New England Championship Wrestling

  • January 11, 2003 – New England Championship Wrestling in North Kingston, RI before 350 fans: The Noize Boyz b Zachary Springate III and Steve King, Aaron Morrison b Justin Powers, April Hunter and Nikki Roxx b Mercedes Martinez and Scott Dickinson, Brian Jury b Amado Perez (best match on show), Pain (Kevin Landry) vs. Alex Arion ended in a Double DQ, Bob Evans b Chris Venom, Maverick Wild b Slyk Wagner Brown, Antonio Thomas and Chad Storm b Egomaniacs.
  • April 19, 2003 – New England Championship Wrestling in Hamden, CT: Brian Jury b K.L. Murphy, Chris Venom b Justin Powers, Anthony Michaels b Psycho Mike by DQ, April Hunter and Trinity b Mercedes Martinez and Riptide, Noodles Nixon b Puerto Rican Brother, Bob Evans b Slyk Wagner Brown, Noize Boyz b Jury and Venom, Zachary Springate III b Angelius, Alex Arion b Pain and Antonio Thomas in a 3-WAY. Kevin Kelly (ex-WWE announcer) is now with the group both working as a heel antagonist type and behind the scenes.
  • July 12, 2003 – New England Championship Wrestling in Hamden, CT: K.L. Murphy b Justin Cage, Frankie Arion b Chaos, Mark Gore and Anthony Michaels won over Noise Boys, Brian Jury and Chris Venom and D.C. Dillinger and Eddie Edwards, Jason Static b Kid Trance, Brandon Locke b Zachary Springate III, Johnny Idol and J Busta b Antonio Thomas and Pain, El Boriqua b ZRX, Sumie Sakai and Mercedes Martinez b Nikki Rox and Violet Flame, Bob Evans and Mike Osbourne b Maverick Wild and Alex Arion.
  • August 10, 2003 – New England Championship Wrestling in Somerville, MA as the company’s third anniversary show: El Boriqua and Mercedes Martinez b D.C. Dillinger and Nikki Roxx and Kid Mikaze and Sumie Sakai in a 3-WAY Mixed Tag match, Pain b Mike Osbourne, J-Busta and Johnny Idol NC Matt Striker and Ace Darling, Zaquary Springate III b Brandon Locke in a coward waves the flag match, Chris Venom and Bran Fury b Noize Boyz, Maverick Wild b Antonio Thomas and Bob Evans and Alex Arion in a 4-WAY 45:00 Iron man match.
  • August 23, 2003 – New England Championship Wrestling in Hamden, CT before 200 fans: Brandon Locke b K.L. Murphy, Brian Jury and Chris Venom b Noise Boys, Kid Trance b ?, Zachary Springate III b El Boriqua, Antonio Thomas and Frankie Arion b Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillenger, Sumie Sakai b Nikki Rox, Alex Arion b Mike Osbourne, Shaolin Wrecking Crew b Joey de Bull and Studly Steve, Ron Zombie b Chaos, Johnny Idol and J Busta NC Anthony Michaels and Mark Gore, Steve Bradley b Mercedes Martinez, Maverick Wild b Bob Evans.
  • September 20, 2003 – New England Championship Wrestling in Hamden, CT for a one night tournament for the tag titles: Shaolin Wrecking Crew b K.L. Murphy, Johnny Idol and J-Busta vs Anthony Michaels and Mark Gore ended in a Double DQ, Matt Vincent and Mark Spectro b Brian Fury and Chris Venom, Bob Evans and Zaquary Springate III b Kid Trance and All Day Ray, D.C. Dillinger and Eddie Edwards b Boriqua and Mercedes Martinez, Antonio Thomas and Frankie Arion b Joey Da Bull and Chaos, Frankie Arion b Mike Osbourne, Shaolin Wrecking Crew b Vincent and Spectro, Dillinger and Edwards b Evans and Springate III, Dillinger and Edwards b Shaolin Wrecking Crew to win tournament.
  • November 14, 2003 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, MA: Johnny Idol b Mike Bennett, Ru Star b El Boriqua, Mercedes Martinez b Nikki Roxx by DQ, Mike Osbourne and Steve Bradley vs Alex Arion and Antonio Thomas ended in a Double DQ, Zaquary Springate III b Frankie Arion, Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger) b Adrenaline to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, Maverick Wild b Bob Evans in submission rules match.
  • March 13, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, MA: El Boricua and Aaron Morrison b Dr. Heresy and Tim Kilgore, Nikki Roxx b Mercedes Martinez and Hayley Skye and Tanya Lee in a 4-WAY, Mike Bennett b Bob Evans, Brandon Locke b Ru Star, Adrenaline b Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger), Mike Osbourne b Frankie A, MikeOsbourne won Bunkhouse Battle Royal, Johnny Idol b Pat Masters, Maverick Wild b Antonio Thomas.
  • April 25, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Somerville, MA: Johnny Curtis b Jason Rumble, Paul Lombardi b Scottie Slade, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b Mike Bennett and Pat Masters, El Boricua b Tim Kilgore, Mercedes Martinez b Nikki Roxx, Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dilenger b Chris Venom and Brian Fury by Countout, Frankie A b Johnny Idol, Tanya Lee and Brandon Locke b Hayley Skye and Ru Starr, Alex Arion b Antonio Thomas, Michael Sane (formerly Mike Osbourne) b Maverick Wild to win NECW title. All the wrestlers on the card came to the ring after the match to thank Wild for his 15 years in the business. They claimed his 17 months as champion was the longest of any U.S. independent promotion’s major champion.
  • May 15, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, MA: Slade Brothers b Tim Kilgore and Paul Lombardi, Tanya Lee b Sarah Sullivan, Antonio Thomas b Frankie Arion, D.C. Dillinger and Eddie Edwards b Chris Venom and Brian Fury, Mercedes Martinez and El Borcia b Ru Starr and Hayley Skye by Countout, Brandon Locke b Johnny Idol, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) vs. Mike Bennett vs. Pat Masters was no contest, Michael Sain b Alex Arion.
  • June 17, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Somerville, MASS: Scottie and Ray Slade b Paul Lombardi and Doug Summers, Rocco Abruzzi b Johnny Idol, Sumie Sakai and Tanya Lee b Mercedes Martinez and Sarah Sullivan, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) vs. Adrenaline ended in a No Contest, Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger) b Brandon Locke and Pat Masters to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, Frankie Arion b Antonio Thomas, Michael Sain b Alex Arion.
  • July 10, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, MA: Slade Brothers and Sarah Sullivan b Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi and Tanya Lee, Brandon Locke b Del Tsunami, Steve King b Johnny Idol by DQ, Adrenaline b Justin Powers and Aaron Morrison, Bob Evans b Ru Starr, Alex Arion b Antonio Thomas, Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger) b Sudden Impact, Frankie Arion b Michael Sain to win the NECW Heavyweight title.
  • August 21, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, MASS: Robin Knightwing and Kevin Grace won four-way to win NECW Tag Team titles, Chris Venom b Paul Tyrell, Sarah Sullivan won eight woman elimination, Bob Evans b Mike Bennett, Doug Summers and Justin Powers and Paul Lombardi and Rocco Abruzzi b Brandon Locke and Scott Reed and Chris Camaro and Kid Trance, Doug Williams b Brian Fury, Michael Sain b Boricua, Alex Arion b Frankie Arion.
  • August 22, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Somerville, MASS: Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes won four-way to win NECW Tag Team titles, Ru Starr b Mike Bennett, Sumie Sakai won eight woman elimination, Brian Fury b Paul Tyrell, Michael Sain b Frankie Arion to win the NECW Heavyweight title, Boricua and Scott Reed and Brandon Locke and Pat Masters and Chris Camaro b Justin Powers and Paul Lombardi and Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi and Timothy Pittman, Steve King b Jonny Idol, Chris Venom b Doug Williams and Bob Evans and Alex Arion in a 4-WAY 45 minute Iron Man match.
  • September 17, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, MASS: Ru Starr b Pat Masters, Violet Flame b Hayley Skye, Johnny Idol b Steve King, Rocco Bartucci b Nick Logan, Chris Venom vs. Bob Evans ended in a draw, Pat Masters and Nick Logan b Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) by DQ, Michael Sain b Frankie Arion.
  • October 3, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Danbury, Connecticut before 300-700 (different estimates): Jeff Starr b Kurt Adonis, Primo and Ralph Mosca b Executioners (Kurt Adonis and Nick Barberi), Julio Dinero b Romeo Roselli, Jerry Lawler b Slyck Wagner Brown with Mick Foley as ref, Chris Sabin b Damien Adams, Short Sleeve Sampson b Todd Stone, Al Snow b Chris Candido.
  • October 15, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Watertown, MASS: Paul Lombardi b El Boricua, Mercedes Martinez b Violet Flame, Ru Starr b Pat Masters, The Logan Brothers b Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) to win the NECW Tag Team titles, Steve King b Johnny Idol, Chris Venum b Bob Evans Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi and D.C. Dillinger b Matt Storm and Evans Siks and Dan Lightning V, Frankie Arion b Alex Crowley by DQ.
  • November 20, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, MASS at the Civic League: Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger) b Slades, Violet Flame b Sarah Sullivan and Ariel and Hailey Sky in a 4-WAY, Alex Crowley and Michael Sain b Alex Arion and Frankie Arion, Chris Venom b Brain Fury, El Boricua b Paul Lombardi in a strap match, Rocco Abruzzi and Doug Somers won four-way tag match, Steve King b Johnny Idol in a death match, The Logan Brothers b Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) in a TLC match.
  • December 4, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Plainfield, Connecticut: Pat Masters b Aaron Morrison, Frankie Arion b Johnny Idol, Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi b Kristian Frost and Zach Static and El Boricua and Tiger Fang, Alex Chamberlain b Paul Lombardi, Violet Flame b Mercedes Martinez and Hayley Skye and Cindy Rodgers in a 4-WAY, Bob Evans b Ru Starr, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b The Logan Brothers to win the NECW Tag Team titles, Chris Venom b Michael Sain by DQ.
  • December 11, 2004 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts before 125 fans: Paul Lombardi vs Pat Masters ended in a draw, RAVE (Kristian Frost and Zack Statick) b Kid Mikaze and Kid Lightning, El Boricua b Johnny Idol, Hayley Skye b Violet Flame and Ariel in a 3-WAY, Alex Arion vs Frankie Arion ended in a Double DQ, Tiger Fang b Aaron Morrison, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b Rocco Abruzzi and Doug Somers, Ru Starr b Bob Evans in garbage can match, The Logan Brothers b Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger), Chris Venom b Michael Sain.
  • January 15, 2005 – NECW Snowbrawl in Framingham, Massachusetts: Fred Curry Jr. b Mr. E, RAVE (Kristian Frost and Zack Statick) b D-Unit (Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi), El Boricua vs. Johnny Idol ended in a Double Countout, Ariel b Mercedes Martinez and Hayley Skye in a 3-WAY, Dan Freitas b D.C. Dillinger, Pat Masters b Paul Lombardi, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b The Logan Brothers, Mike Bennett b Ru Starr, Chris Venom b Michael Sain.
  • February 12, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts: Kevin Landry b Chris Venom by Countout, Drew Donaldson and Andy Burke b Bonebreaker and Skullkrusher, Ru Starr b Mike Bennett, Alex Arion vs Bob Evans ended in a Double DQ, Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger) b Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) to win the Tag Team titles, Danny Diaz b Johnny Idol, Mercedes Martinez b Violet Flame, Paul Lombardi and Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi b Pat Masters and Kristian Frost and Zack Statick.
  • March 12, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Plainfield, Connecticut: Afterburn and Danny Diaz b D-Unit (Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi) and Saint, Mercedes Martinez b Violet Flame, Pat Masters b Grayson Alexander, Michael Sain b Mike Bennett, Aaron Morrison b Scott Ashworth, Paul Lombardi b Bob Evans, Fred Curry Jr. b Ru Starr by DQ, RAVE (Kristian Frost and Zack Statick) b Execution, Chris Venom b Johnny Idol.
