- January 16, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – A Matter of Pride in Oolitic, IN: Trik Davis b Emil Sitoci, Ryan Boz b Steve Stone, Mike Quackenbush and Gran Akuma and Jigsaw b Eddie Kingston and Jack Marciano and Hallowickid, Allison Danger b Daizee Haze, Matt Sydal b Nate Webb, Jerry Lynn b Danny Daniels to win IWA title, J.C. Bailey b Ian Rotten in an I Quit match, Chris Hero b Delirious, Mad Man Pondo won three-way over Necro Butcher and Corporal Robinson in a thumbtacks death match.
- January 17, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Put Up or Shut Up in Highland, IN: Ian Rotten introduces the new Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn, Ace Steel won a battle royal to become #1 Contender, Mike Quackenbush and Gran Akuma and Jigsaw b Eddie Kingston and Jack Marciano and Hallowicked, Cash Flo b Trik Davis, Daizee Haze b Allison Danger, Brad Bradley and Ryan Roz b Ian Rotten and Steve Stone in a “Falls Count Anywhere” match, Delirious b Nate Webb, Matt Sydal b JC Bailey to win the IWA Light Heavyweight title, Chris Sabin b Petey Williams, Jerry Lynn b Ace Steel to retain the HVT title, Danny Daniels b Chris Hero in a “Steel Cage Loser Leaves IWA” match.
- January 24, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Salem, IN: Alex Shelley b Trik Davis, Petey Williams b Alex Shelley, Petey Williams b J.C. Bailey, Brad Bradley b Steve Stone, Chris Hamrick b Morbid, Danny Daniels NC Corporal Robinson, Steve Stone and Corporal Robinson b Danny Daniels and Brad Bradley.
- January 31, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Lafayette IN: Jaimy Coxxx b Eddie Venom, Emil Sitoci b Conrad Kennedy III, B.J. Whitmer b Arik Cannon, Petey Williams b Casanova, Daizee Haze b MsChif, Matt Sydal b Delirious, J.C. Bailey b Nate Webb, Steve Stone and Corporal Robinson b Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz.
- February 13, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Highland, IN before 244 fans: Josh Prohibition and M-Dogg 20 b Eddie Kingston and Jack Marciano, B.J. Whitmer b Shark Boy, Matt Sydal b Petey Williams to keep lt hwt title, Chris Sabin won three-way over Jimmy Jacobs and Zach Gowen, Adam Flash b Austin Aries, Lacey b Daizee Haze, Delirious b Arik Cannon, Sabu won three-way over J.C. Bailey and Nate Webb, Danny Daniels b B-Boy, Ian Rotten and Balls Mahoney and Mad Man Pondo and Steve Stone b Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz and Jim Fannin and Carmine DeSpirito in a tornado barbed wire match.
- February 14, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Broken Hearted in Salem, Indiana: Emil Sitoci b Blackjack Marciano, Ryan Boz b Trik Davis, Jimmy Jacobs b Austin Aries, Steve Stone b Eddie Kingston, Ian Rotten b Adam Flash, J.C. Bailey b Corporal Robinson, B-Boy b Arik Cannon.
- February 21, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Givin the Dogg a Bone in Oolitic, Indiana: Emil Sitoci b Frankie the Face, Trik Davis and Eddie Venom b Rory and Robbie McAllister, B.J. Whitmer b Steve Stone, Jimmy Jacobs b Arik Cannon, Cash Flo b B.G. James, Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Stone b B.J. Whitmer and Arik Cannon.
- February 28, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Lafayette, Indiana: Steve Stone b Skeeter Frost, Emil Sitoci b Gabriel Halen and Nick Halen, Sal Rinauro b Cru Jones, Daizee Haze b Lacey, Danny Daniels b Austin Aries, Ian Rotten b B.J. Whitmer, Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz b Matt Sydal and Delirious, J.C. Bailey b Nate Webb in a Steel Cage Match.
- March 6, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Highland, IN before about 300 fans: Emil Sitoci b Trik Davis and Cru Jones and Frankie the Face in a 4-WAY, M-Dogg 20 and Josh Prohibition b Vito and Sal Thomaselli (Pro Wrestling Iron), Tracy Smothers b Conrad Kennedy III, Ryan Boz b B.G. James (stinker), Lacey b Rain and Daizee Haze and MsChif and ODB and Mickie Knuckles in a 6-WAY (standing O), Arik Cannon b Ian Rotten, Steve Stone b Zach Gowen (heel), Matt Sydal b Delirious, Jerry Lynn b Danny Daniels to keep the IWA title with Colt Cabana as referee, Nate Webb b J.C. Bailey in death match.
