IWA Mid-South – 2003

  • January 17, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling 299th Show in Clarksville, IN: Steve Stone b Alex Shelley, Danny Daniels b Jimmy Jacobs, Chris Hero b Ryan Goz, Mark Wolf b Michael Todd Stratton, Ian Rotten b Devon Fury, Nate Webb won three-way over Simon Sezz and Adam Gooch, Truth Martini b Tarek the Great, C.M. Punk b Brad Bradley, Corporal Robinson d J.C. Bailey.
  • January 24, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling 300th Show in Clarksville, IN before a sellout 350 fans: Harley Race was there, they did a 10-bell salute to Sheik, IWA now has relationship with XPW, Shark Boy b Mitch Ryder, Stan Dupp b Simon Sezz, Danny Daniels b Chris Sabin, Vortex b Tarek the Great, Michael Todd Stratton (formerly Todd Morton) b KO, Ian Rotten b Bull Pain in a cage match with Race guarding the cage door, Tracy Smothers b Superstar Steve, Mark Woolf b Adam Gooch, Chip Fairway b M-Dogg 20, Spyder Webb b Nick Mondo in a TLC match to keep the light heavyweight title, Josh Prohibition b Colt Cabana, Jerry Lynn b Chris Hero, C.M. Punk won three-way over Vic Capri and Ace Steel, Too Tough Tony won hardcore Rumble.
  • February 7, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Simon Sezz b Shark Boy, Mitch Page b Jimmy Jacobs, Steve Stone b Alex Shelley, J.C. Bailey b Adam Gooch, Danny Daniels b Drake Younger, Todd Morton b Mark Wolf, Morton b KO, Nate Webb b Simon Sezz, Bull Pain and 2 Tuff Tony b Ian Rotten and Corporal Robinson, Chris Hero b C.M. Punk in a 2/3 fall match which went 92:15 to win the IWA title.
  • February 8, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Vortex b Shark Boy, Mark Wolf b KO, Adam Gooch b Drake Younger, Steve Stone and Ballz b Devon Fury and Cornbread, Nate Webb b Danny Daniels, Ian Rotten b Brad Bradley, Rollin Hard b Shaq Daddy, Corporal Robinson b Bull Pain, Chris Hero b Michael Todd Stratton (Todd Morton).
  • February 15, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling: Show opened with a salute to Curt Hennig, Steve Stone b Adam Gooch, Nate Webb b Mark Wolf, Danny Daniels b Michael Todd Stratton, C.M. Punk b J.C. Bailey, Corporal Robinson b 2 Tuff Tony in fans bring the weapons match.
  • February 21, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN before 120 fans for a five-hour show: Jimmy Jacobs b Alex Shelley, Rolling Hard b Steve Stone, Ken Anderson b Alex Aries, Jerry Lynn b Danny Daniels, Jorge Estrada b Truth Martini, Drake Young won three-way over Simon Sezz and Shark Boy, Ian Rotten and J.C. Bailey b Michael Todd Stratton and Adam Gooch and 2 Tuff Tony, Colt Cabana b Chris Sabin, Bull Pain b Corporal Robinson in death match, C.M. Punk b Jimmy Rave, Ace Steel b A.J. Styles (*****), Mad Man Pondo won three-way over Nate Webb and Rick Matrix (bloodbath).
  • February 22, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN before 150 fans: Adam Gooch b Kris Cole, Mitch Page and Rollen Hard b Steve Stone and Devon Fury, Mitch Ryder b Mark Wolf, Tarek b Simon Sezz, Danny Daniels b Jimmy Rave, Bull Pain b Rick Matrix, Jorge Estrada b Tracy Smothers to keep North American title, Ian Rotten b Michael Todd Stratton, Nate Webb b M-Dogg 20 to keep light heavyweight title, A.J. Styles b Colt Cabana (Cabana was bled hardway), Man Man Pondo b JC Bailey – (Show ended with Mad Man Pondo giving J.C. Bailey a superplex off an 18 foot scaffold into a net of barbed wire in what was billed as the first ever Circus Death match).
