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- January 25, 2002 – Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling in Surrey, BC before 300 fans: Terry Tomko b Ray Brooks, Buffy b Cheerleader Melissa (UPW), Wrathchild and Killswitch b Moondog Manson and Prince Aladin, Johnny Canuck b Chance Beckett-DQ, Pacific Cup tournament: Rockford d Abbadon, Havoc b Shannon Ballard with the shining wizard telling you what videos he’s been watching, Christopher Daniels b Adam Firestorm, Black Dragon b Shane Ballard, Todd Kelly b Scotty Mac, Tony Kozina vs. Buddy Wayne never took place – Wayne didn’t get a working visa, Daniels b Havoc, Dragon b Kelly, Dragon b Daniels to win the tournament.
- August 16, 2002 – ECCW in Vancouver, BC: Adam Firestorm d Vance Nevada, Disco Fury b White Tiger, Bam Bam Bambi b Madison, Abbadon and Gorilla McGuilla b Starr and Canuck, Sweet Daddy Devastation b Rico Quinones, Scotty Mac b Moondog Manson.
- August 16, 2002 – ECCW in Vancouver, BC: Adam Firestorm DRAW Vance Nevada, Disco Fury d Tiger white to retain the NWA Canadian Jr. Title, Machette Singh d Dropkick Murphy, Bam Bam Bambi d Madison to retain the NWA Women’s Canadian Title, and Abbadon and Gorilla McGuilla beat GOD to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Titles.
- September 14, 2002 – ECCW in Surrey, BC: Matt Classic b Count, Moondog Manson b Rico Quinones, White Tiger b Grunt, Todd Kelly DCOR Disco Fury, Gorilla and Abbadon b Aaron Idol and Sweet Daddy Devastation, Ladies Choice b Scotty Mac.
- December 6, 2002 – ECCW in Port Coquitlam, BC: Halo b Aaron Idol, White Tiger b Disco Fury, Ray b Toga Boy, Matt Classic b Sweet Daddy D, Club International b Rico Quinones and Gorilla, Madison b Char Starr to win NWA womens title.
- January 17, 2003 – ECCW in Port Coquitlam, BC: Adam Firestorm b Dropkick Murphy, LL cool Ray b Michael Raines, Skag Rollins b White Tiger, Brett Prime b Vance Nevada, Bam Bam Bambi b Trinity, Disco Fury b HALO, Gorilla b Seth Knight.
- January 18, 2003 – ECCW in Sardis, BC: Brett Prime b Dropkick Murphy, Madison b Timex, Vance Nevada b Matt Classic Vid Vane b Skag Rollins, Ladies Choice b Scotty Mac-DQ.
- February 21, 2003 – ECCW in Chilliwack, BC: Matt Classic b Scott Savage, Disco Fury b Michael Rains, Memphis Raines b Jimbo Richards, Major Hardway b Adam Firestorm, Vid Vane b Vance Nevada, Ladies Choice b Scotty Mac.
- March 9, 2003 – ECCW in Campbell River, BC: Eddie Osborne b Dropkick Murphy, Bam Bam Bambi b Nikki French, Scotty Mac b Mark Mayhem, Ladies Choice b Brett Prime, Prime won ECCW Rumble.
- March 28, 2003 – ECCW in Surrey, BC: Vid Vain b Skag Rollins, Dropkick Murphy b Brett Prime, Memphis Raines b Seth Knight, Chance Beckett and Heatseekers b Scotty Mac and Adam Firestorm and Ja Jacobe, Major Hardway b White Tiger, Ladies Choice b Johnny Canuck with MTV Canada host Bryan Adler as referee.
- May 2, 2003 – ECCW in Duncan, BC: Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart beat Ladies Choice, Scotty Mac beat Vance Nevada to retain ECCW title, Disco Fury beat Brett Prime, Cremator beat Ice, Vid Vane beat Seth Knight.
- May 3, 2003 – ECCW in Courtenay, BC: Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart beat Vance Nevada, Michelle Starr and Ladies Choice beat Scotty Mac and Kaos, Disco Fury beat Vid Vane, Cremator beat Ice, Brett Prime beat Seth Knight.
- June 27, 2003 – ECCW in Vancouver before 300 fans: Matt Classic b Hook Bomberry, Vance Nevada b Rico Quinones, Gorilla and Abbadon b Seth Knight and Skag Rollins, Major Hardway b Jay Jocobe, Dropkick Murphy DDQ Billy Two Eagles, Rocky Della Serra b Michelle Starr-DQ, Scotty Mac and Brian Adler b Adam Firestorm and Ladies Choice.
- July 25, 2003 – ECCW from Bridgeview Hall in Surrey, BC: Vance Nevada b. Scotty Mac by DQ, Rico Quinones b. Cole Bishop, Major Hardway b. Matt Classic, Adam Firestorm and Avalon b. Amazing Halo and Nikki French, Rocky Dellaserra b. Ladies Choice by DQ, Dropkick Murphy b. Moondog Manson (Hardcore match).
- August 22, 2003 – Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling in Surrey, BC: Matt Classic b Memphis Raines, Vid Vane b MR 2, Major Hardway b Amazing Halo, Seith Knight b Todd Baumgartner in bullrope match, Rocky Della Serra and Michelle Starr b Adam Firestorm and Ladies Choice, Matt Classic b Major Hardway, Rico Cajones b Scotty Mac-DQ, Moondog Manson b Dropkick Murphy.
- September 26, 2003 – ECCW in Bridgeview Hall – Surrey, BC: Cole Bishop beat Dropkick Murphy, Shawn Morgan downed Amazing Halo, Michael and Memphis Raines upset Abbadon and Gorilla Marilla to win the ECCW tag team titles, Matt Classic retained the ECCW junior heavyweight title against Adam Firestorm, Rico Quinones toppled Vid Vain, Seth Knight wrestled Skag Rollins to a double knockout in a loser leaves town match, Vance Nevada bested Scotty Mac in a cage match to win the ECCW Heavyweight title.
- October 19, 2003 – ECCW in Chilliwack, BC: El Fuego Fantastico b Jay Jacobe, Scotty Mac b Dropkick Murphy, Rage and Vid Vane b Rico Cojones and Disco Fury, Vance Nevada b Shawn Morgan, MR won Battle Royal.
- October 24, 2003 – ECCW in Vancouver, BC at the Croatian Centre: Matt Classic b. Aaron Idol, Michael Raines b. Abbadon, Adam Firestorm b. Shane Madison, El Fuego Fantastico b. Shawn Morgan, Madison b. Avalon, Rocky Dellaserra b. Ladies Choice, Scotty Mac and Ja Jacobe and Vid Vain and R.A.G.E. b. Vance Nevada and Disco Fury and Major Hardway and Dropkick Murphy in a War Games cage match.
- November 7, 2003 – ECCW in Surrey, BC: Chance Beckett won Battle Royal, Dropkick Murphy b Shawn Morgan, Memphis and Michael Raines b Cole Bishop and Brett Prime, Major Hardway b Scotty Mac, Aaron Idol d Matt Classic, Chance Beckett b Vance Nevada-DQ.
- November 16, 2003 – ECCW in Chilliwack, BC: Vance Nevada b. Cole Bishop.. Memphis Raines and MR 2 b. Vid Vain and Rage by DQ.. Shawn Morgan b. Dropkick Murphy in a valet strip poker match.. Terminator b. Tim Justice.. Moondog Manson b. Mas Diablo.
- February 20, 2004 – ECCW – Pacific Cup Jr Heavyweight Tournament in Surrey, BC: Dropkick Murphy b Memphis Raines-DQ, Major Hardway b RAGE, Disco Fury b Amazing Halo, Scotty Mac b J.D. Michaels, Jack Evans b Ryan Wood, Tony Kozina b Aaron Idol, Major Hardway b Dropkick Murphy, Scotty Mac b Disco Fury, Jack Evans b Tony Kozina, Major Hardway won three-way over Jack Evans and Scotty Mac to win the Cup.
- March 5, 2004 – ECCW in New Westminster, BC: Rage b Dropkick Murphy, Major Hardway b Scotty Mac, Aaron Idol b Memphis Raines, Matt Borne and Moondog Manson b Vance Nevada and Disco Fury.
- May 7, 2004 – ECCW – Pacific Cup Tournament Day 1 in Vancouver, BC: Tony Kozina and Adam Firestorm b. Memphis Raines and MR2.. Asian Cooger and Ueno Yukihide b. Aaron Idol and Sweet Daddy Devastation.. Vance Nevada and Disco Fury b. Vid Vain and Rage.. Major Hardway and Dropkick Murphy b. Cole Bishop and Dave Richards.. Shane and Shannon Ballard b. Skag Rollins and Seth Knight.. Scotty Mac and Jack Evans b. Machete Singh and Fade.. Wildcard Double Jeopardy match: Aaron Idol and Sweet Daddy Devastation b. Memphis Raines and MR2.
- May 8, 2004 – ECCW – Pacific Cup Tournament Day 2 in New Westminster, BC: Shane and Shannon Ballard b. Major Hardway and Dropkick Murphy.. Vance Nevada and Disco Fury b. Scotty Mac and Jack Evans.. Asian Cooger and Ueno Yukihide b. Tony Kozina and Adam Firestorm.. Shane and Shannon Ballard b. Aaron Idol and Sweet Daddy Devastation.. Vance Nevada and Disco Fury b. Asian Cooger and Ueno Yukihide.. Shane and Shannon Ballard b. Vance Nevada and Disco Fury to win the first Pacific Cup tag team tournament.
- October 8, 2004 – ECCW in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Calum Mac Beth b Ritchie Destiny, Miss Chevious b Charlotte Webb, Disco Fury and Nate Daniels and Seth Knight b Amazing Halo and White Tiger and Cosmo Takahara, Aaron Idol b Major Hardway, Models Inc. b Chance Beckett and Dave Richards, Scotty Mac NC Vance Nevada in cage match.
- November 20, 2004 – Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling in Vancouver, British Columbia: Disco Fury b Scotty Mac, Juggernaut b Abbadon with the K-Driller, Vance Nevada b Ironman Mike Rosseli, Ladies Choice b Vid Vain, Juggernaut b Disco Fury with the K-Driller, Ladies Choice b Vance Nevada, Skag Rollins b Nate Daniels with the Death Valley Driver, Ladies Choice b Juggernaut to win the NWA/ECCW title!
- January 28, 2005 – Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling in PORT COQUITLAM, British Columbia: The Ray b Calum MacBeth, Amazing Halo b Ritchie Destiny, Vid Vain b Cremator by DQ to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Juggernaut b Skag Rollins, Dropkick Murphy and Chance Beckett b Major Hardway and Disco Fury, Seth Knight b Scotty Mac in a brutal street-fight rules match.
- January 29, 2005 – Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling in Vancouver, British Columbia: Mike Dempsey b Ice after Ritchie Destiny interfered (Destiny then assaulted Ice’s manager, Miss Chevius with a chair), Skag Rollins b Cremator by using a chain, Tony Tisoy b Calum Macbeth reversing a submission into a rollup, The Heatseekers vs Models Inc ended in a draw, Dropkick Murphy b Hardway with a Top Rope Legdrop, Scotty Mac won a Battle Royal to become a 3-time champion by lastly eliminating Juggernaut (Also included Ladies Choice, Juggernaut, Seth Knight, Abbadon, Vid Vain, Scotty Mac, Mike Roselli, and Disco Fury).
- February 25, 2005 – Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling in Surrey, British Columbia: Tim Justice b Ritchie Destiny, Major Hardway vs Aaron Idol ended in a NO CONTEST, Cole Bishop and Kurt Sterling b Models Inc. (Memphis Raines and MR2) to win the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Vid Vain b Skag Rollins to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Disco Fury b Dropkick Murphy by DQ to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Machette Brown b Juggernaut, Scotty Mac b Seth Knight to retain the ECCW title.
- February 26, 2005 – Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling in Vancouver, British Columbia: Seth Knight b Tony Tisoy, Cole Bishop and Kurt Sterling b Models Inc. (Memphis Raines and MR2) to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Vid Vain b Machette Brown to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Major Hardway vs Aaron Idol ended in a NO CONTEST, Disco Fury b Abbadon and Dropkick Murphy by reverse decision DQ (Abbadon pinned Disco to win the match, but was dq’d after weighing in at 247 pounds, over the junior heavyweight division limit) to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Ladies Choice and Skag Rollins b Juggernaut and Scotty Mac.
- March 18, 2005 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia before 400 fans: Cole Bishop and Kurt Sterling b Ritchie Destiny and Mike Dempsey, Machette Brown b Abbadon, Chance Beckett b Aaron Idol and Major Hardway in a 3-WAY, Juggernaut b Scotty Mac, Seth Knight b Dropkick Murphy, American Dragon b Dave Richards, Johnny Canuck and Michelle Starr b Honky Tonk Man and Disco Fury in Canuck’s retirement match.
- March 19, 2005 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia before 300 fans: Tony Tisoy b Ritchie Destiny, Freddy Funk b Calum MacBeth, Cole Bishop and Kurt Sterling b Fabio and Mike Roselli, Honky Tonk Man b Michelle Starr, Memphis Raines and MR2 b Cremator and Nate Daniels, Disco Fury b American Dragon-DQ, Juggernaut b Seth Knight.
- April 1, 2005 – NWA ECCW in Port Conquitlam, British Columbia before 200 fans: Amazing Halo and Nate Daniels b Mike Dempsey and Ritchie Destiny, Freddy Funk b Seth Knight, Abbadon b Scotty Mac, Memphis Raines won three-way over Aaron Idol and Chance Beckett, Dropkick Murphy b Disco Fury, Cole Bishop and Kurt Sterling b Wrathchild and Killswitch by DQ.
