October 21, 2002
Nashville, Tennessee
Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler
- KICKOFF: Triple H & Ric Flair + Hurricane..
- Triple H says he's got a messege for everyone who said he didn't deserve to be awarded the World title..
- .... Screw you!
- Triple H says that he ended 23 years of Intercontinental History..
- Triple H says that he does what he wants and when he wants and nobody can do a thing about it..
- Triple H says that he just might be the greatest World champion of all time..
- Triple H says that beating Kane was like one more nail in Katie Vick's coffin..
- Triple H says Kane isn't here yet..
- Triple H says he hopes Kane didn't get in a car accident and kill somebody..
- Triple H says that maybe Kane didn't show up because of the video tape he has..
- Triple H says he has video that proves that Kane is a murderer and rapist..
- Suddenly Hurricane comes running out out of nowhere and attacks Triple H and Ric Flair..
- Hurricane grabs the video tape and tries to escape but Flair/HHH catches him and beats him up!
- They get the tape back and tell Hurricane it doesn't matter what he does, he's gonna show the tape!
- Triple H says that when he does, this issue will be just like Katie Vick.. DEAD!
- Editor's Note: Gosh I thought we were past this bullsh*t..
- MATCH: Jeff Hardy vs Chris Nowinski..
- Jeff throws Nowinski out of the ring..
- Jeff leaps over the referee and lands on Nowinski outside the ring!
- Al Snow runs down for the second week in a road and helps Nowinski defeat Hardy!
- WINNER: Chris Nowinski.
- BACKSTAGE: Eric Bischoff + Stacy Keibler + Big Show..
- Bischoff watching video of Big Show assulting him last night..
- Stacy comes in and asks if she can referee a match tonight..
- Bischoff says she can pick any match she wants, just not the main event..
- Big Show comes in to meet with Bischoff..
- Bischoff tries to apologize to Big Show and says that it is water under the bridge..
- Bischoff tells Big Show that he will face Rico, Rosey & Jamal in a handicap match tonight..
- BACKSTAGE: Al Snow & Tommy Dreamer..
- Tommy confronts Al Snow about interfering in his match last week..
- Al says it wasn't his intention to cost Tommy the match..
- Tommy says that he and Al Snow will have a Singapore Cane match tonight..
- Tommy exits and Nowinski enters..
- Nowinski says "Thanks but No thanks" to Al Snow..
- Nowinski comments that he didn't need Al to get to the WWE, he certainly doesn't need him now..
- IN THE RING: Lance Storm & William Regal..
- Storm says that the UnAmericans are finished, but he and Regal are very much together..
- Storm says that he and Regal share eachothers views..
- Regal comments on how much of a sesepool this country has become..
- Regal asks how long it will take for Americans to believe what they've been talking about all along..
- TAG MATCH: Lance Storm & William Regal vs Bubba & Spike Dudley..
- Spike and Bubba defeat Regal & Storm to win a tag team title shot at Jericho & Christian..
- Storm & Regal attack the Dudleyz with the brass knuckles after the match..
- WINNER: Bubba & Spike Dudley..
- BACKSTAGE: Trish & Photographer + Jericho/Christian..
- Trish finishing up a photoshoot with the WWE Women's title..
- The photographer asks what was up with Victoria attacking her last night..
- Trish says that Victoria is obviously a psychopath!
- Jericho & Christian come in and asks Trish to tell Booker & Goldust that they are NOT suckas!
- Jericho & Christian say some other garbage that doesn't really matter..
- ON STAGE: Eric Bischoff..
- Bischoff says that Big Show is gonna find out when you lay your hands on Eric Bischoff..
- Bischoff says that at Survivor Series, fans will bare witness to the "Elimination Chamber"..
- Bischoff gets an intense sadistic look on his face..
- VIGNETTE: Batista..
- The Genetic REvolution has begun!
- MATCH: Test vs DLo Brown (Stacy Keibler as referee)..
- Test is wearing his new attire, gray shorts..
- Stacy helps Test by holding the ropes open as he enters the ring..
- Stacy even slaps DLo before the match starts!
- A few minutes into the match, DLo hits his finishing move but Stacy pretends to tie her shoe!
- Test fights back and wins the match when Stacy gives a fast count!
- Stacy jumps on Test after the match with a big hug!
- Stacy & Test leave hand-in-hand..
- WINNER: Test..
- INTERVIEW: Terri & Victoria + Goldust & Booker T..
- Terri says that Trish has denied that she has slept her way to the top..
- Victoria asks Terri if she's calling her a liar?
- Victoria says that Trish is the liar!
- Goldust walks up behind Victoria and 'huuuuuuuuses' at her..
- Booker comes in saying something about their six person tag match later that I didn't understand..
- INTERGENDER MATCH: Booker/Goldust/Trish vs Christian/Jericho/Victoria..