  • March 1, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Adam Gooch b Tarek the Great, Steve Stone b Lemonjello, P.T. Hustla b Rollin Hard, Mark Wolf b Simon Sezz, Danny Daniels b J.C. Bailey, Adam Gooch b Corporal Robinson in a lumberjack light tubes match.
  • March 15, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Nate Webb b Jimmy Jacobs, Ryan Goz b Simon Sezz, Steve Stone b Brad Bradley, Todd Morton b Corporal Robinson, Mitch Ryder b Mark Wolf, Chris Hero b Danny Daniels, Mad Man Pondo b J.C. Bailey with a piledriver off the top rope onto a stop sign with light tubes set up on chairs.
  • March 28, 2003 – IWA Mid-South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Ryan Boz w/Eryn b Hype Gotti, the Muslims in Training b Mitch Page/Rollin Hard and Tracy Smother/Steve Stone in a 3way, JC Baily b Simon Sezz, Brad Bradley w/Eryn b Jayden Draigo, Nate Webb w/Lollipop v Austin Aries to retain IWA LHW title, Corporal Robinson b Bull Pain in a fans bring weapons match, Jimmy Rave b Adam Gooch, Mark Wolf w/Patti b Mitch Rider in a ‘throw in the towel’ match, Colt Cabana b David Young, Alex Shelley b Jimmy Jacobs in 2/3 falls, Ken Anderson v Jorge Estrada, Danny Daniels b Chris Sabin and Truth Martini in a 3way, Michael Todd Stratton b Ian Rotten in a Knockout/Submission match, Chris Hero b Raven w/Lucy to retain the IWA title.
  • March 29, 2003 – IWA Mid-South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Jayden Draigo b Chip Douglas, JC Baily b Nate Webb to win the IWA LHW title, Hype Gotti b Simon Sezz, Shaq Daddy b Damien Van Horne, Brad Bradley w/Eryn b Corporal Robinson, Tracy Smother/Steve Stone v The Muslims in Training, Ian Rotten/Mark Wolf b Michael Stratton/Adam Gooch/Brent Blades in a handicap match, Chris Hero w/Lucy v BJ Whitmer to retain the IWA title.
  • April 18, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Babyface b Abu Colossus, Simon Sezz b Gavin Starr, Tracy Smothers b Rollin Hard, Jayden Draigo b Steve Stone, Jimmy Jacobs b Alex Shelley in a hair match, Corporal Robinson b Brad Bradley in a first blood match, J.C. Bailey b Nate Webb, Ian Rotten b Michael Todd Stratton in a taped fist match, Jerry Lynn won three-way over Jonny Storm and B.J. Whitmer, Axl Rotten b Mad Man Pondo in fans bring the weapons.
  • April 11, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Rollin Hard b Steve Stone, Corporal Robinson b Ryan Boz, Ian Rotten b Jimmy Jacobs, J.C. Bailey b Simon Sezz, C.M. Punk b B.J. Whitmer, Chris Hero b Danny Daniels in a pole match to keep IWA title.
  • May 17, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Tarek the Great b Simon Sezz, Average White Guy b Rollin Hard, Ian Rotten b Cash Flo, Corporal Robinson b J.C. Bailey, Chris Hero d Danny Daniels to keep IWA title in a 2/3 fall match that ended when the 45:00 time limit expired, Mitch Page b Bull Pain.
  • May 24, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Spirit of 76 in Clarksville, IN: Cash Flo b Tarek the Great, Superstar Steve b Jeff Hamrick, Rollin Hard b Steve Stone, Alex Shelley b Jimmy Jacobs 4-3 in a 30:00 Iron man match (both men got standing ovations after the match), Nate Webb b Gavin Starr, Michael Todd Stratton b J.C. Bailey to win IWA light heavyweight title, Mark Wolf NC Brad Bradley, Chris Hero b Ace Steel, C.M. Punk b Chris Hamrick, Bull Pain won three-way over Corporal Robinson and Mitch Page, B.J. Whitmer b Stan Dupp, Mad Man Pondo and Bad Boy Hido b Ian and Axl Rotten in fans bring the weapons match.
