Florida Championship Wrestling – 2009

Florida Championship Wrestling
2009 Results

  • January 8, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida at the FCW Arena: Yamamoto & Miss Angela b Mike Kruel & Wesley Holiday, Low Ki b Trent Baretta, Ryback b Michael Leonard, Eve Torres & Tiffany b Alicia Fox & Rosa Mendez, Johnny Curtis b DJ Gabriel, Sheamus O’Shaunessy & Ryan Braddock & Bam Neely b Tyler Reks & Ricky Ortiz & Kizarny, D.H. Smith b Joe Hennig, T.J. Wilson b Chris Logan and Drew McIntyre in a 3-WAY (Drew was DQ… Wilson pinnd Logan!), Johnny Prime b Lawrence Knight w/Tyson Tarver, FCW Heavyweight Champion Eric Escobar b Gavin Spears (After the match, Dolph Ziggler attacked Eric Escobar… but Scotty Goldman – who was doing commentary – made the save!).
  • January 22, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida at the FCW Arena: Brett DiBiase b Michael Leonard, Sheamus O’Shaunessy b Johnny Prime (Jon Emminger), Tiffany b Wesley Holiday, Alex Riley b Kafu, Johnny Curtis & Tyler Reiks b Caleb O’Neal & Lawrence Knight w/Byron Saxton, Kizarny & Ricky Ortiz & D.J. Gabriel b Caleb O’Neal & Lawrence Knight & Tyson Tarver, Angela Fong b the “Girl from Mexico” who turned out to be Trent Barretta, Joe Hennig b Ryan Braddock, FCW Heavyweight Champion Eric Escobar b D.H. Smith, Sweet Papi Sanchez (formerally Black Pain) b Tyson Tarver, Alicia Fox b Tiffany, Johnny Curtis b Drew McIntyre by DQ after Ryback attacked Curtis, Johnny Prime & Chris Logan b Jon Cutler & Wesley Holiday’s new guy, Kawal (Low Ki) b T.J. Wilson.
  • January 29, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida at the FCW Arena: Taylor Rotunda & Ian Richardson b Trent Beretta & Cayden Croft, DJ Gabriel w/Alicia Fox b Dylan Klein (Johnny Riggs) w/Wesley Holiday, Ryan Braddock b Joe Hennig, Alex Riley b Chris Logan, Kafu & P.J. Black b Lupe Santiago & Yoshimatsu (aka Yamamoto), Scotty Goldman & Ricky Ortiz & Dakota Darsow & Kizarny b Drew McIntyre & Lawrence Knight & Byron Wilcott & Caleb O’Neal, Sweet Papi Sanchez (Black Pain) b Jon Cutler, Rosa Mendez b Tiffany, FCW Tag Team champions Tyler Reks & Johnny Curtis b Sheamus O’Shaunessy & Ryback by DQ, D.H. Smith b T.J. Wilson and Kawal in a 3-WAY.
  • January 31, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Port Richey, Florida at the USA Flea Market: Ryback b Ian Richardson, Joe Hennig & Sweet Papi Sanchez b Byron Saxton & Ryan Braddock, Kafu & Lupe Santiago b Cayden Croft & Trent Barretta, Yakamatsu (Naofumi Yamamoto) b Drew McIntyre, Miss Angela b Jenny Cash and Wesley Holiday in a 3-WAY, Scotty Goldman & Johnny Prime b Caleb O’Neal & Lawrence Knight, Kawal (Low Ki) b D.H. Smith.
  • February 5, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida at the FCW Arena: Tank Mulligan b Brian Jossie, Tyler Reks b Ryback by DQ after Sheamus interfered, Angela Fong b Alicia Fox to officially become the “Queen of FCW”, Kawal b Paul Lloyd, Eric Escobar b D.H. Smith and T.J. Wilson in a 3-WAY to retain the FCW Heavyweight title, Joe Hennig & Johnny Prime b Trent Barretta & Cayden Croft, Angela Fong was crowned Queen of FCW by Eric Escobar and the other FCW Divas (Fong was attacked by Rosa Mendez, which brought out Sweet Papi Sanchez to protect Angela and then the Conglomerate -Kaleb O’Neal & Lawrence Knight- attacked Escobar & Sanchez), Alex Riley b Tristan Delta, Drew McIntyre b Mike Hutter, Yoshitatsu b Jon Cutler, FCW Tag Team Champions Johnny Curtis & Tyler Reks b Ryback & Sheamus O’Shaunessy, Kawal b D.H. Smith after distraction from T.J. Wilson, DJ Gabriel w/Alicia Fox b Byron Wilcott, Joe Hennig vs. Drew McIntyre ended in a Double Countout, Kris Logan b Dylan Kline w/Wesley Holiday, Ryback & Sheamus O’Shaunessy b Kafu & Lupe Santiago, Eric Escobar & Sweet Papi Sanchez & Angela Fong b Kaleb O’Neal & Lawrence Knight & Rosa Mendez..
