Superstar Billy Graham
by Billy Graham & Keith Elliot Greenberg
Description: A pretty interesting life of one of wrestlings most
colorful performers gets covered in this book. Superstar Billy Graham from
his humble days of a young evanglist to a world champion in pro
wrestling was always battling demons from within. Billy Graham seems to always
fall in with the wrong crowd be it shady preachers, theiving college
kids or hard partier wrestlers. With the WWE closely watching his
writing, they seems to haelp get a come clean with yourself out of Billy
Graham. While the book is a wealth of Superstar Billy Graham's territory
days, the book always has a dark cloud hanging over it. Sex, drugs and
more drugs seem to sum up Billy's existence in wrestling. Like many
other wrestlers who fall from grace because of such, Billy reverts back
to Religion and the last chapters are spent being a bit preachy. Maybe
someone who lived such a Tangled life needs to get this off his chest.
Billy is given a second chance in life with a new liver after steriods
and drugs had destroyed his own.
On the postive side of this book are lots of good road stories. Unlike
many wrestlers writing books, Billy Graham does not pretend he was the
next coming of Frank Gotch. He knew he had the look, the gift of
talking and was able to get by with that instead of pure wrestling ability.
Billy does a pretty good job chronicling his travels from territory to
territory and his feuds, great matches along with his battle against
drugs at each stop.
Rating: 7 out of 10, great story telling but too much nonwrestling
info that was a downer. I guess you can not tell the story of Supertar
Billy Graham and make it all glory and happy endings, that would not be
an accurate account of this legends life. I am glad Billy has gotten
his life together and is doing well and if you are a fan of this
superstar this book is a must. In Fact if you are a fan of pro wrestling its a
must. If you have battled your own deomons, then this book gives you
that perspective of another man's fight and how Religion helps him out.
Reviewed by Greg Mosorjak on December 29, 2006.