Florida Championship Wrestling – 2007

Florida Championship Wrestling
2007 Results

  • June 26, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida at the Dallas Bull: Johnny Curtis b Robert Anthony, Dan Rodman & Tyson b Team Elite (Mike Knox & Derrick Neikirk), Nattie Neidhart b Shantelle Taylor and Krissy Vaine in a 3-WAY, Keith Walker & Ryklon Stephens b Eric Perez & Kofi Kingston, G-Rilla b Shawn Osbourne, Harry Smith & T.J. Wilson w/Nattie Niedhart b Samoan Fight Club (Afa Jr. & Sonny Siaki), Rene Dupree b Steve Madison, “Bulldog” Harry Smith won a 21-Man Battle Royal to win the FCW Southern Heavyweight title.
  • June 30, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in Temple Terrace, Florida at the Temple Terrace Recreational Center: “The Puerto Rican Nightmare” Eric Perez b Dan Rodman, Keith Walker & Ryklon Stephens b Team Elite (Mike Knox & Derrick Neikirk), Nattie Neidhart b Shantelle Taylor with Krissy Vaine as special guest referee, “The Stampede Kid” T.J. Wilson b Afa Jr. and G-Rilla in a 3-WAY, Kofi Nahaje Kingston b Johnny Curtis, “Bulldog” Harry Smith b “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne w/Heath Miller to retain the FCW Southern Heavyweight title, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan b Doink The Clown.. [reported by Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com].
  • August 4, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in [INSERT], Florida: Ted Dibiase Jr. & Jake Hager b Keith Walker & Heath Miller, G-Rilla & The Giant Titan (formerly Giant Magnum trained by Dory Funk Jr.) b Teddy Hart & Kofi Kingston, Cory “Gator” Keirn b Shawn “Bad Seed” Osborne, The Stampede Bulldogs (Harry Smith & T.J Wilson) b Rycklon Stephens & Dan Rodman, Samoan Fight Club (Afa Jr. & Sonny Siaki w/Afa Sr.) b Johnny Curtis & Robert Anthony.
  • September 2, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at Gold’s Gym: “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne fought Cory “Gator” Keirn ended in a No Contest, Cory Keirn & Ted DiBiase Jr. & Robert Anthony b Rycklon Stephens & Shawn Osborne & Heath Miller, “The Human Massacre” Keith Walker b Derrick Neikirk and Jake Hager in a 3-WAY, Johnny Curtis hosted the FCW Diva Best Body Contest (Krissy Vaine vs. Victoria Crawford vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Brooke Adams vs. Ravishing Roberta aka Robert Anthony), T.J. Wilson & Kofi Kingston vs. El Grande Los Locos Flakas w/Fidel Madecone Martinez by Countout.. [reported by Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com].
  • September 15, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Jewish Community Center: “The Professional” Mike Mondo b Chris Gray, Egotistical Fantastica (Robert Anthony) & Johnny Curtis b “The Human Massacre” Keith Walker & “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne, “The Natural” Nick Nemeth b Hade Vanson, G-Rilla & Jake Hager b Kofi Kingston & Steve Taylor, “The Stampede Kid” T.J. Wilson b Heath Miller and Teddy Hart in a 3-WAY, The Bella Twins (Bri & Nicole Bella) b Krissy Vaine & Nattie Neidhart with Victoria Crawford as special referee, The Giant Titan b Doink The Clown, “Bulldog” Harry Smith b Billy Kidman w/Lacey Von Erich to retain the FCW Southern Title, G-Rilla won a #1 Contenders Battle Royal (Ted Hart, Johnny Curtis, Hade Vanson, TJ Wilson, Keith Walker, Heath Miller, The Giant Titan, Shawn Osborne, Billy Kidman, G-Rilla, Egotistical Fantastica, Mike Mondo, Nick Nemeth, Jake Hager, Steve Taylor, Kofi Kingston and Chris Gray. The final three were Kidman, Hart and G-Rilla. Hart eliminated Kidman with a clothesline but G-Rilla eliminated Hart with a backdrop).. [reported by Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com].