  • May 31, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Brothers in Blood in Clarksville, Indiana: Steve Stone b Gavin Starr, Nate Webb b Hy-Zaya, J.C. Bailey b Michael Todd Stratton to win the IWA-MS Light-Heavyweight title, Danny Daniels b Nigel McGuinness, Jimmy Jacobs b Alex Shelley in a Respect Match, Chris Hero b Brad Bradley to retain the IWA-MS World title, Ian Rotten and Axl Rotten wrestled to a no contest in a Barbed Wire Baseball Bat Match.
  • June 7, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – When Good Friends Go Bad in Clarksville, IN: J.C. Bailey won three-way over Nate Webb and Hy-zaya, Corporal Robinson b Brad Bradley, B.J. Whitmer b Danny Daniels, Mark Wolf b Chris Hero in 25:00 to win the IWA world heavyweight title, Ian Rotten b Mitch Page in a weapons match.
  • June 14, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Tarek the Great def. Hyzaya, Mark Wolf defeated Jimmy Jacobs, Nigel McGuiness def. Chris Hero, Mean Mitch Page defeated Rollin Hard in a “falls count anywhere” match.
  • June 21, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Shattered Dreams in Clarksville, IN: Corporal Robinson defeated Jessiah Cane, Danny Daniels defeated Steve Stone, BJ Whitmere w/Jim Fannin defeated Ian Rotten by submission, JC Bailey defeated Matt Stryker to retain the LHW title, “Mean” Mitch Page w/Jim Fannin defeated Rollin’ Hard w/Patti, Chris Hero (WXW German Champion) vs Mark Wolf (IWA World Champion) wrestled to a NO-CONTEST!
  • June 27, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – The Revolution in Clarksville, IN before 150 fans for the Strong Style Tournament: Steve Stone b Nate Webb, Stan Dupp b Brad Bradley (first round), C.M. Punk b Terik the Great in 94 seconds (first round), Sonjay Dutt and Ruckus b J.C. Bailey and Simon Sezz, Chris Hero b Tracy Smothers (first round), Hy-Zaya b Michael Todd Stratton, Mark Wolf won three-way over Danny Daniels and Matt Stryker, C.M. Punk b Dupp (semifinals), Whitmer b Hero (semifinals), Rollin Hard b Mitch Page in a dog collar match (actually this was said to have been boring), Whitmer b Punk to win the tournament in the best match on the show.
  • July 4, 2003 – IWA Mid South’s Six Hour Marathon – We are Family in Clarksville, IN: Ian Rotten b Simon Sezz, Chris Hero and Alex Shelley b Danny Daniels and Jimmy Jacobs, Mark Wolf b Josiah Kaine, Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz b Yellow Jacket and J.V. Insanity, Cody O’Neill b Arik Cannon, Steve Stone b Cameron Cage, Corporal Robinson b Purple Haze, Jason Lancaster NC Jared Lancaster, Chandler McLure b Justin Kage, Trik Davis b Adam Evans, Nate Webb b Cash Flo, Jimmy Jacobs b Nigel McGuinness, Carlton Kaz b Jeremy Madrox, Hy-Zaya b Simon Sezz, Ian Rotten and J.C. Bailey b Arik Cannon and Frankie the Face, Cody O’Neill b Brad Bradley, Chris Hero b Alex Shlley, Shaq Daddy b Josiah Kaine, Simon Sezz and Hy-Zaya b Kappa Tappa Kegga, Jason Lancaster b Jared Lancaster, Hailey b Ponchmagnus, Corporal Robinson b Apollo Starr, J.C. Bailey b Jimmy Jacobs, Double C and Ares b Chris Hero and Mark Wolf, Ian Rotten d Corporal Robinson.
  • July 12, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, IN: Steve Stone and Biff Wellington III b Double C and Ares, J.C. Bailey won three-way over Alex Shelley and Jimmy Jacobs, Cash Flo b Nate Webb, Hy-Zaya b Jaimy Coxxx, Chris Hero b Danny Daniels in 2/3 falls to win IWA title, Mich Page b Corporal Robinson.
  • July 19, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, Indiana: Nate Webb b Jaymie Coxx, Jimmy Jacobs b Alex Shelley, Hy-Zaya b Gavin Starr, Alex Shelley b Jimmy Jacobs in a Submissions Match, Steve Stone b Frankie the Face, Alex Shelley b Jimmy Jacobs in a Texas Death Match, Claudio Castagnoli b Ares, Chris Hero b Mitch Page to retain the IWA-MS World title.