- April 22, 2005 – NWA ECCW – Pacific Cup Tournament 1 in Surrey, British Columbia before 200 fans: Dropkick Murphy b Derek Sanders (Non Tournament), Juggernaut b Matt Borne (Non Tournament), Dave Richards b T. Kasaki, Puma b Jesse Jimenez, J.J. Perez b MR 2, Aaron Idol b Memphis Raines, Black Dragon b Scotty Mac, American Dragon b Chance Beckett.
- April 23, 2005 – NWA ECCW – Pacific Cup Tournament 2 in Vancouver, British Columbia: Mike Dempsey b Nate Daniels, Jesse Jimenez b Tony Tisoy, Freddy Funk b Derek Sanders, Matt Borne and Abbadon and Juggernaut b Seth Knight and Machette Brown and Ladies Choice, Puma b Dave Richards (Semi-finals), Aaron Idol b J.J. Perez (Semi-finals), American Dragon b Black Dragon (Semi-finals), Aaron Idol b Puma and American Dragon in a 3-WAY in a 30:00 match. American Dragon destroyed the trophy after the match and said ECCW was inferior to New Japan. Dragon and Puma beat down Aaron Idol. Promoter Dave Republic issued a challenge and gave Antonio Inoki 30 days to respond.
- May 6, 2005 – NWA ECCW in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia before 200 fans: Nate Daniels b Ritchie Destiny, Calum MacBeth b Amazing Halo, Dropkick Murphy b Disco Fury and Tokyo Tiger in a 3-WAY to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Wrathchild and Killswitch and Ladies Choice b Kurt Sterling and Cole Bishop and Michelle Starr, Freddy Funk b Sweet Daddy Devastation, Scotty Mac b Asian Cooger, Chance Beckett b Dave Richards.
- May 27, 2005 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia before 150 fans: Amazing Halo b Mike Dempsey, Hot and Bothered b Suicide Kings, Aaron Idol won three-way over Memphis Raines and Chance Beckett, Ladies Choice b Michelle Starr, Rebecca Knox (from Ireland) b Miss Chevious, Freddy Funk b Scotty Mac.
- June 17, 2005 – NWA ECCW in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia before 150 fans: Ice b Amazing Halo, Miss Chevius b Rebecca Knox, Scotty Mac b Freddy Funk, Vance Nevada and Cremator b Ladies Choice and Dropkick Murphy, Models Inc. b Aaron Idol and Chance Beckett, Juggernaut b Machette Brown.
- June 18, 2005 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Nate Daniels b Ice, Rebecca Knox and Calum MacBeth b Miss Chevius and Tony Tisoy, Freddy Funk b Disco Fury, Aaron Idol b Mike Dempsey, Mike Roselli and Fabio b Cole Bishop and Kurt Sterling, Abbadon b Seth Knight by DQ, Juggernaut b Scotty Mac.
- June 24, 2005 – NWA ECCW in British Columbia: Sweet Daddy Devastation b Nasty Nate Daniels, Mike Dempsy b Amazing Halo, Dropkick Murphy b Kurt Sterling to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Rebecca Knox b Miss Chevius to become the 1st ECCW Supergirls champion, Aaron Idol b Scotty Mac to retain the NWA/ECCW Pacific Northwest Junior Heavyweight title, Fast Freddy Funk b Memphis Raines, Juggernaut b Seth Knight in a Fans Bring Weapons match to retain the NWA/ECCW title.
- October 21, 2005 – NWA ECCW in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia before 130 fans: Amazing Halo b Seth Knight, MR2 b Nate Daniels, Freddy Funk b Vance Nevada, T.J. Wilson b Memphis Raines, Aaron Idol b Dropkick Murphy to win the NWA Canadian jr. title, Scotty Mac and Machette Brown b Juggernaut and Abbadon.
- October 29, 2005 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Vance Nevada b Layne Fontaine, Volcano was trainees Battle royal, Michelle Starr b Freddy Funk, RAGE b Ice, Cremator b Moondog Manson, Scotty Mac and Dropkick Murphy and Machette Brown and Sweet Daddy Devastation b Juggernaut and Abbadon and Aaron Idol in a War Games cage match.
- December 23, 2005 – NWA ECCW (Taped 3 Weeks of TV) in Vancouver, British Columbia: Aaron Idol b Dropkick Murphy, Michelle Starr b Volcano, Wrathchild and Killswitch b Kyle O’Reilly and Tony Tisoy, Abbadon b Sid Sylum, Kurt Sterling and Cole Bishop b MR 2 and Memphis Rains, Scotty Mac and Dropkick Murphy b Ice and Scott Steel, Sweet Daddy Devastation b Toga Boy, Memphis Raines b Kurt Sterling-DQ, Rage b Calum MacBeth, Nelson Creed b Randy Tyler-DQ, Freddy Funk b Seth Knight, Machete Brown b Cole Bishop, Cremator b Halo and Kyle O’Reilly, Rage b Sid Sylum, Sweet Daddy Devastation b Dave Richards.
- February 17, 2006 – NWA ECCW – TV Taping in Vancouver, British Columbia before 200 fans: Mike Desheezits b Aaron Idol, Vance Nevada b Volcano, Tony Tisoy and Kyle O’Reilly b Mike Dempsey and Ritchie Destiny, Rage b Michelle Starr to win the Canadian title, MR2 b Freddy Funk by Countout, Sweet Daddy Devastation b Nelson Creed, Abbdon b Seth Knight, Machette Brown b Cole Bishop, Ice b Memphis Raines, Scotty Mac and D.K. Roc b Wrathchild and Killswitch, Kurt Sterling b Disco Fury, Aaron Idol and Nelson Creed and Rage b Mike Roselli and Mike Desheezits and Sweet Daddy Devastation.
- March 25, 2006 – NWA ECCW TV Tapings in Vancouver, British Columbia before 220 fans: Sweet Daddy Devastation b Cole Bishop, Vance Nevada and Disco Fury b Rage and Vid Vain, DK Roc b Ice, Kyle O’Reilly and Aaron Idol b Hornet and Mike DeSheezits, Junior b Gurv Shira, Models Inc. b Volcano and Kurt Sterling, Abbadon b Ladies Choice, Cremator b Sid Sylum, Rebecca Knox b Nikki Matthews, Killswitch b Machete Brown, Scotty Mac b Wrathchild in a TLC match.
- March 31, 2006 – NWA ECCW in Surry, British Columbia before 250 fans: Cole Bishop b Seth Knight, Vance Nevada b Horne, Rebecca Knox and Sid Sylum and Gurv Sihra b Nikki Matthews and Phantasmo and Kyle O’Reilly, Sweet Daddy Devastation b Matt Classic, Ice b Disco Fury, Aaron Idol b Randy Tyler-DQ, Wrathchlid and Killswitch b Scotty Mac and DK Roc.
- April 8, 2006 – NWA ECCW in D’Arcy, British Columbia: The Hornet b El Phantasmo with a Fisherman Suplex, remator b Seth Knight with a Sitting Chokeslam, Rebecca Knox b Veronika with a Top Rope Legdrop, LC b Abby after using Brass Knucks, SCUM (Wrathchild and Killswitch) b GOD (Vance Nevada and Disco Fury) by DQ after Vance and Disco both low blowed Wrathchild and Killswitch at the same time, Abbadon won a Battle Royal.
- April 21, 2006 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Kyle O’Reilly b Gurv Sihra with a flying bodypress, Machette Brown b Cole Bishop with a rollup, SCUM b Seth Knight and T. Kasaki Sasaki to retain the NWA Top Ranked Tag Team title, Kurt Sterling b Beautiful Bobby Jay with a rollup after referee Anya slapped Jay after he kissed her, Juggernaut b “Rocket” Randy Tyler by DQ, Scotty Mac vs Ice ended in a Double Countout, Ivory b Rebecca Knox to win SuperGirls title.
- July 29, 2006 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia before 200 fans: Phantasmo b Mike Freeman, Junior b Harv Sihra, Chi Chi Cruz b Evan Inferno, Scotty Mac b Azeem the Dream, Vance Nevada b Kurt Sterling, Stormbringer b Harv Sihra and Phantasma, Freddy Funk b MR2, Chi Chi Cruz b Randy Tyler by DQ, Vance Nevada b Heavy Metal (not the original), Gurv Sihra b Mikey D, Memphis b MR2, Killswitch b Scotty Mac, Stormbringer b Cole Bishop, Wrathchild b Randy Tyler by DQ.
- August 25, 2006 – NWA ECCW TV Tapings in Surrey, British Columbia: Junior b Azeem, Cole Bishop b Dash Venture, Scotty Mac and D.K. Roc b Randy Tyler and Mikey Dasheezits, Seth Knight b Freddy Funk, Vance Nevada b Cremator, Harv Sihra and Gurv Sirha and Sid Sylum b Kyle O’Reilly and Amazing Halo and Volcano, Nelson Creed b Wildcard, Olympia b Ladies Choice, Ice b Memphis Raines-DQ, Killswitch b Scotty Mac and D.K. Roc-DQ, Rollin 2 Deep b Nelson Creed and Freddy Funk, Vance Nevada b Toga Boy, Randy Tyler b Cole Bishop, Scotty Mac and DK Roc b Wrathchild and Killswitch.
- September 23, 2006 – NWA ECCW in Comox, British Columbia: Gurv Sihra b Kyle O’Reilly, Veronica Vice b Nikki Matthews, Marty Sugar b Cutter, Ladies Choice b Volcano, Cremator b Sid Sylum, Harv Sihra b junior, Chill Town b Ice and Kaos in a 3-WAY.
- September 30, 2006 – NWA ECCW TV Tapings in Vancouver, British Columbia: Gurv Sirha b Phantasmo, Harv Sihra b Halo, Nikki Matthews and Sid Sylum b Veronika and Kyle O’Reilly, Randy Tyler b Kurt Sterling, Seth Knight b Johnny Obsession by DQ, Abbadon b DK Roc, Honky Tonk Man b Vance Nevada by DQ, Michelle Starr b Cole Bishop, Junior b Azeem, MR2 b Memphis and Ice in a 3-WAY, Randy Tyler vs Freddy Funk ended in a draw, Chill Town b The Devils Rejects.
- October 27, 2006 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia before 250 fans: Kyle O’Reilly b Mikey D, Seth Knight b Gurv Sirha, MR2 b Memphis and Ice in a 3-WAY, Freddy Fun b Vance Nevada to win Canadian Heavyweight title, Nikki Matthews b Nattie Neidhart and Veronoka Vice in a 3-WAY to win the Supergirls title, Demons Rejects b Chill Town to win the ECCW Tag Team titles, Randy Tyler b Sinn by DQ, Abbadon won a Fans Bring the Weapons Battle Royal.
- November 4, 2006 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia before 200 fans: Cole Bishop b Mike Dempsey, Freddy Funk b Deuce Savage, Ice b Mikey D, Randy Tyler vs Gurv Sihra ended in a draw, Sid Sylum b Abbdon, Vance Nevada and Seth Knight and Azeem the Dream b Halo and Volcano and Johnny Obsession, MR 2 b Harv Sihra and Kyle Oriely, Barry Goode and Veronika b Nikki Matthews and Ladies Choice.
- November 24, 2006 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia before 200 fans: Azeem Mohammed b Volcano, Scotty Mac b Mauler, MR 2 b Sid Sylum and Kyle O’Reilly in a 3-WAY, Cole Bishop b Michelle Starr, Dru Onyx b Abbadon, Freddy Funk b D.K. Roc, Aurora b Pyro, Honky Tonk Man and Johnny Canuck b Vance Nevada and Seth Knight.
- November 25, 2006 – NWA ECCW in Nanaimo, British Columbia before 225 fans: before 225 fans: Scotty Mac b Kyle O’Reilly, Marty Sugar b Barry Goode, Gurv Sihra b The Honky Tonk Man, Sid Sylum and Mauler b Cutter and Moondog Manson, Nikki Matthews b Aurora and Pyro, The Demon Rejects b Hot Nevada Nights, Ice b MR2 and Memphis in a 3-WAY Ladder match.
- December 16, 2006 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Azeem the Dream b Johnny Obsession, Sid Sylum b Kyle O’Reilly, Aaron Idol b DK Roc, Phantasmo b MR2, Wrathchild b Abbadon, Freddy Funk b Seth Knight, Nikki Matthews b Aurora, Cole Bishop b Kurt Sterling, Scotty Mac vs Randy Tyler ended in a No Contest, Aaron Idol and Wrathchild and Abbadon b Randy Tyler and Scotty Mac and DK Roc.
- January 26, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia before 250 fans: Ice b Mikey DaSheezits, Azeem the Dream b Volcano, Harv Sihra b Gurv Sihra, Aurora b Nikki Matthews, Seth Knight b Freddy Funk by DQ, Scotty Mac and D.K. Roc b Cremator, Memphis Raines and MR 2 b Phantasmo and Amazing Halo, Aaron Idol b Cole Bishop, Nelson Creed b Randy Tyler by DQ.
- February 23, 2007—-NWA ECCW in North Vancouver, British Columbia before 150 fans: Johnny Obsession b Deuce Savage, Ice b Azeem The Dream and Mikey DaSheezits in a 3-WAY to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Title, Nikki Matthews b Veronika Vice to retain the SuperGirls Title, Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) b Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo by DQ, Nelson Creed b Aaron Idol, Aaron Idol and Kurt Sterling b Nelson Creed and Randy Tyler, Mikey DaSheezits won a 17-person Battle Royale to get a shot at the NWA ECCW Heavyweight Title on March 3, Freddy Funk b Seth Knight in a Dog-Collar Chain Match to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title.
