April 10, 2006
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Announcers: Joey Styles & Jerry Lawler & The Coach
- "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan defeated Rene Dupree in a dark match..
- Eugene defeated Matt Longtime..
- Viscera defeated Adrean Lynch..
- Trevor Murdoch defeated Gene Snitsky..
- Lance Cade defeated Goldust with help from Trevor Murdoch..
- IN THE RING: Edge w/Lita + John Cena + Triple H..
- Edge talked about the recently announced Triple Threat match at Backlash for the WWE championship..
- Edge said that he was the most watched WWE Champion of all time and he will become a 2-time Champion..
- John Cena came out and says Edge won't go home empty-handed -- -- implying that he'll take Lita home..
- John Cena claimed ratings went up when Edge was Champion because they wanted to see him kick Edge's ass!
- Edge said Triple H made John Cena look like a chump last week and added that he (Edge) hates the fans..
- Edge said John Cena actually cares about what "complete strangers" think and try to please them..
- John Cena said that if everyone told him how great he was then it would probably all go to his head..
- John Cena said he would probably get an ego and give himself a nick-name like "King of Kings" or something..
- Triple H (dressed to compete) showed up and said there is nobody who would confuse Cena with Triple H..
- Triple H said it doesn't matter if the fans boo or cheer him, because in the end they all respect him..
- John Cena said he is one of those folks who doesn't like Triple H, but he sure does respect him..
- Edge cut in and said that he was the star of WrestleMania and would prove it but he's still injured..
- Triple H said beating Mick Foley was nothing, citing that he already did that six years ago..
- Triple H said Mick Foley was a turd that wouldn't flush (the old Owen Hart "nugget" insult)..
- Triple H said Vince McMahon ordered Edge to face Triple H & John Cena in a Handicap match tonight..
- Edge complained saying this is only happening because he is the biggest threat in the Backlash 3-WAY..
- Edge left and Triple H offered to shake John Cena's hand, but Cena gave HHH a stiff slap accross the face!
- MATCH: "Mr. Money in the Bank" Rob Van Dam defeated Rob Conway..
- WWE.com Unlimited: Rob Conway came to the ring and bumped into HHH, who punched him in the face!
- Shelton Benjamin came out and joined Joey Styles & Jerry Lawler & The Coach on commentary.
- Shelton Benjamin challenged RVD to a match at Backlash with the Money in the Bank on the line..
- Afterwards: Rob Van Dam said he would accept Shelton's challenge if he put up his IC championship..
- INTERVIEW: Maria Kanellis & Mickie James..
- Mickie James said it feels amazing to be WWE Women's Champion and says she has to thank Trish Stratus..
- Mickie James said of all her WrestleManias this was her greatest and can't wait to go back to Toronto..
- Maria Kanellis said Mickie James wasn't from Toronto, and James snapped and set up a match with Maria..
- Mickie James said they would have a lot of fun out there later tonight, Satisfaction Garanteed..
- INTERVIEW: Steve Romero + Kane..
- They played an exclusive video preview of Kane's movie "See No Evil" coming out... umm.. soon....
- The interviewer said Kane left the area and they hope to get an interview later on in the show..
- Kane was shown stumbling around backstage hearing voices saying "May 19, it's happening again"..
- The Big Show interrupted and asked him if he was alright and said they had work to do....
- TAG TITLE MATCH: The Spirit Squad (Johnny & Nicky) defeated The Big Show & Kane by DQ..
- Joey Styles said any two members of the Spirit Squad can defend the World Tag Team Championships..
- Late in the match, Kane snapped and threw chairs in the ring and went crazy with choke-slams..
- Kane picked up a steel chair and choke-slammed a referee for trying to take it away from him..
- The Big Show tried to reasonwith Kane and asked him what was wrong and Kane got in his face..
- Kane pushed The Big Show, and Big Show pushed Kane back and said he was "out of his friggin mind"..
- Kane grabbed The Big Show by the throat, and Big Show countered and grabbed Kane by the throat too..
- They circled eachother for a while before Kane got the advantage and choke-slammed The Big Show!
- TAPED SEGMENT: Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon..
- Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon visited a church, looking for Shawn Michaels' tag team partner (God)..
- Segment was tasteless and stupid not to mention poorly produced and not worth mentioning in length..
- INTERVIEW: Steve Romero & John Cena..
- John Cena said he doesn't mind teaming with HHH but he doesn't mind making HHH or Edge tap out..
- MATCH: Umaga w/Armando Alejandro Estrada destroyed Colt Cabana..
- IN THE RING: Carlito Cool + Chris Masters..
- Carlito Cool said he lost about 275 lbs last night, and added that Chris Masters was NOT COOL..
- Chris Masters came out and said he would wait to beat Carlito Cool's ass at Backlash..
- Chris Masters said maybe he screwed Carlito at WM22 like Carlito screwed him at NYR & Royal Rumble..
- They set up a Masterlock Challenge and Chris Masters took Carlito's apple so Carlito smashed him with a chair!
- WOMANS TITLE MATCH: Mickie James defeated Maria Kanellis to retain...
- Mickie James (dressing as Trish) destroyed Maria Kanellis and finished her off with a "Mick Kick" to the head!
- After the match, Trish Stratus ran down dressed like Mickie James and "acting" like an obsessive Mickie fan..
- Trish Stratus raised the confused Mickie James' hand and then planted a kiss right on her lips!
- Mickie James bailed out, not knowing what to think, as Trish blew her a kiss from the ring..
- HANDICAP MATCH: Triple H & John Cena defeated Edge w/Lita..
- Triple H came out to his old "I Am The Game" music, which sucks cause his new entrance music is awesome..
- John Cena went for the FU on Edge, but Triple H stopped it and then hit Edge with a Pedigree!
- John Cena then FU'd his partner (Triple H) and made Edge tap out to the STF-U submission!
- And that's a wrap folks..
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