  • March 19, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts at the Framingham Civic League: The Logan Brothers b D-Unit (Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi), “The Egomaniac” Johnny Idol b “Sweet” Scott Ashworth,Natalia (formerly Hayley Skye) b Violet Flame and Mercedes Martinez in a 3-WAY (Martinez turned heel and attacked Natalia), Pat Masters b Aaron Morrison, Michael Sain w/Alex Crowley b “Miracle” Mike Bennett in a Grudge match, “The Pinnacle” Paul Lombardi b “Brutal” Bob Evans, Ru Starr vs “Rocket” Fred Curry Jr. ended in a time limit draw for the Television title, RAVE (Kristian Frost and Zack Statick) b Sabotage (D.C. Dillinger and Eddie Edwards w/Mercedes Martinez) to win the Tag Team titles, “Revolution” Chris Venom vs “Powerhouse” Kevin Landry ended in a DOUBLE DQ.
  • April 16, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massecusettes: Afterburn and Pat Masters b D-Unit (Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi) and Aaron Morrison, Scott Ashworth b Jonny Idol, RAVE (Kristian Frost and Zack Statick) b The Logan Brothers, Bob Evans b Paul Lombardi, Danny Diaz b Bryce Andrews, Alex Arion b Fred Curry Jr., Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger), Michael Sain b Mike Bennett in a stretcher match, Chris Venom b Kevin Landry.
  • April 21, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Somerville, Massachusetts: Ray Diamond and Rob Impact b Rocco Abruzzi and Canadian Lightning, Pat Masters b Shawn Candid, Ru Starr b Fred Curry Jr., Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger), Aaron Morrison b Bryce Andrews, The Logan Brothers b RAVE (Kristian Frost and Zack Statick) to win the NECW Tag Team titles, Bob Evans b Paul Lombardi, Chris Venom and Mike Bennett and Scott Ashworth b Kevin Landry and Michael Sain and Alex Arion.
  • April 23, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Seekonk, Massachusetts: Jason Blade b Jose Perez, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger), Scott Ashworth b Johnny Idol, Mike Bennett b Maverick Wild, Bob Evans b Paul Lombardi, Joe Cheche b Doug Summers, RAVE (Kristian Frost and Zack Statick) b The Logan Brothers and Fred Curry Jr. and Pat Masters and Afterburn in a 4-WAY to win the NECW Tag Team titles, Rocco Abruzzi b Ru Starr by DQ, Chris Venom b Michael Sain.
  • June 4, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Plainfield, Connecticut: Fred Curry Jr. and Pat Masters b D-Unit (Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi), Joe Chece b Johnny Idol, Riptide and Alere Little Feather b Mercedes Martinez and Cindy Rogers, Mark Bourne and Andre Lyonz b Zack Statick and Kristian Frost to win the NECW Tag Team titles, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b D.C. Dillinger and Alex Crowly, P.C. Cruz and Ray Diamond and Frankie Arion b Bryce Andrews and Texas Outlaw and Canadian Destroyer, Sonny Goodspeed b Paul Lombardi, Mike Bennett b Michael Sain, Chris Venom b Alex Arion.
  • June 5, 2005 – NECW (Afternoon Show) in Somerville, Massachusetts: Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi and Bryce Andrews and Canadian Destroyer b P.C. Cruz and Ray Diamond and El Boricua and Zack Statick, Frankie Arion b Paul Lombardi, Joe Chece b B.K. Jordan, Chece b Bob Evans, Mark Bourne and Andre Lyonz b Fred Curry Jr. and Pat Masters, Scott Ashworth b Tony Montana, Chris Venom b Alex Arion.
  • June 5, 2005 – NECW All-Women’s Tournament in Somerville, Massachusetts: Violet Flame b Jade, Nikki Roxx b Cindy Rogers, Riptide b Luscious Lilly, Mercedes Martinez b Alere Little Feather, Nikki b Violet Flame, Mercedes Martinez b Riptide, Mercedes Martinez b Nikki Roxx to win the Tournament.
  • June 18, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massecusettes: Bryce Andrews b Canadian Destroyer, Paul Lombardi b Frankie Arion, Mercedes Martinez b Violet Flame, Joe Chece b Johnny Idol, Mark Bourne and Andre Lyonz b Fred Curry Jr. and Pat Masters, Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi and Texas Outlaw b Ray Diamond and P.C. Cruz and Danny Diaz, Bob Evans vs Michael Sain ended in a Double DQ, Chris Venom b D.C. Dillinger by DQ, Chris Venom and Mike Bennett b D.C. Dillinger and Jason Blade.
  • July 9, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Uxbridge, Massachusetts: Frankie Arion b Johnny Idol, Fred Curry Jr. and Pat Masters b Tony Montana and Canadian Destroyer, Scott Ashworth and Sonny Goodspeed b D-Unit (Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi), Natalia b Jade, Afterburn b Zack Statick and Bryce Andrews, Joe Chece b Michael Sain, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) and Mike Bennett b D.C. Dillinger and Jason Blade and Eddie Edwards, Chris Venom b Paul Lombardi.
  • July 16, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts before a nearly full house for a series of elimination matches old-school Survivor Series style: Joe Chece and Scott Ashworth and Sonny Goodspeed and Danny Diaz b Tony Montana and Tex McCoy and Canadian Destroyer (I wonder if his finishing hold is called the Petey Williams?) and Jose Perez, Mercedes Martinez and Cindy Rogers and Luscious Lily b Jade and Natalia and Violet Flame, Afterburn and RAVE (Kristian Frost and Zack Statick) and The Logan Brothers and Pat Masters and Bryce Andrews b A-List and D-Unit (Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi) and Execution and Chris Camaro and Travis Blackchurch, Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes and Mike Bennett and Frankie Arion and Maverick Wild b Michael Sain and Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger and Kevin Landry and Paul Lombardi, Chris Venom b Bob Evans 5-4 in a 45:00 Iron man match.
  • August 13, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling – 5th Anniversary Show in Framingham, Massachusetts before a sellout: Brian Fury b Bryce Andrews, Zack Statik and Kristian Frost and Evan Always b Tony Montana and B.K. Jordan and Billy Valentine, Mercedes Martinez b Nikki Roxx and Violet Flame in a 3-WAY, Sonny Goodspeed b Rocco Abruzzi, Fred Curry Jr. b Johnny Idol, Ray Diamond and P.C. Cruz b Mark Bourne and Andre Lyonz by DQ, Jose Perez b Danny Diaz, Chris Venom and Frankie Arion and Mike Bennett and Bob Evans b Michael Sain and Kevin Landry and Alex Arion and Paul Lombardi in a War Games match, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger) in a TLC match inside a cage.
  • September 17, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts: RAVE (Kristian Frost and Zack Statick) b Rob Impact and Evan Always, Mike Bennett b Frankie Arion, Johnny Idol b Joe Chece, Nikki Roxx b Jade, D-Unit (Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi) b Sonny Goodspeed and Scott Ashworth, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) vs. Execution ended in a No Contest, Danny Diaz b Tony Montana, Michael Sain b Fred Curry Jr., A-List b Afterburn by DQ, Lombardi b Chris Venom.
  • September 24, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling (Afternoon Show) in Somerville, Massachusetts: Sid Momentum b Jon Thornhill, Bryce Andrews and B.K. Jordan b Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes, Mike Bennett b Pat Masters, Fergal Devitt and Joey Cabray b Mat Kai (England) and Ricky Reyes, Joe Chece b Johnny Idol by DQ, Rocco Abruzzi and Clip O’Reilly b Sonny Goodspeed and Scott Ashworth, Frankie Arion b Alex Arion, Fred Curry Jr. b Michael Sain, Mark Bourne and Andre Lyonz b Ray Diamond and P.C. Cruz, Bob Evans b Tony Montana, Paul Lombardi vs Chris Venom ended in a Double DQ.
  • September 24, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling (Evening All-Womens Show) in Somerville, Massachusetts: Alere Little Feather b Jade and Tanya Lee in a 3-WAY, Violet Flame b Amy Lee, Della Morte b Alex Breslin (Ireland), Kayla Sparks and Miss Deville b Cindy Rogers and Alicia, Nikki Rox b Luscious Lily, Natalia b Mercedes Martinez to win the Women’s title.
  • October 14, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts: Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes b Hot Shots by DQ, The Logan Brothers b Zack Statick and Kristian Frost and Rob Impact and Evan Always in a 3-WAY, Joe Chece b Fergal Devitt, Violet Flame b Della Morte and Rebecca Knox and Amber in a 4-WAY, Paul Lombardi b P.C. Cruz, Mike Bennett b Pat Masters, Chris Venom b Fred Curry Jr., Doug Sommers and Rocco Abruzzi and Clip O’Reilly b Sonny Goodspeed and Danny Diaz and Sid Momentum, Michael Sain b Jon Thornhill, Bob Evans b Frankie Arion.
  • October 15, 2005 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts: Frankie Arion b Jon Thornhill, The Logan Brothers b RAVE (Kristian Frost and Zack Statick), Jason Blade b Pat Masters, Rob Impact and Rebecca Knox b Danny Diaz and Amber, Mark Bourne and Andre Lyonz b Ray Diamond and P.C. Cruz, Fergal Devitt b Mike Bennett, The Hot Shots b Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes), Fred Curry Jr. b Michael Sain by DQ, Sonny Goodspeed and Scott Ashworth and Sid Momentum b D-Unit (Doug Summers and Rocco Abruzzi), Violet Flame b Natalia to win the Women’s title, Paul Lombardi b Bob Evans and Joe Chece and Chris Venom in an Iron Man match to become Iron 8 and NECW Champion.
  • March 5, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling and World Women’s Wrestling in Somerville, Massachusetts at the Good Time Emporium: Alexa Thatcher w/Missy Sampson b Synndy when Missy interfered, Alicia b Amber (w/”Bad Boy” Billy Black) (Billy accidentally cost Amber the match), “Pryme Time” Amy Lee b Jana, Ariel b Cindy Rogers to retain the PWF Mayhem Women’s title, The Diva Killaz (Miss DeVille and Kayla Sparks) b Missy Samson and Alexa Thatcher, Della Morte b Kacee Carlisle, Nikki Roxx b Mercedes Martinez and Violet Flame in a 3-WAY Elimination match to win the NECW Women’s title (After the match, Amy Lee and Missy Samson attacked Nikki Roxx in mid-celebration, bringing a table into the ring to use on the new champion. Ariel rushed to Nikki’s aid, chasing Lee and Samson from the ring. Then, Ariel proceeded to attack the weakened Roxx and powerbombed her TWICE onto the table, leaving the new champion laying unconscious!) – – – (Before the matches began Sheldon Goldberg, the owner and promoter of NECW, along with Matt Storm, owner of PWF Mayhem, held a press conference to announce the merger of the two companies, which will now both use the name NECW with a new logo).
  • March 18, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts: “Big Guns” Frankie Arion b “Egomaniac” Johnny Idol to win the NECW Television title, “Bad Boy” Billy Black b “Sweet” Scott Ashworth, “The Son of a Preacher Man” Ebony Blade b “The Exotic” Kristian Frost, John Walters b Alex Arion and Brian Fury and Jason Blade in a 30-Minute Iron Man Challenge to face NECW Champion Paul Lombardi in the main event, “The East Coast Intensity” Jose Perez b Wild Boy Billy, Matt Logan and Mark Bourne b Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger) to win the NECW Tag Team titles, Nikki Roxx b Tanya Lee to retain the Women’s title, “Hurricane” John Walters b “The Pinnacle” Paul Lombardi to win the NECW Heavyweight title.