  • February 12, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida at the FCW Arena: Yoshitatsu & Tank Rotunda b Brian Jossie & Jon Cutler, Kris Logan b Byron Wilcott, Ryback b Lupe Santiago, Rosa Mendez b Jenny Cash, Cayden Croft & Trent Barreta & Paul Lloyd b Tyler Reks & Johnny Curtis & DJ Gabriel w/Alicia Fox, Tyson Kidd (formerly T.J. Wilson) b Kizarny, Tiffany talked to Sheamus O’Shaunessy about ECW (Sheamus insulted ECW and got into a fight with Ricky Ortiz), Kawal b Ryan Braddock, Dylan Klein w/Wesley Holiday b Joe Hennig by DQ after interference from Drew McIntyre, Sweet Papi Sanchez & Scotty Goldman b Lawrence Knight & Kaleb O’Neal, Eric Escobar b D.H. Smith after Tyson Kidd ran down and eventually laid out Smith (After the match; Smith & Kidd brawled and had to be separated by FCW talent – Kidd bragged about making it to WWE TV before Smith) ..
  • February 13, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida at the Florida State Fair: Paul Lloyd b Dylan Klein. Lawrence Knight & Kaleb O’Neal & Tyson Tarver w/Byron Saxton b Maverick Darsow & Tank Mulligan & Brett DiBiase. Miss Angela & Tiffany b Wesley Holiday & Jenny Cash. Drew McIntyre b Yoshitatsu. “Sweet” Papi Sanchez b Byron Saxton. Sheamus & Ryback b Johnny Prime & Joey Hennig. Sebastian Slater b Dolph Ziggler. Kaval b Tyson Kid and D.H. Smith in a triple threat match. Johnny Curtis & Tyler Reks b Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft. Montel Vontavious Porter b Eric Escobar. Yoshitatsu won a battle royal.
  • February 19, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida at the FCW Arena: D.H. Smith b Lupe Santiago, Tiffany interviewed Ricky Ortiz (Sheamus O’Shaunessy appeared and brawled with Ortiz), Tyson Tarver b Jarred Black (aka Paul Lloyd Jr.), Scotty Goldman & DJ Gabriel (w/Kizarny & Alicia Fox) b Lennox McEnroe (aka Byron Wilcott) & Derrick Bateman (aka Mike Hutter) (w/Abraham Washington – aka Bryan Jossie), Drew McIntyre b Johnny Prime, Yoshitatsu b Jon Cutler, Ryan Braddock b Kafu, Sweet Papi Sanchez & Miss Angela b Dylan Klein & Wesley Holliday, Tyson Kidd b Kris Logan by Submission, FCW Tag Team champions Tyler Reks & Johnny Curtis b Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft.
  • February 26, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – TV Taping (airing 3/1) in Tampa, Florida at the FCW Arena: Brett DiBiase & Maverick Darsow & Tank Mulligan b Tristan Delta & Derrick Bateman & Abraham Washington in a dark match, Joe Hennig b Drew McIntyre, Angela Fong b Rosa Mendes, Ricky Ortiz b Ryback, Tyler Reks & Johnny Curtis b Jon Cutler & Dylan Klein, Eric Escobar b D.H. Smith.. (there was a confrontation between Tyson Kidd and DH Smith).
  • February 26, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – TV Taping (airing 3/8) in Tampa, Florida at the FCW Arena: Kaleb O’Neal & Lawrence Knight b Sweet Papi Sanchez in a Handicap match, Mister Tarver b Johnny Prime, Sheamus O’Shaunessy b Ricky Ortiz, Caylen Croft & Trent Beretta b DJ Gabriel & Kizarny; D.H. Smith b Tyson Kidd in a Grudge Match — Notes: Joe Hennig challenged Eric Escobar to a FCW title match.
  • February 26, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – TV Taping (airing 3/15) in Tampa, Florida at the FCW Arena: Sebastian Slater b Paul Lloyd, Drew McIntyre b Kris Logan, Yoshitatsu b Lennox McEnroe, Tyler Reks & Johnny Curtis b Caylen Croft & Trent Beretta, Joe Hennig b Eric Escobar to win the FCW Heavyweight title!
  • March 13, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – TV Taping (airing ) in Tampa, Florida at the FCW Arena: Tank Rotunda (Taylor Rotunda) b Dylan Klein (John Elliott / Johnny Riggs), Troy Jackman (Ian Richardson) b Brett DiBiase, DJ Gabriel w/Alicia Fox b Justin Angel (Paul Lloyd Jr. / PJ Black), Kafu b Derek Bateman (Michael Hutter), Yoshitatsu b Byron Saxton by Submission, Rosa Mendes b Wesley Holiday, Mr. Tarver (Tyrone Evans) b Kris Logan (Brian Button), Tyson Kidd & Ricky Ortiz & Sebastian Slater b DH Smith & Trent Barretta & Caylen Croft, Alex Riley b Johnny Prime, Tyler Reks & Johnny Curtis b Sheamus O’ Shaunassy & Drew McIntyre after interference from Trent Barretta & Caylen Croft to retain the FCW Tag Team titles (Ricky Ortiz & Sebastian Slater made the save).
