15 Wrestlers Who Have Allegedly Had Plastic Surgery

By John Taurus:

Everyone knows that to make it to the big stage, it is extremely important to have that “look”. It’s true for a lot of sports, really. You will hear a scout say “he looks like a future star”. Most of that is, of course, based on them performing on the field or in the ring. For instance, someone could have watched Brock Lesnar or Kurt Angle as an amateur wrestler and declared “they look like future stars”. And that’s fine and all that, but when it comes to sports entertainment specifically, when they talk about the “look”, it doesn’t just mean how they pull off moves.

No, the look is the aesthetics. The height. The weight. The hair. The curves (hey, the women count here too!). It used to be that, for a wrestler to really get that stereotypical look, the one that everyone swears Vince McMahon lusted for, you’d more than likely have to use weights, bottles and needles to achieve the full measure of success. I mean, there’s absolutely a reason why there was a McMahon steroid trial, and countless wrestlers before, during and since have either confessed to abusing performance enhancing drugs or have been busted for them. There’s always going to be a quest to have that nearly mythical “perfect body”, because for every average looking guy who makes it to the top (and we are looking right at the now-retired Daniel Bryan), WWE will give us plenty of larger than life guys (Roman Reigns, Dave Batista and the list goes on). I mean, at least champions like Kevin Owens or Dean Ambrose are a bit more typical in terms of body composition. But, for what cannot be achieved (fast enough or well enough) in a gym, there’s another resort.

This one still involves needles and drugs, but is legal and accepted. Yes, my friends, I’m talking about plastic surgery. And there are plenty of stars who have either admitted to having it, or who so clearly had it, there’s no real point in asking them. So let’s run down that list, shall we?

15. Stacy Keibler

You might think this one is iffy, and I don’t necessarily disagree, And, for what it’s worth, this allegedly did not happen until her post-World Wrestling Entertainment career. The one-time Nitro dancer and Miss Hancock was always one of the most gorgeous women to have ever graced a wrestling ring. Her legs went on for miles, and she was the source of many dreams, no doubt. So would she have needed plastic surgery? Did she have it? So far as I can tell, she hasn’t admitted to it, and while she was active in ring, I don’t think she needed it. Folks have speculated she had various enhancements done after the fact, since age and motherhood may have taken a toll, and sometimes going under the knife is easier or more effective. It’s not impossible to imagine she’s had her breasts done, as well as a supposed nose job, and the ever-popular Botox.

14. Jerry Lawler

Kings don’t have plastic surgery, do they? They do when they can afford it, or when they are vain. Not saying Jerry is shallow, but most cases of plastic surgery sort of depend on the customer having insecurities, or having major vanity issues. In fact, most surgeons bank on that. But, this is not about judging. So why is Lawler on the list? Some of it is speculation, because almost no one likes to admit they have had work done. A lot of it is common sense and trusting our eyes, because for a man in his sixties, man does Jerry look great. Especially, in his case, his face. Many observant folks have chosen to point out that, in spite of his age, his lifestyle and his profession, his face is like that of a man half his age. Now, when you spend (or, spent) a lot of time in front of a camera, and your face was an asset, well, it’s understandable why you’d want to keep it looking it’s best.

13. Lita

This one is almost undeniable, though to my knowledge there’s no formal admission of any procedures either-so take this with a grain of salt, if you will. However, all that being said, there are plenty of folks who have noticed that if you look at Lita before she got to be a big star during the Attitude Era, and then looked at her as she was at her peak, they have done a convincing job of showing demonstrable changes to her physical appearance. A nip here, a tuck there, perhaps some assets became a bit bigger to play up her sex appeal? Hey, she would not be the first, or last, woman in World Wrestling Entertainment to have it done. And, whatever she had done, I don’t think anyone watching her complained one iota.

12. Cody Rhodes

I know plenty of ladies loved Cody Rhodes while the son of the American Dream called World Wrestling Entertainment rings his home. Nice guy, good looking, successful. What’s not to like? Well, Cody had some issues with his teeth (most wrestlers do, really. Call it an occupational hazard). And, since he was finding success in his young career, with success comes a bit of financial flexibility. Meaning, you have a chance to afford things that were previously financially out of your reach. Like, say, fixing your chompers, as work on your pearly whites can be obscenely expensive. So, right around the time of his main roster debut, he had his teeth all fixed up and made pretty for the cameras, and the rest, as they say, is history.

11. Stephanie McMahon

Augmentation so apparent, even a blind man could have seen it. And, she openly discussed the surgery too, going so far as to discuss it on a national radio show, and later on (more recently) she also discussed the procedure on a podcast with Chris Jericho. As she explained it to Jericho, her decision was a purely personal one. She reasoned that, at the time, she had lost a bunch of weight and was not happy with how certain things looked, because sometimes things don’t always go where you want them when you lose weight. So she decided she would have the rest surgically adjusted, if you will. She did her homework, and explained her decision to her mother. Once Linda understood it and felt her daughter was making an informed decision, Stephanie went forward and had it done. Now, everyone is just used to them.

See the rest of the list here.