- March 2, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia before 175 fans: Johnny Obsession b Deuce Savage, Seth Knight b The Ray, Nikki Matthews b Aurora and Veronika Vice in a 3-WAY (pinning Aurora) to retain the ECCW SuperGirls Title, Randy Tyler b Mikey DaSheezits to retain the NWA ECCW Heavyweight title, Chill Town (Scotty Mac and DK Roc and Azeem The Dream) b Ice and Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo in a 6-Man Tag, Sid Sylum b Kyle O’Riley in a European Rounds match (2 falls to 1), Freddy Funk b Cole Bishop by Countout to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Nelson Creed b Aaron Idol (“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson was Special Guest Referee for this match).
- March 3, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: “Bollywood Don” Harv Sirah b Aurora in an “Intergender” match, Kurt Sterling b “The 2010 Superstar” Seth Knight, Azeem The Dream b Ice by DQ (Ice retains NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title), Disco Fury b Justice Freeman in Disco’s long-awaited return to ECCW from serious Achilles injury, Scotty Mac b Cremator and Moondog Manson (c) in a 3-WAY to win the ECCW Hardcore title, “Fast” Freddy Funk b Marty Sugar to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Kyle O’Reilly and Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews and Sid Sylum in a Mixed Tag match, Aaron Idol b Gurv Sirah and Sid Sylum and Kyle O’Riley and Nelson Creed in a Gauntlet Match before being forced into surprise Submission by Bryan Danielson (who was acting as Special Guest Referee), Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo b Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) in a TLC Match to be crowned #1 Contenders to the NWA/ECCW Tag Team Titles.
- March 30, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Disco Fury and Mikey D. b Gurv Sirah and Harv Sirah, Cremator b La Sombra, Volcano b Azeem The Dream, Freddy Funk b Cole Bishop by DQ to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Chill Town (Dropkick Murphy and Scotty Mac) b The Masked Men (Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo) and Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) in a 3-WAY to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Seth Knight b Kurt Sterling, Aaron Idol vs Ladies Choice and Randy Tyler ended in a No Contest in a Handicap Match, Kyle O’Riley b Sid Sylum in an “I Quit” match.
- April 1, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Abbotsford, British Columbia at the Town Centre Cinema: Seth Knight b Suman, Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) b La Sombra and Mikey D, Disco Fury and Marty Sugar and Veronika Vice b Cole Bishop and Deuce Savage and Nikki Matthews in a Mixed Six-Person Tag Team match, Azeem The Dream and Scotty Mac b Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo, Mikey D won a 15-Person Battle Royal.
- April 21, 2007—-NWA ECCW in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia at the Hyde Creek Rec Center before 130 fans: Azeem the Dream b La Sombra, Sid Sylum b Ray Brooks, Deuce Savage b Toga Boy, Kyle O’Reilly b Billy Suede, Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews to win the ECCW SuperGirls title, Memphis Raines b Amazing Halo and D.K. Roc in a 3-WAY, Azeem The Dream and Cole Bishop b Freddy Funk and Volcano, Aaron Idol b Nelson Creed, Phantasmo b MR2 and Scotty Mac in a 3-WAY.
- April 27, 2007 – NWA ECCW in North Vancouver, British Columbia at the Squamish Recreation Centre: Kyle O’Reilly b Azeem “The Dream” Mohammad w/Scotty Mac by DQ, Cole Bishop b “Fast” Freddy Funk by DQ (Funk retains the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title), Sid Sylum w/Nikki Matthews b “Brilliant” Billy Suede by Countout, The Bollywood Lions (Gurv Sirah and Harv Sirah) b Disco Fury and Volcano, “The Rocket” Randy Tyler b Mikey Da Sheezits to retain the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight Title, Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews w/Sid Sylum to retain the ECCW SuperGirls Title, Chill Town (DK Roc and Scotty Mac) b Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) and The Masked Men (Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo) in a 3-WAY Falls Count Anywhere match to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles.
- May 4, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia before 200 fans: The Bollywood Lions (Gurv Sirah and Harv Sirah) b Mikey DaSheezits and Volcano, Mike Freeman b Ronnie Angel, Disco Fury b Kyle O’Reilly, Seth Knight b Kurt Sterling, Freddy Funk vs Cole Bishop ended in a No Contest when Michelle Starr “un-retired” and attacked both men (Funk retains the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title), Sid Sylum b Billy Suede, “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson b Aaron Idol, Chill Town (DK Roc and Scotty Mac) b The Masked Men of Doom (Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo) and Memphis and Tony Kozina in a “Lethal Lottery” three-way to retain the ECCW Tag Team Titles.
- May 5, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia before 200 fans: Volcano b La Sombra, Ronnie Angel b Kellen Raeth, Seth Knight b Johnny Obsession, Disco Fury b Azeem the Dream, Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews to retain the ECCW SuperGirls Title, Freddy Funk b Deuce Savage to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Nelson Creed b Randy Tyler and Aaron Idol by Countout in a 3-WAY to earn a “Special Invitation” from the National Wrestling Alliance (Tyler’s ECCW Heavyweight Title was not on the line), Billy Suede and Kyle O’Reilly b “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and Sid Sylum, The Masked Men of Doom (Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo) b Chill Town (DK Roc and Scotty Mac) and Memphis and Tony Kozina in “TLC 2” to win the ECCW Tag Team Titles.
- May 25, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Nelson Creed b Johnny Obsession, DK Roc b Sgt. Kaos in a Hardcore Match, Tony Kozina b Billy Suede, The Masked Men Of Doom (Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo) b Mikey DaSheezits and Volcano to retain the ECCW Tag Team titles, Kyle O’Reilly won a Six-Man Junior Heavyweight Scramble (Ice pinned Azeem The Dream, Mike Santiago pinned Disco Fury, Sid Sylum pinned Santiago, Kyle pinned Sid, Kyle pinned Ice) that saw both Ice and Kyle O’Reilly qualify for the 2007 Pacific Cup Tournament, Aaron Idol b Ladies Choice by submission, Cole Bishop b Freddy Funk and Michelle Starr in a 3-WAY to win the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title.
- June 16, 2007 – NWA ECCW – Pacific Cup Tournament in Vancouver, British Columbia at the Russian Community Centre before 225 fans: Davey Richards b MR 2 in a 1st Round match, Scotty Mac b Azeem the Dream in a 1st Round match, Kyle O’Reilly b Amazing Halo in a 1st Round match, Billy Suede b Disco Fury by DQ in a 1st Round match, Memphis Raines b Sid Sylum in a 1st Round match, Tony Kozina b Phantasmo in a 1st Round match, Scotty Mac b Davey Richards in a 2nd Round match, Kyle O’Reilly b Memphis Raines in a 2nd Round match, Tony Kozina b Billy Suede, Kyle O’Reilly b Tony Kozina and Scotty Mac in a 3-WAY Final to win the Pacific Cup, “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson b Nelson Creed in the 1st Round of the NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournaent.
- June 22, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia before 150 fans: Chill Town (DK Roc and Azeem the Dream) b Ronnie Angel and Kellen Raeth, Sid Sylum and Nikki Matthews b Billy Suede and Veronika Vice in an Intergender Tag Team match, Fast Freddy Funk b Mikey DaSheezits after distraction from Verne Siebert, Ice b “Tornado” Tony Kozina to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Scotty Mac b Cremator to retain the ECCW Hardcore title, Kyle O’Reilly b La Sombra, The Masked Dudes of Doom (Phantasmo and Amazing Halo) b Greatness On Demand (Michelle Starr and Disco Fury), Cole Bishop b Memphis Raines to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Aaron Idol b “Rocket” Randy Tyler in a Steel Cage to win the NWA ECCW Heavyweight title.
- June 23, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Kelowna, British Columbia: Sid Sylum b Mike Freeman, Mikey Dasheezits b Disco Fury, Scotty Mac b “Tornado” Tony Kozina to retain the ECCW Hardcore title, Suman b “Rocket” Randy Tyler by DQ, Cole Bishop b “Gorgeous” Michelle Starr to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Veronika Vice and Mike Freeman b Sid Sylum and Disco Fury in a Mixed Tag Team match.
- June 24, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Barriere, British Columbia: Mikey Dasheezits b Sid Sylum, Disco Fury b Tony Kozina, Cole Bishop b Scott Mac, Vernoka Vice won Battle Royal.
- July 14, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia at the Hyde Creek Recreation Centre: Kyle O’Reilly b Azeem The Dream, Disco Fury b Johnny Obsession, Sid Sylum b Volcano, Mikey D b Harv Sirah, Cole Bishop b Gurv Sirah to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Billy Suede b La Sombra, The Masked Dudes Of Doom (Amazing Halo and El Phantasom) b Chill Town (DK Roc and Scotty Mac) to retain the ECCW Tag Team titles, Aaron Idol b Nelson Creed by submission to retain the ECCW Heavyweight title.
- July 21, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia at the Russian Community Center before 150 fans: Superfly Dan b Ravenous Randy, Fast Freddy Funk b Marty Sugar, Disco Fury b Volcano, Nikki Matthews b Christie Summers, Cremator and Abbadon b D.K. Roc and Azeem the Dream, Kyle O’Reilly b Billy Suede, O’Reilly b Ice to win the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Sid Sylum b Tony Kozina, Aaron Idol b Mikey Da Sheezits to retain the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title, Davey Richards b Scotty Mac.
- July 27, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia at Bridgeview Hall: Azeem the Dream b La Sombra, Sid Sylum b MR2, Freddy Funk b Kurt Sterling by Countout, Tony Kozina b Memphis Raines, Greatness On Demand (Disco Fury and Michelle Starr) and Johnny Canuck b Masked Dudes of Doom (Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo) and Moondog Manson in a Six-Man Surrey Streetfight to win the NWA/ECCW Tag Team Titles, Cole Bishop b D.K. Roc to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Ice b Kyle O’Reilly to become two-time NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Idol b Scotty Mac to retain the NWA/ECCW Title.
- July 28, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Port Alice, British Columbia at the Rec Centre: Azeem The Dream b Cremator by DQ, Marty Sugar b Kid Xtreme, Ice and Sid Sylum b El Phantasmo and Kyle O’Reilly in a “Best of Three Falls” match, Scotty Mac vs. Sgt. Kaos ended in a No Contest (Mac retains the ECCW Hardcore Title), Cremator and El Phantasmo and Kyle O’Reilly and Sgt. Kaos b Azeem The Dream and Ice and Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum and Antwong in a Handicap Elimination Match (with Kyle the sole survivor).
- August 17, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Nanaimo, British Columbia at the Vancouver Island Exhibition: DK Roc b Kid Xtreme, La Sombra and Veronika Vice b Ice and Nikki Matthews in a Mixed Tag, Sid Sylum b El Phantasmo and Kyle O’Reilly in a three-way, Scotty Mac b Marty Sugar to retain the ECCW Hardcore Title, Aaron Idol b Cremator by DQ to retain the NWA/ECCW Title, Kid Xtreme b Antwang, Kyle O’Reilly b La Sombra (Vancouver Island Cup Quarterfinal), DK Roc b Marty Sugar (Vancouver Island Cup Quarterfinal), Sid Sylum b El Phantasmo (Vancouver Island Cup Quarterfinal), Cremator b Ice (Vancouver Island Cup Quarterfinal), Aaron Idol and Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews and Scotty Mac in a Mixed Tag.
- August 18, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Nanaimo, British Columbia at the Vancouver Island Exhibition: La Sombra b Antwang, Kid Xtreme and Marty Sugar went to a no-contest, El Phantasmo b La Supra Chica, Scotty Mac b Veronika Vice to retain the ECCW Hardcore Title, Cremator b DK Roc, Kyle O’Reilly b Ice to become two-time NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Idol b Sid Sylum to retain the NWA/ECCW Title, Antwang and Ice b Kid Xtreme and Marty Sugar, Scotty Mac b La Sombra to retain the ECCW Hardcore Title, Aaron Idol and Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews and Sean Sylum in a Mixed Tag, Kyle O’Reilly b DK Roc (Vancouver Island Cup Semifinal), Sid Sylum b Cremator by countout (Vancouver Island Cup Seminfinal).
- August 18, 2007 – NWA ECCW in North Vancouver, British Columbia at the Squamish Recreation Centre: Abbadon b DK Roc, Veronika Vice b La Supra Chica to retain the ECCW SuperGirls Title, Scotty Mac b Cremator to retain the ECCW Hardcore Title, Ice b Azeem The Dream and Billy Suede and Sid Sylum in a four-way, Cole Bishop b Freddy Funk to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Aaron Idol b Kurt Sterling to retain the NWA/ECCW Title, Ice b Kyle O’Reilly to become three-time NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Champion, Bryan Danielson b Adam Pearce in the semifinals of the NWA World Heavyweight Title tournament.
- August 19, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Nanaimo, British Columbia at the Vancouver Island Exhibition: Marty Sugar b Ice and La Sombra in a three-way (Ice’s NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Title not on the line), Kyle O’Reilly b Kid Xtreme, Sid Sylum b Veronika Vice (Vice’s ECCW SuperGirls Title not on the line), Aaron Idol b Nikki Matthews to retain the NWA/ECCW Title, Scotty Mac b Cremator in a Bullrope Match to retain the ECCW Hardcore Title, Aaron Idol b La Sombra to retain the NWA/ECCW Title, Scotty Mac b Kid Xtreme and Marty Sugar in a three-way to retain the ECCW Hardcore Title, Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews in a Street Fight to retain the ECCW SuperGirls Title, Ice b Cremator in a “Kendo Stick on a Pole” Match, Sid Sylum b Kyle O’Reilly to be crowned the 2007 Vancouver Island Cup Champion.