- March 7, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Oolitic, Indiana: Daizee Haze b Mickie Knuckles, Delirious b Nigel McGuinness and Steve Stone, Zach Gowen b Emil Sitoci, B.G. James Trik Davis b Ryan Boz and Jim Fannin, Corporal Robinson b Nate Webb, Jerry Lynn b B.J. Whitmer to retain the IWA-MS World title.
- March 19, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Salem, IN: Emil Sitoci b Ryan Ash, Steve Stone b Jaimy Coxx, Petey Williams b Nigel McGuiness, Trik Davis b J.C. Bailey, Austin Aries b Danny Daniels, Ian Rotten b Ryan Boz, Matt Sydal b Nate Webb.
- March 27, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Lafayette, IN: Brad Bradley b Austin Aaries, Corporal Robinson and Emil Sitoci b Rory and Robbie McAllister, Chad Collyer b Conrad Kennedy, Nate Webb b Jaimy Coxxx, Nigel McGuinness b Petey Williams, Danny Daniels and Ryan Boz b Ian Rotten and Steve Stone in a Stretcher match en Ian’s wife PATTI called for the match to be stopped when a bloodied Rotten, as well as Stone, were helplessly duct taped to the ring ropes and mercilessly attacked.
- April 9, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Oolitic, IN: Michael Shane won three-way over Adam Flash and Nate Webb, Ms Chif b Daizee Haze, Jimmy Jacobs b Roderick Strong, Delirious b Nigel McGuiness, Matt Sydal b Emil Sitoci B.J. Whitmer b Jerry Lynn to win IWA title in a 30:00 Iron man match, Arik Cannon b Chad Collyer, Mark Wolf b Danny Daniels, A.J. Styles b B-Boy, J.C. Bailey and Necro Butcher b Corporal Robinson and Wifebeater in fans bring the weapons match.
- April 10, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Highland, IN before 271 fans: Austin Aries b Michael Shane, Mickie Knuckles and Daizee Haze b MsChif and Allison Danger, Danny Daniels b Colt Cabana, Zach Gowen b Trik Davis, Petey Williams b Jimmy Jacobs and Arik Cannon and Roderick Strong and Emil Sitochi and Nate Webb in a 6-WAY, Steve Stone b Adam Flash, A.J. Styles b Matt Sydal, Jerry Lynn b Delirious, Chad Collyer and Nigel McGuiness b Steve Boz and Brad Bradley, Samoa Joe b B.J. Whitmer, B-Boy b Chris Hero 2/3 falls in a 45:00 match, Corporal Robinson NC Wifebeater in a 2/3 fall table match when the table simply refused to break after six tries.
- April 16, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – The Final Countdown in Salem, Indiana: Ryan Boz b Jimmy Jacobs, Robbie McAllister b Frankie The Face, Emile Sitoci b Cash Flo, Ian Rotten b Rory McAllister, Corporal Robinson b JC Bailey in a FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE match, Chris Hero b Danny Daniels in a LAST MAN STANDING match.
- April 17, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Lafayette, Indiana: Nate Webb b Frankie The Face and J-Rocc in a 3-way, The Highlanders (Rory and Robbie McAllister) b The Perfect Strangers (Emil Sitoci and Trik Davis), Lacey vs Daizee Haze was a draw, Delerious b Chad Collyer, Matt Sydal b Austin Aries to retain the LHW title, Chris Jericho b Arik Cannon in a match with European rounds format, Danny Daniels and Ryan Boz and Jim Fannin b Ian Rotten and Steve Stone in a HANDICAP match.
- May 7, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Lafayette, IN: Trik Davis b Murat Bosporous, Petey Williams b Nate Webb, Chris Hero b Eddie Kingston, Chad Collyer b Arik Cannon-DQ, Ian Rotten b Danny Daniels, Ryan Boz b Eddie Venom, Samoa Joe b Steve Stone, Rain and Lacy b Daizee haze and Mickie Knuckles, Austin Aries b Amazing Red, B-Boy and Homicide b Matt Sydal and Delirious, B.J. Whitmer b Nigel McGuiness to keep title.