  • September 25, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling – Wrestling For Whiskers in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: Teddy Hart b “Bad Seed” Shawn Osbourne, Kofi Kingston & Johnny Curtis & Robert Anthony b Rycklon Stephens & The Giant Titan & Steve Taylor, Nattie Neidhart & Victoria Crawford b The Bella Bombers (Bri & Nicole Bella), Hade Vansen & Chris Gray b “The Professional” Mike Mondo & “The Natural” Nick Nemeth, Ted DiBiase Jr. & T.J. Wilson b Afa Jr. & Jake Hager and Keith Walker & Heath Miller in a 3-WAY Tag match, Doink the Clown b Billy Kidman, Ryan O’Reilly segment (he now has Lacey Von Erich & Maryse Ouellet as his valets), Harry Smith b G-Rilla by DQ to retain the FCW Southern Heavyweight title — Notes: Harry Smith, Teddy Hart, and Ted DiBiase Jr. christened themselves the New Hart Foundation.. [reported by Alan Wojcik].
  • October 2, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: Johnny Curtis b Hade Vansen, Sheaumus O’Shaunnessy b Brian Kelly in a double debut match, “Handsome” Heath Miller b Steve Lewington, New Generation Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart & T.J. Wilson) b “The Professional” Mike Mondo & “The Natural” Nick Nemeth, Nattie Neidhart w/Victoria Crawford b Nicole Bella w/Bri Bella, New Generation Hart Foundation member Ted DiBiase Jr. b “The Human Massacre” Keith Walker, New Generation Hart Foundation member “Bulldog” Harry Smith b Billy Kidman to retain the FCW Southern Heavyweight title.. [reported by Alan Wojcik].
  • October 9, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: O.L. Chamberlain b Moose Madison, Robert Anthony & Tommy Taylor b Shawn Osborne & Chris Gray, Afa Jr. b “The Stampede Kid” T.J. Wilson, Jake Hager b Teddy Hart, Rycklon Stephens b “The Mastadon of Mayhem” G-Rilla by Countout, Nattie Neidhart b Lacey Von Erich in a Battle of the 3rd Generation Divas, Harry Smith vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. ended in a No Contest (Afa Jr. & G-Rilla & Jake Hager & Shawn Osbourne interfered and Teddy Hart & T.J. Wilson came to their Hart Foundation partners).. [reported by Alan Wojcik].
  • October 13, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Jewish Community Center: Hade Vansen b Bryan Kelly, Rycklon Stephens b Johnny Curtis, Steve Lewington b Sheamus O’Shaunessy by DQ, “The Professional” Mike Mondo & “The Natural” Nick Nemeth b Robert Anthony & Tommy Taylor, Mariouz Jablanski b “The Carnival Freak” Sinn Bowdee, Kofi Kingston b Santino Marella in a #1 Contenders match, The Bella Twins (Nicole & Bri) b Nattie Neidhart & Victoria Crawford, New Generation Hart Foundation (Harry Smith & T.J. Wilson & Ted DiBiase Jr. & Billy Kidman) b G-Rilla & Jake Hager & Afa Jr. & Shawn Osborne.. [reported by Alan Wojcik].
  • October 16, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: OL Chamberlain b Hade Vansen, “Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson b “The Carnival Freak” Sinn Bowdee, “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne b Mariouz Jablanski, The Bella Twins (Nicole & Bri) b Nattie Neidhart & Victoria Crawford, Chris Gray b Tommy Taylor, Heath Miller & Jake Hager b Kofi Kingston & Moose Madison, Steve Lewington b Ted DiBiase Jr. by DQ, Afa Jr. was declared FCW Southern Heavyweight champion when the current title holder Harry Smith no-showed (he is in the UK touring with WWE), Afa Jr. b Billy Kidman to retain the FCW Southern Heavyweight title.. [reported by Alan Wojcik].