- August 24, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia at Bridgeview Hall: Deuce Savage and Marty Sugar b La Sombra and Volcano, Billy Suede b Azeem The Dream, Disco Fury vs. El Phantasmo ended in a No Contest, Masked Dudes of Doom (Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo) b Disco Fury and Sid Sylum, Cole Bishop vs. Randy Tyler ended in a Double-Countout to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Ice vs. Kyle O’Reilly ended in a Double pin (NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Title is now “held up” indefinitely), Aaron Idol b MR2 to retain the NWA ECCW Title, Cremator b Moondog Manson and Scotty Mac in a 3-WAY Hardcore match to become two-time ECCW Hardcore Champion. “All-Star Wrestling” is affiliated with NWA/ECCW, but is technically its own separate entity. For the record, All-Star uses some modified “old school” rules: yellow and red cards, no throwing guys over the top rope, piledrivers are illegal, and there’s a 15-count outside the ring.
- September 14, 2007 – All-Star Wrestling (Affiliated with ECCW) in Squamish, British Columbia at the Totem Hall (128 in attendance): Seth Knight b Rick X, Veronika Vice b Penni Lane to retain the SuperGirls Title, Greatness on Demand (Disco Fury and Michelle Starr) b Gurv Sirah and Johnny Obsession, Nelson Creed b Freddy Funk, Cole Bishop b Moondog Manson via red card (illegal piledriver), to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title.
- September 15, 2007 – All-Star Wrestling (Affiliated with ECCW) in Comox, British Columbia at the Native Band Hall (200+ in attendance for a charity event that earned more than $600 for the Comox Special Olympics): Rick X b Marty Sugar, Kyle O’Reilly b Sid Sylum, El Phantasmo b Azeem The Dream, Disco Fury b Duke MacIsaac, Cremator and Sgt. Kaos b Antwong and Ice and Scotty Mac in a “No Holds Barred” Handicap Match, Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews and Penni Lane in a three-way to retain the SuperGirls Title, Cole Bishop b Seth Knight to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Duke MacIsaac won the 15-man “Carlos Cup” Battle Royal.
- September 28, 2007 – NWA ECCW (SuperGirls Wrestling) in Surrey, British Columbia at Bridgeview Hall: Amazing Kong b Penni Lane to retain the NWA World Women’s Title, Veronika Vice b Le Punk to retain the ECCW SuperGirls Title (After the match, Vice unmasked Punk to reveal it was Sid Sylum!), Nikki Matthews and Sid Sylum b Aaron Idol and Veronika Vice in a Mixed Tag Match, Angel Williams b Madison, Amazing Kong b Ladies Choice in an Intergender Match, Madison b Nikki Matthews, Angel Williams and Scotty Mac b Aaron Idol and Veronika Vice in a Mixed Tag Match.
- September 29, 2007 – NWA ECCW (SuperGirls Wrestling) in Vancouver, British Columbia at the Russian Cultural Centre: Angel Williams b La Supra Chica, Amazing Kong b Azeem The Dream in an Intergender Match, Penny Lane b Nikki Matthews by DQ, Veronika Vice b Madison to retain the ECCW SuperGirls Title, Aaron Idol and Cole Bishop and Penny Lane b Nikki Matthews and Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum in a Mixed Six-Person Tag Match, El Phantasmo b Rick X, Madison b Angel Williams, Amazing Kong b Veronika Vice to retain the NWA World Women’s Title.
- October 5, 2007 – All-Star Wrestling (Affiliated with ECCW) in Kelowna, British Columbia at the Rutland Centennial Hall: Rick X b Tony Tisoy, Veronika Vice b Penni Lane, Okanagan Young Guns (Mike Freeman and Suman) b Greatness On Demand (Disco Fury and Michelle Starr) by reverse decision, Cole Bishop b Nelson Creed to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Ladies Choice b Moondog Manson by “red card” DQ (illegal piledriver).
- October 20, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia at Bridgeview Hall: Freddy Funk b MR2, Sid Sylum b Rick X, Bollywood Lions (Gurv Sirah and Harv Sirah) b Masked Dudes of Doom (Amazing Halo and El Phantasmo), Aaron Idol b Randy Tyler by reverse decision to retain the NWA/ECCW Title, Disco Fury and Moondog Manson b El Suave in a Handicap Match, Tony Tisoy b Azeem The Dream, Cole Bishop b Memphis to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Scotty Mac b Abbadon and Moondog Manson and Robin Logan in a 4-WAY.
- October 26, 2007 – NWA ECCW – Halloween Hell Two Ring War Games – Fans Bring Weapons! in Surrey, British Columbia at Bridgeview Hall in front of 300-plus fans: Billy Suede b Harv Sirah, Nikki Matthews and Sid Sylum b Rick X and Veronika Vice in Mixed Tag action, Ice b Amazing Halo, Superfunk (Freddy Funk and Volcano) b Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2), Cole Bishop b Kurt Sterling and Randy Tyler by DQ in a 3-WAY to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Greatness On Demand (Disco Fury and Johnny Canuck and Moondog Manson) b Chill Town (Scotty Mac and DK Roc and Sid Sylum w/Azeem the Dream) and Fight Club (Aaron Idol and Kyle O’Reilly and Robin Logan) and The Rejected (Abbadon and Cremator and Nate Daniels) in a four-team “War Games” styled match (one ring caged, the other full of weapons) to retain the ECCW Tag Team Titles.
- November 16, 2007 – NWA ECCW – Wrestling with Cancer (A Fundraising Event for Laura Caldovino) in Maple Ridge, British Columbia at Westview Secondary School: Billy Suede b Rick X and Volcano in a 3-WAY, Azeem The Dream w/Scotty Mac b Disco Fury w/Beautiful Bruce, Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews to retain the ECCW SuperGirls Title, Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) b The Bollywood Lions (Gurv Sirah and Harv Sirah), Cole Bishop b Sid Sylum to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, El Phantasmo b Amazing Halo with Mikey D. as the special referee, Kyle O’Reilly b Ice w/Brian Sommers in a Submission Match (Match One in “Best of Five” for the held-up NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Title), “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Scotty Mac ended in a time-limit draw, Bryan Danielson and Disco Fury b Chill Town (Azeem The Dream and Scotty Mac).
- November 23, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia at Bridgeview Hall: Sid Sylum w/Nikki Matthews b Rick the Weapon X, Azeem The Dream w/Scotty Mac b Tony Tisoy, Models Inc. (Memphis Raines and MR2) b Greatness on Demand (Michelle Starr and Disco Fury) to win the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Scotty Mac w/Azeem The Dream b Billy Suede, Cole Bishop b DK Roc w/Azeem The Dream to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Ice w/Brian Sommers b Kyle O’Reilly with Azeem The Dream as the special referee (picked by Ice after winning coin-toss) in Match #2 in “Best of Five” for the held-up NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Title (series tied 1-1), Juggernaut vs. Cremator was about to start when Superboys (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) charged the ring, Juggernaut and Cremator b Superboys (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum w/Nikki Matthews).
- November 24, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Abbotsford, British Columbia at the Resource Centre: Marty Sugar b Ray Brooks (by losing, Brooks retains the ECCW Jobber Title), Kazukai b Aaron Scott, Cole Bishop b Azeem The Dream w/Scotty Mac to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Billy Suede b Amazing Halo and Kyle O’Reilly in a 3-WAY, Rick the Weapon X b Sid Sylum, Scotty Mac w/Azeem The Dream b Cremator by DQ (“standard-rules” match: Cremator’s ECCW Hardcore Title was not on the line), Juggernaut b Davey Richards.
- November 30, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia at the Russian Cultural Centre: Bolo b Brandon Morrow, Rick X b El Phantasmo and European Assassin in a 3-WAY, Kazukai b Aaron Scott, Kyle O’Reilly b Ice in a Best of Three Falls Match (Kyle now leads Best of Five for held-up NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Title, 2-1), Sid Sylum vs. Tony Kozina ended in a No Contest, Tony Kozina and Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews and Sid Sylum, Tony Tisoy b D.K. Roc, Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) b Superfunk (Freddy Funk and VK) by DQ to retain the ECCW Tag Team Titles, Scotty Mac b Juggernaut in a Pinfalls Anywhere Match.
- December 1, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Nanaimo, British Columbia at the Centennial Building: Sid Sylum declared himself the new Vancouver Island Champion, Marty Sugar b Azeem The Dream and Sid Sylum in a 3-WAY (Sid refused to put the title on the line), Scotty Mac b Rick X, Cole Bishop b Aaron Scott to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, Ice b Kyle O’Reilly in a Nanaimo Street Fight (Best of Five for held-up NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Title now tied, 2-2), Cremator b Kid Xtreme in a Stretcher Match to retain the ECCW Hardcore Title, Halo b El Phantasmo, Veronika Vice b Nikki Matthews to retain the ECCW SuperGirls Title, Juggernaut b Tony Kozina.
- December 7, 2007 – ECCW/All-Star Wrestling – Bodyslams for Toys Show in Surrey, British Columbia at Bridgeview Hall: El Phantasmo b T. Kasaki, Disco Fury and Ray Brooks b Superfunk (Fast Freddy Funk and VK w/Verne Siebert), “2010 Superstar” Seth Knight w/Verne Siebert b Tony Tisoy, Scotty Mac b Deuce Savage, Nikki Matthews b ECCW SuperGirls Champion Veronika Vice in a Non-title match, Buford and Pa b Chill Town (Azeem The Dream and Sid Sylum), NWA Canadian Heavyweight Champion Cole Bishop b “Nasty” Nate Daniels in a Non-title match, Amazing Halo b Kyle O’Reilly and Rick “The Weapon” X in a 3-WAY Elimination Match, The Bollywood Lions (Gurv Sirah and Harv Sirah) b ECCW Tag Team Champions Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) in a “Best of Three Falls” Non-title match.
- December 15, 2007 – NWA ECCW – Extreme Rules Rumble in Vancouver, British Columbia at the Russian Cultural Centre: Full Throttle (Aaron Scott and Brandon Morrow) b Dash Venture and Larkin O’Shea, The Burgermeister b “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b “Wolvervine” Alex Steele, SuperFunk (Freddy Funk and VK w/Verne Siebert) b Jamie Diaz and Todd Quality, Rick “The Weapon” X w/Penni Lane b “Tornado” Tony Kozina w/Kharma, Kazukai b Memphis, Azeem The Dream w/Scotty Mac b Tony Tisoy, Penni Lane b Kharma and Nikki Matthews in a 3-WAY to earn an ECCW SuperGirls Title Shot on January 19 in Bellingham (NWA Washington), Scotty Mac b Disco Fury and Kazukai and Memphis and “Tornado” Tony Kozina and “Fast” Freddy Funk and Rick “The Weapon” X and Mike Santiago in an Extreme Rules Rumble match.
- December 28, 2007 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia at Bridgeview Hall: “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar b “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, the roster held a “10-Bell Salute” for Greg “Mr. Gillis” Gillies (former ECCW Champion who passed away on December 23 at age 44), Rick “The Weapon” X b Azeem The Dream w/Scotty Mac, Sid Sylum w/Nikki Matthews b “Tornado” Tony Kozina, Disco Fury b Kazuaki by DQ, Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) b SuperFunk (Freddy Funk and VK) w/”Vicious” Verne Seibert to retain the ECCW Tag Team Titles, “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson b El Phantasmo, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b Abbadon, an injured Aaron Idol (shoulder) was forced to forfeit the ECCW Heavyweight Title to Scotty Mac, Kazukai and Scotty Mac b Cole Bishop and Disco Fury, Kyle O’Reilly b Ice w/”Starmaker” Brian Sommers in a “Last Man Standing” Match to win the Best Of Five Series (3-2) and become three-time NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Champion.
- January 25, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia at Bridgeview Hall: Ravenous Randy b. Chucky Blaze and Alex Plexis in a 3-WAY, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, Sid Sylum and Nikki Matthews b. Dan Myers and Veronika Vice and Rick “The Weapon” X and Penni Lane in an intergender 3-WAY Tag match, Kyle O’Reilly b. Azeem the Dream to retain NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Cole Bishop b. Kazukai by DQ to retain NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, El Phantasmo b. Amazing Halo, Disco Fury b. Scotty Mac by Count-out therefore Scotty Mac retains the ECCW Heavyweight title, “Brilliant” Billy Suede won a 16-man battle royal to enter the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament.
- January 26, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Abbotsford, British Columbia at the Fraser Valley Seniors Centre: Ray Brooks b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds to lose ECCW Jobber title to Deeds, Azeem the Dream w/Scotty Mac b. Todd Quality, Halo b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, El Phantasmo b. Moondog Manson by DQ in a Gauntlet match (Compeditors were Dan Myers and Alex Plexis and Chucky Blaze and Ravenous Randy), Kyle O’Reilly b. Sid Sylum w/Nikki Matthews to retain NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Scotty Mac b. Mikey D to retain ECCW Heavyweight title.
- February 2, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia at the Russian Cultural Centre: “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds for Deeds to retain ECCW Jobber title, Rick “The Weapon” X b. Azeem the Dream, Abbadon b. Sid Sylum w/Nicole Matthews, SuperFunk (“Fast” Freddy Funk and VK w/”Vicious” Verne Siebert) b. Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) to win ECCW Tag Team titles, Kyle O’Reilly b. El Phantasmo to retain NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Penni Lane vs. Nicole Matthews w/Sid Sylum ended in a Double DQ, Disco Fury b. Cole Bishop by Countout therefore Bishop retains NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Azeem the Dream won a battle royal to enter the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament.
- February 29, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia at Bridgeview Hall: “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar b Ray Brooks, Brian Sommers proclaimed Ice as the “Pacific Junior Heavyweight Champion” (unofficial title), Ice w/Brian Sommers b “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz to retain the “Pacific Junior Heavyweight title”, Kyle O’Reilly b Halo and Rick “The Weapon” X in a 3-WAY to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b El Phantasmo, Penni Lane b Veronika Vice to win the SuperGirls title, SuperFunk (“Fast” Freddy Funk and VK w/”Vicious” Verne Siebert) b MR2 in a Handicap match to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Cole Bishop b Disco Fury and Scotty Mac in a 3-WAY to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title.