- May 8, 2004 – IWA Mid South in Highland, IN: Trik Davis b Murat Bosporus, Angel Williams b ODB, Chad Collyer b Frankie the Face, Wildcards and Ian Rotten and Steve Stone b Nate Webb and Eddie Venom and Jigsaw and Icarus, Danny Daniels b Jimmy Jacobs, Samoa Joe b Arik Cannon, Petey Williams b Nigel McGuiness, Steve Boz and Brad Bradley b Dunn and Marcos, Matt Sydal b Amazing Red, Homicide b Chris Hero, B.J. Whitmer b B-Boy to keep Mid South title.
- May 22, 2004 – IWA Mid South in Oolitic, IN: Nate Webb b John McChesney, J-Rocc won three-way over Eddie Venom and Chris Kole, Chad Collyer b Conrad Kennedy III, Ian Rotten b Cash Flo, Petey Williams b A.J. Styles (tournament match for NWA Indiana State title), Mad Man Pondo b Corporal Robinson in no rope barbed wire match.
- May 29, 2004 – IWA Mid South in Highland, IN before 200 fans: Danny Daniels b Eddie Edwards, Sumie Sakai b Rain, Tracy Smothers and Chris Hamrick b Eddie Kingston and Blackjack Marciano, C.M. Punk and Colt Cabana b Nigel McGuiness and Chad Collyer, Ricky Reyes and Puma b Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz, Homicide and B-Boy b M Dogg 20 and Josh Prohibition, Petey Williams won elimination match over Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley and Roderick Strong and Nate Webb and Austin Aries and Delirious, Petey Williams b B.J. Whitmer to win IWA title, CM Punk and Colt Cabana b Ricky Reyes and Puma, Tracy Smothers and Chris Hamrick b Homicide and B-Boy, Samoa Joe b Chris Hero, Tracy Smothers and Chris Hamrick b CM Punk and Colt Cabana to win tag titles.
- May 30, 2004 – IWA Mid South in Hammond, IN: Daizee Haze b Sumie Sakai, Mercedes Martinez b Becky Bayless, Mickie Knuckles b Lexie Fyfe, Lacey b Tracy Brooks, MsChif b Allison Danger, Daizee Haze b Rain, Mercedes Martinez b Mickie Knuckles, Lacey b MsChif, Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz b Tracy Smothers and Chris Hamrick to win IWA tag titles, Lacey won three-way over Mercedes Martinez and Daizee Haze to become the IWA Mid South and NWA Midwest women’s champion, Chris Hero and Homicide and B-Boy b C.M. Punk and Samoa Joe and B.J. Whitmer in an elimination match when Hero made Joe tap to a hangman’s clutch.
- June 11, 2004 – IWA Mid South in Highland, IN before 100 fans: Hillbilly Jed b Jason Dukes, Samoa Joe b Homicide by choke submission, Nate Webb b Danny Daniels-DQ, Delirious won three-way over Colt Cabana and H.C. Loc, Lacey b Daizee Haze to keep womens’ title, Arik Cannon b Tracy Smothers, Ryan Boz and Brad Bradley b Dunn and Marcos, Matt Sydal b Austin Aries to keep the LHW title, C.M. Punk b Chris Hero in roughly an hour (Samoa Joe choked out Chris Hero after the match), Jimmy Jacobs b Alex Shelley twice in a cage match to win their best of 7 series by a 4-3 margin.
- June 19, 2004 – IWA Mid South in Highland, IN before 140-180 fans: Eddie Kingston and Black Jack Marciano b Chandler McClure and Bryce Benjamin, Trik Davis b Cash Flo-DQ, Ace Steel b Jimmy Jacobs, Lacey b MsChif, Mad Man Pondo NC Abdullah the Butcher in a no DQ match (total bloodbath, don’t ask about a NC in a no DQ), Ryuji Ito b Nate Webb, Arik Cannon b Chris Hero (best match, great heat), Delirious b Chris Sabin, Ryan Boz and Brad Bradley b Danny Daniels and B.J. Whitmer to keep tag titles, Petey Williams b Alex Shelley.