  • March 20, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Orlando, Florida before 300 fans: Brett DiBiase b Byron Saxton, Sebastian Slater & Johnny Prime b Mr. Tarver & Dylan Klein, Wes Brisco b Tank Rotundo w/Bo Rotundo by DQ, Jon Cutler & Dawson Alexander Esq. & Maverick Darsow b Abraham Saddam Washington & his Secret Service, Sheamus O’Shaunnessy b Yoshitatsu, Justin Angel b D.H. Smith, Ricky Ortiz b Fletcher Chase (Jason Garrison), Sweet Papi Sanchez & Angela b Alex Riley & Beverly and D.J. Gabriel & Alicia Fox in a 3-WAY Intergender Tag Team match, Tyson Kidd b Kris Logan, Johnny Curtis & Tyler Reks b Trent Baretta & Caylen Croft, Wes Brisco won a 25 man Battle Royal to win a shot at Drew McIntyre’s Florida Heavyweight Championship.
  • March 26, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Orlando, Florida: Justin Angel b Trent Barretta w/Caylen Croft, Kafu & Sweet Papi Sanchez b Dylan Klein & Derrick Bateman (Michael Hutter), Tyson Kidd b Caylen Croft, “Maverick” Dakota Darsow b “The Canidian Bulldog” DH Smith, Dawson Alexander, Esq. (David Otunga) did a segment bragging about his accomplishments (like being engaged to Jennifer Hudson), Miss Angela Fong & Tiffany b Alicia Fox & Jenny Cash, Kris Logan & DJ Gabriel b Byron Saxton & Jon Cutler, Tonga (Tevita Fifita) b Lupe Santiago, Johnny Prime & Johnny Curtis & Tyler Reks b Alex Riley & Mr. Tarver & Ian Richardson, Sheamus O’Shaunessy b “The Latin Assassin” Ricky Ortiz by DQ after Eric Escobar interfered, Drew McIntyre b Sebastian Slater to retain the FCW Heavyweight title.
  • April 2, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida: Kris Logan b Kafu, Yoshitatsu b Fletcher Chase, Dylan Klein b Johnny Prime when Alex Riley interfered, Troy Jackman b Barry Allen (Dakota Darsow), Sebastian Slater b Mr. Tarver, Caylen Croft & Trent Baretta b Brett Dibiase & Bo Rotunda, John Cutler b Byron Saxton and Justin Angel in a 3-WAY, T. Reks & J Curtis b The Secret Service (Derrick Bateman & Tonga w/Abraham Washington) to retain FCW Tag Team titles, Eric Escobar b Sheamus, Drew McIntyre b Sweet Papi Sanchez to retain FCW Heavywweight title.. [reported by vdmoron].
  • April 9, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida: Lupe Santiago b Byron Saxton, Kafu & Sweet Papi Sanchez b Dylan Klein & Troy Jackman, Ricky Ortiz b Trent Beretta, Agent D. (Derrick Bateman) w/Agent T (Tevita Fifita) b Johnny Prime, Drew McIntyre b Sheamus to retain the FCW Heavyweight title…….. Tapings #2: DJ Gabriel b Caylen Croft, Kris Logan b Mr. Tarver, Drew McIntyre & Sheamus & DH Smith b Tyson Kidd & Sebastian Slater & Eric Escobar, Alex Riley b Johnny Prime in a Lumberjack Match…… Tapings #3: The Frenchmen (Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft w/Jenny Cash) b Johnny Curtis & Tyler Reks in a Non-title match, Tank Rotundo b Jon Cutler, Justin Angel b Yoshitatsu, Angela Fong & Tiffany b Alicia Fox & Katie Lea Burchill, Sebastian Slater b Tyson Kidd.
  • May 7, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Festus b Caylen Croft, Windham Rotundo & Vic Adams b Agent T & Agent D, Kafu. b Mr. Tarver, Kris Logan b Barry Allen, Mr. Kennedy & Brett Dibiase & Taylor Rotundo b Jon Cutler & Troy Jackman & Dylan Klein, Big Zeke (Ezekiel Jackson) b Lupe Santiago, Angela Fong b Tiffany and Beverly Mullins and Alicia Fox in a 4-WAY, Yoshitatsu (Naofumi Yamamoto) b Wes Brisco, Tyler Reks b Trent Beretta, Ricky Ortiz & Eric Escobar & Sheamus O’Shaunessy & Johnny Prime b Drew McIntyre & D.H. Smith & Justin Angel & Alex Riley.
  • May 14, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Sweet Papi Sanchez b Dylan Klein, Bo Rotunda (Windham Rotunda) b Yoshitatsu (Naofumi Yamamoto), Troy Jackman (Ian Richardson) b Barry Allen, Alex Riley b Brett DiBiase, Eric Escobar b Jon Cutler, Heath Slater b Trent Beretta, Caylen Croft b Kafu, Mr. Tarver b Kris Logan, Justin Angel b Lance Hoyt, Tyson Kidd & David Hart Smith w/Natalya Neidhart b Ricky Ortiz & Sheamus O’Shaunessy.