  • July 26, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, Indiana: Hy-Zaya b Biff Wellington III, Michael Todd Stratton b Security Guard Chuck, Mitch Page b Shaq Daddy, Chris Hero b Steve Stone to retain the IWA-MS World title.
  • August 1, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – 2003 King of the Death Match: Night #1 in Clarksville, Indiana: Jerry Lynn b Jimmy Jacobs, Mickie Knuckles b Hailey Hatred, Mad Man Pondo b Nate Webb in a High Impact Tables Match (1st), Mitch Page b Rollin Hard in a Taipei Death Match (1st), Balls Mahoney b Horace the Psychopath in a Barbed Wire Bat/Boards Match (1st), J.C. Bailey b 2 Tuff Tony in an Electrified Light Tubes and Barbed Wire Tables Match (1st), Alex Shelley b Sonjay Dutt, Axl Rotten b Corporal Robinson in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match (1st), Nick Gage b Dysfunction in a Four Corners of Pain Match (1st), Necro Butcher b Toby Klein in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match (1st), Ian Rotten b The Messiah in an East Coast Thumbtacks Death Match (1st), Chris Hero b Homicide to retain the IWA-MS World title.
  • August 2, 2003 – IWA Mid Soth Wrestling – 2003 King of the Death Match: Night #2 in Clarksville, Indiana: Brad Bradley b Striker, Sonjay Dutt and Adam Flash b Alex Shelley and Jimmy Jacobs and Nate Webb and M-Dogg 20 in a 3-WAY, Bull Pain and Jim Fannin wrestled to a no contest, Mad Man Pondo b Axl Rotten in a Light Tubes Match (Quarters), J.C. Bailey b Necro Butcher in a Light Tube Coffin Match (Quarters), Nick Gage b Mitch Page in a Barbed Wire Canvas and Light Tube Ropes Match (Quarters), Ian Rotten b Balls Mahoney in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match (Quarters), Nigel McGuinness b Colt Cabana, Homicide b B.J. Whitmer, The Messiah b Corporal Robinson, Danny Daniels b Chris Hero in a Texas Death Match to win the IWA-MS World title, J.C. Bailey b Ian Rotten in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match (Semis), Mad Man Pondo b Nick Gage in a Bed of Nails and Caribbean Spider Web Match (Semis), Mad Man Pondo b J.C. Bailey in a Barbed Wire Ropes and House of Horrors Steel Cage Match to win the 2003 King of the Death Match Tournament.
  • August 8, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, Indiana: Hy-Zaya b Shawn Daivari, Nate Webb and Jigsaw b The Wildcards (Eddie Kingston and Blackjack Marciano), Ian Rotten b Ryan Boz, Mitch Page b Rollin Hard, Alex Shelley and Matt Stryker wrestled to a time limit draw, Jimmy Jacobs b Chris Sabin and B.J. Whitmer in a 3-WAY, Chris Hero b Arik Cannon, Danny Daniels b J.C. Bailey to retain the IWA-MS World title, Corporal Robinson b Necro Butcher in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match.
  • August 23, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Clarksville, Indiana: Cash Flo b Steve Stone, Mickie Knuckles b Hy-Zaya, Hy-Zaya b Chris Hero, Danny Daniels b Nate Webb to retain the IWA-MS World title, Chris Hero and Nate Webb b Danny Daniels and Cash Flo.
  • October 2, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Salem, IN before more than 100 fans: Brad Bradley b Chuckie Smooth, Mickie Knuckles b Cash Flo, Corporal Robinson won three-way over Jaimy Coxx and Steve Stone, B.J. Whitmer b Alex Shelley, Nate Webb b Ian Rotten, Tracy Smothers b Hy-Zaya, Sonjay Dutt b J.C. Bailey in a TLC match, Danny Daniels b Jimmy Jacobs in 2/3 falls to keep IWA title.
  • October 3, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Scottsburg, Indiana: Jimmy Jacobs won a Battle Royal, Hy-Zaya b Jaimy Coxx and Chuck E. Smooth in a 3-WAY, Corporal Robinson b Steve Stone, Rollin Hard b Necro Butcher, Ian Rotten b J.C. Bailey, Tracy Smothers b Brad Bradley, Sonjay Dutt b Nate Webb, Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley b Danny Daniels and B.J. Whitmer.