- March 1, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia at Russian Culture Centre: Ice w/Brian Sommers b “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz to retain the “Pacific Junior Heavyweight title”, Cremator b “Fast” Freddy Funk (w/”Vicious” Verne Siebert and VK), Rick “The Weapon” X vs. Azeem The Dream ended in an unresolved double pinfall draw in a Loser Leaves ECCW and winner Enters 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament match, Nicole Matthews b Penni Lane in a Street Fight to become the first two-time SuperGirls champion, Abbadon b Sid Sylum by DQ, “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar b Tony Tisoy, Scotty Mac b Disco Fury to retain the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title, “Brilliant” Billy Suede and Halo b El Phantasmo and Kyle O’Reilly.
- March 22, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Abbottsford, British Columbia: “Brilliant” Billy Suede b “Dastardly” Danni Deeds for Deeds to retain ECCW Jobber title, Junior b “Fast” Freddy Funk, Ray Brooks b El Phantasmo, Kyle O’Reilly b Halo to retain NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Cole Bishop b Johnny Obsession to retain NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Nicole Matthews b “Dastardly” Danni Deeds to retain the SuperGirls title and for Deeds to retain ECCW Jobber title, Mikey D, Todd Quality and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b Chill Town (Dropkick Murphy and Sid Sylum and Azeem the Dream).
- March 28, 2008 – NWA ECCW (SuperGirls) in Surrey, British Columbia: Nicole Matthews and Portia Perez b Amazing Grace and Krysta Lynn Scott, LuFisto b Purity Saint, Los Bon Jovis b Untouchable Quality (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Todd Quality) and Slammer and Heavy Metal in a 3-WAY match to earn a Non-title match against ECCW Tag Team champions SuperFunk, Kyle O’Reilly w/El Phantasmo vs. Halo w/”Brilliant” Billy Suede ended in a Double-DQ (therefore O’Reilly retains NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title), Purity Saint b Krysta Lynn Scott, Portia Perez b Amazing Grace, Nicole Matthews b LuFisto to retain SuperGirls title, Scotty Mac (NWA/ECCW Heavyweight champion) b Cole Bishop to win NWA Canadian Heavyweight Champion in a title vs. title match.
- March 29, 2008 – NWA ECCW (SuperGirls) in Vancouver, British Columbia: Heavy Metal and Purity Saint b Slammer and Amazing Grace in an Intergender Mixed Tag Team match, Nicole Matthews b Krysta Lynn Scott to retain SuperGirls title, Los Bon Jovis b SuperFunk (“Fast” Freddy Funk and VK) in a Non-title match, LuFisto vs. Portia Perez ended in a Double-DQ, Cole Bishop and Disco Fury b The SuperBoys (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum), Tony Tisoy b Johnny Obsession, Krysta Lynn Scott b Purity Saint, LuFisto and Amazing Grace b Nicole Matthews and Portia Perez, El Phantasmo w/Kyle O’Reilly b “Brilliant” Billy Suede w/Halo by DQ.
- April 5, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia at Russian Culture Centre: WASP won a battle royal to enter the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament, Mikey D b Johnny Obsession w/”Vicious” Verne Siebert by DQ, Chill Town (Dropkick Murphy and Sid Sylum) b Untouchable Quality (Todd Quality, and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz), Los Bon Jovis b SuperFunk (“Fast” Freddy Funk and VK w/”Vicious” Verne Siebert) by DQ for SuperFunk to retain ECCW Tag Team titles, Azeem The Dream b “Dastardly” Danni Deeds for Deeds to retain ECCW Jobber title, Cremator b “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar to retain ECCW Hardcore title, Scotty Mac b Cole Bishop to retain ECCW Heavyweight title with Disco Fury as the special referee, El Phantasmo and Kyle O’Reilly b Halo and “Brilliant” Billy Suede in a 2/3 Falls match [2-1].
- April 25, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Matt Classic w/Nikki French b. Pink Panther, Los Bon Jovi #2 b. VK, Mikey D b. Johnny Obsession, Los Bon Jovi #1 b. “Fast” Freddy Funk, Scotty Mac b. Cremator to retain ECCW Heavyweight title, Ice b. El Phantasmo to qualify for the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament, Halo b. Kyle O’Reilly to qualify for the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament, Sid Sylum and Dropkick Murphy b. Disco Fury and Cole Bishop, Kyle O’Reilly won a battle royal to enter the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament.
- May 3, 2008 – NWA ECCW – TLC #3 in Vancouver, British Columbia: “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Ray Brooks to qualify for the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament, CJ Strongheart b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds to qualify for the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament, Cole Bishop b. Sid Sylum, Scotty Mac b. Synn to retain NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Disco Fury b. Dropkick Murphy, Los Bon Jovis and Tony Tisoy b. SuperFunk and Johnny Obsession w/”Vicious” Verne Siebert in a six-man tag team match, Kyle O’Reilly b. Ice and El Phantasmo amd Halo and “Brilliant” Billy Suede in “TLC 3” to retain NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title.
- May 4, 2008 – NWA ECCW – Northern Hell Tour in 100 Mile House, British Columbia: Azeem the Dream b. Mikey D, Disco Fury b. Johnny Obsession, “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar b. Ice, Cremator b. Sid Sylum to retain ECCW Hardcore title, WASP vs. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz went to a No Contest, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds won a 10 man Battle Royal.
- May 5, 2008 – NWA ECCW – Northern Hell Tour in Vanderhoof, British Columbia: Disco Fury b. Johnny Obsession, Ice b. Azeem the Dream to retain “Pacific Junior Heavyweight title”, Mikey D b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, Cremator b. Sid Sylum by DQ in a non-title match, WASP b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar, Chilltown (Sid Sylum and Azeem the Dream) b. Cremator and Ice, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds won a Battle Royal.
- May 6, 2008 – NWA ECCW – Northern Hell Tour in Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia: Disco Fury b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, Johnny Obsession b. Sid Sylum, Ice b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds retain “Pacific Junior Heavyweight title” and for Deeds to retain ECCW Jobber title, Cremator b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar to retain ECCW Hardcore title in a Dog Collar Chain Match, WASP vs. Mikey D went to a No Contest, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds won an Elimination 5 vs. 4 tag team match.
- May 7, 2008 – NWA ECCW – Northern Hell Tour in Mackenzie, British Columbia: Sid Sylum b. Mikey D, Disco Fury and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Azeem the Dream and Johnny Obsession, Cremator b. Ice to retain ECCW Hardcore title, WASP b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds won a Battle Royal.
- May 8, 2008 – NWA ECCW – Northern Hell Tour in Quesnel, British Columbia: Johnny Obsession b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, Ice b. Mikey D to retain “Pacific Junior Heavyweight title”, Sid Sylum b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds for Deeds to retain ECCW Jobber title, “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar b. Cremator by DQ in a non-title match, Disco Fury b. WASP, WASP won a Battle Royal.
- May 9, 2008 – NWA ECCW – Northern Hell Tour in Falkland, British Columbia: WASP b. Johnny Obsession, Sid Sylum pinned Danni Deeds for Deeds to retain ECCW Jobber title, Mikey D b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, Cremator b. Marty Sugar to retain ECCW Hardcore title, Ice won a Battle Royal, Disco Fury b. Azeem the Dream.
- May 10, 2008 – NWA ECCW – Northern Hell Tour in Abbotsford, British Columbia: Mikey D b. Johnny Obesession, Nicole Matthews w/ Sid Sylum b. Ray Brooks in an intergender, non-title match, Pink Panther b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds for Deeds to retain ECCW Jobber title, El Phantasmo vs. WASP went to a no contest for WASP’s 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament spot, Memphis b. Los Bon Jovi #5, Untouchable Quality (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Todd Quality) b. Chilltown (Sid Sylum and Azeem the Dream) by reversed decision, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds won a 12 Man Over the Top Tope Battle Royal to earn an ECCW Heavyweight Title match.
- May 23, 2008 – NWA ECCW – Okanagan Invasion Tour in Princeton, British Columbia: “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar b. Chucky Blaze, Lumberjack Bubba b. Prince Alladiin, Chilltown (Azeem The Dream and Sid Sylum) b. “Superfly” Dan Myers and WASP, Moondog Manson b. Ravenous Randy in a Hardcore Match, Ravenous Randy won a 10-Man Battle Royal to enter the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament, Scotty Mac b. Disco Fury to retain the ECCW Heavyweight Title.
- May 24, 2008 – NWA ECCW – Okanagan Invasion Tour in Kelowna, British Columbia: Superfly” Dan Myers b. Azeem The Dream, Disco Fury b. Chucky Blaze, Sid Sylum b. Colin Cutler, Moondog Manson b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar in a Hardcore Match, Ravenous Randy b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and WASP in a 3-WAY; Randy pinned Deeds for Deeds to retain ECCW Jobber title, Prince Alladiin b. Lumberjack Bubba, Scotty Mac b. Black Dragon to retain the ECCW Heavyweight Title.
- May 30, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Chilltown (Dropkick Murphy and Sid Sylum w/Nikki Matthews) b Los Bon Jovis, Cole Bishop vs Disco Fury went to a No Contest, El Phantasmo b. VK to qualify for the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament, Nikki Matthews w/Sid Sylum b Veronika Vice to retain SuperGirls title, Moondog Manson b Cremator (c) and Prince Aladdin in a triple threat match to win the ECCW Hardcore title, Azeem the Dream b Todd Quality with Drew Savage from Crave FM as the special guest referee, Matt Classic and Ray Brooks w/Nikki French b. CJ Strongheart and Deryck Crosse, Scotty Mac w/The Natural b. Aaron Bolo to retain the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title.
- June 6, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Abbotsford, British Columbia: Deryck Crosse b. Alex Plexis, “Superfly” Dan Myers b. Chucky Blaze to qualify for the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament, “Ravenous” Randy Myers b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, Moondog Manson b. Cremator to retain the ECCW Hardcore title, Ice b. CJ Strongheart, Black Dragon d. Colin Cutler to qualify for the 2008 Pacific Cup Tournament, Mikey D, Todd Quality and WASP b. Chilltown (Dropkick Murphy Sid Sylum and Nicole Matthews) in a six-person intergender match, Scotty Mac b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds to retain the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title.
- June 7, 2008 – NWA ECCW – Pacific Cup Tournament in Vancouver, British Columbia: “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. CJ Strongheart in a 1st Round match, Ice w/Brian Sommers b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz in a 1st Round match, El Phantasmo b. “Ravenous” Randy Myers in a 1st Round match, Black Dragon b. “Superfly” Dan Myers in a 1st Round match, Azeem The Dream b. WASP in a 1st Round match, Kyle O’Reilly b. Halo in a 1st Round match, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds (substituting for Ice, who suffered a concussion in round one) in a 2nd Round match, El Phantasmo b. Black Dragon in a 2nd Round match, Kyle O’Reilly b. Azeem The Dream in a 2nd Round match, Scotty Mac b. Synn and Cremator in a falls count anywhere, triple threat match to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. El Phantasmo and Kyle O’Reilly in a 3-WAY, Elimination matchto win the 2008 Pacific Cup trophy.
- June 27, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Azeem the Dream w/The Natural b “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, The Bollywood Lions (Gurv Sirha and Harv Sirha) b SuperFunk (“Fast” Freddy Funk and VK w/”Vicous” Verne Siebert) by DQ as Commissioner “Gorgeous” Michelle Starr reversed the decision, Moondog Manson b Pink Panther to retain ECCW Hardcore title, Chilltown (Dropkick Murphy and Sid Sylum and Nicole Matthews) b Disco Fury and Cole Bishop and Veronika in a six-person intergender match, Kyle O’Reilly vs. “Brilliant” Billy Suede vs. El Phantasmo ended in a No Contest for the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title which is being reviewed by ECCW officials to determine winner of match, Los Bon Jovi #2 b “Dastardly” Danni Deeds for Deeds to retain ECCW Jobber title, Scotty Mac b Cremator in an Extreme Lumberjack match to retain NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title.
- July 5, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Cole Bishop b Mikey D, Moondog Manson b Pink Panther to retain ECCW Hardcore title, Halo b El Phantasmo, SuperFunk (“Fast” Freddy Funk and VK w/Verne Siebert) b Los Bon Jovis (#1 and #2) in a Texas Tornado match to retain NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, The Bollywood Lions (Gurv Sihra and Harv Sihra w/Drew Savage [Z95.3 CraveFM Radio DJ]) b Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Azeem the Dream w/The Natural) [Stipulation of match was that if Chill Town won they would get 5 minutes with Drew, but that did not happen], “Brilliant” Billy Suede b Kyle O’Reilly to win NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title.
- July 25, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Untouchable Quality (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Todd Quality) b Pink Panther and The Preacher, Callous won a Slam Academy Graduation Battle Royale, Nicole Matthews b Amazing Grace to retain the SuperGirls Title, Chill Town (Dropkick Murphy and Sid Sylum w/The Natural) b SuperFunk (“Fast” Freddy Funk and VK w/”Vicious” Vern Siebert) and The Bollywood Lions (Gurv Sirah and Harv Sirah) to win the ECCW Tag Team titles, Disco Fury b Cole Bishop in a Surrey Street Fight, Scotty Mac b Memphis to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title, El Phantasmo b Halo in a Mask Versus Mask Match. [reported by ECCW.COM]
- July 26, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Abbotsford, British Columbia: Mikey D b Kenny Lush, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b CJ Strongheart and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds in a 3-way to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Title, Veronika Vice b Amazing Grace, Moondog Manson b Cremator to retain the ECCW Hardcore Title, Cole Bishop b Kyle O’Reilly, Azeem The Dream and Scotty Mac b Untouchable Quality (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Todd Quality). [reported by ECCW.COM]
- August 2, 2008 – NWA ECCW – BattleBowl in Vancouver, British Columbia: “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar b “Dastardly” Danni Deeds (the loss means Deeds “retains” the ECCW Extreme Jobber Title), Azeem The Dream and “Brilliant” Billy Suede b CJ Strongheart and Gurv Sirha in a BattleBowl Qualifier, Matt Classic and Memphis b Harv Sirah and Kenny Lush in a BattleBowl Qualifier, Artemis Spencer (a.k.a. the unmasked Halo) and Sid Sylum b Disco Fury and Nicole Matthews in a BattleBowl Qualifier, El Phantasmo and Kyle O’Reilly b Cole Bishop and Ice in a BattleBowl Qualifier, Moondog Manson b Cremator to retain the ECCW Hardcore Title, El Phantasmo won BattleBowl (last eliminating Kyle O’Reilly) to earn a future shot at the NWA ECCW Title. [reported by ECCW.COM].