  • April 21, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling in Quincy, Massachusetts: Jose Perez b Zack Static, RIOT b Nocturne, Frankie Arion b Billy Black, Kristian Frost b John Walters by Countout, J-Busta and Dave Cole b Jon Thornhill and Sid Momentum, Pat Masters b Triplelicious, Amber b Tanya Lee, Evan Siks b T.J. Richter and Nat Turner in a 3-WAY.
  • April 22, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts: Kevin Karizma and Zack Static b Nat Turner and T.J., Richter, Kristian Frost and T.J. Wyld b Draven, Evan Siks b D.C. Dillinger, J-Busta and Dave Cole b Jose Perez and Pat Masters, Nikki Roxx b Violet Flame, John Walters b Jason Blade.
  • May 7, 2006 – NECW and World Women’s Wrestling in Somerville, Massachusetts: Cindy Rogers b Violet Flame by Submission, Synndy b Della Morte by DQ after Della Morte punched the referee in the face, Lexxus b Mia Love, Missy Sampson b Kayla Sparks and Jana in a 3-WAY when Sampson pinned Sparks, Miss Deville b Kacee Carlisle, Amber and Evan Siks b Alicia and Kristian Frost, Mercedes Martinez and Nikki Roxx b Tanya Lee and Ariel (Nikki Roxx and Ariel brawled after the match).
  • May 13, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts: Evan Siks vs Eddie Edwards ended in a Double DQ, Kristian Frost b Zack Static, Frankie Arion b Scott Reed, Pat Masters and Jose Perez b The Canadian Superstars (J Busta and Dave Cole) and The Wild Boys (Billy King and Mike Lynch) in a 3-WAY Tag match, Draven b Nat Turner, Kellan Thomas b Jason Blade, Tanya Lee b Lexus, John Walters b D.C. Dillinger.
  • May 19, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling in Quincy, Massachusetts: Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger w/Sean Gorman) b The Big Sexy Beasts (Kevy Chevy and A.J. Sanchez [in from Winnipeg’s AWE]), Danny Duggan b Johnny Haze (both guys from Canada’s AWE), “The RIOT” Kellan Thomas b Nocturne and Triplelicious in a 3-WAY. Kristian Frost and Ariel b Zack Static and Nikki Roxx in a mixed tag match, The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta w/Brian Cairo) b 2D Edge (Pat Masters and Jose Perez w/Natalia), The Wild Boys (Billy King and Mike Lynch) b Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and DC Dillinger), “Big Guns” Frankie Arion b Scott Reed to retain the NECW Television title, Antonio “The Promise” Thomas b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury, Evan Siks b T.J. Richter and Nat Turner in a Handicap match (Post match, Richter attacked Siks and Turner joined in. Frankie Arion ran out and saved Siks and the two cleaned house to end the show. As a stipulation of this match, Turner now must act as Siks’ personal servant for the next 30 days).
  • June 4, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling and World Women’s Wrestling in Revere, Massachusetts: Kellan Thomas b T.J. Richter, Lexus b Della Morte, Pat Masters and Jose Perez b Dave Cole and J-Busta and Brian Cairo, Even Siks and Frankie Arion vs Sabotage (Eddie Edwards and D.C. Dillinger) ended in a No Contest, Nikki Roxx and Brian Fury b Scott Reed and Tanya Lee and Ariel and Kid Mikaze in a 3-WAY, Mike Lynch b Hiroshi Asai, Evan Siks b Kofi Nahaje Kingston, Tiger Kahn won a Battle Royal.
  • June 10, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling in Framingham, Massachusetts: Kofi Nahaje Kingston b Brian Fury, Max Bauer b Nat Turner, Frankie Arion and Kellan Thomas b Scott Reed and T.J. Richter, Tanya Lee b Lexus, Zack Static b Kristian Frost, The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta w/Brian Cairo) b The Wild Boyz (Billy King and Mike Lynch), Jason Blade b Antonio “The Promise” Thomas, Sabotage (D.C. Dillinger and Eddie Edwards w/Sean Gorman) b “Hurricane” John Walters and “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks – Notes: Dillinger pinned Walters and wins the NECW Heavyweight title as stipulated.
  • June 23, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling – Iron 8 Tournament in Quincy, Massachusetts: Jose Perez b [INSERT] and [INSERT] and [INSERT] in a 4-WAY, John Walters b Kellan Thomas, Eddie Edwards b D.C. Dillinger, Antonio Thomas b Jose Perez, Jason Blade b Xavier, Frankie Arion and Evan Siks and Nikki Roxx b The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta) and Ariel, “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards b Antonio “The Promise” Thomas and John Walters and Jason Blade in a 4-WAY to win the Iron 8 Tournament (All men had won two falls at the end of the 45:00 time limit so they went into sudden death. About 90 seconds later, Eddie Edwards won).
  • July 15, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling – Slamtastic Summer Tour in Framingham, Massachusetts at the Civic League: Handsome Johnny b Triplelicious w/Sean Gorman, Rick Fuller (debut) b Nat Turner, Kofi Nahaje Kingston b Zack Static, Nikki Roxx b Della Morte to retain the Women’s title, “Big Guns” Frankie Arion b Max Bauer to retain the Television title, Antonio “The Promise” Thomas b D.C. Dillinger w/Sean Gorman by DQ (Dillinger retains the NECW Title), Evan Siks b J Busta in a 2/3 Falls match to retain the PWF Mayhem title.
  • July 22, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling – Slamtastic Summer Tour in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “Big Guns” Frankie Arion b J-Busta by Submission to retain the Television title, Triplelicious w/Sean Gorman b Nat Turner, Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman b Amber in a special WWW match, Kristian Frost w/TJ Wyld b Jason Blade, The Wild Boys (Mike Lynch and Billy King) b 2D Edge (Jose Perez and Pat Masters) and Scott Reed and TJ Richter in a 3-WAY to capture the vacant NECW Tag Team titles, DC Dillinger w/Sean Gorman b “RIOT” Kellan Thomas to retain the NECW Title, Evan Siks b “Hurricane” John Walters by DQ to retain the PWF Mayhem Heavyweight title (DC Dillinger interfered. DC left Evan Siks laying in a pool of blood while holding both the NECW and PWF Mayhem titles over his head answering the challenge for the August 19th BIRTHDAY BASH unification.
  • July 28, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling – Slamtastic Summer Tour in Greenfield, Massachusetts at the Indoor Action Sports: Nocturne b Elax, Nikki Roxx b Miss Deville and Della Morte in a 3-WAY Elimination match to retain the Women’s title, “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards w/Sean Gorman b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury, Evan Siks b Kyle Storm and J-Busta in a 3-WAY to retain the PWF Mayhem title, The Wild Boys (Billy King and Mike Lynch) b 2d Edge (Jose Perez and Pat Masters) to retain the Tag Team titles, “Big Guns” Frankie Arion b Kid Mikaze, Kelly Valentine b Kevin Landry, DC Dillinger w/Sean Gorman b Antonio “The Promise” Thomas by reverse decision DQ to retain the NECW Heavyweight title – Notes: Antonio Thomas won the match and was given the belt, but moments afterward, referee Vinnie Lax found a foreign object Dillinger had used in the match and thinking Thomas used it, reversed the decision and disqualified Thomas. Post match, Thomas decked Gorman.
  • August 13, 2006 – NECW/World Women’s Wrestling in Somerville, Massachusetts: Jana b Amber (1st Round), Violet Flame b Della Morte (1st Round), 2D Edge (Pat Masters and Jose Perez and Natalia) b The Canadian Superstars (J-Busta and Dave Cole and Mia Love), Lexus b Tanya Lee, Jana b Violet Flame in the Finals to become #1 Contender for the WWW title, Nikki Roxx b Ariel to unify the NECW and PWF Women’s titles thus becoming the first WWW Champion!
  • August 19, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling – Birthday Bash 6 in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Talent” TJ Richter (PWF Mayhem Junior Champion) b “Big Guns” Frankie Arion (NECW TV Champion) in a unification match to become the Undisputed Television Champion, 2D Edge (Pat Masters and Jose Perez) b Scott Reed and Kid Mikaze, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b “Exotic” Kristian Frost w/TJ Wyld, Jason Blade b John Walters and Antonio Thomas and Eddie Edwards w/Sean Gorman in a 4-WAY Elimination match, PWF Mayhem Tag Champions The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta) b NECW Tag Champions The Wild Boys (Billy King and Mike Lynch) in a unification match to become the Undisputed Tag Team Champions, Nikki Roxx b Ariel by DQ in a 2/3 Falls match to retain the World Women’s Wrestling title, Evan Siks (PWF Mayhem Champion) b D.C. Dillinger (NECW Champion) in a “No-time-limit No-DQ No-Countout” to become the first ever Triple Crown Champion.
  • September 10, 2006 – NECW/World Women’s Wrestling in Somerville, Massachusetts at the Good Time Emporium: Della Morte b Amber by Submission, Alere Little Feather b Taylor Nicole w/Joe Rules, Kacee Carlisle b Lexxus by DQ (A gothic looking mystery woman attacked Kacee Carlisle), Jana b Natalia, Kacee Carlisle and Brain Fury b Della Morte and Kristian Frost, Violet Flame vs Mia Love ended in a No Contes (The gothic-looking mystery woman returned to lay out both ladies), Nikki Roxx b Ariel and Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman in a 3-WAY to retain the WWW Title.
  • September 29, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling – 57th annual Berlin Fair in Berlin, Connecticut: “Big Guns” Frankie Arion b “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards, “The Talent” TJ Richter b Travis Blackchurch to retain the NECW Television title, Amber b Della Morte in a World Women’s Wrestling match, “The Exotic” Kristian Frost b Zack Static in a return grudge match, The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta) b 2D Edge (Jose Perez and Pat Masters) to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b DC Dillinger to retain the NECW Triple Crown Heavyweight title (Eddie Edwards, TJ Richter and Frankie Arion all got involved in the match), Zack Static won the “Battle of Berlin” Battle Royal to win a future shot at the NECW Television Title.
  • September 30, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling – The Toxic Waltz in Quincy, Massachusetts: T.J. Richter b Frankie Arion in a TV Title vs Career match to win the NECW Television title (Frankie Arion must leave NECW), Eddie Edwards b Triplelicious to gain entry into the Toxic Waltz match, “Mad Dog” Matt Storm b The Canadian Superstars (J Busta and Dave Cole) by DQ in a Handicap match, Brian Fury won 10-man Toxic Waltz Gauntlet Match (Kristian Frost b Antonio Thomas, Kristian Frost b Kellan Thomas, Kristian Frost b Jose Perez, Pat Masters b Kristian Frost, Handsome Johnny b Pat Masters, Brian Fury b Handsome Johnny, Brian Fury b Scott Reed, Brian Fury b Eddie Edwards, Brian Fury b Alex Arion to win), The Wild Boys (Billy King and Mike Lynch) vs Jon Thornhill and Sid Momentum ended in a time limit draw, Tanya Lee b Nikki Roxx by Countout, Evan Siks b Jason Blade to retain the NECW Triple Crown title.
  • October 28, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling – Monster’s Brawl in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Handsome Johnny b Zack Static with the Tiger Driver, DNA (TJ Richter and Scott Reed and Max Bauer) b RIOT and The Wild Boys (Billy King and Mike Lynch), Matt and Kyle Storm b The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta w/Brian Cairo) by DQ, “Hurricane” John Walters vs Jason Blade ended in a No Contest, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b “The Exotic” Kristian Frost, Tanya Lee b Natalia in a World Women’s Wrestling Feature match, Evan Siks and Rick Fuller b Eddie Edwards and DC Dillinger w/Sean Gorman by DQ.