- June 25, 2004 – IWA Mid South – King of the Death Match Night #1 in Ooolitic, Indiana: Danny Daniels and B.J. Whitmer b Matt Sydal and Delirious, C.M. Punk b Ray Gordy (non-tournament), Chris Hero b Arik Cannon, Louie Ramos b Homicide in “barbed wire boards” match, Ryan Boz b Smokey C, Manslaughter b Trik Davis in a “thumb tack death” match, Tank b Deranged in a “barbed wire, thumb tacks, mouse trap and light tubes” match, Ian Rotten b Nate Webb in “fans bring the weapons”, Corporal Robinson b Dysfunction in a “log cabins of glass” match, Mad Man Pondo b J.C. Bailey in “fans bring the weapons” match and Toby Klein b Necro Butcher in a “fans bring the weapons” match.
- June 26, 2004 – IWA Mid South – King of the Death Match Night #2 in Ooolitic, Indiana: MsChif b Mickie Knuckles and Daizee Hase in a 3-WAY, Delirious b Matt Sydal to win the Light Heavyweight title, Chris Hero and Homicide b Ray Gordy and BJ Whitmer, Louie Ramos b Ryan Boz in a “Unlucky 13 Staple Gun” match, Corporal Robinson b Ian Rotten in a “Barbed Wire Ropes, Lightubes and Pool of Rubbing Alcohol” match, Tank b Deranged (sub for Manslaughter) in a “Barbed Wire Ropes Fans Bring the Weapons” match, Toby Klein b J.C. Bailey (sub for Mad Man Pondo) in an “Electrified Lighttubes” match, Corporal Robinson b Louie Ramos in a “Fans Bring the Weapons” match, Toby Klein b Tank in a “Fans Bring the Weapons” match, Corporal Robinson b Toby Klein in a “House of Pain Glass Deathmatch” to win the Tournament!
- July 23, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Tap Out City in Lafayette, Indiana: Eddie Kingston b Eddie Venom and Hillbilly Jed, Mickie Knuckles b Jamie D, Ray Gordy b Ian Rotten, Tank b Ryan Boz, Conrad Kennedy III b Brad Martin, Blackjack Marciano b Trik Davis, Adrian Serrano b Gator McGraw, Hallowicked b Rainman, Jimmy Rave b Arik Cannon, Petey Williams b Chris Hero to retain the IWA-MS World title.
- July 31, 2004 – IWA Mid South in Highland, IN: Jimmy Jacobs won three-way over Mark Wolf and Nate Webb to get an IA light heavyweight title shot, Trik Davis b Steve Stone, Traci Brooks won a four-way over Daizee Haze, MsChif and Mickie Knuckles, Delirious b A.J. Styles to keep the light heavyweight title when Kid Kash interfered, Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz b Nigel McGuiness and Chad Collyer to keep IWA tag titles, C.M. Punk b Matt Sydal, Sabu won three-way over Kid Kash and Danny Daniels (AJ Styles attacked Kash), Arik Cannon b Bryan Danielson, Petey Williams b Alex Shelley to keep IWA tile in 2/3 falls, Toby Klein b Mad Man Pondo in a barbed wire tables match.
- August 21, 2004 – IWA Mid South in Highland, IN before 195 fans: J.C. Bailey b Icarus, Trik Davis b Ryan Boz, Jimmy Jacobs d Delirious (double pin), Matt Sydal b Nate Webb, Bryan Danielson b Chris Hero (excellent match), Adam Pearce b Justin Kage, Nigel McGuiness and Chad Collyer b B.J. Whitmer and Danny Daniels, Arik Cannon b Homicide, Steve Stone b Ian Rotten, C.M. Punk b B-Boy, Mad Man Pondo b Toby Klein. They stapled money to each other including Pondo getting a $1 bill stapled to his nose.
- September 15, 2004 – IWA Mid South – A Phenomenal Invasion in Evansville, IN before 68 fans: Danny Daniels b Eddie Kingston, MsChif won three-way over Tracy Brooks and Mickie Knuckles, Nate Webb b B-Boy, Mad Man Pondo and Cash Flo b 2 Tuff Tony and Corporal Robinson in a tables elimination match, Steve Stone b J.C. Bailey, Arik Cannon b Roderick Strong, Claudio Castagnoli b Alex Shelley, A.J. Styles b Matt Sydal, Chris Hero d Bryan Danielson roughly 30:00 in a 2/3 fall match, Petey Williams b C.M. Punk to keep IWA title.