- August 24, 2008 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Pink Panther b. Nick Price, Mikey D b. Callos, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds vs. Ray Brooks ended as no contest as both men pinned each other therefore ECCW Jobber title has been held up, Kyle O’Reilly b. VK, Uncle Bubba and Junior b. Mike Dempsey and Adam Silva, Sid Sylum b. CJ Strongheart.
- August 29, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Los Bon Jovi #2 b. Adam Fedyk, Artemis Spencer b. Collin Cutler, El Phantasmo b. Adrian Walls, Memphis b. Cole Bishop to earn a shot at the NWA/ECCW title on 9/26, Cremator b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar in a hardcore match, “Bomber” Nelson Creed and Kenny Lush b. SuperFunk (“Fast” Freddy Funk and VK w/”Vicious” Verne Siebert), Scotty Mac w/The Natural b. Mikey D to retain the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title, Kyle O’Reilly b. Ice in a No Disqualification match.
- August 30, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: The Kelownafornians (Collin Cutler and Adam Fedyk) b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar and Pink Panther, Kenny Lush b. Azeem The Dream w/The Natural, Black Dragon b. Adrian Walls, The Sihra Brothers b. Chill Town (Dropkick Murphy and Sid Sylum w/The Natural) by DQ therefore Chill Town retains NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Scotty Mac w/The Natural b. “Bomber” Nelson Creed to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, “Brilliant” Billy Suede vs. Kyle O’Reilly fought to a 20-minute time limit draw for NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title (Suede retains the title), Pop Culture (Ice and Cole Bishop) b Moondog Manson and Cremator in a hardcore tag team match.
- September 19, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Abbotsford, British Columbia: “Superfly” Dan Myers b Brandon Van Danielson, Fast Freddy Funk b Chucky Blaze, “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar b Alex Plexis, “Ravenous” Randy Myers b MANTHER, Cole Bishop b CJ Strongheart, Cremator b Eddie Osbourne in a hardcore match, Danni Deeds and Jamie Diaz and Mikey D and Los Bon Jovi #2 b Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum and Dropkick Murphy and Azeem the Dream) in an elimination match.
- September 20, 2008 – NWA ECCW (Special Adventurers Charity Show) in Aldergrove, British Columbia: “Ravenous” Randy Myers b. The Divine Prophet, RAGE (Chucky Blaze and Brandon Van Danielson) b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and Callos, “Superfly” Dan Myers b. MANTHER, Kenny Lush b. Tony Baroni, Cremator b. Alex Plexis and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz in a handicap match, Eddie Osbourne b. Mikey D, Scotty Mac b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Pop Culture (Ice and Cole Bishop) b. Lumberjack Bubba and Junior, Junior won an eighteen-man battle royal.
- September 20, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: MANTHER b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar, Alex Plexis and “Superfly” Dan Myers in a four way frenzy, “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks vs. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds was halted when NWA Representative Mike Sweetser came out and announced that the ECCW Extreme Jobber championship had been discontinued, Rick The Weapon X b. Azeem The Dream, Artemis Spencer b. CJ Strongheart by countout, Chill Town (Sid Sylum and Dropkick Murphy) b. Cremator and Moondog Manson by DQ therefore Chill Town retains NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, “Ravenous” Randy Myers b. Eddie Osbourne in a hardcore match, Nicole Matthews b. Veronika Vice to retain the SuperGirls title, “Bomber” Nelson Creed and Kenny Lush b. RAGE (Chucky Blaze and Brandon Van Danielson), Scotty Mac b. El Phantasmo to retain the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title.
- September 21, 2008 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy Championship Tournament) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar by DQ in a 1st Round match, Tony Baroni b. Callos in a 1st Round match, MANTHER w/The Divine Prophet b. Adam Silva in a 1st Round match, The Divine Prophet b. “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks in a 1st Round match, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Alex Plexis, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, “Ravenous” Randy Myers and “Superfly” Dan Myers b. RAGE (Chucky Blaze and Brandon Van Danielson), Artemis Spencer b. CJ Strongheart by DQ, Rick The Weapon X and Kenny Lush b. Sid Sylum and The Natural.
- September 26, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: MANTHER w/The Divine Prophet b Callos, Cremator b Ice in a grudge match, Veronika Vice b. Penni Lane, Cole Bishop b. “Bomber” Nelson Creed, Chill Town (Sid Sylum and Dropkick Murphy) w/The Natural and Nicole Matthews b. The Sihras (Gurv and Harv Sihra) to retain NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. Rick The Weapon X to retain NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Moondog Manson vs Kenny Lush for the Hardcore Title went to a no-contest when Cremator and Ice and Bishop and Creed all got involved, Fast Freddy Funk b “Vicious” Verne Siebert’s Assassin #1, Memphis Raines b Scotty Mac by DQ therefore Scotty retains NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title.
- October 4, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Artemis Spencer b CJ Strongheart, Mike Dempsey w/Adam Silva b MANTHER w/The Dvine Prophet, Synn b Adam Silva, Cole Bishop w/Ice b Cremator, Memphis b Matt Classic w/The Divine Prophet, Moondog Manson b Ice w/Cole Bishop to retain the ECCW Hardcore Title, Rick The Weapon X and Penni Lane b Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Nicole Matthews w/The Natural) in an intergender tag team match, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b “Dastardly” Danni Deeds to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, “Bomber” Nelson Creed and “Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Chill Town (Sid Sylum and Dropkick Murphy w/The Natural) to win the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles.
- October 19, 2008 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy Championship Tournament Final) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b Tony Baroni in a 2nd Round match, The Divine Prophet b. MANTHER in a 2nd Round match, Artemis Spencer b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, Mike Dempsey w/The Divine Prophet b. Callos, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. Volt Vegas, Scotty Mac b. Adam Silva in a non-title match, “Bomber” Nelson Creed b. Kenny Lush, The Divine Prophet w/MANTHER and Mike Dempsey b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds to become the first-ever SLAM Academy champion, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior b. Sid Sylum and The Natural w/ Scotty Mac and Azeem The Dream.
- October 24, 2008 – NWA ECCW – HALLOWEEN HELL in Surrey, British Columbia: Santa Funk won a Costume Battle Royal, Azeem The Dream b. Todd Quality w/Jamie Diaz, Nicole Matthews b. Veronika Vice and Penni Lane in a triple threat falls count anywhere match to retain the SuperGirls title, The Kelownafornians (Collin Cutler and Adam Fedyk) b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar and Mikey D in a texas tornado tag team match, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. Artemis Spencer with The Divine Prophet as the special referee to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, “Bomber” Nelson Creed and Kenny Lush b. Chill Town (Dropkick Murphy and Sid Sylum) and Pop Culture (Ice and Cole Bishop) and Cremator and Moondog Manson in a Fans Bring The Weapons Four-Way Elimination tag team match to retain NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Memphis b. Scotty Mac and El Phantasmo and Kyle O’Reilly and Rick The Weapon X in a Steel Cage Five-Way match to win NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title.
- November 1, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Mikey D b. CJ Strongheart, Artemis Spencer b. Adam Silva and Todd Quality w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey w/The Divine Prophet in a four-way frenzy, Moondog Manson b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, Cole Bishop w/Ice b. El Phantasmo, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. Penni Lane in an intergender match, Ice w/Cole Bishop b. Cremator in a Body Bag match, Memphis b. Rick The Weapon X to to retain the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title, “Bomber” Nelson Creed and Kenny Lush b. Chill Town (Sid Sylum and Dropkick Murphy w/The Natural) to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles.
- November 15, 2008 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Cole Bishop b. Ray Brooks, Callos b. The Natural, El Phantasmo and Volt Vegas b. The Church of the Divine Prophecy (Matt Classic and MANTHER w/The Divine Prophet), Veronika Vice b. Nikki French with Nicole Matthews as the special referee, The Divine Prophet b. Adam Silva to retain the SLAM Academy title, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar and Tony Baroni, Mikey D b. Ritchie Destiny by countout, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. “Dastardy” Danni Deeds, CJ Strongheart b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz.
- November 28, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: The Church of the Divine Prophecy (MANTHER and Matt Classic w/The Divine Prophet) b. The Sihra Brothers (Gurv and Harv Sihra), Fast Freddy Funk b. Johnny Obsession w/”Vicious” Verne Siebert, Artemis Spencer b. “Bomber” Nelson Creed by countout, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks, Cremator and Moondog Manson b. Pop Culture (Cole Bishop and Ice) for Manson to retain ECCW Hardcore title, CJ Strongheart b. Tony Baroni, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior b Untouchable Quality (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Todd Quality), Scotty Mac w/The Natural b. Memphis in an I QUIT match to win the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title.
- November 29, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Nanaimo, British Columbia: The Divine Prophet w/MANTHER b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, Sid Sylum w/Nicole Matthews b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar to retain the ECCW Vancouver Island title, Prince Alladiin b. “Wolverine” Alex Steele, Moondog Manson b. Scott Steel and Kid Xtreme in a 3-WAY to retain the ECCW Hardcore title, MANTHER w/The Divine Prophet b. Tony Baroni, Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Dropkick Murphy w/The Natural) and Pop Culture (Ice and Cole Bishop) b. El Phantasmo and Kyle O’Reilly and Kenny Lush and Cremator in a WAR GAMES match [Scotty Mac and Ice were the survivors beating Cremator to win the match].
- December 6, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Sid Sylum b. Memphis by DQ (if Sylum lost he would be fired from ECCW), “Ravenous” Randy Myers b. El Phantasmo, Mike Dempsey w/The Divine Prophet b. Alex Plexis, Nicole Matthews w/Scotty Mac b. Callos to retain the SuperGirls title, Fast Freddy Funk b. “The Future” Adam Silva, Kenny Lush b. Dropkick Murphy in a No DQ match, Scotty Mac w/The Natural b. MR2 to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, RAGE (Chucky Blaze and Brandon Van Danielson) b. “Superfly” Dan Myers and Tony Tisoy, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. Kyle O’Reilly in a 30:00 Iron Man match (4-3) to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title.
- December 7, 2008 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Mikey D b. Tony Baroni, Chucky Blaze b. “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. IBL, The Church of Divine Prophecy (Matt Classic and Mike Dempsey and MANTHER w/The Divine Prophet) b. “Ravenous” Randy Myers and “Superfly” Dan Myers and “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks, Cole Bishop b. Volt Vegas, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior b. Artemis Spencer and Red Money, Callos and Mother Diaz b. Alex Plexis and Nikki French, MR2 b. The Natural, The Divine Prophet (w/Mike Dempsey and MANTHER) b. CJ Strongheart to retain the SLAM Academy title.
- December 26, 2008 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: The Divine Prophet and MANTHER b. The Sihra Brothers, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Volt Vegas (making pro debut), Memphis won a Battle Royal.
- January 11, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Mike Dempsey and Matt Classic b. Ray Brooks and MANTHER, Callos b. Sid Sylum w/The Natural by DQ, “Bomber” Nelson Creed and “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Volt Vegas and Red Money w/IBL in a non-title match, Lumberjack Bubba and Mother Diaz b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni, The Divine Prophet (w/Mike Dempsey, Matt Classic and MANTHER) b. Junior to retain the SLAM Academy title.
- January 24, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Abbotsford, British Columbia: Scott Steel b. Kid Xtreme, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Tony Baroni, The Divine Prophet and MANTHER b. Mikey D and Ray Brooks, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Red Money, Cole Bishop b. Octagon, Nicole Matthews vs. Veronika Vice ended in a No-Contest (therefore Nicole retains SuperGirls title), “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Todd Quality to earn an entry into the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Volt Vegas b. Callos, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior b. Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Azeem the Dream w/The Natural).
- January 30, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Callos b. Scott Steel, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Volt Vegas, “Bomber” Nelson Creed and “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Matt Classic and MANTHER w/The Divine Prophet and Mike Dempsey by DQ to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Cole Bishop w/Ice b. “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks, Dropkick Murphy w/The Natural b. Moondog Manson by DQ, El Phantasmo b. Kyle O’Reilly in a No Time Limit match, Lumberjack Bubba, Junior and Mother Diaz b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni, Memphis b Scotty Mac in a Texas Death match to win NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title.
- February 7, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Callos b. Scott Steel, Kyle O’Reilly b. Mike Dempsey w/The Divine Prophet, MANTHER and Matt Classic to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Cole Bishop, The Divine Prophet, Freddy Funk and Abbadon b. Scotty Mac, Cremator, Ice and Tony Tisoy in an ECCW Wild Card Elimination Tag Match (Survivors: Cole Bishop and The Divine Prophet), Sid Sylum b. “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush with Nicole Matthews as Special Referee, Veronika Vice b. Nicole Matthews to win SuperGirls title, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. MR2 to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Artemis Spencer w/The Divine Prophet b. “Brilliant” Billy Suede to win NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title.