- Late in the match, Trish hits a crossbody on Jericho off the top rope scoring a nearfall!
- Goldust sets Jericho for the Shattered Dreams but Victoria breaks it up..
- Goldust gives Victoria a big kiss and throws her into Jericho..
- Trish goes after Jericho but he gives her a brutal clothesline!
- Jericho locks Trish in the Walls of Jericho and she is forced to taps out..
- Jericho refuses to break the hold until Booker T chases him off..
- WINNER: Christian/Jericho/Victoria..
- Terri standing outside of Kane's lockerroom hoping to talk to Kane after Triple H's video plays
- INTERVIEW: Coach & Triple H..
- Coach asks Triple H why he is doing this..
- Triple H says he is doing it to show the world what kind of man Kane really is..
- Triple H warns everybody that this video is not for the squimish..
- The footage rolls..
- ~~~We're in a funeral home, presumably at the wake of Katie Vick..
- ~~~Triple H (wearing a Kane mask) enters the empty room and approaches the casket..
- ~~~Triple H (Kane) tells the corpse that she looks better dead than alive..
- ~~~Triple H (Kane) goes on about how Katie didn't love him cause he was a 'burnt up freak'.
- ~~~Triple H (Kane) pretends that the corpse is talking back to him and asking him to be with her..
- At this point, TSN cuts to commercial editing out the scene..
- Editor's Note: What the hell was this that was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in Wrestling..
- Editor's Note: Again I am left being ashamed to be a wrestling fan..
- Not that it matters but the scene ended wth Triple H (Kane) getting into the casket with Katie Vick..
- SINGAPORE CANE MATCH: Al Snow vs Tommy Dreamer..
- The two start off with taking turns whacking eachother with the canes..
- Nowinski comes out with a cane of his own and takes a swing at Tommy Dreamer but hits Al Snow!
- Dreamer pins Al and stands over him showing his concern..
- WINNER: Tommy Dreamer..
- HANDICAP MATCH: Big Show vs Rico, Rosey & Jamal..
- Big Show is triple teamed for a while before getting mad and fight back..
- Big Show wins after chokeslamming one of the big guys..
- WINNER: Big Show..
- INTERVIEW: Coach & Big Show + Eric Bischoff..
- Coach asks Big Show about his big win tonight..
- Bischoff steps and says that Big Show has been traded and must leave the building!
- Bischoff walks away and tells Big Show that he'll be hearing from his attorneys..
- Coach tells Big Show that he is sorry..
- Big Show says not to be sorry for him, that Coach still has to work for that a$$hole!
- LIVE AT THE WORLD: Shawn Michaels in a wheel chair..
- Shawn tells JR that he is feeling better than the last time they talked..
- Shawn says that the rehab is going very slow as the fans chant HBK! HBK! HBK!
- Shawn says he realizes everything he does in his life and in the WWE is a testiment to God and his wife..
- Shawn says that giving up is not an option..
- Shawn says that his thoughts always go back to Triple H..
- Shawn says that he wants to proove how far he has come..
- Shawn gently takes one foot at a time out of the wheel chair..
- Shawn suddenly leaps to his feet!
- Shawn says that HBK is UP and he is MOBILE!
- Shawn says that HBK is back and somewhere down the line, he is gonna get Triple H!
- MAIN EVENT: Ric Flair & Triple H vs Kane & Rob Van Dam..
- Mid-way through the match, Kane & Triple H brawl outside the ring while RVD & Flair battle inside..
- A few minutes later, RVD goes for the frog splash on HHH but Flair pushes him off the top to the outside!
- Late in the match, Kane & Triple H brawl to the backstage area..
- Inside the ring RVD kicks Flair in the face from the top rope!
- RVD follows up with the rolling thunder, and then a five-star-frog splash!
- RVD pins Flair to win the match!
- WINNERS: Rob Van Dam & Kane..
- BACKSTAGE: Kane vs Triple H..
- Kane & Triple H brawling backstage...
- Kane reverses the pedigree into a slingshot onto the hood of a car!
- Kane then chokeslams Triple H on the hod of the car!
- Kane picks Triple H up and drops him in the trunk of the car..
- Hurricane slams the trunk door closed locking Triple H inside..
- Kane suggests Hurricane get out of here..
- Kane bangs on the trunk door to get Triple H's attention..
- Kane tells Triple H that now he is going to screw HIM!
- Kane questions weather he will do it while he's still alive or when he's DEAD!
- Triple H bangs on the trunk door as Kane drives off..
- ~~~Which would have been cool if the trunk didn't accidentally open and Triple H tried to cover it up..
- Worst RAW ever..
- The most controversial RAW ever..
- Followed by backlash from the Networks that air the program as well as fans everywhere..
- Fans contact TNN about getting the show they watch religously yanked off the air..
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