  • November 18, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling – Double Impact in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Jason Blade b “Hurricane” John Walters, TJ Richter (w/Max Bauer and Scott Reed) b Zack Static and RIOT in a 3-WAY, Rick Fuller b Triplelicious w/Sean Gorman, Max Bauer and Scott Reed w/TJ Richter b 2D Edge (Jose Perez and Pat Masters w/Natalia), “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b “Exotic” Kristian Frost in a Handcuffs on a Pole match, Jana b WWW Champion Nikki Roxx by DQ, “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b DC “Daddy Cat” Dillinger in a No-DQ Street Fight to retain the NECW Triple Crown.
  • November 19, 2006 – NECW/World Women’s Wrestling in Somerville, Massachusetts at the Good Time Emporium: Violet Flame b [INSERT] (Mysterious Blue-haired Woman) by DQ, Tina Marina w/Hale Collins b Alere Little Feather by Submission, Jana b Lexxus after using a chain, Amber and Jon Thornhill b Della Morte and Nocturne w/Mistress Belmont (The mysterious blue-haired woman from earlier), Portia Perez b Kayla Sparks, Natalia and Nikki Roxx vs Tanya Lee and Ariel w/Sean Gorman in an Elimination match (Natalia and Ariel were both eliminated, and Roxx agreed to put up her WWW Title), Tanya Lee b Nikki Roxx to win the WWW Title.
  • December 10, 2006 – NECW/World Women’s Wrestling in Sommerville, Massachusetts at the Good Time Emporium: Portia Perez b Lexxus with the “Kosher Pickle”, Mistress Belmont b Violet Flame after spraying her with an aerosol can, Nikki Roxx b Jana with the Barbie Crusher, Vik Delicious and Tina Marina w/Hale Collins b Antonio Thomas and Alere Little Feather when Collins gave Alere a reverse DDT and Tina pinned her, Della Morte w/Mistress Belmont b Deanna Deville (WWW debut), WWW Champion Tanya Lee vs Ariel fought ended in a No Contest when Sean Gorman and Jana and Nikki Roxx interfered (After the match, arch enemies Roxx and Ariel shook hands!)
  • December 16, 2006 – New England Championship Wrestling – Jingle Jam in Quincy, Massachusetts: 2D Edge (Jose Perez and Pat Masters w/Natalia) b Sid Momentum and John Thornhill, WWW Champion Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman b Mia Love in a Non-title match, “The Talent” TJ Richter w/Scott Reed b Kid Mikaze to retain the Television title, Team Nightmare (Evan Siks and Rick Fuller and Jason Blade and Brian Fury) b Team Sabotage (Kristian Frost and Eddie Edwards and John Walters and DC Dillinger)in an 8-Man Elimination match (Order of Eliminations: DC Dillinger b Brian Fury. John Walters b Jason Blade. Rick Fuller b John Walters. Rick Fuller b Eddie Edwards. DC Dillinger was counted out. Evan Siks b Kristian Frost. Evan Siks and Rick Fuller are the Survivors), The Dogs of War (Matt Storm and Kyle Storm w/Dave Padula) b The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta w/Brian Cairo) in a Hardcore Rules match to win the NECW Tag Team titles!
  • January 21, 2007 – NECW/World Women’s Wrestling in Somerville, Massachusetts at the Good Time Emporium: Violet Flame b Mistress Belmont by DQ in a “Princess of Darkness” match (Blindfolded) when Della Morte attacking Violet Flame, Jana b Amber, “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel vs “The International Superstar” Portia Perez ended in a 15-minute time limit draw (After the match: Portia Perez and Jana and Tanya Lee attacked Ariel until Nikki Roxx and Lexxus made the save!), Violet Flame and Amber b The Daughters of Darkness (Della Morte and Mistress Belmont), Alicia b Lexxus, Nikki Roxx and Brian Fury b Tanya Lee and DC Dillinger w/Eddie Edwards by DQ.
  • January 27, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – SnowBrawl in Quincy, Massachusetts: “Big” Rick Fuller b Ryan Matthews, TJ Richter and Scott Reed b Kellan Thomas and Chris Camaro, D.C. Dillinger b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury to win Fury’s Triple Crown title shot at Genesis, Tanya Lee b Lexxus to retain the WWW Title, John Walters and Eddie Edwards b Jason Blade and Slyck Wagner Brown, “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b “The Exotic” Kristian Frost with a Hangman’s Flat-liner to retain the NECW Triple Crown title.
  • February 24, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – Genesis 6 in Quincy, Massachusetts: The Stroke b 2D Edge (Jose Perez and Pat Masters w/Natalia), Ebony Blade b “The Future Superstar” Ryan Matthews by Submission, “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards b “Big” Rick Fuller after interference from Sean Gorman, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b “Mean” Max Bauer w/T.J. Richter, The Dogs of War (Matt Storm and Kyle Storm) and Dave Padula b The Canadian Superstars (J-Busta and Dave Cole and Brian Cairo) in a “Canadian Provincial Rules” match, Kristian Frost b T.J. Ritcher (c) and Scott Reed and Kellan Thomas and Triplelicious in a 5-WAY to win the NECW Television title, Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman b Nikki Roxx by DQ to retain the WWW Title, Jason Blade b Handsome Johnny, “Daddy Cat” D.C. Dillinger b “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks to win the NECW Triple Crown title.
  • February 25, 2007 – NECW/World Women’s Wrestling – Pick Your Poison in Somerville, Massachusetts at the Good Time Emporium: Violet Flame b The Daughters of Darkness (Ms. Della Morte and Mistress Belmont), Amber b Alere Little Feather, Lexxus b “International Superstar” Portia Perez in a Pick Your Poison match (Portia picked Lexxus), “The Jersey Jezebel” Alicia b “The Diva Killer” Kayla Sparks, “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel b Jana in a Pick Your Poison match (Jana picked Ariel), Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman b Nikki Roxx in a Pick Your Poison match to retain the WWW Title (Tanya picked Nikki) – – Notes: After the match, Nikki Roxx had a lenthy brawl with Alicia.
  • March 24, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – March Badness in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b Handsome Johnny in a #1 Contenders match for the TV Title, The Wild Boys (Billy King and Mike Lynch) b The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta) and Brian Cairo and The Stroke in a 3-WAY #1 Contenders match, “The Exotic” Kristian Frost b “The Cold Hearted Playa” Danny Demanto to retain the NECW Television title, “The Infamous” Bobby Fish vs. “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards w/Sean Gorman ended in a 20-minute draw, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Max Bauer and Scott Reed in a Handicap match, “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b NECW Triple Crown Champion DC Dillinger w/Sean Gorman by Countout (After the match: Nikki Roxx went after Sean Gorman but Dillinger and Eddie Edwards cornered her until Brian Fury returned to NECW saved her!), Jason Blade b “Hurricane” John Walters in a Last Man Standing match where the loser leaves NECW for 90 days.
  • March 25, 2007 – NECW/World Women’s Wrestling – 1st Anniversary Spectacular in Somerville, Massachusetts at Good Time Emporium: Alere Little Feather b Amber by Submission, Lexxus b Mistress Belmont w/Della Morte (After the match, Della Morte tried to burn Lexxus’ face with a curling iron, but Ariel made the save!), Nikki Rixx vs. Alicia ended in a No Contest, Della Morte w/Mistress Belmont b Cha Cha (debut), “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel b Malia Hosaka, Violet Flame won a #1 Contenders Battle Royal (Deanna Deville, Alere Little Feather, Amber, Lexxus, Mistress Belmont, Della Morte, Ariel, Cha Cha, Violet Flame, Alicia, Claudette Lee [Sean Gorman under a mask], The Midnight Diva [Nikki Roxx under a mask]), Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman b Violet Flame to retain the WWW Championship.

    More detail on the #1 Contenders Battle Royal: The winner of the Battle Royal would gain an immediate shot at the World Womens Wrestling Title. Competing were Deanna Deville, Alere Little Feather, Amber, Lexxus, Mistress Belmont, Della Morte, Ariel, ChaCha, Violet Flame, Alicia, and then Sean Gorman and Tanya Lee’s “ringer” was announced as her sister “Claudette Lee” who came out wearing a mask and a considerable amount of body hair. The final competitor was announced as The Midnight Diva, another masked wrestling looking suspiciously like Nikki Roxx who was ineligible for the battle royal due to previous stipulations. Minutes into the battle royal, The Diva got her hands on Claudette Lee and unmasked her, revealing Sean Gorman! In the confusion, the Diva’s mask was also removed revealing Roxx’s identity. Before both were removed from the battle royal, Roxx ruptured one of Gorman’s “implants” with a brutal knife-edge chop. Ariel looked on her way to win the match when Malia Hosaka returned and pushed her out of the ring. Hosaka then attacked Ariel and brawled to the back with her. This left Violet Flame alone with Belmont and Della. Della sold out her partner leaving her one-on-one with Violet. Flame ducked a charging Della, sending her over the top and giving Violet Flame the title shot.
  • April 21, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Exotic” Kristian Frost b “Real Deal” Brandon Locke, Malia Hosaka and Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman b Nikki Roxx and Ariel, “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b “The Future Superstar” Ryan Matthews, The Wild Boys (Billy King and Mike Lynch) b NECW Tag Team Champions The Dogs of War (Matt Storm and Kyle Storm) by DQ when the Canadian Superstars interfered, The Dogs of War (Matt Storm and Kyle Storm) b The Wild Boyz (Billy King and Mike Lynch) and The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta w/Brian Cairo) in a 3-WAY to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Scott Osbourne, “The Infamous” Bobby Fish b “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards in a 30-minute time limit match at the 29 minute 57 second mark, “The Talent” TJ Richter b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion by DQ when Frankie Arion interfered (NECW President Sheldon Goldberg said that Frankie Arion was no longer welcome at NECW), DC Dillinger w/Sean Gorman b Antonio “The Promise” Thomas to retain the NECW Triple Crown title.
  • April 22, 2007 – NECW/World Women’s Wrestling – in Somerville, Massachusetts at Good Time Emporium: The Daughters of Darkness b Lexxus in a Handicap match, Jana b ChaCha, Sara Del Rey segment (Sean Gorman and Tanya Lee interrupted. Nikki Roxx chased them off. There was tention between Roxx and Del Ray), Malia Hosaka b Violet Flame (Hosaka continued the assault after the match until Ariel made the save!), Nikki Roxx b Sara Del Rey in 20-minutes, Amber b Alere Little Feather in a Best 2/3 Falls match, Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman b “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel to retain the WWW Title (Sara Del Rey came out and tried to kick Tanya Lee but missed and hit Ariel by mistake. After the Match; Nikki Roxx, Sara Del Rey and Ariel all traded words).
  • April 28, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – Spring Breakdown in Brockton, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b “The Ladies Man” Gregory Edwards with a Hangman’s Facebuster, The Dogs of War (Matt Storm and Kyle Storm) b The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta w/Brian Cairo) and 2D Edge (Jose Perez and Pat Masters w/Natalia) in a 3-WAY Tag match after interference from Brickhouse Baker to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, “Exotic” Kristian Frost b Antonio “The Promise” Thomas to retain the NECW Television title, Alex Arion and Brandon Locke b Max Bauer and Scott Reed, “R.I.O.T.” Kellan Thomas b Tripleicious, Lexxus w/Nikki Roxx b WWW Champion Tanya Lee w/Sean Goreman in a Non-title match, “Straight Edge” Brain Fury b Handsome Jimmy, “The Infamous” Bobby Fish b Triple Crown Champion D.C. Dillinger w/Sean Gorman by DQ.