  • May 28, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: DJ Gabriel b Jon Cutler, Dylan Klein b Wes Brisco, Brett DiBiase b Barry Allen, Sweet Papi Sanchez b Agent D (Michael Hutter), Mr. Tarver & Taylor Rotunda b Kris Logan & Lupe Santiago, Eric Escobar b Chris “The Bambikiller” Raaber (debut), Big Zeke (Ezekiel Jackson) b Sicodelico Jr. (debut), Heath Slater b Yoshitatsu, Vic Adams & Bo Rotunda b Caylen Croft & Trent Barretta by DQ, Tyler Reks & Johnny Prime & Sheamus O’Shaunessy b Lance Hoyt & Alex Riley & Drew McIntyre..
  • June 4, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Mr. Tarver b Sicodelico Jr. (unmasked), DJ Gabriel b Bo Rotunda (Taylor Rotunda using his brother’s name?), David Hart Smith b Dawson Alexander, Yoshitatisu b Troy Jackman, Rosa Mendes b Angela Fong, Trent Beretta b Vic Adams, Tyson Kidd b Eric Escobar and Kris Logan in a 3-WAY, Sweet Papi Sanchez b Agent J (Matt Walsh) w/Agent D (Michael Hutter) & Agent T (Tevita Fifita), Alex Riley & Hoyt (Lance Hoyt) b Heath Slater & Sheamus O’Shaunessy, Drew McIntyre b Tyler Reks to retain the FCW Heavyweight title
  • June 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – TV Taping in [INSERT], Florida: Taping #1 (June 28) – Wes Brisco b Troy Jackman, FCW Tag Team champions Caylen Croft & Trent Beretta b Eric Escobar & Heath Slater, Sweet Papi Sanchez b Dylan Klein in a squash match, Tyler Reks b Drew McIntyre to win the FCW Florida Heavyweight title…………. Taping #2 (July 5) – Johnny Curtis b Kris Logan, Justin Angel b Trent Beretta, Angela Fong b Rosa Mendes in less than 1:00, Aiden Frost b Chris “the Bambi Killer” Raaber, FCW Florida Heavyweight Champion Tyler Reks b Agent T (Tevita Fifita) by DQ…….. Taping #3 (July 12) – David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd w/Natalya b DJ Gabriel & Ricky Ortiz, Mr. Tarver b Sicodelico Jr., Johnny Curtis b Caylen Croft, Dylen Klein b Brett DiBiase with his feet on the ropes, Troy Jackman w/Fletcher Chase b Bo Rotunda (Taylor Rotunda), Alex Riley (w/Beverly Mullins) & Drew McIntyre & Lance Hoyt b Justin Angel & Eric Escobar & Heath Slate in a 6-MAN Elimination Match ending with soul survivor Alex Riley.
  • June 18, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – TV Taping in Tampa, Florida: Sweet Papi Sanchez & Angela Fong b Agent T (Tevita Fifita) & Rosa Mendes, Latham (big masked new guy) b Wes Brisco, FCW General Manager Abraham Washington introduced the Honorable Byron Saxton (aka the Journalistic Jedi), Byron Saxton b Yoshitatsu after interference from Agent T, DJ Gabriel b Derrick Bateman, Alex Riley (w/Beverly Mullins) & Mr. Tarver & Bo Rotunda & Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus O’Shaunessy & Heath Slater & Johnny Curtis & Kris Logan was interrupted by FCW General Manager Abraham Washington because he was bored, Johnny Curtis won a 14-man battle royal to earn a title shot (Participants: Bo Rotunda, Mr. Tarver, Chris Raaber, Kris Logan, Alex Riley, Aiden Frost, Ricky Ortiz, Sheamus O’Shaunessy, Dawson Alexander Esq., Heath Slater, Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith, Drew McIntrye, & Johnny Curtis), Ezekiel Jackson b Aaron Rodriguez (Sicodelico Jr.) in a squash match, Justin Angel b Troy Jackman w/Fletcher Chase by DQ when Chase attacked Angel, Brett DiBiase b Dylan Klein with a backslide and his feet on the ropes, FCW Florida Tag Team champions Caylen Croft & Trent Beretta vs. Vic Adams & Duke Rotundo ended in a Double Countout, FCW Florida Heavyweight champion Tyler Reks b Lance Hoyt.
  • June 19, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Kissimmee, Florida: Brett DiBiase b Dylan Klein with a missle dropkick, The Rotunda Brothers (Bo & Duke Rotunda) b Byron Saxton & Agent T (Tevita Fifita) w/Abraham Washington, Sweet Papi Sanchez b Aiden Frost, Lance Hoyt & Troy Jackman b Wes Brisco & Johnny Curtis, Dawson Alexander Esq. b Fletcher Chase, Rosa Mendes b Beverly Mullins, Justin Angel & Kris Logan b DJ Gabriel & Vic Adams, Festus b Chris Raaber, Yoshitatsu b Sicodelico Jr., Ricky Ortiz b Ezekial Jackson.
