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- November 27, 1997 – Music City Wrestling – Tennessee Homecoming in Nashville, TN: Thrillbilly and Shane Eden b The Centerfolds to win the Tag Team titles, 8-Ball b Andy Anderson, J.C Ice b Romeo Valentine, Debbie Combs b Sherri Martel, Adrian Street b Frenchy Riviera by DQ, Steven Dunn b Rex King by DQ, Terry Golden b Colorado Kid to win the North American title, Wolfie D b Flash Flanagan in a ladder match (Jason Jarrett was the special referee), Billy Travis b Doug Gilbert in a Scaffold match.
- November 28, 1997 – Music City Wrestling in Lafayette, TN: Adrian Street b Frenchy Riviera by DQ, Kenny Arden b Thrillbilly, Rex King b Romeo Valentine, Wolfie D b Flash Flanagan, Colorado Kid b Billy Travis.
- November 30, 1997 – Music City Wrestling in Lebanon, TN: Frenchy Riviera b Thrillbilly by DQ, Steven Dunn b Andy Anderson, Colorado Kid b Billy Travis, Flash Flanagan b Wolfie D in a first blood match, Colorado Kid b Kenny Arden.
- December 4, 1997 – Music City Wrestling in Nashville, TN: Wolfie D b Tony Street, Colorado Kid b Jason Lee, Steven Dunn b Trailer Park Trash, J.C Ice b Terry Golden (North American/Southern Champion) by DQ, Recon b Blade Boudreaux, Nick Dinsmore b Tony Street, Flash Flanagan b Bobby Brawnz, Shane Eden b Romeo Valentine, Colorado Kid b Andy Anderson.
- December 6, 1997 – Music City Wrestling in Nashville, TN: Nick Dinsmore b Trailer Park Trash, J.C Ice b Kenny Arden, Shane Eden b Frenchy Riviera, Terry Golden b Blade Boudreaux to retain the North American/Southern titles, Steven Dunn b Andy Anderson, Billy Travis b Colorado Kid by reverse decision, Flash Flanagan b Wolfie in an I quit match.
- December 25, 1997 – Music City Wrestling in Nashville, TN: Chris Michaels b Kenny Arden, Mo b Billy Travis, Doug Gilbert b Dutch Mantel-DQ, Tag champs Shane Eden and Thrillbilly b Bad Black and Beautiful by DQ, J.C Ice b Terry Golden, Rex King b Steven Dunn in a street fight, Colorado Kid b Frenchy Riviera in a hair vs hair match, Wolfie D b Flash Flanagan in a Texas death match.
- February 7, 1998 – Music City Wrestling – TV tapings in Nashville, TN: Billy Travis b Bobby Brawns, Shane Eden b Frenchy Riviera- DQ, Nick Dinsmore b Kenny Arden, King Mabel b Jason Perry, North American champ Wolfie D b Derrick King, Colorado Kid and The Moondogs b Brickhouse Brown and Terry Golden and Flash Flanagan by count out, Nick Dinsmore and Dutch Mantel wrestled to a draw, Shane Eden and Frenchy Riviera b Jason Lee and Mike Maverick, RockNRoll Express b Tag champs Steve Dunn and Reno Riggins by DQ.
- February 14, 1998 – Music City Wrestling in Nashville, TN: Brickhouse Brown b Shane Eden, Nick Dinsmore b Dutch Mantel by DQ, King Mabel vs Tommy Rich ended in a NO CONTEST, Colorado Kid b Flash Flanagan, Doug Gilbert and Wolfie D b Steven Dunn and Flash Flanagan.
- February 20, 1998 – Music City Wrestling in Springfield, TN: Thrillbilly b Billy Travis by DQ, Shane Eden b Dutch Mantel by DQ, Colorado Kid b Brickhouse Brown, Frenchy Riviera and Shane Eden b Reno Riggins and Steven Dunn, Wolfie D b King Mabel.
- March 14, 1998 – Music City Wrestling in Nashville, TN: Nick Dinsmore b Jason Lee, J.C Ice b Kenny Arden, Reno Riggins b Shane Eden, The Assassin b J.C Ice, Doug Gilbert and Flash Flanagan b Reno Riggins and Steven Dunn.
