue.org is auctioning off a 26” LCD TV for the Dr. Death Campaign. The aim is to raise $20,000 for former wrestler and cancer survivor Dr. Death Steve Williams to obtain a hands-free voice box to assist in speaking and fight infections due to a stoma.

Pro Wrestling Eklipse run on Friday at JoBob’s ELITE Fight Club, 4797 Allen Rd, Zephyrhills, FL. More info at http://www.eKlipsepro.com.

Diva-Dirt.com presents WGN’s Diva of the Day, Torrie Wilson at http://www.diva-dirt.com/divaoftheday/

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