  • October 11, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling in Oolitic, IN at the Oolitic Community Center: Necro Butcher b Steve Stone, Nate Webb b Mickie Knuckles (female), Jared Lancaster b Corporal Robinson, Hy-Zaya b Jason Lancaster, Danny Daniels b Colt Cabana to retain IWA World title, Ian Rotten wrestled JC Bailey to a double pin in a “Fans Bring Weapons” match.
  • October 23, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Revenge Served Cold 2003 in Salem, IN: Show opened with a ten bell salute to Stu Hart and Hawk. Jaimy Coxx b Delirious, Steve Stone b Josh Abercrombie, Mickie Knuckles b Daizee Haze, Alex Shelley b Nate Webb, J.C. Bailey b Chris Hamrick, Ian Rotten b Cash Flo, Jimmy Jacobs b B.J. Whitmer.
  • October 24, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Anything Goes in Highland, IN: No-shows announced right at the start were Chris Sabin and Truth Martini (injuries), Sabu (Japan tour extended) and Tracy Smothers (car trouble). They tolled the bell 10 times for Hawk. B.J. Whitmer b Cru Jones, Steve Stone won four-way over Nate Webb, Jaimy Coxxx and Josh Abercrombie, Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz b Hy-Zaya and Chuckie smooth, Colt Cabana b Jimmy Jacobs, Corporal Robinson b Necro Butcher, Alex Shelley b Chris Hamrick, Danny Daniels b Balls Mahoney to keep IWA title, Ian Rotten b J.C. Bailey in falls count anywhere match.
  • November 7, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling 1st Night of the Ted Petty Tournament in Salem, IN: Show opened with a ten bell salute to Mike Lockwood (aka Crash Holly), Jimmy Jacobs w/Becky Bayless b Salvatore Rinauro, Nigel McGuiness b Brad Bradley, Ian Rotten b Mickie Knuckles (sub Tracy Smothers) (Rotten said Knuckles was “One Tough Broad” and shook her hand), A.J. Styles b Todd Sexton, Jonny Storm b M-Dogg20, Sonjay Dutt b Nate Webb, Chris Hero b Arik Cannon w/Allison Danger, Alex Shelley b Chris Sabin, B-Boy b J.C. Bailey, Jimmy Rave b Colt Cabana, Danny Daniels b Ken Anderson, Jerry Lynn b Michael Shane.
  • November 8, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling 2st Night of the Ted Petty Tournament in Salem, IN: Mickie Knuckles b Rain, Ian Rotten b Jimmy Jacobs, Alex Shelley b Jonny Storm, Danny Daniels b Jimmy Rave, A.J. Styles b Jerry Lynn, Chris Hero b Sonjay Dutt, B-Boy b Nigel McGuiness, Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz b Nate Webb and JC. Bailey, Danny Daniels b AJ Styles, Alex Shelley b Ian Rotten, Chris Hero b B-Boy, Colt Cabana won elimination match over Arik Cannon and Ken Anderson and M-Dogg 20 and Chris Sabin and Michael Shane, Danny Daniels won three-way over Alex Shelley and Chris Hero to keep the IWA title and win the tournament (Chris Hero put his WXW title up, which went to Alex Shelley when he pinned him to eliminate him earlier in the match).
  • November 14, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – 7th Anniversary Weekend: Night One in Scottsburg, IN: Nate Webb b Steve Stone, Tracy Brooks b ODB, Ryan Boz won three-way over Stevie Lee and Jaimy Coxx, J.C. Bailey b Ian Rotten in a falls count anywhere match, Corporal Robinson and Axl Rotten b Hy-Zaya and Apollo Starr, Alex Shelley b Chris Hero to keep WXW title, Danny Daniels b Jimmy Jacobs to keep IWA title. Saturday night results from Oolitic, IN: Hy-Zaya b Stevie Lee, Axl Rotten b Josh Abercrombie, Corporal Robinson and Necro Butcher NC Jason and Jared Lancaster, Danny Daniels b Nate Webb, Ian Rotten d J.C. Bailey with a double knockout after 43:00 in a cage match.