  • June 3, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – Eddie Andelman Hot Dog Safari in Revere, Massachusetts at Suffolk Downs before 20,000 fans and raised $500,000: 2D Edge (Pat Masters and Jose Perez) and Triplelicious b The Kreeper and Iraqnid and Nick Amaral, Ms. Della Morte b Cha Cha with help from Mistress Belmont, Jon Thornhill b Curry Boy, “Big” Max Bauer b “The Rocket” Fred Curry III, Handsome Johnny vs. “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks ended in a Double Countout, “Big” Max Bauer won the 2nd Annual NECW Hot Dog Safari Rumble Match, “Irish Ambassador” Gary Cassidy b “The Talent” T.J. Richter, Nikki Roxx and Cha Cha b Mistress Belmont and Della Morte (started to rain), “Big” Rick Fuller vs. “Straight Edge” Brian Fury ended in a 15-minute time limit draw, The Canadian Superstars (J-Busta and Dave Cole w/Brian Cairo) b The Kreeper and Iraqnid, “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b NECW Triple Crown Champion D.C. Dillinger in a Non-title match.
  • June 9, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – Iron 8 Tournament in Brockton, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Infamous” Bobby Fish b Jason Blade in a 1st Round Match, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Handsome Johnny in a 1st Round Match, “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards b Gary Cassidy in a 1st Round Match, “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b Antonio Thomas in a 1st Round Match, Big Rick Fuller and Sean Gorman (sub for Tanya Lee) b Evan Siks and Nikki Roxx, Eddie Edwards b Bobby Fish and Brandon Locke and Brian Fury in a 4-WAY Iron Man Final to win the Iron 8 Tournament (They ended in a fourway tie with two falls a piece and Eddie Edwards won in sudden death overtime! Bobby Fish broke his ankle at the end of the match).
  • June 30, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – Global Impact in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: The Canadian Superstars (Dave Cole and J-Busta) and Scott Osbourne b 2D Edge (Jose Perez and Pat Masters) and Triplelicious w/Natalia, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion defeated “Sensational” Scott Reed, Lexxus b WWW Champion Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman in a Non-title match, Fergal Devitt (Ireland) b Mikey Nicholls (Australia) by Submission in the 1st Round of the NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament, Handsome Johnny b “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks, Eddie Edwards was presented the 2007 Iron 8 Trophy, “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards b Kid Mikaze, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b “Big” Max Bauer, DC Dillinger b “Big” Rick Fuller to retain the NECW Triple Crown.
  • July 20, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – Double Intensity in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b The Wild Boys (Billy King and Mikey Lynch), “The Exotic” Kristian Frost b Danny Jaxx, “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b Big Rick Fuller by DQ, DC Dillinger b Brandon Locke to retain the NECW Triple Crown title, Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman b Lexxus to retain the WWW title, Alex Arion b Scott Reed (Gauntlet), Alex Arion b Max Bauer by DQ (Gauntlet), Alex Arion b TJ Richter (Gauntlet) to reinstate his brother Frankie Arion to NECW active duty (Frankie Arion, who was waiting at the front door, stormed the ring cleaning house and hugged his brother after a 10 month absence), “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards in a #1 Contenders match.
  • August 12, 2007 – NECW/World Women’s Wrestling – in Somerville, Massachusetts at Good Time Emporium: The Daughters of Darkness (Ms. Della Morte and Mistress Belmont) b The Diva Killaz (Miss Deville and Kayla Sparks) (After the match; the Daughters of Darkness declared themselves the WWW Tag Team Champions), Luscious Latasha (debut) b Violet Flame after interference from Jana, Natalia b Jana by DQ after Luscious Latasha interfered, Amber b Alere Little Feather in a Grudge match, Lexxus b Tanya Lee by DQ, Lexxus b Tanya Lee (c) and Natalia and Jana in a 4-WAY to win the WWW Championship.
  • August 18, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – Birthday Bash 7: Caged Fury in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: The Arion Brothers (Alex Arion and Frankie Arion) b DNA (T.J. Richter and Max Bauer w/Scott Reed), Lexxus b Tanya Lee to retain the WWW Title, “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards to retain the NECW Television title, “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b Big Rick Fuller (After the match: Michael Sain destroyed Evan Siks with three Straight Jacket Drivers leaving Siks unconscious in the ring), Nikki Roxx b Sean Gorman in a “Ballroom Blitz” match, Brian Fury b D.C. Dillinger in a Steel Cage match to win the NECW Triple Crown (Fury performed a “Superfly Splash” on Dillinger off the top of the cage).
  • September 22, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – Autumn Unleashed in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman b Violet Flame with a top rope neck breaker, Scott Osbourne w/Brian Cairo b “RIOT” Kellan Thomas with a modified Fisherman’s Buster, “The Infamous” Bobby Fish b D.C. Dillinger (w/Sean Gorman and Tanya Lee), The Forgotten b Alex Arion and Jason Blade with a spiked pile driver on Blade, “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks vs. Michael Sane ended in a No Contest after a pre-match brawl, “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke vs. Big Rick Fuller ended in a time limit draw, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b “The Exotic” Kristian Frost to retain the NECW Triple Crown.
  • September 30, 2007 – NECW/World Women’s Wrestling – in Somerville, Massachusetts at Good Time Emporium: “The Warrior Princess” Alere Little Feather b Violet Flame, Della Morte b The Soul Sistahs (Jana and Luscious Latasha) in a Handicap match with help from Natalia, Nikki Roxx vs. Tanya Lee w/Sean Gorman ended in a Double Countout, (undefeated) Alicia b Natalia, Sheldon Goldberg had a farewell ceremony for Violet Flame, Lexxus b “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel to retain the WWW World title (Lexxus and Ariel showed respect for each other until Tanya Lee attacked both girls. Nikki Roxx came out for the save but SHOCKED everybody by turning heel and accepting a spot in Sean Gorman’s “Dynasty of Champions” faction! Roxx kicked Tanya Lee, thus exiling her from the Dynasty).
  • October 27, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – Fights and Frights in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Brian Cairo seemingly dumped the Canadian Superstars (but instead, Dave Cole turned on J-Busta. Cole and Scott Osbourne double-teamed Busta on behalf of Brian Cairo), Big Rick Fuller w/Brian Cairo b J-Busta in a squash match, NECW TV Champion “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b Max Bauer by DQ when TJ Richter [who was banned from ringside] interfered (After the match; Max Bauer punched out TJ Richter), Chris Venom and Paul Lombardi b Exotic Entertainment (Kristian Frost and Gregory Edwards) in an NECW Tag Team Title Tournament match, “The Talent” TJ Richter b “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks after distraction from Michael Sain on the tron, Lexxus b Mistress Belmont to retain the WWW Title, “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards to retain the NECW Television title (Brandon Locke was a substitute for Alex Arion, who was absent due to a death in the family), DC Dillinger w/Sean Gorman b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury to seemingly recapture the NECW Triple Crown (Tanya Lee came out with a second referee and got the match restarted because Dillinger cheated to win – Tanya Lee attacked manager Sean Gorman at ringside for an intense pull apart brawl!), “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b DC Dillinger with a Bridging Power-bomb to retain the NECW Triple Crown.
  • November 30, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – The Harder They Fall in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Talent” TJ Richter b “Hawaiian Warrior” Makua with his feet on the ropes for leverage, The Baker Boys b The Wild Boys in a Quarter-final match in the NECW Invitational Tag Team Tournament, “Nightmare” Nick Steel b “Mr. Undefeated” Matt Spectro by Submission, D.C. Dillinger w/Sean Gorman b Jason Blade by countering an O’Connor Roll to gain the pin fall, Antonio “The Promise” Thomas b Brandon Webb, A female “fan” won a raffle to get her picture taken with any NECW wrestler (she strangely chose heel wrestler Micheal Sain, who assaulted the “fan” until Evan Siks made the save!), Tanya Lee b Ryan Matthews w/Sean Gorman, “Big” Rick Fuller w/Brian Cairo b Triple Crown Champion “Straight Edge” Brian Fury by Countout when his attention was drawn by Antonio Thomas at ringside (Shelton Goldberg booked a rematch on 12/28 with everyone else banned from ringside.
  • December 28, 2007 – New England Championship Wrestling – The Toxic Waltz in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory before 294 fans: Fred Curry Jr. and Chase Del Monte b Team Awesome (Matt Spectro and Ryan Matthews), Lexxus b Sammi Lane (debut) to retain the WWW Championship, “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke vs. Handsome Johnny ended in a time limit draw, THE TOXIC WALTZ (The loser of each fall would pick the winner’s next opponent): Antonio “The Promise” Thomas b Jason Blade, “Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b Antonio “the Promise” Thomas by DQ, “Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b “Awesomely Cool” Dave Cole, “Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b Michael Sain by DQ when Sain destroyed Siks with two vicious chair shots to the head, “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards b Evans Siks, Alex Arion b “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards, D.C. Dillinger b Alex Arion, “Big” Max Bauer b D.C. Dillinger, “Big” Max Bauer b “The Talent” T.J. Richter (Toxic Waltz Finals), Big Rick Fuller b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury to win NECW Triple Crown.
  • January 19, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – Winter Wonderslam! in Dorchester, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “Sweet” Scott Ashworth b Scott Osbourne, Pat’s Pit hosted by Pat “The Brat” Piper with guest former NECW Triple Crown Champion Evan Siks, The Weapons of Masked Destruction (Kreeper and Iraqnid) b Bryce Andrews and Vain Valentino (subbing for BK Jordan) in a Quarter-final match in the NECW Tag Team Tournament, Sabotage (“Die Hard” Eddie Edwards and DC Dillinger w/Sean Gorman) b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion and “The Infamous” Bobby Fish, Lexxus b “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel to retain the WWW Title, “Wild Boy” Billy King b Antonio “The Promise” Thomas after Thomas was distracted by Brian Fury’s music, “Big” Rick Fuller b Jason Blade to retain the NECW Triple Crown.
  • January 26, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – SnowBrawl! in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Bryce Andrews and Vain Valentino (replacing Weapons of Masked Destruction) b Chris Venom and Paul Lombardi in a Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final, Handsome Johnny b NECW Television Champion “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke by DQ, Evan Siks and Nick Steel b Team Awesome (Matt Spectro and Ryan Matthews), Scott Osbourne b “Sweet” Scott Ashworth, Lexxus b “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel to retain the WWW Championship, Chase Del Monte and Fred Curry Jr. b Kristian Frost and Gregory Edwards, Michael Sain b Jason Blade by DQ, Max Bauer and Brian Fury and Alex Arion and Bobby Fish b Big Rick Fuller and D.C. Dillinger and Eddie Edwards and Antonio Thomas (w/Sean Gorman and Brian Cairo) in an Elimination match.
  • February 16, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – Genesis 7: Battle of The Giants in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Chase Del Monte and Fred Curry Jr. b The Hotshots (Bryce Andrews and Vain Valentino) in the Finals of the Tag Team Title Tournament to win the NECW Tag Team titles, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b D.C. Dillinger w/Sean Gorman in a Grudge match, Handsome Johnny b “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke by DQ to win the NECW Television Title (Stipulation stated the title could change even on a DQ), “Nightmare” Nick Steel b Matt Spectro by Submission in three consecutive matches, “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards w/Sean Gorman b “The Infamous” Bobby Fish in an Unsanctioned Match, Antonio “The Promise” Thomas b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury, “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b Michael Sain in a Dog Collar match in the culmination of their 6-month feud, “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel b Luscious Latasha in a WWW feature bout, Max Bauer b NECW Triple Crown Champion Big Rick Fuller w/Brian Cairo by DQ in the “Battle of the Giants” to win.
