50th State Big Time Wrestling (Hawaii)

06/26/2007 – Honolulu, Hawai’i

Hawai’i has a rich history in Pro Wrestling, and now there is a site that
wrestling fans of all ages can go to and enjoy getting a taste of Hawaii’s
contribution to this wonderful world of Professional Wrestling in the 60’s,
70’s, and 80’s! Some of you may have been too young to remember or
weren’t even born yet! Find out how it all began at: http://www.50thstatebigtimewrestling.com

To see 50th State Big Time Wrestling memorabilia,
check out:

Hawaii All-Collectors Show
July 20 – 21, 2007
Blaisdell Exhibition Hall
Honolulu, HI

For additional information, contact: 50th State Big Time Wrestling
Bill Atkinson: 808-298-9148
Or email: wrestlinghawaii@yahoo.com (in association with AWA / Hawai’i Championship Wrestling)