53rd CAC Reunion Dates Set

The Cauliflower Alley Club is pleased to announce the dates for the 53rd CAC Reunion will be April 30, May 1, and May 2, 2018 once again at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV.  Check the website periodically for more details as they become available. 

Thank you to all of our wonderful membership who attended this past week’s 52nd CAC Reunion.  We hope you had a great time!  The seminars this year were first class, and all of the awards nominees gave terrific speeches that exemplified why they were being honored by the CAC.  Also, a special thank you to Mr. Jim Ross for hosting our Wednesday night award banquet, and to Mr. Greg Oliver for working the roving mic on Tuesday night. 

Don’t forget to send your reunion pictures for the official CAC 2017 photo album to dbuckler@caci.com.  PLEASE indicate clearly who is in the photo.  Thanks!!