  • June 23, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – TV Tapings (partial results) in Tampa, Florida: the Abraham Washington Show with The Candy Girl (Candy said she was more of a woman than Angela, who quickly showed up to defend herself. Washington booked Angela & a parter of her choosing vs. Alicia & Rosa & Candy Girl), Justin Angel & Kris Logan b The Dudebusters to win the FCW Tag Team titles, Dylan Klein & Vance Archer b Heath Slater (wearing a cast on his broken hand) & Brett Dibiase when Slater turned on DiBiase and whacked him with his cast, the Abraham Washington Show with the new FCW Tag Team Champions Justin Angel & Kris Logan (The Dudebusters wanted a rematch, and the Rotundos wanted a title shot, so they set up a #1 Contenders match), Alicia Fox & Rosa Mendes, & The Candy Girl b Angela Fong & Tiffany, Tyler Reks b Alex Riley in a Best 2/3 Falls match to retain the FCW Heavyweight title, The Rotunda Brothers (Bo & Duke Rotunda) b The Dudebusters in a #1 Contenders match, Heath Slater had b [INSERT] (Slater cut a promo on Brett Dibiase & Joe Hennig and all second generation wrestlers), The Rotunda Brothers (Bo & Duke Rotunda) b Justin Angel & Kris Logan to win the FCW Tag Team titles.
  • June 25, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Sweet Papi Sanchez b Chris Raaber, FCW General Manager Abraham Saddam Washington revealed there would be a historic announcement at next week’s TV tapings… Alex Riley w/Beverly b Bo Rotundo w/Duke Rotundo with Shane Sewell debuting as an FCW referee, Troy Jackman w/Fletcher Chase b Vic Adams, Ricky Ortiz b Sicodelico Jr., FCW Florida Tag Team champions The Dude Busters (Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft) b Justin Angel & Kris Logan, Rosa Mendes b Alicia Fox, Dawson Alexander, Esq. b Dylan Klein, Ezekiel Jackson b Yoshitatsu, Drew McIntyre & Sheamus O’Shaunessy vs. Joe Hennig (return from injury) & DJ Gabriel ended in a no contest when the participants couldn’t get along, Sheamus O’Shaunessy b Drew McIntyre and Joe Hennig and DJ Gabriel in a 4-WAY, Tyler Reks b Jonathan Curtis to retain the FCW Florida Heavyweight title.
  • July 2, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Wes Brisco b Aiden Frost in a dark match… TAPING #1: Duke Rotundo & Bo Rotundo b Mr. Tarver & Dylan Klein, (DJ) Gabriel b Vic Adams, Joe Hennig b Lance Archer (aka Lance Hoyt), FCW Florida Tag Team champions Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft b Kris Logan & Justin Angel — TAPING #2: Johnny Curtis b Chris Raaber, Kris Logan w/Justin Angel vs. Caylen Croft w/Trent Beretta was turned into a tag match by Abraham Washington (w/Rosa Mendes), Kris Logan & Justin Angel b Caylen Croft & Trent Beretta, Sweet Papi Sanchez b Mr. Tarver, Donny Marlo (aka Tevita Fifita) b Fred (debut), FCW Heavyweight Champion Tyler Reks b Alex Riley w/Beverly by DQ when Riley hit Reks with a chair. — TAPING #3: There was a “Grand Royale” with everybody on the roster (participants started on the floor, and whoever made it in the ring in 1:00 got to be in a Battle Royal)…. Johnny Curtis won the Battle Royal (Participants: Bo Rotundo, Lance Archer, (DJ) Gabriel, Dylan Klein, Sweet Papi Sanchez, Ricky Ortiz, Yoshi Tatsu, Justin Angel, Dawson Alexander Esq., Joe Hennig, Caylen Croft, and Johnny Curtis) – Brett DiBiase b Dylan Klein, Tyler Reks b Johnny Curtis and Alex Riley w/Beverly in a 3-WAY to retain the FCW Heavyweight title.
  • July 9, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Yoshi Tatsu b Donny Marlo (Tevita Fifita), Wes Brisco b Fred Sanford, Abraham Washington Show with Rosa Mendes & Troy Jackman (they called out Sweet Papi Sanchez’s candy girl who claimed to be more woman than FCW Queen Miss Angela, who had previously been linked to Papi. This brought Angela in the ring but the two were separated by Jackman before anything could happen), Lance Archer b Aaron Rodriguez (Sicodelico Jr. unmasked), Dawson Alexander & Sweet Papi Sanchez & Joe Hennig b Drew McIntyre & Mr. Tarver & Ricky Ortiz, Johnny Curtis b Dylan Klein with a sunset flip after Brett DiBiase distracted Klein, Kris Logan b Dos Caras Jr. (debut), Justin Angel b (DJ) Gabriel, The Rotundo Brothers (Bo & Duke Rotundo) b FCW Florida Tag Team champions Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft by DQ, FCW Florida Heavyweight champion Tyler Reks b Alex Riley w/Beverly Mullins.
