17 WWE Stars Who Lost Their Looks


Courtesy of therichest.com:

Hot To Not: 17 WWE Stars Who Lost Their Looks

Professional wrestling is one of the most grueling jobs one can put their bodies through. Not only is it physically demanding, it is also very mentally taxing. Wrestlers put their bodies through years of constant punishment, night in and night out, and they are in the ring despite the nagging injuries they might have. With this hard lifestyle being part of the job, the aging process is unfortunately sped up for wrestlers.

This rapid aging is contributed by injuries and mental distress. Another major factor is the constant travel and partying lifestyle that goes along with being a professional wrestler. It’s unfortunate, but substance abuse is also very common in the world of wrestling. Several stars battle addiction problems throughout their careers and in most cases, it’s the cause for their rapid aging. For many wrestlers on this list, rapid aging can be attributed to their years of service in the ring, and by not getting the proper time to rest their numerous injuries, which they are now feeling the effects of years later. For others, it was in their post wrestling life that they developed depression from being away from the ring. So, here are 17 WWE stars who lost their looks.

17. Lex luger

Luger 2

Lex Luger has struggled in his post wrestling life. He was charged with domestic abuse against his former girlfriend, the late Mrs. Elizabeth. A month later, Elizabeth would pass away because of an accidental overdose. After searching their home, police found a number of substances including anabolic steroids, OxyContin, synthetic growth hormones, and testosterone. This led to Luger being charged with 13 accounts of felony and would leave him financially broke. After a spinal infraction, Luger was left paralyzed and frail. The once perfect specimen is now a shell of what he used to look like. Though, to Luger’s credit, he has turned his life around and his health has significantly gotten better over the years.

16. X-Pac

X Pac

Waltman was tremendously skilled in the ring, which is the main reason as to why he was a significant part of the WWE and WCW. Though, even with all his success, Waltman’s life had spun out of control and if not for his good friend Kevin Nash, he most likely would not be alive today. Pac was a heavy user of crystal meth, and his addiction was so out of control that he injected meth in the bathroom minutes before his high profile X-Division Championship match against AJ Styles, in 2002. Waltman was reportedly so incoherent that he forgot the finish to the match. TNA fired him after the incident. From there, his drug addiction would continue and he would develop an alcohol problem as well.

The lowest point in Waltman’s life happened when he woke up in a hospital bed after taking 40 Valium pills with a bottle of rum, wrote a suicide note and hung himself with a hose before blacking out. Kevin Nash would come to the aid of his friend and pay for a high end psychiatric rehabilitation facility. All the years of drug abuse have severely aged Waltman; he is 43 years old, but resembles a man over 50.

Read the rest of the list here.