- April 4, 1998 – Music City Wrestling – Tojo Yamamoto Memorial in Nashville, TN: Colorado Kid b Andy Andrews, Nick Dinsmore and Rob Conway b Jason Lee and Trailer Park Trash, Shane Eden b The Assassin, J.C Ice b Kenny Arden, Wolfie D b Flash Flanagan in a dog collar match, Chris Michaels NC Brickhouse Brown, Shannon Eden b Princess Dee by DQ, Colorado Kid won a battle royal to win the North American title, Rob Conway and Nick Dinsmore b Tennesee Volunteers and Ladies Night Out and RockNRoll Express in a 4-WAY to win the Tag Team titles.
- April 11, 1998 – Music City Wrestling in Nashville, TN: Frenchy Riviera b Kenny Arden, Reno Riggins b Chris Michaels, Flash Flanagan b J.C Ice, Colorado Kid b Bulldog Raines to retain the North American title, Brickhouse Brown b Shane Edge by DQ, Nick Dinsmore and Rob Conway b Reno Riggins and Steven Dunn by reverse decision to retain the Tag Team titles.
- May 15, 1998 – Music City Wrestling in Royalton, IL: Colorado Kid b Kenny Arden to retain the North American title, Steven Dunn b Frenchy Riviera, Chris Michaels b The Atomic Dog, Frenchy Riviera won a battle royal.
- June 6, 1998 – Music City Wrestling – NWA 50th Anniversary Show in Nashville, TN: Rockin’ Randy b Eric Freedom, Frenchy Riviera b Jason Lee in a bodyslam challenge, Terry Golden b Chris Walker, Kenny Arden b Tony Rose, Chris Michaels and Shane Eden b Brickhouse Brown and Andy Anderson, Rex King and Flash Flanagan DDQ Steven Dunn and Reno Riggins, North American champ Colorado Kid b Wolife D in a belt on a pole match.
- July 11, 1998 – Music City Wrestling in Nashville, TN: The Atomic Dog b Frenchy Riviera, Princess Dee b Heidi Hudson, Doug Gilbert b The Atomic Dog, Shane Eden b Chris Michaels, The Tennessee Volunteers b Wolfie D and Flash Flanagan.
- July 15, 1998 – Music City Wrestling – TV taping in Smyrna, TN: Flash Flanagan and Wolfie D b Notorious D.O.G and Kevin Jones, Silky Boom Boom NC Shane Eden, Shannon Moore b Will O’the Wisp, Billy Black b Rukkus to retain the Georgia title, Colorado Kid b Sha to retain the North American title.
- July 16, 1998 – Music City Wrestling in Loganville, GA: Rukkus b A.J Steele, Silky Boom Boom b Dango, Frenchy Riviera b Skinny Kenny, Lord Humongous b The Prodigy, Buck Siegler b Notorious D.O.G, Georgia champ Billy Black b Vic Rose.
- July 25, 1998 – Music City Wrestling in Lebanon, TN: Andy Anderson b The Atomic Dog, Georgia champ Billy Black b Rex King, Shane Eden b Chris Michaels, Reno Riggins b Wolfie D, Recon b Colorado Kid to win the North American title.
- August 1, 1998 – Music City Wrestling in Nashville, TN: Blackie West b Tommy Rose, Todd Morton b The Atomic Dog, Frenchy Riviera b Lord Humongous by DQ, Andy Anderson b Jason Lee, Chris Michaels b Shane Eden, Colorado Kid b Recon to recapture the North American title, Wolfie D and Flash Flanagan b Steven Dunn and Reno Riggins in a Steel Cage match to win the held up NWA North American Tag Team titles.
- August 2, 1998 – Music City Wrestling in Loisville, KY: Tommy Rose b Blackie West, Lord Humongous b Frenchy Riviera, Little Josh b Lone Eagle in a midget match, The Atomic Dog b Todd Morton, Andy Anderson b Chris Kerns, Princess Dee b Mighty Heidi, Chris Michaels b Shane Eden by DQ, Colorado Kid b Recon to retain the North American title, Wolfie D and Flash Flanagan b Steven Dunn and Reno Riggins to retain the NWA North American Tag Team titles.
- August 5, 1998 – Music City Wrestling – TV Taping in Smyrna, TN: Colorado Kid b Tim Rose to retain the North American title, Lord Humongous b T.C Champion, Recon b Andy Anderson, Wolfie D and Flash Flanagan b Blackie West and Chris Kerns to retain the NWA NOrth American Tag Team titles, Hamrick b Dr. Feelgood, Shane Eden b Silky Boom Boom.

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