  • July 15, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Punta Gorda, Florida: Dos Caras Jr. & El Sicodelico Jr. b Vance Archer & Kristof Hertzog, Sweet Papi Sanchez b Mr. Tarver, Joe Hennig & Heath Slater & Yoshi Tatsu b Fletcher Chase & Troy Jackman & Donny Marlo, Festus b Dylan Klein, Maria Kanellis & Serena Deeb & Angela Fong b Alicia Fox & Natalya Neidhart & Layla El, Eli Cottonwood b Fred Rossen, Tyson Kidd w/Natalya Neidhart b Johnny Curtis by submission, FCW Florida Tag Team champions Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft b Kris Logan & Justin Angel, FCW Florida Heavyweight champion Tyler Reks b Drew McIntyre and Sheamus in a 3-WAY, Yoshi Tatsu won a 20-man battle royal last eliminating Alex Riley.
  • July 16, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Joe Hennig b Donny Marlo, Serena Deeb b Layla El, FCW Tag Team champions Trent Beretta & Calyn Croft b Dos Caras Jr. & El Sicodelico Jr. in a Non-title match, Sweet Papi Sanchez b Vance Archer, The Rotundo Brothers (Bo & Duke Rotundo) b Mr. Tarver & Ricky Ortiz, Heath Slater b Justin Angel, “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus b Kris Logan, FCW Florida Heavyweight champion Tyler Reks b Drew McIntyre..
  • July 30, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Wes Brisco b Vic Adams, Sweet Papi Sanchez b Caylen Croft, Abraham Washington Show with guest “Iron” Mike Tarver (babyface promo going after Alex Riley), Trent Beretta b Max McGuirk, Alex Riley w/Beverly Mullins b Alberto Banderas (Dos Caras Jr.), Tiffany & Angela Fong & April Jeanette b Serena Deeb & Alicia Fox & Rosa Mendes, FCW Tag Team champions The Rotundo Brothers (Bo & Duke Rotundo) b Vance Archer & Dylan Klein in a Non-title match, Johnny Curtis b Dawson Alexander, Justin Angel b Kris Logan and Tyson Kidd and Yoshi Tatsu in a 4-WAY, Tyler Reks b Joe Hennig to retain the FCW Florida Heavyweight title..
  • August 6, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Gabriel b Espiral, Sheamus & Drew McIntyre b Max McGuirk & Wes Brisco, The Abraham Washington Show hosted by Abraham Washington w/Rosa Mendes & Troy Jackman with special guest Alberto Banderas, Johnny Curtis b “Iron” Mike Tarver, Dawson Alexander b Curt Hawkins, Vance Archer b Eric Escobar, Brett DiBiase & Bo Rotundo & Duke Rotundo b Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft & Dylan Klein, Yoshi Tatsu & Tiffany b Ricky Ortiz & Alicia Fox, Justin Angel b Alex Riley, FCW Florida Heavyweight champion Tyler Reks b Heath Slater.
  • August 13, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Brett DiBiase b Curt Hawkins in a dark match…. TV Taping: Heath Slater b Johnny Curtis, “Iron” Mike Tarver b a retuning Johnny Prime, Justin Angel b Vance Archer, FCW Florida Heavyweight Champion Tyler Reks b Alex Riley by DQ after a ref-bump and interference from Fletcher Chase & Troy Jackman (Eli Cottonwood showed up and choke-slammed Reks)…. TV Taping: Yoshi Tatsu b Drew McIntyre, Sweet Papi Sanchez b Donny Marlo, Alberto Banderas b Caylen Croft (After the match; Eric Escobar attacked Banderas and cut a heel promo), Dawson Alexander b Trent Beretta, The Abraham Washington Show with Liviana & Fletcher Chase & Troy Jackman along with special guest Joe Hennig (Heath Slater & Tyler Reks showed up and Washington booked a triple threat for the FCW title next week), Duke & Bo Rotundo b Dylan Klein & Vance Archer to retain the FCW Florida Tag Team titles…. TV Taping: FCW General Abraham Washington welcomed fans to the historic 50th episode of FCW, Justin Angel b Sheamus, Gabriel b Alex Riley (After the match; Riley attacked Gabriel during an interview), Eric Escobar b Alberto Banderas, Serena Mancini b April Lee and Tiffany and Alicia Fox in a 4-WAY to win a shot at the Queen of FCW Miss Angela, Heath Slater b Tyler Reks (c) and Joe Hennig in a 3-WAY to win the FCW Florida Heavyweight title.
  • August 20, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Dylan Klein & Vance Archer b Max McGuirk & Wes Brisco, “Night Claw” Kris Logan b Aiden Frost, Heath Slater b Tyler Reks to retain the FCW Heavyweight title, Kung Fu Naki b Alex Riley, Trent Baretta & Caylen Croft & Cristoph Herzog b Justin Angel & Bo Rotundo & Duke Rotundo, The 7 ft Eli Cottonwood b Fred Rosser, April Lee & Angela Fong b Alicia Fox & Serena Mancini, Johnny Curtis b Curt Hawkins.. [reported by Andrew K]
  • October 1, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida: Wes Brisco & Courtney Taylor b Donny Marlow & Liviana, Jimmy Uso (Reon Mahima) cut a promo saying he wanted into the tag team division, Joe Hennig b Rashard Goff (debut) with a Perfect-plex, Drew McIntyre b Johnny Prime, Skip Sheffield b Dawson Alexander and Eric Escobar and Michael Tarver in a 4-WAY, Tyson Kidd & Curt Hawkins & Caylen Croft b Brett DiBiase & Bo Rotundo & Duke Rotundo, Gabriel b Dylan Klein, The South Beach Boys (Darren Young & Chris McNeil) cut a promo to introduce themselves to the audience, Tyler Reks b Alex Riley, Bugsy McGraw did an in-ring promo putting over the history of wrestling in Florida, Sheamus b Leroy Morgan, Justin Angel & Yoshi Tatsu b Vance Archer & Heath Slater after Angel hit the 450 splash on Archer.