  • October 23, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: “The Carnival Freak” Sinn Bowdee b Bryan Kelley, Rycklon Stephens b “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne, Kofi Kingston b “Handsome” Heath Miller, Hade Vansen & Sheamus O’Shaunessey b The British Lions (Chris Gray & Tommy Taylor), Nicole Bella w/Bri Bella b Victoria Crawford w/Lacey Von Erich by DQ, Ted DiBiase Jr. b “The Stampede Kid” T.J. Wilson by pinfall with his feet on the ropes, “The Mastodon of Mayhem” G-Rilla vs. The Giant Titan w/Afa Jr. ended in a No Contest due to outside interference.. [reported by Alan Wojcik]
  • October 30, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: Mariousz Jablonski b Hade Vansen, Heath Miller & Sinn Bowdee b Johnny Curtis & Robert Anthony, “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne b Kevin Kiley, Kofi Kingston & Brianna Bella (w/Nicole Bella) b Sheamus O’Shaunessy & Victoria Crawford, “The Stampede Kid” T.J. Wilson b Jake Hager by DQ, Mike Mondo & Nick Nemeth b Rycklon Stephens & Steve Lewington, Ted DiBiase Jr. b FCW Southern Heavyweight Champion Afa Jr. by DQ.. [reported by Alan Wojcik].
  • November 6, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: Heath Miller’s “Happy Hour” segment with guest Billy Kidman (Miller said Kidman was his idol but implied Kidman was on his way out of the business instead of back to the top. Kidman dumped the beer bucket over Miller’s head), “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne b Kevin Kiley with a Second Rope Elbow, Bryan Kelly & Rycklon Stephens & “Super Fan” Chet Douglas b Hade Vansen & Sheamus O’Shaunessy & Sinn Bowdee, “The Stampede Kid” T.J. Wilson b Jake Hager by intentional Countout, Victoria Crawford b Maryse Ouellet, Steve Lewington b “The Natural” Nick Nemeth, The Bella Twins turned down the Young Lion’s for dates, Robert Anthony & Johnny Curtis b The Young Lions (Chris Grey & Tommy Taylor), Kofi Kingston b “The Professional” Mike Mondo, Afa Jr. & The 7ft Giant Titan b G-rilla & Ted DiBiase Jr. in a Texas Tornado match.. [reported by Alan Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com].
  • November 10, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling – Dave Williams Celebrity Tribute to Jesse’s Place in Crystal River, Florida at the Lecanto High School: Kevin Kiley b “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne, “The Natural” Nick Nemeth (w/Big Rob) b Moose Madison, Rycklon Stephens & “Super Fan” Chet Douglas b “Handsome” Heath Miller & G-Rilla, Jake Hager b Doink the Clown, Victoria Crawford & The Bella Twins b Nattie Neidhart & Maryse Ouellet & Lacey Von Erich, Billy Kidman b “Carnival Freak” Sinn Bowdee, Afa Jr. b Steve Lewington to retain the FCW Southern Heavyweight title, Ted DiBiase Jr. & Kofi Kingston b Deuce & Domino w/Cherry, The 7ft Giant Titan won the 30-Person #1 Contenders Battle Royal… NOTES: A majority of funds will go to the child advocacy center being built in the memory of Jessica Lunsford.. [reported by Alan Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com].
  • November 13, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: Chris Gray b Bryan Kelly, Tommy Taylor b Hade Vansen, “The Professional” Mike Mondo b Nico Pappas, Chet Douglas & Kevin Kiley b Shawn Osborne & Sinn Bowdee, Heath Miller’s “Happy Hour” with the Bella Twins & Lacey Von Erich & Maryse Ouellet, “The Natural” Nick Nemeth w/Big Rob b Dixon Cox, Sheamus O’Shaunessy b Big Ryck Hertz, Ted DiBiase Jr. b Steve Lewington, “Handsome” Heath Miller b Billy Kidman, Afa Jr. b Kofi Kingston to retain the FCW Southern Heavyweight title, “The Stampede Kid” T.J. Wilson b Jake Hager in a Lumberjack match.. [reported by Alan Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com].