  • March 9, 2008 – World Women’s Wrestling – 2nd Anniversary in Somerville, Massachusetts at the Good Time Emporium: Mistress Belmont b Barbie and Sammi Lane in a 3-WAY (After the match, Barbie and Sammi Lane attacked Belmont until Della Morte ran out, chasing them off), Chris Norman interviewed Elektra Arion (Sean Gorman interrupted to insult Elektra, who got physical and beat Gorman up!), Jana b Della Morte in a Grudge match, Roxxie Cotton vs. Amber ended in a No Contest after Barbie and Sammi Lane interfered, Amber and Roxxie Cotton b Barbie and Sammi Lane in an Anything Goes match, “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel b Lexxus in a “Title vs. Career” match to win the WWW title.
  • March 29, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – March Badness in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Elektra b “Future Superstar” Ryan Matthews, “Big” Max Bauer b “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards w/Sean Gorman in a #1 Contenders match with a Torture Rack Face Buster, Jason Blade w/Sammi Lane b Scott Osbourne (sub for injured TV champion Handsome Johnny) but did not win the NECW Television title because the fall occured at 10:09, “Rocket” Fred Curry Jr. and Chase Del Monte b PRIDE (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, “The Talent” T.J. Richter b “Revolution” Chris Venom by pinfall using the ropes for leverage, Pat’s Pit with Pat “The Brat” Piper and special guests Sean Gorman and DC Dillinger (NECW President Sheldon Goldberg suspended Dillinger for 30 Days without pay as punishment for his assault on Elektra Arion), “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel w/Brendan Michael Thomas b Lexxus to retain the WWW title, Team Nightmare (Evan Siks and Nick Steel) b Vain Valentino and Nick “Bloodstone” Amaral, Big Rick Fuller w/Brian Cairo b Big Max Bauer to retain the NECW Triple Crown Championship.
  • April 26, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – Spring Breakdown in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory before a sellout crowd: Makoto (debut) b “Future Superstar” Ryan Matthews, DC Dillinger (currently under suspension) walked in as a paying customer stating he was there to watch Eddie Edwards defeat rival Alex Arion, NECW President Sheldon Goldberg announced that the Triple Crown was held up due to the controversial finish at the last show, Team Nightmare (Evan Siks and Nick Steel) b Vain Valentino and T.J. Richter (Valentino and Richter turned on each other after the match), “Exotic” Kristian Frost b Brandon Webb w/Taeler, “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards w/Sean Gorman b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Elektra Arion after distraction from D.C. Dillinger sitting in the audience (Alex Arion attacked D.C. Dillinger after the match, but Dillinger escaped and bolted out the doors of the building), Scott Osbourne w/Brian Cairo b “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke in an Iron 8 Showcase Match, Chase Del Monte (alone) b Pride (Brian Nunes and Dan Freitas) by Countout to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, Lexxus b Amber in a World Women’s Wrestling match, “The Mohawked Enforcer” Max Bauer b “Big” Rick Fuller and Antonio “The Promise” Thomas in a 3-WAY to become the undisputed NECW Triple Crown Champion.
  • May 4, 2008 – World Women’s Wrestling – Belle of the Brawl in Somerville, Massachusetts at the Good Time Emporium: Brendan Michael Thomas (WWW Champion Ariel’s agent) came to the ring and stated that he had “pulled some strings” and made sure that Lexxus would not be given any more rematches or title opportunities until she had successfully worked her way all the way back up the ladder of contention from the bottom, Della Morte b Sammi Lane with a top rope flying clothesline, Sean Gorman staged a sit-in protest and challenged anyone to come out and move him (Pat Piper’s video played on the tron and Gorman waited for his arrival. “The Gorgeous Greek” Elektra Arion snuck in and attacked Gorman from behind!), Lexxus b Luscious Latasha, Della Morte won the Belle of the Brawl (Rumble Style) match to earn a shot at the WWE title (Order of Entrance: 1) Latasha, 2) Roxie Cotton, 3) Sammi Lane, 4) Mistress Belmont, 5) Taeler, 6) Elektra Arion, 7) Della Morte), “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel w/Brendan Michael Thomas b Della Morte to retain the WWW Championship.
  • May 31, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – 5th Annual Iron 8 Tournament in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory before a sellout crowd: Gran Akuma b “The Exotic” Kristian Frost (1st Round), “The Natural” Scott Osbourne (w/Brian Cairo) b Julio Dinero (1st Round), “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Kahagas (1st Round), “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards w/Sean Gorman b “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke (1st Round), NECW Triple Crown Champion “The Mohawked Enforcer” Max Bauer and “The Gorgeous Greek” Elektra Arion b Big Rick Fuller and WWW Champion Ariel (w/Brian Cairo and Brendan Michael Thomas) in a special “Champions Challenge” mixed tag team match, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards and “The Natural” Scott Osbourne and Gran Akuma in a 45-minute Iron Man 4-WAY match to win the Iron 8 Tournament.
  • July 12, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – Red, White, and Bruised in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Future Superstar” Ryan Matthews b “The Hawaiian Warrior” Makua, Team Nightmare (Evan Siks and Nick Steel) b Darling Damon and Jason Rumble w/Brian Cairo, Johnny Punch b Ray Kejimura, Pat’s Pit segment with Pat “The Brat” Piper and guest Brian Cairo, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b Chase Del Monte and Fred Curry Jr. to win the NECW Tag Team titles, “The Talent” T.J. Richter b Frankie Vain, Brandon Webb and Taeler b “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel and Brendan Michael Thomas by reverse decision (Ariel initially made Taeler submit, but refused to break the hold so the referee reversed the decision – Lexxus hit the ring to break the hold), NECW Television champion Handsome Johnny w/Sammi Lane vs. “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke ended in a 10-minute draw, Handsome Johnny vs. Brandon Locke ended in a draw after a 5-minute overtime, Brandon Locke b Handsome Johnny by Countout in a second 5-minute overtime, Scott Osbourne and DC Dillinger w/Sean Gorman b Alex Arion and Max Bauer w/Brian Cairo (DC Dillinger pinned Triple Crown Champion Max Bauer).
  • August 16, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – Birthday Bash 8: Larger Than Life in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: NECW Television champion Handsome Johnny w/Sammi Lane vs. “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke ended in a 15:00 time limit draw (Locke requested another five minutes, but this time Sammi Lane told Handsome she “had something she rather be doing with him for five minutes” and the Television Champion excitedly left the ring in quick fashion), Pat Piper’s guest on “Pat’s Pit” was Brian Cairo who said Big Rick Fuller wouldn’t be there tonight (Fuller walked through the front door and said Cairo was supposed to pick him up at the airport. Fuller dumped Cairo as a manager and Choke-slammed him!), Fred Curry Jr. and Michael Sain w/Fred Curry Sr. b NECW Tag Team champions PRIDE (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) by DQ, Makoto b “The Natural” Scott Osbourne after a cradle buster, “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards w/Sean Gorman b Jason Blade with a modified fisherman’s buster after nearly 20 minutes of intense back and forth action, Team Nightmare (Evan Siks and Nick Steel and Frankie Vain and Nicky Amaral) b T.J. Richter and Ryan Matthews and The Crown Jewels (Darling Damon and Jason Rumble) in an 8-man survival match (After the match, the Crown Jewels attacked Steel and began to double team him when Evan Siks ran back out to save his partner. Darling Damon snuck back in and sprayed Evan Siks in the eyes with purfume), “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel w/Brendan Michael Thomas b Lexxus (As a stipulation, Lexxus now must defeat 10 members of the WWW roster consecutively without a loss before she gets another title match), “Mohawked Enforcer” Max Bauer b “Big” Rick Fuller and DC Dillinger w/Sean Gorman in a 3-WAY to retain the NECW Triple Crown (Gorman and Dillinger are claiming that Dillinger got his foot under the bottom rope during the pin fall, which should have resulted in the count being broken).
  • September 20, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – Autumn Unleashed in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “Future Superstar” Ryan Matthews b Australian star Ryan Eagles, PRIDE (Dan Frietas and Brian Nunes) b Team Nightmare (Evan Siks and Nick Steel) and The Crown Jewels (Darling Damon and Jason Rumble) to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, Jason Blade b “The Prince of Pink” Brendan Michael Thomas w/Ariel, Pat “The Brat” Piper b Sean Gorman in a Loser Leaves NECW for 90 Days match, NECW Television Champion Handsome Johnny w/Sammi Lane vs. “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke ended in a 20-minute time limit draw, MAKOTO b “The Talent” TJ Richter, Lexxus and Jessie McKay b Ariel and Madison Eagles, “The Mohawked Enforcer” Max Bauer b DC Dillinger with special referee Alex Arion to retain the NECW Triple Crown (After the match, guest referee Alex Arion knocked out Max Bauer! Arion then cut a heel promo on NECW management, the fans, and the guys in the locker room. Arion continued the assault until Jason Blade and Brandon Locke ran down to make the save!)
  • November 1, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – 2008 Toxic Waltz in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: NECW Television Champion Handsome Johnny w/Sammi Lane vs. “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke ended in a Double Countout, Pat’s Pit with Pat Piper being interrupted by D.C. Dillinger, Taeler Hendrix b WWW champion “Portuguese Princess” Ariel w/Brendan Michael Thomas by DQ, “Superstar” Ryan Matthews vs. Davey Loomis in an Amateur Wrestling Rules match ended in a draw but Matthews walked out and declared himself the winner, PRIDE (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b Team Zero (Damian Dragon and Ken Scampi) to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, “The Prince of Pink” Brendan Michael Thomas w/Ariel b Kris Pyro to earn a spot in the Toxic Waltz (Thomas was injured and NECW officials named Pyro as his replacement) – The TOXIC WALTZ is a Gauntlet Match where the loser of each fall gets to pick the next person from the field to enter the match.  Makoto b “The Talent” TJ Richter (Toxic Waltz), Handsome Johnny b Makoto in a quick match! (Toxic Waltz), “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b Handsome Johnny w/Sammi Lane in a quick match (Toxic Waltz), “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b Kid Pyro (Toxic Waltz), “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b “The Natural” Scott Osbourne (Toxic Waltz), “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b D.C. Dillinger after distraction from Pat Piper (Toxic Waltz), “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke (Toxic Waltz), “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Evan Siks w/Lil’ Nicky Amaral by Submission in a No-DQ/No-Countout match, The Masked Enforcer b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion to win the Toxic Waltz! (The Masked Enforcer then unmasked as “Mohawked Enforcer” Max Bauer!!! NECW President Sheldon Goldberg said that Bauer was not cleared to compete so he declared Alex Arion the official Toxic Waltz winner!)
  • November 29, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – Double Intensity in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Davey Loomis b “Superstar” Ryan Matthews with a German Suplex, Pat’s Pit with Pat Piper had special guest NECW President Sheldon Goldberg (who spoke about Lexxus having to change her name to Alexxis Nevaeh – Alexxis came to the ring, but was attacked by Mistress Belmont), Makoto b “The Talent” T.J. Richter w/bodguard Mr. Munroe (After the match; Richter and Munroe attacked Makoto), “The Heat” Kris Pyro and Alexxis Neveah (formerly Lexxus) b “The Natural” Scott Osbourne and Mistress Belmont, The Crown Jewels (Darling Damon and Bad Boy Jason) b Chase Del Monte and Fred Curry Jr. by forfeit when Del Monte and Curry failed to appear by the referee’s ten count, The Crown Jewels (Darling Damon and Bad Boy Jason) vs. Team Nightmare (Evan Siks and Nick Steele) ended in a Double DQ, Pride (Brian Nunes and Dan Frietas) b Frankie Vain and Lil Nicky Amaral, D.C. Dillinger b Brandon Webb, “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel w/”The Prince of Pink” Brendan Michael Thomas b Taeler Hendrix to retain the WWW Championship following the Dariel (Ace Crusher), Alex Arion and Antonio Thomas and Handsome Johnny (w/Sammi Lane) b Max Bauer and Brandon Locke and Jason Blade.