  • October 8, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida: Jimmy Uso & Donny Marlow b Lennox McEnroe & Byron Saxton, Michael Tarver b Wes Brisco, Heath Slater b Gabriel, Skip Sheffield b Dylan Klein by DQ after Eli Cottonwood attacked Sheffield, Mia Mancini b Natalya Neidhart, Joe Hennig b Vance Archer with the Perfect-plex, Tyler Reks & Brett DiBiase & Duke Rotundo & Bo Rotundo b Curt Hawkins & Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft & Eric Escobar, Yoshi Tatsu b Alex Riley after a kick to the head, FCW Florida Heavyweight champion Justin Angel b Drew McIntyre.
  • October 22, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida: The Dudebusters (Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft) b The South Beach Boys (Darren Young & Percy Watkins), Wes Brisco b Dylan Klein, Johnny Prime & Mr. FCW (Gabriel under a mask) b Vance Archer & Alex Riley, Donny Marlow b Brett DiBiase, The Abraham Washington Show featured the introduction of the Giant Pharaoh (Scott Grimez)… Yoshi Tatsu & Tyler Reks b Michael Tarver & Lance Cade, Skip Sheffield b Curt Hawkins, A.J. Lee b Courtney Taylor, Joe Hennig vs. Heath Slater ended in a Double Countout, Justin Angle b Eric Escobar to retain the FCW Florida Heavyweight title.
  • October 29, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – Halloween Edition in Tampa, Florida: Vance Archer b Johnny Prime, FCW Heavyweight champion Justin Angel and the Divas (in costume) came out for a fan costume contest (Liviana was dressed as an Ice Queen…. Penny Cash was dressed as a Vampire…. Olga was dressed as a Schoolgirl…. Courtney Taylor was dressed as a Pink Cowgirl – – – the winner was a fan dressed as John Cena)…. Mr. FCW b Michael Tarver by DQ after Alex Riley attacked Mr. FCW, Brett DiBiase & A.J. Lee b Alex Riley & Naomi Knight (debut) after four Mr. FCW’s surrounded the ring and and distracted Alex Riley, Tyler Reks b Lennox McEnroe, The South Beach Boys (Darren Young & Percy Watkins) b Donny Marlow & Jimmy Uso, Heath Slater b Joe Hennig after a low blow in a No Countout match, Skip Sheffield (dressed as a cow) & Bo Rotundo (dressed as Batman) & Duke Rotundo (dressed as polka dot Dusty Rhodes) b Trent Beretta (dressed as Sebastian aka the crab from Little Mermaid) & Caylen Croft (dressed as a pirate) & Curt Hawkins (dressed as a lizard) in a 6-MAN Tag Team Costume match.
  • November 5, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – TV Tapings in Tampa, Florida: Bo Rotundo b Big E Langston in a pre-show match… — Episode #60: Alberto Banderas b Caylen Croft w/Trent Beretta, The South Beach Boys (Percy Watson & Darren Young) b Vance Archer & Lennox McEnroe, Joe Hennig b Dylan Klein after a prefect-plex, Curt Hawkins b Johnny Prime, FCW Florida Heavyweight champion Justin Angel b Heath Slater after hitting the 450 Splash… — Episode #61: Alberto Banderas b Trent Beretta w/Caylen Croft, A.J. Lee b Courtney Taylor, The Abraham Washington Show featured new FCW Diva Aksana aka Zivile Raudoniene (Eli Cottonwood and the suspended Gabriel sat in the crowd eating popcorn; a match was set-up between Cottonwood and Mr. FCW for the next episode where if Mr. FCW won Gabriel would be reinstated), Donny Marlow w/Jimmy Uso b Dino Carter with a diving headbutt, Curt Hawkins & Skip Sheffield co-won an 8-Man Battle Royal to earn the right to face-off for a title shot (Participants; Curt Hawkins, Skip Sheffield, Brett DiBiase, Dylan Klein, Joe Hennig, Heath Slater, Michael Tarver, and Tyler Reks)… Curt Hawkins b Skip Sheffield in a #1 Contenders match… — Episode #62: Tommy Dreamer b Eric Escobar with a DDT, Mr. FCW b Eli Cottonwood by DQ when Cottonwood refused the referee’s instruction to stop beating on Mr. FCW, Johnny Prime & Skip Sheffield & Joe Hennig b Vance Archer & Heath Slater & Michael Tarver, FCW Florida Heavyweight champion Justin Angel b Curt Hawkins (w/Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft) after hitting the 450 Splash.