- September 16, 2004 – IWA Mid South – An IWA Homecoming in New Albany, IN before 85 fans: Mickie Knuckles b Tracy Brooks, Steve Stone b Danny Daniels, C.M. Punk b Claudio Castagnoli, Corporal Robinson b Rollin Hard, Matt Sydal NC Nate Webb for Sydal’s X title, Eddie Kingston and Black Jack Marciano b Sydal and Webb, J.C. Bailey b Cash Flo, Arik Cannon b Ian Rotten, Alex Shelley and Roderick Strong b Chris Hero and Nigel McGuiness (McGuiness turned on Hero), Bryan Danielson b A.J. Styles, Petey Williams b B-Boy to keep IWA title.
- September 17, 2004 – IWA Mid South – Ted Petty Invitational in Highland, IN: Mercedes Martinez b Lacey, Matt Sydal b Salvatore Rinauro, Nate Webb b Hallowickid, Rainman b Chris Sabin, C.M. Punk b Austin Aries, Danny Daniels b Todd Sexton, Jimmy Jacobs b Delirious in ladder match to win vacant Light-heavyweight title, Mike Quackenbush b Chris Hero, A.J. Styles b Jimmy Rave, Samoa Joe b Roderick Strong, Nigel McGuiness b Claudio Castagnoli, Bryan Danielson b Alex Shelley, Arik Cannon b Super Dragon, Petey Williams b B.J. Whitmer to retain the IWA title.
- September 18, 2004 – IWA Mid South – Ted Petty Invitational in Highland, IN: C.J. McManus b Billy McNeill and Thunderbolt in a 3-WAY, Jimmy Jacobs b Salvatore Rinauro, Steve Stone vs Ian Rotten in a “Falls Count Anywhere” match ended in NO CONTEST, Mike Quackenbush b Nate Webb (TPI), Rainman b Danny Daniels (TPI), Samoa Joe b Nigel McGuiness (TPI), Larry Sweeney and Jigsaw and Hallowicked b Icarus and Trik Davis and Gran Akuma, A.J. Styles b Matt Sydal (TPI), MsChif b Rain and Mickie Knuckles and Daizee Haze and Lacy and Mercedes Martinez in a 6-WAY, Arik Cannon b Petey Williams (TPI and also wins IWA title), Bryan Danielson b C.M. Punk (TPI), Eddie Kingston and Black Jack Marciano b Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz and Tank and Iceberg in a 3-WAY to win IWA Tag Team titles, Samoa Joe b Rainman in :56 (TPI), AJ Styles b Arik Cannon (TPI – Styles did not win the IWA title as Cannon refused to put it up), Bryan Danielson b Mike Quackenbush (TPI), B.J. Whitmer b Todd Sexton and Chris Sabin and Austin Aries and Alex Shelley and Claudio Castagnoli and Jimmy Rave in a 7-WAY (Whitmer got into it with a fan after the match and caused a near minor riot), AJ Styles b Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson in a 3-WAY to win the Ted Petty Tournament and also win the IWA title (After the match, Petey Williams ran in and gave Styles the Canadian Destroyer).
- October 7, 2004 – IWA Mid South in New Albany, IN: Ryan Boz b Prophet, Danny Daniels b Truth Martini, Ryuji Ito b J.C. Bailey, Mad Man Pondo b Zach Gowen, Delirious won three-way over Claudio Castagnoli and Brandon Thomaselli, Daisuke Sekimoto b Nate Webb, Nigel McGuiness b Chris Hero.
- October 20, 2004 – IWA Mid South – Battleground in Bloomington in Bloomington, IN: Austin Aries b Ace Steel, Abyss b Nate Webb, Shane Hagadorn b Matt Turner (ROH students), Mercedes Martinez b Tracy Brooks, Chad Collyer b Danny Daniels, Brandon Thomaselli b Claudio Catagnoli, C.M. Punk b Super Dragon, Davey Andrews b Ian Rotten, Wildcards b Anthony Franco and Evan Starsmore (ROH students), Petey Williams b Alex Shelley to keep TNA X title (they did an angle where A.J. Styles grabbed the belt and walked off), Christopher Daniels b Chris Sabin, Samoa Joe b Ryan Boz, Chris Candido b A.D. Styles, Arik Cannon b Roderick Strong to keep IWA title.