  • December 13, 2008 – New England Championship Wrestling – The Power of Love (Toys For Tots Benefit) in Billerica, Massachusetts at the Billerica High School: “Superstar” Ryan Matthews b Nick Westgate with a reverse lung-blower, Taeler Hendrix b WWW Champion “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel after the interference of her agent Brendan Michael Thomas backfired in a Non-title match, Asian star MAKOTO b Kongo (sub for “The Talent” TJ Richter) by DQ when he was attacked by Richter’s bodyguard Mr. Munroe, PRIDE (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b Sabotage (DC Dillinger and “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards) to retain the NECW Tag Team titles (Eddie Edwards was pinned after accidentally super kicking Dillinger – After the match, Edwards and Dillinger nearly came to blows. The situation became so heated that they had to be pulled apart by NECW security and officials), “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke with an O’Connor roll holding the trunks of Locke, “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks b Darling Damon w/Bad Boy Jason, “The Mohawked Enforcer” Max Bauer b NECW Television Champion Handsome Johnny to retain the NECW Triple Crown.
  • January 10, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – Snowbrawl in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b Antonio “The Promise” Thomas with an Oklahoma roll, “Superstar” Ryan Matthews b Nick Westgate to contiue his unbeaten streak, Davey Loomis b Dan Freitas of PRIDE, Crown Jewels member Bad Boy Jason b “The Human Nightmare” Evan Siks, “The Talent” T.J. Richter w/Mr. Munroe b “The Natural” Scott Osbourne and “The Heat” Kris Pyro and Asian star Makoto in a 4-WAY, Alexxis Neveah and Taeler Hendrix b Nikki Valentine and Sammi Lane w/Handsome Johnny, Pat “The Brat” Piper had a Pat’s Pit with NECW President Sheldon Goldberg to hype Genesis 8, “Mohawked Enforcer” Max Bauer b Handsome Johnny w/Sammi Lane by DQ to retain the NECW Triple Crown.
  • February 21, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – Genesis 8 (Measure for Measure) in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory before 300 fans: the masked Asian Star Makoto b T.J. Richter in a Hair vs. Mask match (Makoto sheared Richter of his trademark ponytail using a samurai sword!), “The Natural” Scott Osbourne b Davey Loomis, “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b Handsome Johnny w/Sammi Lane in a Lumberjack Match to win the NECW Television title, Pride b Blue Meanie and Nick Westgate (sub for Mikey Whipwreck) to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, The Crown Jewels b Evan Siks in a Handicap match (Siks’ partner, Nick Steel, accepted $5000 from the Crown Jewels to walk out of the match. After the match; Evan Siks left his boots in the ring when he left.), “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel w/Brendan Michael Thomas b Taeler Hendrix to retain the WWW title, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion to retain the NECW Triple Crown. – Notes: Mickey Whipwreck was supposed to team with The Blue Meanie but wasn’t there due to transportation issues.
  • March 21, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – March Badness in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Heat” Kris Pyro b “The Talent” TJ Richter w/Mr. Munroe to take Richter’s spot in the Iron 8, “The Natural” Scott Osbourne b Asian star MAKOTO and Brandon Webb in a 3-WAY to earn a spot in the Iron 8, Pat’s Pit segment with a seemingly remorseful “Golden Greek” Alex Arion (Arion introduced his new manager, Sean Goreman!), “The Upset Kid” Nick Westgate b “The Prince of Pink” Brendan Michael Thomas w/Portuguese Princess Ariel, The Crown Jewels (Darling Damon and Bad Boy Jason w/Tony Ulysses) b PRIDE (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) to win the NECW Tag Team titles, “Superstar” Ryan Matthews b Pat “The Brat” Piper’s hand picked opponent (Slyck Wagner Brown) in a Superstar Challenge, Scott Levesque and Sammi Lane w/Handsome Johnny b Brandon Locke and Taeler Hendrix, NECW Triple Crown Champion “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b Antonio “The Promise” Thomas by DQ after “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion smashed Bauer with a steel chair!
  • April 18, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – Spring Breakdown in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Slyck Wagner Brown vs. Antonio “The Promise” Thomas ended in a 10:00 time limit draw, Davey Loomis b Isys Ephex following a Belly-to-belly Suplex, Alexxis Nevaeh b Mistress Belmont w/Sean Gorman, “Superstar” Ryan Matthews b “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke to win the NECW Television title after Matthews’ grandfather fakes a heart attack in the front row (As Ryan Matthews was announced as the new TV Champion, his grandfather jumped to his feet and ripped off his shirt, glasses and wig. Ryan Matthews’ grandfather on his mother’s side is none other than the 70-year-old “Sports Illustrated Legend” Robbie Ellis!), Pat’s Pit segment with Pat “The Brat” Piper, “The Heat” Kris Pyro b Darling Damon of the Crown Jewels in a singles match, Mike Bennett and Guy Alexander b T.J. Richter and “The Man No One Can Slam” Mr. Munroe, “Sensational” Scott Levesque (w/Handsome Johnny and Sammi Lane) b Nick Westgate to remain undefeated in NECW competition, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Sean Gorman b NECW Triple Crown champion “The Enforcer” Max Bauer by DQ after Bauer whacked Arion with a chair.
  • May 30, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – 6th Annual IRON 8 in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b “The Heat” Kris Pyro in a 1st Round match, Antonio “The Promise” Thomas b “The Natural” Scott Osborne in a 1st Round match, Maverick Wild b Davey Loomis in a 1st Round match, Pat’s Pit Segment with Handsome Johnny and Sammi Lane, Ken Doane b Slyck Wagner Brown in a 1st Round match, Harley Race got a standing ovation and did commentary for the second half of the event, Alex Arion and Mistress Belmont w/Sean Gorman b Max Bauer and Alexxis Neveah in a mixed tag team match, Antonio Thomas b Ken Doane and Brandon Locke and Maverick Wild in a 4-WAY 45-minute Iron Man match to win the annual Iron 8 tournament (After the match, Harley Race awarded the championship trophy to Antonio Thomas, who was also congratulated by Ken Doane. Brandon Locke shook hands too, but then attacked Thomas and smashed the trophy into pieces!)
  • July 11, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – Red, White and Bruised in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “The Talent” TJ Richter b Nick Westgate (Westgate hit “The Honor Roll” on Richter and left to a great ovation), “Sensational” Scott Levesque w/Sammi Lane b “The Devil’s Reject” Brandon Webb by Submission, Alex Arion and Sean Gorman segment (Gorman said Arion was the most talanted wrestler he’s ever managed, and that brought out DC Dillinger to confront them), IWA-Puerto Rico Junior Heavyweight Champion Ryan Bispal w/Ive b “The Prince of Pink” Brendan Michael Thomas w/Portuguese Princess Ariel, “Superstar” Ryan Matthews (w/his grandfather “The Sports Illustrated Legend” Robbie Ellis) b “The Heat” Kris Pyro to retain the NECW Television title, Pat’s Pit segment with Pat “The Brat” Piper with guest “Rock God” Brett Adams, The Crown Jewels (Bad Boy Jason and Darling Damon w/“Mr. Fabulous” Tony Ulysses) b Davey Loomis and Alex Payne to retain the NECW Tag Team titles, Team Alexxis (Alexxis Neveah and Taeler Hendrix and Amber) b Team Ariel (Portuguese Princess Ariel and Mistress Belmont and Sammi Lane), “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Sean Gorman b Antonio “The Promise” Thomas in a #1 Contenders match (NECW Triple Crown champion Max Bauer attacked Arion after the match and then went after Gorman! DC Dillinger ran out and saved Gorman from assault, while Arion sucker-punched Bauer from behind!)
  • August 8, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – Birthday Bash 9: Rage in a Cage in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: the entire NECW locker room who surrounded the ring as Sheldon Goldberg announced that NECW had television deal with Comcast SportsNet New England – with a weekly one hour broadcast to air Fridays at 4pm EST starting January 8, 2010. “The Heat” Kris Pyro b “Superstar” Ryan Matthews to win the NECW Television title (Matthews’ grandfather “The Sports Illustrated Legend” Robbie Ellis was barred from the building), “The Upset Kid” Nick Westgate b “The Talent” TJ Richter w/Mr. Munroe, Scott Levesque and Sammi Lane w/Handsome Johnny b Ryan Bisbal and Ivy after Sammi hit Brisbal with a loaded teddy bear, Alexxis Nevaeh b “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel w/Brendan Michael Thomas to win the WWW Championship, Antonio “The Promise” Thomas b “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke and “The Natural” Scott Osbourne (w/”Rock God” Brett Adams) in a triple threat match, Pat’s Pit segment with Pat “The Brat” Piper and special guest Handsome Johnny w/Sammi Lane, Davey Loomis and Alex Payne b NECW Tag Team champions The Crown Jewels (Bad Boy Jason and Darling Daron w/”Mr. Fabulous” Tony Ulysses) by DQ, NECW Co-Owners Matt and Kyle Storm announced NECW Tag Team Classic to take place on 9/19, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Sean Gorman in a Steel Cage match with DC DIllinger as the guest referee to retain the NECW Triple Crown (The finish saw Bauer hit Arion with an Enforcer Bomb from the top of the cage to the mat).
  • September 19, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – NECW Tag Team Classic in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: The Great Malaki b The Sensational Masked Stretcher in a Showcase Challenge Match, Scott Osborne and Brandon Locke b Stupefied and Twiggy in a 1st Round match, Mike Bennett and Guy Alexander b T.J. Richter and Mr. Munroe in a 1st Round match, The Red Devil Fight Team (Mikhail Ivanov and Aleksander Chekov) b Davey Loomis and Alex Payne in a 1st Round match, D.C. Dillinger fired Sean Gorman as a manager (Alex Arion attacks Dillinger. Dillinger spit at Arion, who grabbed the ring bell and bashed Dillinger in the head!), Ryan Bisbal and Don Vega (w/Ivy, waving a Puerto Rican flag) b 2.0 (Shane Matthews and Jagged) in a 1st Round match, Scott Osborne and Brandon Locke vs. Mike Bennett and Guy Alexander ended in a Double Countout in a Semi-Final match (both teams were eliminated), Ryan Bisbal and Don Vega (with Ivy) b The Red Devil Fight Team (Mikhail Ivanov and Aleksander Chekov) in the Semi-Finals (became the Finals) to win the 1st Annual NECW Tag Team Classic. “Enforcer” Max Bauer b “Darling” Damon (w/”Bad Boy” Jason) to retain the NECW Triple Crown. Pat “The Brat” Piper b “Handsome” Johnny (with Sammi Lane) in a Karaoke Battle (pie-eating contest next month). The Crown Jewels (Bad Boy Jason and Darling Daron w/”Mr. Fabulous” Tony Ulysses) b Ryan Bisbal and Don Vega w/Ivy to retain the NECW Tag Team titles.
  • October 23, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – Autumn Unleashed (Night 1) in Somerset, Massachusetts at the Teamworks Indoor Sports Complex: Vinnie Nero b Matt Magnum with a small package, Ryan Bisbal w/Ivy b “The Talent” TJ Richter w/Mr. Munroe, Pat ‘The Brat” Piper and Pat’s Pit with Brett Adams and Brandon Locke plus Max Bauer (setting up the main event), “The Devil’s Reject” Brandon Webb b Mr. Munroe by DQ after Munroe refused to break a chokehold (after the match, the lights went out and Webb disappeared), Alexxis Nevaeh b Ivy to retain the WWW Championship, “The Heat” Kris Pyro b Brendan Michael Thomasto retain the NECW Television title, DC Dillinger b “Sensational” Scott Levesque w/Sammi Lane, Davey Loomis and Alex Payne b NECW Tag Team champions The Crown Jewels w/“Mr. Fabulous” Tony Ulysses by Countout, NECW Triple Crown Champion “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke w/“Rock God” Brett Adams with a big boot.