  • November 20, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: [Took the Week Off due to Thanksgiving].
  • November 27, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: Johnny Curtis b Tommy Taylor, Derick Linkin (w/the Bella Twins) b Ichiban (w/Mr. Yamamoto), G-Rilla & Kevin Kiley & Chet Douglas b Jake Hager & Shawn Osborne & Sinn Bowdee, Steve Lewington b Sheamus O’Shaunessy, Rycklon (Stephens) & “Rapid” Robert Anthony b Ted DiBiase Jr. & Nick Nemeth w/Big Rob, Billy Kidman b Hade Vansen w/Heath Miller by DQ, Kofi Kingston b FCW Southern Heavyweight Champion Afa Jr. by DQ.. [reported by Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com].
  • December 1, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Jewish Community Center: “The Carnival Freak” Sinn Bowdee (w/evil rubber ducky) b Kevin Kiley, Kofi Kingston & Tommy Taylor b Jake Hager & “The Professional” Mike Mondo, “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne b “Super Fan” Chet Douglas, “The Natural” Nick Nemeth & Big Rob b Robert Anthony & Bryan Kelly, Sheamus O’Shaunessy & Ted DiBiase Jr. w/Maryse Ouellet b Rycklon & Steve Lewington, “The Mastodon of Mayhem” G-Rilla b The 7FT Giant Titan, Billy Kidman & Johnny Curtis b Hade Vansen & “Handsome” Heath Miller in a Grudge Match, “Stampede Kid” T.J. Wilson b Afa Jr. in a Ladder Match to win the FCW Southern Heavyweight title.. [reported by Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com].
  • December 4, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: Afa Jr. b Bryan Kelly, Ichiban & Mr. Yamamoto b Derick Linkin in a Handicap match, Sheamus O’Shaunessy b “the Mastadon of Mayhem” G-Rilla by Countout, Jake Hager & Sinn Bowdee b Kevin Kiley & Kofi Kingston, “The Natural” Nick Nemeth w/Big Rob b Rycklon, Robert Anthony & Brianna Bella b Tommy Taylor & Victoria Crawford, Steve Lewington b Shawn Osborne and Chet Douglas in a 3-WAY by Countout, Billy Kidman b Hade Vansen, FCW Southern Champion T.J. Wilson b Ted DiBiase Jr. (Maryse Ouellet) by DQ.. [reported by Alan Wojcik].
  • December 11, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida: Jake Hager b Chris Gray, Sheamus b Kevin Kiley, “The Carnival Freak” Sinn Bowdee b Tommy Taylor, Johnny Curtis & Derick Linkin w/The Bella Twins b Ichiban & Mr. Yamamoto, “Super Fan” Chet Douglas b Doink the Clown, Heath Miller & Shawn Osborne b Robert Anthony & “The Rocket Scientist” G-Rilla, Nick Nemeth w/Big Rob vs. Rycklon ended in a No Contest, T.J. Wilson & Steve Lewington & Billy Kidman b Afa Jr. & Ted DiBiase Jr. & Hade Vansen.
  • December 18, 2007–Florida Championship Wrestling in New Port Richey, Florida at the Bourbon Street Night Club: Bryan Kelly b Tommy Taylor, “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne b “Campus Legend” Brad Allen, Kevin Kiley & Rycklon b “The Carnival Elf” Sinn Bowdee & Afa Jr., Doink the Clown b The 7FT Giant Titan, Nattie Neidhart b Nicole of Bella Twins (w/Brianna), G-Rilla & Robert Anthony b “Handsome” Heath Miller & Sheamus, Johnny Curtis b Chris Gray in a #1 Contenders match, “Superfan” Chet Douglas & Steve Lewington b “The Natural” Nick Nemeth (w/Big Rob) & Hade Vansen by DQ, Ted DiBiase Jr. b “The Stampede Kid” T.J. Wilson to win the FCW Southern Heavyweight title! .. [reported by Alan J. Wojcik].

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