- October 21, 2004 – IWA Mid South – Autumn Armageddon in Evansville, IN: Davey Andrews (ROH student) won three-way over Nate Webb and Ryan Boz, Nigel McGuiness b Chad Collyer, Ace Steel and Collyer b McGuiness and Roderick Strong, C.M. Punk b Alex Shelley, Mercedes Martinez b MsChif-DQ, Wildcards won three-way over Evan Starsmore and Anthony Franco and Delirious and Double C, Chris Candido b Danny Daniels, Matt Turner b Shane Hagadorn, Samoa Joe NC Abyss, Super Dragon b B.J. Whitmer, Arik Cannon b Austin Aries to keep IWA title. Cannon suffered a broken collarbone from a hard clothesline and will be out of action for several months. Promoter Ian Rotten, when realizing the severity of the injury, announced the next match, the main event with A.J. Styles vs. Petey Williams vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin would be for the vacant title. Styles won in 22:00.
- October 22, 2004 – IWA Mid South – Revolution Strong Style Tournament in Lafayette, IN before 79 fans: Mickie Knuckles and Daizee Haze b Mercedes Martinez and Angel Williams, First round: (Roderick Strong b B.J. Whitmer, Samoa Joe b Austin Aries, Super Dragon b Eddie Kingston, B-Boy b Homicide), Evan Starsmore and Anthony Franco b Davey Andrews and Matt Turner, Chad Collyer won three-way over Blackjack Marciano and J.C. Bailey, Jimmy Jacobs b Shane Hagadorn, Abyss b Ryan Boz-DQ, Semifinals: (Samoa Joe b Roderick Strong, B-Boy b Super Dragon), Chris Sabin b Nate Webb, C.M. Punk and Ace Steel and Matt Sydal and Danny Daniels b Chris Candido and Steve Stone and Nigel McGuiness and Claudio Castagnoli, Finals: Samoa Joe b B-Boy to win the Revolution Strong Style Tournament.
- October 23, 2004 – IWA Mid South – 8th Anniversary in Highland, IN at the Lincoln Center: Trik Davis b Chandler McClure, Davey Andrews (ROH student) b Mike Wallace, Matt Sydal b Chris Sabin, Dusty Rhodes and Ian Rotten b Chris Candido and Steve Stone, Mercedes Martinez b Mickie Knuckles by DQ to retain the Women’s Title (MsChif interfered), Mercedes Martinez vs MsChif ended in a DOUBLE COUNT OUT, Anthony Franco and Evan Starsmore b Shane Hagadorn and Matt Turner, Jimmy Jacobs b J. C. Bailey to retain the Light-Heavyweight title, Ryan Boz b Abyss via DQ, Chad Collyer b Claudio Castagnoli, The Wildcards (Eddie Kingston and Black Jack Marciano) b Homicide and B-Boy to retain the Tag Team titles, Danny Daniels b BJ Whitmer, Roderick Strong and Austin Aries and Nigel McGuinness b Samoa Joe and Ace Steel and Nate Webb, CM Punk b A. J. Styles to win the IWA Mid-South Heavyweight title.
- October 28, 2004 – IWA Mid South – IWA vs. NWA Wildside Challenge in New Albany, Indiana: Salvatore Rinauro b Brandon Thomaselli, Nigel McGuiness b Todd Sexton, Jimmy Jacobs b Seth Delay, J.C. Bailey b Shawn Tempers, Tank b Ian Rotten, Salvatore Rinauro and Todd Sexton and Shawn Tempers and Tank b Nate Webb and Jimmy Jacobs and Nigel McGuiness and Ian Rotten.
- November 4, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Rensselaer, Indiana: Jimmy Jacobs b Chandler McClure and Josh Abercrombie in a 3-WAY to retain the IWA-MS Light-Heavyweight title, Mickie Knuckles b Angel Williams, Chris Sabin b Brandon Thomaselli, Nigel McGuinness b Alex Shelley, Zach Gowen b Trik Davis, B.J. Whitmer b Danny Daniels, Petey Williams b Nate Webb to retain the TNA X Division title, Ian Rotten b Steve Stone in a Street Fight.
- November 19, 2004 – IWA Mid South – 2004: An IWA Freak-a-Thon in Bloomington, Indiana: J.C. Bailey b Danny Demanto, Davey Andrews won three-way over Brandon Thomaselli and Josh Abercrombie, Nate Webb and Matt Sydal b Petey Williams and Delirious, Daizee Haze won three-way over Tracy Brooks and Mickie Knuckles, B.J. Whitmer b Ian Rotten, Alex Shelley b B-Boy, C.M. Punk b Jimmy Jacobs.