  • November 12, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida: The South Beach Boys (Darren Young & Percy Watson) b Kaval & Johnny Curtis, Skip Sheffield b Michael Tarver, Joe Hennig b Trent Beretta, Lennox McEnroe b Titus O’Neill (debut), Brett DiBiase b Caylen Croft with the “Million Dollar Dream”, Tyler Reks b Wade Barrett, Courtney Taylor & A.J. Lee b Liviana & Naomi Night, Eli Cottonwood b Dino Carter, Bo & Duke Rotundo b Curt Hawkins & Heath Slater to retain the FCW Tag Team titles.
  • November 19, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – TV Tapings in Tampa, Florida: Jimmy Uso b Titus O’Neill in a pre-show match… — Episode #63: Eric Escobar b Dino Carter, Johnny Curtis b Johnny Prime, Eric Escobar attacked Kaval during an interview, Kaval b Donny Marlow, Joe Hennig b Lennox McEnroe with the Perfect Plex, The Dudebusters (Curt Hawkins & Caylen Croft) b The Rotundo Brothers (Bo & Duke) to win the Florida Tag Team titles… — Episode #64 (Christmas Episode): Johnny Curtis b Joe Hennig while holding onto the ropes for leverage, The Abraham Washington Show featured all of the FCW Divas telling Santa what they wanted for Christmas (Sweet Papi Sanchez came out as Santa, but Abraham made the Divas sit on his lap instead. When it Aksana and Eli Cottonwood’s turn, Papi hit Cottonwood with his candy bucket and left the ring)…. Alberto Banderas b Trent Beretta (After the match, the other Dudebusters attacked Banderas until the Rotundos made the save! Kaval b Eric Escobar… — Episode #65 (New Year’s Episode): The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd & David Hart Smith w/Natalya Niedhart) b Gabriel & Johnny Prime when Gabriel walked out on Prime they hit him with the Hart Attack, Natalya Neidhart b A.J. Lee by Sharpshooter submission, The Abraham Washington Show with a New Year’s Resolutions theme (Steve Keirn told Washington that his tenure as FCW General Manager was only for 2009. IRS (w/Lift Sawyer & Conrad Tanner) came out and informed Abraham that he had not paid his taxes and that he was being audited. The three of them escorted Abraham out of the ring!), Michael Tarver b Skip Sheffield with a roll-up, Bo Rotundo & Duke Rotundo & Brett DiBiase & Alberto Banderas b The Dudebusters (Caylen Croft & Trent Beretta & Curt Hawkins) & Heath Slater.
  • December 12, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling – TV Tapings in Tampa, Florida: Leroy Morgan b Lennox McEnroe in a pre-show match… — Episode #66 (1/3): Penny Cash interviewed Liviana (announced that Abraham Washington was still the General Manager), Alex Riley b Darren Young, Heath Slater b Bo Rotundo after interference from Michael Tarver, Kaval b Caylen Croft, Joe Hennig b Johnny Curtis in a Human Cage Match (aka Lumberjack Match)… — Episode #66 (1/10): Alberto Banderas b Johnny Curtis, Heath Slater b Duke Rotundo after interference from Michael Tarver, Abraham Washington Show with Abraham Washington & Liviana with guest Eli Cottonwood (showed a video of Aksana in captivity after being abducted by Papi Sanchez), Courtney Taylor & A.J. Lee b Naomi Night & Rosa Mendes, Vance Archer & Alex Riley b Skip Sheffield & Titus O’Neill… — Episode #67 (1/17): Johnny Prime b Gabriel (Gabriel laid out Prime after the match), Alberto Banderas b Heath Slater w/Michael Tarver, Aksana showed up looking like she had been roughed up and reunited with Eli Cottonwood (A voice over the sound system said next time Eli wouldn’t be so lucky), Joe Hennig & Brett DiBiase b FCW Tag Team champions The Dudebusters (Trent Baretta & Caylen Croft) in a Non-title match, Kaval b Curt Hawkins — Notes: 2008 Playboy Model Of The Year Jillian Beyor was there before the show to sign autographs.
  • December 17, 2009–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida: Skip Sheffield & Gabriel & Big E Langston & Titus O’Neil b Donny Marlow & Jimmy Uso & Dawson Alexander & Lennox McEnroe, Black Pain (Sweet Papi using his old gimmick) b Johnny Prime, Wade Barrett b Dino Carter, The Rotundo Brothers (Bo & Duke Rotundo) b Vance Archer & Michael Tarver, Savannah b Rosa Mendes in a Lumberjill Match with special referee Darren Young, Johnny Curtis & Heath Slater b Tyler Reks & Alberto Banderas, The Dudebusters (Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft & Curt Hawkins) b The Fortunate Sons (Joe Hennig & Brett DiBiase) in a 3-on-2 Handicap match, Yoshi Tatsu b Kaval and Alex Riley in a 3-WAY.. Notes: The Briscoe Brothers from ROH were in attendance..

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