10 Questions With.. Billy Bax (Super 8)

In just over 2 weeks, ECWA will hold the 2007 Super 8 Tournament in DE.Thus far WrestlingClothesline.com has brought you “10 Questions With…” 2007 ECWA Super 8 participants Brian Fury, Rob Conway, Rob Eckos, Human Tornado, and Brian Fury.

Today we present 10 Questions With… Billy Bax!

1. For those who may not already know, what made you decide to get involved in professional wrestling?

Like most of us who do this, I’ve been a fan since childhood. That’s actually how I got started in amateur wrestling when I was a kid, because of the fact that it was called “wrestling”. I like being able to put a character on and be somebody I’m not. It has the perfect mix of theatrics and athleticism.

2. You have been in the ECWA, as a single’s competitor and part of a very successful tag team, for quite some time now. What has it been like working in one of the premiere indy organizations? Do you think working primarily as a tag team may hinder you in a singles tourny, like the Super 8?

Working in the ECWA is the best. The promotion has a well established history and runs good quality shows. Good quality shows that you can use as learning experiences are hard to find in wrestling these days. As far as being primarily a tag team wrestler, I don’t think it’s going to be a hindrance. When you get to this level of competition you need to be able to adapt and do everything.

3. You are a participant in this years’ ECWA Super 8 Tournament. What was your reaction when earning that spot in such a prestigious tournament?

I’ve lived in the PA/DE area my whole life, and actually the first ECWA show I went to was the Super 8 in 1998. Being a fan of the tournament I was just thrilled to be invited. It’s a real honor to be included in such a long list of outstanding performers. It’s been a goal I’ve mine since I started wrestling 7 years ago and now to finally achieve it feels great.

4. Any thoughts on how you’ll prepare physically for three possible matches in the Super 8?

You have to be ready to go all the time in this business. The one thing I have put more emphasis on is cardio. To be able to wrestle 3 quality matches at this level will come down to having the wind to do it.

5. Have you had the opportunity to wrestle any of the other Super 8 participants in the past? If so, whom?

The only person from this year’s tournament I’ve had the opportunity to wrestle in the past is Matt Logan. I think that’s a good thing though, it gives the people something new and fresh they haven’t seen before.
For the remainder of this exclusive interview, as well as those previous conducted be sure to check out WrestlingClothesline.com.

Stay tuned with WrestlingClothesline.com in the days to come for interviews with all the Super 8 participants, including Jerry Lynn, MDogg!!

For more info on this year’s ECWA Super 8 check out ecwaprowrestling.com!
Brett A. Schwan
The Wrestling Clothesline