- November 20, 2004 – IWA Mid South – Showdown of the Saints in Highland, Indiana before 180 fans: Brandon Thomaselli won Battle Royal, Trik Davis b Chandler McClure-DQ, Corporal Robinson and Trik Davis b Cash Flo and Chandler McClure, Davey Andrews won three-way over Josh Abercrombie and Matt Turner, Ryan Boz and Brad Bradley b Alex Shelley and Petey Williams, Rain b Mickie Knuckles, B.J. Whitmer b Danny Daniels, Daizee Haze b Tracy Brooks, Steve Stone b Ian Rotten in a tables match (Ian Rotten suffered a cracked collarbone), Matt Sydal won three-way over Nate Webb and B-Boy to win Midwest title, Jimmy Jacobs b Delirious to keep light heavyweight title, C.M. Punk b Brandon Thomaselli in 22:38 of an outstanding match.
- November 26, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – 59:04 in Valparaiso, Indiana: Ryan Boz b Bobby Bambino, Nate Webb b Josh Abercrombie,Trik Davis b Steve Stone, Chandler McClure b Brad Bradley, Danny Daniels b Claudio Castagnoli, Jimmy Jacobs b Brandon Thomaselli to retain the IWA-MS Light-Heavyweight title, C.M. Punk b Chris Hero to retain the IWA-MS World title.
- December 8, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Bloomington, Indiana: Brandon Thomaselli won a Battle Royal, Corporal Robinson b Indiana Kidd, Jr., Ryan Boz b Nate Webb, Zach Gowen b Mickie Knuckles, Ian Rotten b Drake Younger, Brandon Thomaselli b Breyer Washington, Ian Rotten and Nate Webb and Corporal Robinson and Brandon Thomaselli b Ryan Boz and Breyer Washington and Drake Younger and Indiana Kidd, Jr.
- December 10, 2004 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Vincennes, Indiana: Zach Gowen won a Battle Royal, Corporal Robinson b Zach Gowen, Nate Webb b Vito Thomaselli, Josh Abercrombie b Drake Younger, Ian Rotten b Sal Thomaselli, Chris Candido b Matt Sydal, Jimmy Jacobs b Breyer Washington to retain the IWA-MS Light-Heavyweight title.
- December 12, 2004 – IWA Mid South – A Very Funkin’ Christmas in Highland, Indiana before 182 fans: Matt Sydal b Todd Sexton, Daizee Haze b Allison Danger, Josh Abercrombie won elimination match over Joey Envy and Corey Sims and Eric Priest and Chandler McClure and Larry Sweeney, MsChif b Mikie Knuckles, Hallowickid b Chris Hero in teacher vs. student, Jay Furty and Skeeter Frost b Trik Davis and Brandon Thomaselli, Nigel McGuiness b Alex Shelley, The Wildcards b Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz, Delirious b Jimmy Jacobs by DQ to win the IWA-MS Light-Heavyweight title, Rainman vs B-Boy ended in a DRAW (double pin), Ian Rotten and Terry Funk and Danny Daniels b B.J. Whitmer and Steve Stone and Chris Candido (lots of blood) (Rotten put over Terry Funk saying if it wasn’t for Funk and Sabu, there would be no ECW. He told fans to say a prayer for Sabu).
- December 17, 2004 – IWA Mid South – Winter Wars 2k4 in Noblesville, Indiana: Chandler McClure b Evan Starsmore, Davey Andrews b Drake Younger, Corporal Robinson b Shane Hagadorn, Trik Davis won four-way over Petey Williams, Josh Abercrombie and Matt Turner, Daizee Haze b Lexie Fyfe, Jimmy Jacobs b Claudio Castagnoli, Alex Shelley b Danny Daniels, Delirious b B-Boy, Nate Webb b Chris Hero in 33:00.
- December 18, 2004 – IWA Mid South – Rumble in Rensselaer in Rensselaer, Indiana: Trik Davis and Ryan Boz b Davey Andrews and Shane Hagadorn, Daizee Haze won three-way over Mickie Knuckles and Lexie Fyfe, Claudio Castagnoli won five-way over Matt Turner, Chandler McClure, Evan Starsmore and Josh Abercrombie, Petey Williams b Nate Webb to keep TNA X title, Delirious b Matt Sydal, Alex Shelley b B-Boy, Brandon Thomaselli b Jimmy Jacobs in 2 straigh falls, C.M. Punk b Nigel McGuiness to keep IWA title, Ian Rotten and Danny Daniels b B.J. Whitmer and Steve Stone.

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