  • November 15, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – 7th Anniversary Weekend: Night Two in Oolitic, Indiana: Hy-Zaya b Stevie Lee, Axl Rotten b Josh Abercrombie, Corporal Robinson and Necro Butcher and Jared and Jason Lancaster wrestled to a no contest, Danny Daniels b Nate Webb to retain the IWA-MS World title, Ian Rotten and J.C. Bailey wrestled to a double pin in a Steel Cage Match.
  • November 21, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Breaking Balls in Highland, IN: Steve Stone b Trik Davis, Delirious b Matt Sydal, Corporal Robinson b Jaimy Coxx, Mickie Knuckles b Daizee Haze, Nigel McGuiness b Arik Cannon, B.J. Whitmer b Petey Williams, Chris Hero b Colt Cabana, Alex Shelley b Jimmy Jacobs, J.C. Bailey won three-way over Nate Webb and Sonjay Dutt in a TLC match, Danny Daniels and Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz b Ian Rotten and Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney.
  • November 22, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – S.T.I.F.F. in Lafayette, IN before 47 fans: El Viejo b ?, Nate Webb b Arik Cannon, Trik Davis b Casanova, Ryan Boz and Brad Bradley won three-way over Ian and Axl Rotten and Lancasters, Chris Hero b Steve Stone (top match), J.C. Bailey b Sonjay Dutt in 2/3 falls, Balls Mahoney NC Corporal Robinson, Danny Daniels b Nigel McGuiness.
  • November 27, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Wrestlefeast 2003 in Salem, Indiana: B.J. Whitmer b Petey Williams, Eddie Kingston b Emil Sitoci, Ryan Boz b Jaimy Coxx, Corporal Robinson b Mad Man Pondo, Bad Breed (Ian and Axl Rotten) b J.C. Bailey and Nate Webb, Alex Shelley b Jimmy Jacobs (Best of Seven Series), Danny Daniels b Chris Hero to retain the IWA-MS World title.
  • December 19, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Winter Wars 2003 in Lafayette, IN before 70 fans for what was reported as a great show: Jimmy Jacobs b Alex Shelley to win the WXW German title as part of their best-of-seven series, B.J. Whitmer b Matt Sydal, Mickey Knuckles b Daizee Haze, Arik Cannon b Delirious, Shelley b Jacobs to regain the title and take a 3-1 lead in the series, Danny Daniels b Steve Stone to keep IWA Mid South title, B-Boy b Ian Rotten, Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz b J.C. Bailey and Madman Pondo, Jacobs b Shelley to regain the title, Michael Shane b Nate Webb, Chris Hero b A.J. Styles clean via submission.
  • December 20, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Stylin’ and Profilin’ in Highland, IN: Cru Jones b Joe Legend, Daizee Haze and Mickie Knuckles b Rain and Lacey, Matt Sydal NC Delirious, Sydal and Delirious b Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz, Steve Stone b Arik Cannon, Ace Steel (surprise replacement for Ian Rotten, billed as having just got in from NOAH) b B.J. Whitmer, J.C. Bailey b Nate Webb, Chris Hero d B-Boy (double pin draw), A.J. Styles b Michael Shane in their first ever singles match with the Styles clash, Danny Daniels retained IWA title in four-way over Alex Shelley, Jimmy Jacobs and Chris Sabin, Corporal Robinson won three-way 100,000 thumb tacks death match over Necro Butcher and Mad Man Pondo.
  • December 27, 2003 – IWA Mid South Wrestling – Christmas Carnage in Salem, IN: Trik Davis vs Emil Sitoci (No Contest), Jared and Jason Lancaster b Trik Davis and Emil Sitoci, Alex Shelley b Pete Williams, Truth Martini b Cash Flo, Ian Rotten and Steve Stone b Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz, JC Bailey b Nate Webb to retain his IWA-MS LHW Title, Danny Daniels b Chris Hero in a steel cage match to retain his IWA-MS HWT Title (Those that got involved during or after the match were Brad Bradley and Ryan Boz, referee Donnie Bowden, Ian Rotten and Steve Stone, Jim Fannin, and Bull Pain).

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