2017 CAC Reunion Information

The Cauliflower Alley Club (CAC) is pleased to announce the 2017 honorees and activities for our 52nd Reunion May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.


  • Tully Blanchard –  Iron Mike Award
  • Kevin Von Erich – Lou Thesz / Art Abrams Lifetime Achievement Award
  • GLOW Girls – Women’s Wrestling Award
  • Dave Meltzer –  James Melby Historian Award
  • Bobby Simmons – Charlie Smith Referee Award
  • “Tokyo Monster” Kahagas – Men’s Wrestling Award
  • The Cuban Assassin – Men’s Wrestling Award

Note: Award nominees subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control.

Event Activities:

  • Nostalgia Fair with vendors and special guests
  • “Casino Royale” wrestling matches by Vendetta Pro Wrestling on Sunday April 30th and Monday May 1st
  • Learning seminars throughout the week [view the schedule here]
  • Bowling and cribbage tournaments
  • Bockwinkel Blowout banquet on Tuesday May 2nd
  • Awards banquet on Wednesday May 3rd
  • Special photos/autograph sessions
  • and much and more!

Special Guest Announcers: “J.R.” Jim Ross, “Mean” Gene Okerlund, and David Buckler

Special Guests: Rick Martell and Tony Garea

Hurry, as we are expecting a sellout and reunion tickets are going fast ($125.00 per person, see www.caulifloweralleyclub.org for complete information).  Special hotel room rates are available for CAC members.

The CAC would like to express our deepest gratitude to the WWE for their long-time support, and thanks to our CAC members and participants.

Note: Cauliflower Alley Club is pro wrestling’s only 501c3 charity and supports the mission to give “necessary” financial aid to wrestlers and those who made their living in the wrestling industry.