  • October 24, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – Autumn Unleashed (Night 2) in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Vinnie Nero vs. Matt Magnum ended in a No Contest after Mr. Munroe and T.J. Richter attacked both men, NECW Television champion “The Heat” Kris Pyro b Chris Camaro with the Afterburn 2.0, Davey Loomis w/Alex Payne b “Royalty” William King, Alexxis Nevaeh b Mistress Belmont to retain the WWW Championship, Handsome Johnny w/Sammi Lane b Pat “The Brat” Piper in a blind-folded pie eating contest (5-0), Don Vega and Ryan Bisbal w/Ivy b NECW Tag Team champions The Crown Jewels w/“Mr. Fabulous” Tony Ulysses in a Non-title match (After the match, the Crown Jewels assaulted the winners until a hooded mystery man attacked them and revealed himself as the returning “East Coast Intensity” Jose Perez), NECW President Sheldon Goldberg announced that “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion was suspended indefinitely for his vicious attack on DC Dillinger the previous month (Manager Sean Gorman came to the ring and protested, threatening legal intervention, to no avail), D.C. Dillinger b “Sensational” Scott Levesque w/Sammi Lane (After the match; Lane hit Dillinger from behind, but D.C. instead grabbed her and planted a huge kiss on her!), “The Devil’s Reject” Brandon Webb b “The Talent” TJ Richter, “Enforcer” Max Bauer b “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke (w/Scott Osbourne and Brett Adams) by DQ to retain the NECW Triple Crown (DC Dillinger interrupted a post match beat down to save Max Bauer).
  • November 21, 2009 – New England Championship Wrestling – The 2009 Toxic Waltz in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: The evening began with a short video tribute to a New England wrestling legend, the late “Boston Bad Boy” Tony Rumble, who passed away ten years ago last week. “The Heat” Kris Pyro b Brendan Michael Thomas to retain the NECW Television title, “The Natural” Scott Osbourne with “The Rock God” Brett Adams b “The Devil’s Reject” Brandon Webb, Alexxis Neveah and Ivy b Sammi Lane and Kimaya, NECW Triple Crown champion Max Bauer b “The Talent” T.J. Richter (w/Mr. Munroe and Mr. Mini-ro), Rican Havoc (Ryan Bisbal and Don Vega and Jose Perez w/Ivy) b NECW Tag Team champions The Crown Jewels and Scott Levesque w/Tony Ulysses, Pat “The Brat” Piper and Pat’s Pit with Handsome Johnny (agreed to find four partners each for a 10-man tag team match at the next show). The Toxic Waltz (10-Man Gauntlet Match, where the loser of each fall picks who the winner faces in the next round): Davey Loomis beat Alex Payne. T.J. Richter beat Davey Loomis w/Mr. Munroe. T.J. Richter beat Mr. Munroe. “The Heat” Kris Pyro beat T.J. Richter. “The Heat” Kris Pyro beat “Sensational” Scott Levesque w/Handsome Johnny. “The Natural” Scott Osbourne beat “The Heat” Kris Pyro with his feet on the ropes. D.C. Dillinger beat “The Natural” Scott Osbourne despite interference from Brett Adams. “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke beat D.C. Dillinger when Brett Adams hooked Dillinger’s leg coming off the ropes. “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b Jason Blade to win the 2009 Toxic Waltz (After the match, Locke and Osbourne and Brett Adams attacked Blade until Max Bauer made the save!)
  • January 23, 2010 – New England Championship Wrestling – TV Taping (Comcast SportsNet) in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: Mr. Munroe b Marco Mack, T.J. Richter b Vinny Masreglia, Bad Boy Jason and Darling Damon vs. Ryan Bibal and Jose Perez ended in a No Contest, Taeler Hendrix b Amber, Brandon Locke and Scott Osbourne b Alex Payne and Davey Loomis, D.C. Dillinger b Max Magnum, Kris Pyro b Rey Keijimura, Mike Bennett b David Cash, Max Bauer b Scott Levesque.
  • February 27, 2010 – New England Championship Wrestling – GENESIS 9 in Pembroke, Massachusetts at the South Shore Field House: “Sensational” Scott Levesque b Ryan Bisbal and Alex Payne and TJ Richter in a 4-WAY #1 Contenders match for a TV title shot, “The Heat” Kris Pyro b “The Natural” Scott Osbourne w/”Rock God” Brett Adams to retain the NECW Television title, Pat’s Pit featured Pat Piper calling out Handsome Johnny, Jason Blade w/Pat Piper b Handsome Johnny, “The Daddy Cat” DC Dillinger b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/”The Manager of Champions” Sean Gorman by intentional DQ, “The Daddy Cat” DC Dillinger b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Sean Gorman in a No-DQ match, Rican Havoc (Jose Perez and Don Vega) b NECW Tag Team champions The Crown Jewels (Bad Boy Jason and “Mr. Fabulous” Tony Ulysses) by DQ, Taeler Hendrix b Kimaya (WWW Toxic Waltz #1), Taeler Hendrix b Sammi Lane (WWW Toxic Waltz #2), Amber b Sammi Lane (WWW Toxic Waltz #3), “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel b Amber (WWW Toxic Waltz #4), Puerto Rican sensation Ivy b Ariel (WWW Toxic Waltz #5), Ivy b Nikki Valentine (WWW Toxic Waltz #6), Ivy b Mistress Belmont w/Sean Gorman (WWW Toxic Waltz #7) to become the #1 Contender to Alexxis Nevaeh’s WWW title (After the match, Belmont attacked Ivy until WWW champion Alexxis Nevaeh made the save!), “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke w/”Rock God” Brett Adams b “The Enforcer” Max Bauer to win the NECW Triple Crown.
  • May 1, 2010 – New England Championship Wrestling – 7th Annual IRON 8 Tournament in Somerset, Massachusetts at Teamworks Indoor Sports: The show opened with a 20 minute live music set by Tester, the band who wrote and performs “King of the World”, the official theme song of the 7th annual IRON 8. “The Payne Train” Alex Payne (sub for Scott Osbourne) b Dickie Rodz with a spear to advance, “Sensational” Scott Levesque b “Daddy Cat” DC Dillinger with a modified Indian Deathlock to advance, Handsome Johnny b “Punisher” Don Vega (sub for Ryan Bisbal) with a spin kick to advance, CG Afi aka Tony Mamaluke b Little Guido with a half Boston-crab to advance, NECW Triple Crown champion “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke b NECW Television champion “The Heat” Kris Pyro in a special challenge match (After the match, “The Hi-Lite” Davd Cssh attacked Kris Pyro with chairshots), Handsome Johnny b “Sensational” Scott Levesque and “The Payne Train” Alex Payne and CG Afi in a 4-WAY 45-minute Iron Man match (2-1-1-1) – Notes: The show ended with Handsome Johnny celebrating his win as Tester played “King of the World” and Handsome joined the band and sang along that he was now “King of the World”.
  • July 17, 2010 – New England Championship Wrestling in Tyngsboro, Massachusetts at the Tyngsboro Sports Center: “Handsome” Johnny Hayes b Julian Starr, Rican Havoc (Don Vega and Jose Perez) b T.J. Richter and Mr. Munroe, Mistress Belmont w/Sean Gorman b Puerto Rican sensation Ivy by submission to retain the WWW title, NECW TV champion “The Heat” Kris Pyro b “The King of New York” David Cash, Ryan Bisbal b NECW Triple Crown champion “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke w/Brett Adams in a Non-title Steel Cage match.
  • August 6, 2010 – New England Championship Wrestling – 10th Anniversary Weekend in Quincy, Massachusetts at the Knights of Columbus: NECW presented a special banquet to celebrate their 10 year anniversary.  The banquet included a sumptuous four course meal and all the stars of NECW were in attendance for a unique interactive event commemorating 10 years of New England Championship Wrestling with awards, special guests and more.
  • August 7, 2010 – New England Championship Wrestling – Birthday Bash 10 in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: D.C. Dillinger b Eddie Edwards, Alexxus Neveah and Vinnie Masseglia b Rey Keijimura and Mistress Belmont, Gino Giovani and Scott Levesque b Handsome Johnny Hayes, Rican Havoc b T.J. Richter and Mr. Monroe, Brian Milonas b Max Bauer, David Cash vs. Kris Pyro in a TLC match ended in a No Contest, Brandon Locke b Ryan Bisbal.
  • September 11, 2010 – New England Championship Wrestling – 2nd Annual NECW Tag Team Classic in Quincy, Massachusetts at the National Guard Armory: “America The Beautiful” in honor of 9/11, The Logan Brothers (Matt and Bryan) b The Prestige (Ryan “H2o” Waters and Matt Magnum) in a 1st Round Match, The Red Devil Fight Team (Mikhail Ivanov and Aleksander Chekov) b The Hellfire Symphony (The Great Malaki and Xavier DeFaust w/The Great Cheyenne) in a 1st Round Match, The G3 Network (“Gorgeous” Gino Giovanni and “Sensational” Scott Levesque w/Sammi Lane) b “The Talent” T.J Richter and Mr. Mini-roe w/Mr. Munroe in a 1st Round Match, Alexxis Neveah b The Great Cheyenne to retain the WWW Championship, Da Hoodz (“The Heat” Kris Pyro and “Hilite” Davey Cash) b The Fro-kyo Express (Brenden Michael Thomas and Ray Kejimura) in a 1st Round Match, The Red Devil Fight Team (Mikhail Ivanov and Aleksander Chekov) b The Logan Brothers (Matt and Bryan) in a 2nd Round match, Da Hoodz (“The Heat” Kris Pyro and “Hilite” Davey Cash) b The G3 Network (“Gorgeous” Gino Giovanni and “Sensational” Scott Levesque w/Sammi Lane) in a 2nd Round match, Pat’s Pit” with Pat “The Brat” Piper with guests “The Rock God” Brett Adams and Julian Starr, Da Hoodz (“The Heat” Kris Pyro and “Hilite” Davey Cash) b The Red Devil Fight Team (Mikhail Ivanov and Aleksander Chekov) in the Finals to win the 2nd Annual NECW Tag Team Classic. Jullian Starr (w/”The Rock God” Brett Adams and Brandon Locke) b Tripleicious with a spinning Fisherman’s suplex, Rican Havoc (Don Vega and Jose Perez) b Da Hoodz (“The Heat” Kris Pyro and “Hilite” Davey Cash) to retain the NECW Tag Team titles.
  • September 4, 2011 – New England Championship Wrestling in Spencer, Massachusetts: Ryan Bisbal b Nick Farenheight, Mercedes and Ivy b Mistress Belmont and Veda Scott, Giant Pharoah b Scotty Shields and Elia Markropolis, Julian Starr b Chase Del Monte, Sean Burke b Chris Neil, Taka Suzuki b Eddie Ryan, Bobby Fish and Matt Taven b Brian Fury and D.C. Dillinger.
  • November 12, 2011 – New England Championship Wrestling – Bouts of the Scouts in Abington, Massachusetts before 500 fans: Tony Delfonzo b Elia Marakropolous, Nick Farenheight b Devin Blaze and Tommy Trainwreck, Alexxis Neveah b Luscious Latasha, Giant Pharoah b Scotty Slade and Todd Sople, Joe Poe b B.A. Tatum, Julian Starr and Taka Suzuki b D.C. Dillinger and Brian Fury and Brandon Locke.
  • March 23, 2012 – New England Championship Wrestling in Blackstone, Massachusetts: All Money is Legal b Matt and Brian Logan to win vacant tag titles (Promoter Sheldon Goldberg stripped D.C. Dillinger and Brian Fury of the titles), Johnny thunder b Jason Rumble, Bobby Fish b Chase Del Monte to keep NECW title, Adrianna b Mistress Belmont, Giant Pharaoh and Tank the Tank b Brandon Webb and Apocalypse.

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