- February 8, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, Ray Brooks b. Red Money, “Bomber” Nelson Creed b. MANTHER, Scotty Mac b. Callos in 3.7 seconds to retain NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, The Divine Prophet b. Volt Vegas to retain the SLAM Academy title, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior b. Azeem The Dream, Cole Bishop and IBL.
- February 27, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Red Money b. Scott Steel, Moondog Manson b. Scotty Mac w/The Natural to retain the ECCW Hardcore title, Volt Vegas b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds (Stipulation was if Volt lost the match he would become ECCW Extreme Jobber champion. As a result, the ECCW Extreme Jobber championship remains deactivated), Sid Sylum w/The Natural b. “Bomber” Nelson Creed, Artemis Spencer b. The Divine Prophet to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament (NWA Rep Mike Sweetser voided the match and made a tag match), “Brilliant” Billy Suede and Gurv Sihra b. The Divine Prophet and Matt Classic, Kyle O’Reilly b. El Phantasmo, Memphis b. Azeem The Dream w/The Natural to retain the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title, “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Davey Vega and MANTHER and Tony Baroni in a 4-WAY, Cremator b. Ice in a Circle of Fear Barbed Wire Match.
- March 7, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Tony Baroni and Jamie Diaz b. BJ Laredo and Alex Plexis, “Superfly” Dan Myers b. Brandon Van Danielson to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Mikey D vs. “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks was declared a no contest when Mikey D refused to wrestle Brooks, “Ravenous” Randy Myers b. Chucky Blaze to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Scotty Mac w/The Natural b. Tony Tisoy to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Veronika Vice b. Nicole Matthews in a Street Fight to retain the SuperGirls title (Sid Sylum was banned from the building), Memphis b. Cole Bishop to retain the NWA/ECCW Heavyweight title, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Dropkick Murphy and Fast Freddy Funk and Ice and Abbadon and Ravenous Randy Myers and Dan Myers and El Phantasmo in an Extreme Rules Rumble match to receive a spot in TLC4.
- March 8, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Scott Steel, Alex Plexis b. The Natural, Cole Bishop b. “The Future” Adam Silva, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior b. RAGE (Chucky Blaze and Brandon Van Danielson), MANTHER b. Red Money, Scotty Mac b. Callos to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title [Stipulation of match was that if Callos could not last 5 minutes then he would retire, time of match was 5 minutes, 38 seconds], “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. BJ Laredo, The Church of Divine Prophecy (The Divine Prophet, Artemis Spencer and Mike Dempsey w/MANTHER) b. Volt Vegas, “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds in a six-man tag team match [If Volt pins Prophet he wins SLAM Academy title] therefore Prophet retains the SLAM Academy title, “Ravenous” Randy Myers b. Tony Baroni.
- March 27, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Junior b. BJ Laredo, Pop Culture (Ice and Bishop w/CP) b. “Bomber” Nelson Creed and “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush to win the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Artemis Spencer w/The Divine Prophet b. Scott Steel to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Nicole Matthews and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. “The Future” Adam Silva and Katrina Valentine in an Intergender tag team match, Ray Brooks won the “CHILL TOWN OPEN” battle royal thus gaining entry into Chill Town, Sid Sylum b. “Brilliant” Billy Suede to receive a spot in TLC4, Moondog Manson and Cremator b. Scotty Mac and Dropkick Murphy w/The Natural, El Phantasmo b. Kyle O’Reilly in a 3 Stages of Hell match.
- March 28, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Abbotsford, British Columbia: MR2 b. Scott Steel and Callos in a triple threat match, The Divine Prophet b. Todd Quality, Tony Baroni w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior b. Azeem The Dream and Ray Brooks w/The Natural, “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz w/ Tony Baroni b. Volt Vegas w/ “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, Memphis b. Artemis Spencer w/The Divine Prophet by DQ to retain the NWA/ECCW Championship, El Phantasmo b. Bishop, Mikey D b. Red Money, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and Nicole Matthews b. Scotty Mac and Veronika Vice w/The Natural in an Intergender tag team match.
- April 2nd @ 2pm until 5th @ 2pm, 2009 – NWA ECCW – Wrestling With Hunger in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia (72 Straight hours of non-stop Wrestling, Charity event / (1)Kyle O’Reilly and CJ Strongheart b. The Church of Divine Prophecy (The Divine Prophet and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey), (2)Tony Baroni and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Volt Vegas and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (3)El Phantasmo and MANTHER b. Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum), (4)Mattias Wild and Alex Plexis b. Red Money and Callos, (5)Tony Baroni and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Kyle O’Reilly and CJ Strongheart, (6)El Phantasmo and MANTHER b. Mattias Wild and Alex Plexis, (7)Bishop b. Scott Steel, (8)MR2 b. Ray Brooks, (9)El Phantasmo and MANTHER b. Tony Baroni and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (10)Bishop b. MR2, (11)Scott Steel b. Ray Brooks, (12)The Divine Prophet b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (13)”Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey b. Volt Vegas, (14)Scotty Mac b. Red Money, (15)Sid Sylum b. Callos, (16)Kyle O’Reilly b. Alex Plexis, (17)Mattias Wild b. CJ Strongheart, (18)Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) and Tony Baroni b. Bishop and Scott Steel and Ray Brooks in a six-man elimination tag team match, (19)The Divine Prophet and MANTHER b. Alex Plexis and Mattias Wild, (20)Sid Sylum b. Ray Brooks, (21)Scott Steel b. Tony Baroni, (22)Scotty Mac and Alex Plexis b. The Divine Prophet and Mattias Wild, (23)Bishop and Tony Baroni and Scott Steel b. Chill Town (Sid Sylum and Ray Brooks) and MANTHER in a six-man elimination tag team match, (24)Scotty Mac and The Divine Prophet b. Mattias Wild and Alex Plexis, (25)Bishop b. MANTHER, (26)MR2 and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsy and Callos b. Kyle O’Reilly and El Phantasmo and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds in a six-man elimination tag team match, (27)”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. CJ Strongheart, (28)Volt Vegas b. Red Money, (29)Kyle O’Reilly b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (30)Callos and CJ Strongheart b. MR2 and Red Money, (31)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey b. El Phantasmo and Volt Vegas, 32)MANTHER b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (33)Sid Sylum b. Bishop, (34)Alex Plexis b. Tony Baroni, (35)MANTHER b. Ray Brooks, (36)Mattias Wild b. The Divine Prophet, (37)Scotty Mac b. Scott Steel, (38)Sid Sylum b. Alex Plexis, (39)Scotty Mac and The Divine Prophet b. Ray Brooks and MANTHER, (40)Scott Steel b. Tony Baroni, (41)Sid Sylum and Alex Plexis b. Bishop and Mattias Wild, (42)The Divine Prophet b. Scotty Mac, (43)MANTHER and Mattias Wild b. Tony Baroni and Ray Brooks, (44)Bishop and Alex Plexis b. Sid Sylum and Scott Steel, (45)The Divine Prophet and Tony Baroni b. Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Ray Brooks), (46)Bishop and MANTHER b.over Scott Steel and Mattias Wild, (47)The Divine Prophet b. Sid Sylum, (48)Scotty Mac b. Mattias Wild, (49)Bishop b. MANTHER, (50)Tony Baroni b. Alex Plexis, (51)The Divine Prophet b. Ray Brooks, (52)Sid Sylum b. Scott Steel, (53)Alex Plexis and Mattias Wild b. Manther and The Divine Prophet, (54)Bishop b. Tony Baroni, (55)Kyle O’Reilly b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (56)El Phantasmo b. “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (57)Red Money and Callos b. MR2 and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (58)CJ Strongheart b. Volt Vegas, (59)Kyle O’Reilly and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and El Phantasmo, (60)MR2 b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (61)Volt Vegas and Callos b. Red Money and CJ Strongheart, (62)Kyle O’Reilly and MR2 b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (63)CJ Strongheart b. ” Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey and Callos in a triple threat match, (64)El Phantasmo b. Kyle O’Reilly with special guest referee from City TV – Greg, (65)MR2 b. Red Money and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz in a triple threat match, (66)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (67)El Phantasmo b. CJ Strongheart, (68)Red Money b. Volt Vegas, (69)Danni Deeds over Kyle O’Reilly and CJ Strongheart with special guest referee from City TV – Greg, (70)”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey vs. MR2 and El Phantasmo fought to a DRAW as no man could make it to their feet before a 10 count, (71)Volt Vegas b. CJ Strongheart and Red Money in a triple threat match, (72)Kyle O’Reilly b. “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (73)El Phantasmo b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (74)Red Money b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (75)MR2 b. Volt Vegas, (76) Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) b. MANTHER and Mattias Wild, (77)Bishop and The Divine Prophet b. Alex Plexis and Ray Brooks, (78)Scotty Mac b. Tony Baroni, (79)CJ Strongheart b. Scott Steel, (80)MR2 and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (81)Bishop b. The Divine Prophet, (82)MANTHER b. Scott Steel, (83)Tony Baroni and Mattias Wild and Alex Plexis b. Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum and Ray Brooks) in a six-man elimination tag team match, (84)Bishop b. Kyle O’Reilly, (85)El Phantasmo b. The Divine Prophet, (86)Red Money b. MANTHER, (87)Scott Steel b. Callos, (88)Volt Vegas b. Ray Brooks, (89)Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) b. Kyle O’Reilly and Toni Baroni, (90)El Phantasmo and Red Money b. Alex Plexis and Mattias Wild, (91)Scott Steel b. Ray Brooks, (92)Volt Vegas b. Callos, (93)Kyle O’Reilly and Red Money b. MR2 and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (94)”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Callos b. El Phantasmo and CJ Strongheart, (95)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Volt Vegas by count-out, (96)MR2 b. CJ Strongheart, (97)El Phantasmo and Red Money b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (98)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Callos, (99)MR2 and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Kyle O’Reilly and CJ Strongheart, (100)”Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey b. Volt Vegas, (101)Bishop and Scott Steel and Mattias Wild b. The Divine Prophet and MANTHER and Alex Plexis in a six-man elimination tag team match, (102)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni b. Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum and Ray Brooks) in a six-man elimination tag team match, (103)The Divine Prophet and MANTHER and Alex Plexis b. MR2 and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey and CJ Strongheart in a six-man tag team match, (104)Bishop and Scott Steel and Mattias Wild b. Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum and Ray Brooks) in a six-man elimination tag team match, (105)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni b. MR2 and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey and CJ Strongheart in a six-man elimination tag team match, (106)Kyle O’Reilly b. Red Money, (107)El Phantasmo b. Callos, (108)Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) b. Tony Baroni and MANTHER, (109)The Divine Prophet and Volt Vegas b. Kyle O’Reilly and Callos, (110)Tony Baroni and MANTHER b. El Phantasmo and Red Money, (111)Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) b. The Divine Prophet and Volt Vegas, (112)Bishop and Alex Plexis and Mattias Wild b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey in a six-man elimination tag team match, (113)Scott Steel and Callos and Ray Brooks b. Kyle O’Reilly and MR2 and CJ Strongheart in a six-man elimination tag team match, (114)El Phantasmo and Volt Vegas b. Alex Plexis b. Mattias Wild, (115)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey b. Scott Steel and Callos and Ray Brooks in a six-man elimination tag team match, (116)Bishop and El Phantasmo and Volt Vegas b. Kyle O’Reilly and MR2 and CJ Strongheart in a six-man elimination tag team match, (117)Scotty Mac b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (118)”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey b. Sid Sylum and The Divine Prophet, (119)CJ Strongheart b. Tony Baroni, (120)Tony Baroni b. MANTHER, (121)Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (122)The Divine Prophet b. MR2, (123)Tony Baroni and Volt Vegas b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and MANTHER, (124)MR2 and The Divine Prophet overb. Scotty Mac and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (125)Sid Sylum and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey and Tony Baroni, (126)Scotty Mac and MANTHER b. MR2 and Volt Vegas, (127)”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. The Divine Prophet and Tony Baroni, (128)Volt Vegas b. Sid Sylum and MANTHER in a triple threat match, (129)Scotty Mac b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (130)Sid Sylum b. MR2, (131)Scotty Mac b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (132)Volt Vegas b. The Divine Prophet by DQ, (133)Tony Baroni b. Sid Sylum, (134)MR2 and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. MANTHER and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (135)Tony Baroni and The Divine Prophet b. Sid Sylum and Volt Vegas, (136)MANTHER b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (137)Bishop b. Red Money, (138)El Phantasmo b. Ray Brooks, (139)Mattias Wild and Alex Plexis b. Kyle O’Reilly and CJ Strongheart, (140)Scott Steel b. Callos, (141)Kyle O’Reilly and Red Money b. Bishop and Ray Brooks, (142)El Phantasmo b. CJ Strongheart, (143)Alex Plexis and Mattias Wild b. Scott Steel and Callos, (144)Bishop and Red Money b. Kyle O’Reilly and Scott Steel, (145)El Phantasmo and Mattias Wild b. Ray Brooks and Callos, (146)Bishop and Red Money b. Alex Plexis and CJ Strongheart, (147)Kyle O’Reilly and Scott Steel b. El Phantasmo and Mattias Wild, (148)Alex Plexis and CJ Strongheart b. Ray Brooks and Callos, (149)Kyle O’Reilly b. Red Money, (150)Bishop b. Mattias Wild, (151)Callos b. Ray Brooks, (152)El Phantasmo b. CJ Strongheart, (153)Alex Plexis b. Scott Steel, (154)Callos and Red Money b. Kyle O’Reilly and Ray Brooks, (155)El Phantasmo and Mattias Wild b. Bishop and Alex Plexis, (156)CJ Strongheart b. Scott Steel, (157)The Divine Prophet b. MR2, (158)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey b. Tony Baroni and MANTHER, (159)Sid Sylum b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (160)Scotty Mac b. Volt Vegas, (161)The Divine Prophet and MANTHER b. MR2 and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (162)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Tony Baroni, (163)Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Volt Vegas, (164)MR2 and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Alex Plexis and Scott Steel and Mattias Wild in a six-man elimination tag team match, (165)Bishop and Red Money and Callos b. Kyle O’Reilly and El Phantasmo and CJ Strongheart in a six-man elimination tag team match, (166)Mattias Wild and Scott Steel and Alex Plexis b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Volt Vegas and Ray Brooks in a six-man elimination tag team match, (167)Kyle O’Reilly and El Phantasmo and CJ Strongheart b. MR2 and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds in a six-man elimination tag team match, (168)Bishop and Red Money and Callos b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Volt Vegas and Ray Brooks in a six-man elimination tag team match, (169)Sid Sylum b. MANTHER, (170)Tony Baroni b. The Divine Prophet, (171)Scotty Mac and Bishop b. Alex Plexis and Ray Brooks, (172)Mattias Wild b. Scott Steel, (173)Scotty Mac b. MANTHER, (174)Sid Sylum and Tony Baroni b. The Divine Prophet and Ray Brooks, (175)Mattias Wild and Alex Plexis b. Bishop and Scott Steel, (176)MR2 b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (177)Volt Vegas b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (178)Kyle O’Reilly b. El Phantasmo and CJ Strongheart in a triple threat match, (179)Red Money b. Callos, (180)”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. MR2 and Volt Vegas, (181)El Phantasmo b. CJ Strongheart and Red Money in a triple threat match, (182)Kyle O’Reilly b. Callos, (183)Bishop and Alex Plexis and Mattias Wild b. Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum and Ray Brooks) in a six-man elimination tag team match, (184)Volt Vegas and Scott Steel b. The Divine Prophet and MANTHER and Tony Baroni in a handi-cap elimination tag team match, (185)MR2 and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum and Ray Brooks) in a six-man elimination tag team match, (186)The Divine Prophet and Tony Baroni and Mattias Wild b. Bishop and Alex Plexis and MANTHER, (187)MR2 b. Ray Brooks, (188)”Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey b. Bishop, (189)Volt Vegas and Scott Steel b. Alex Plexis and Mattias Wild, (190)Alex Plexis b. Ray Brooks with special guest referee from the Langley Township Council – Jordan Bateman, (191)Bishop and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (192)Volt Vegas and Scott Steel b. MR2 and Mattias Wild, (193)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz, (194)Sid Sylum b. MANTHER, (195)El Phantasmo and The Divine Prophet b. Kyle O`Reilly and Tony Baroni, (196)CJ Strongheart b. Red Money, (197)The Divine Prophet and MANTHER b. Sid Sylum and Callos, (198)El Phantasmo b. Scotty Mac, (199)Kyle O`Reilly and CJ Strongheart b. Sid Sylum and Tony Baroni, (200)Scotty Mac b. Callos in a match where the winner received the phone number of Dave Republic`s girlfriend`s sister`s phone number, (201)Sid Sylum b. The Divine Prophet, (202)Kyle O`Reilly b. Tony Baroni, (203)El Phantasmo and Callos b. Sid Sylum and CJ Strongheart, (204)The Divine Prophet b. Scotty Mac, (205)Tony Baroni and Callos b. MANTHER and Volt Vegas, (206)Kyle O`Reilly b. Scotty Mac, (207)El Phantasmo b. CJ Strongheart, (208)Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) b. The Divine Prophet and MANTHER, (209)Tony Baroni b. Callos, (210)Kyle O’Reilly and CJ Strongheart b. El Phantasmo and Volt Vegas, (211)The Divine Prophet b. MANTHER, (212)Sid Sylum and Tony Baroni b. Kyle O’Reilly and Callos, (213)El Phantasmo b. Volt Vegas, (214)The Divine Prophet b. Tony Baroni and Mattias Wild in a 3 Stages of Boot match, (215)MR2 b. Ray Brooks, (216)Volt Vegas and Scott Steel b. “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey and Mattias Wild with special guest referee ECCW Owner – Dave Republic, (217)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Alex Plexis, (218)”Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Bishop and Ray Brooks, (219)Mattias Wild b. Alex Plexis, (220)MR2 and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Scott Steel and Red Money, (221)”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Bishop, (222)Bishop b. Mattias Wild, (223)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds and Scott Steel b. Alex Plexis and Ray Brooks, (224)”Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (225)Bishop and MR2 b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Mattias Wild, (226)Volt Vegas b. Ray Brooks, (227)”Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey and Alex Plexis b. MR2 and Volt Vegas, (228)”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Scott Steel, (229)Mattias Wild b. Ray Brooks, (230)Volt Vegas and Scott Steel b. Bishop and Dastardly” Danni Deeds, (231)”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (232)Mattias Wild and Alex Plexis b. MR2 and Ray Brooks, (233)Bishop b. “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey, (234)”Dastardly” Danni Deeds and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Volt Vegas and Scott Steel, (235)MR2 b. Alex Plexis, (236)The Divine Prophet and MANTHER b. Kyle O’Reilly and Tony Baroni, (237)Red Money and CJ Strongheart b. El Phantasmo and Callos, (238)Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) b. Kyle O’Reilly and Tony Baroni, (239)The Divine Prophet and MANTHER b. El Phantasmo and Callos, (240)Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) b. CJ Strongheart and Red Money, (241)”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. CJ strongheart, (242)Sid Sylum b. Scott Steel by DQ, (243)Bishop b. The Divine Prophet, (244)Kyle O’Reilly b. Tony Baroni in a No DQ Falls Count Anywhere match, (245)”Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey and Alex Plexis and Mattias Wild and Callos b. MR2 and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and Red Money and Ray Brooks in an eight-man elimination tag team match, (246)El Phantasmo b. MANTHER, (247)Chill Town (Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum) b. Volt Vegas and Scott Steel, (248)Ray Brooks won the final match of Wrestling With Hunger which was a Battle Royal for the Wrestling With Hunger Championship.
- April 4, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. Gurv Sihra, Todd Quality b. Mikey D by reverse decision, Nicole Matthews b. “The Future” Adam Silva to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Cremator b. Marcus Rios, Memphis b. “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush to retain the NWA/ECCW Championship,Veronika Vice b. Mother Diaz to retain the SuperGirls title, Fast Freddy Funk b. Ice w/CP by DQ, Artemis Spencer vs. “Brilliant” Billy Suede went to a 30-minute time limit draw; Spencer retains the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title.
- April 18, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Artemis Spencer (w/The Divine Prophet and MANTHER) b. Red Money in a non-title match, Veronika Vice and KC Spinelli b. Nicole Matthews and Enid Urkhart, MANTHER b. Nathan Prodigy, Weed b. Ray Brooks by DQ, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior and Mary Diaz b. IBL and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Bishop in an intergender six-person tag team match, El Phantasmo b. The Divine Prophet in a No DQ SLAM Academy Street Fight match by Count-out as The Church of Divine Prophecy (The Divine Prophet and Artemis Spencer and MANTHER) drove away from the building in a car therefore Prophet retains the SLAM Academy title.
- April 24, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Mikey D b. Callos, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. Scott Steel, Mike Dempsey w/The Divine Prophet b. Red Money, Cremator b. Ray Brooks w/The Natural, Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz) b. Volt Vegas and “Dastardly Danni Deeds, Memphis b. Matt Classic w/The Divine Prophet to retain the NWA/ECCW title, Kenny Lush and Nicole Matthews b. Sid Sylum and Veronika Vice w/The Natural in an intergender tag team match, El Phantasmo b. Ice w/Bishop and CP to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Scotty Mac b. Moondog Manson in a Surrey Street Fight to retain the NWA Canadian Hevyweight title.
- April 25, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Nanaimo, British Columbia: Ray Brooks w/The Natural b. “Wolverine” Alex Steele, Kenny Lush b. Artemis Spencer in a non-title match, Kyle O’Reilly and Nicole Matthews b. Sid Sylum and Veronika Vice w/The Natural in an intergender tag team match, Egos and Icons (Nick Price and Tony Baroni and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz) b. Scott Steel and Volt Vegas and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds in a six-man tag team match, Scotty Mac w/The Natural b. MANTHER to retain the NWA Canadian Hevyweight title, Cremator b. Azeem The Dream w/The Natural by DQ, Cremator b. Sid Sylum w/The Natural and Azeem The Dream to win the ECCW Vancouver Island title, Pop Culture (Ice and Bishop) w/CP b. Models Inc. (Memphis and MR2) to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles.
- May 2, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. Callos and Scott Steel and Nick Price in a four-way frenzy, Mattias Wild b. Alex Plexis to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Chucky Blaze and Brandon Van Danielson b. Fast Freddy Funk and Mikey D, Kyle O’Reilly b. Dropkick Murphy w/The Natural, Pop Culture (Ice and Bishop) b. Lumberjack Bubba and Junior to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Artemis Spencer b. “Superfly” Dan Myers to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, MANTHER b. The Divine Prophet to enter the 2009 Pacific Cup Tournament, Memphis b. Sid Sylum w/The Natural to retain the NWA/ECCW Championship, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Scotty Mac w/The Natural by DQ; therefore Scotty Mac retains the NWA Canadian Hevyweight title.
- May 16, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Nicole Matthews b. KC Spinelli, Mikey D b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, Artemis Spencer b. Volt Vegas, Lumberjack Bubba and Mother Diaz b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Katrina Valentine, The Divine Prophet b. IBL in a 3 Stages of Stare match to retain the SLAM Academy title, Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz) b. Harv Sihra and Red Money, Veronika Vice b. Enid Urkhart in a non-title match, Scotty Mac b. Junior in a non-title match.
- May 22, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Abbotsford, British Columbia: MANTHER b. Ray Brooks w/The Natural, Artemis Spencer w/The Divine Prophet b. Callos in a non-title match, Bishop b. “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar, Moondog Manson b. Mikey D by forfeit to retain ECCW Hardcore title, Tenille Dashwood b. Nicole Matthews to receive a shot at SuperGirls title on May 29th, Todd Quality b. Scott Steel to receive a shot at SLAM Academy title, Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni and Nick Price) b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and Red Money and Volt Vegas in a six-man tag team match, Veronika Vice b. Enid Urkhart in a non-title match, Scotty Mac w/The Natural b. Lumberjack Bubba w/Randy “Elvis” Friskie to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title.
- May 23, 2009 – NWA ECCW (Special Adventurers Charity Show) in Aldergrove, British Columbia: Lumberjack Bubba and Junior and Mother Diaz b. Volt Vegas and Scott Steel and IBL in a six-person intergender tag team match, Sid Sylum and MANTHER b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and Callos, Scotty Mac b. Red Eye Night in a non-title match, Mikey D and Nicole Matthews b. Bishop and Tenillein an intergender tag team match, The Natural won a Battle Royal.
- May 29, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Alex Plexis b. Callos and Scott Steel in a triple threat match, Veronika Vice b. Tenille Dashwood to retain the SuperGirls title, Nicole Matthews b. Ray Brooks w/The Natural in an intergender match, Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz) vs. Volt Vegas and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds battled to a double disqualification, Memphis b. Bishop w/Ice and Veronika Vice to retain the NWA/ECCW Championship, El Phantasmo b. MANTHER and “Brilliant” Billy Suede and Azeem The Dream w/The Natural in a Pacific Cup Preview Four Way Frenzy, Scotty Mac w/Ray Brooks b. Fast Freddy Funk to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Sid Sylum w/The Natural b. “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush in a Dog Collar Chain match.
- June 6, 2009 – NWA ECCW – Pacific Cup Tournament in Vancouver, British Columbia: Tenille Dashwood b. KC Spinelli in a non-tournament dark match, Rick The Weapon X (substituting for MANTHER, who was injured May 29th by The Church of Divine Prophecy) b. Tony Baroni w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz in a 1st Round match, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. Mattias Wild in a 1st Round match, Artemis Spencer w/The Divine Prophet b. Nicole Matthews in a 1st Round match, El Phantasmo b. “Superfly” Dan Myers in a 1st Round match, “Ravenous” Randy Myers b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz w/Tony Baroni in a 1st Round match, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. Kyle O’Reilly in a 1st Round match, El Phantasmo b. Nick Price w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni (substituting for Artemis Spencer, who suffered a dislocated knee in round one) in a 2nd Round match, Rick The Weapon X b. “Brilliant” Billy Suede in a 2nd Round match, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. “Ravenous” Randy Myers in a 2nd Round match, Pop Culture (Ice and Bishop) b. “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and Memphis to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, El Phantasmo b. Azeem The Dream and Rick The Weapon X in the Tournament Final Triple Threat Elimination match to become the 2009 Pacific Cup Champion.
- June 20, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Nick Price b. Callos, Mikey D b. Weed, LumberJack Bubba and Junior and Mother Diaz b. IBL and his two hired Henchman (MR2 and Bishop) in an intergender six-person tag team match, “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Red Money, Nicole Matthews and Rick the Weapon X b. Sid Sylum and The Natural in an intergender tag team match, The Divine Prophet b. El Phantasmo in a Three Stages of Pin match to retain the Slam Academy title.
- June 26, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: BJ Laredo b. Callos, “Bollywood Don” Harv Sihra w/”Golden Lion” Gurv Sihra b. Ice w/Bishop and Veronika Vice, Dropkick Murphy w/The Natural b. Scott Steel, The Cat and The Fiddle (“Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks and MANTHER) b. The Church of Divine Prophecy (Mike Dempsey and Matt Classic) w/The Divine Prophet, Cremator b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, Moondog Manson b. Volt Vegas and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz w/Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price) in a triple threat to retain the ECCW Hardcore title, Bishop w/Ice and Veronika Vice b. Rick The Weapon X, Scotty Mac and Sid Sylum w/The Natural b. “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and El Phantasmo.
- July 4, 2009 – NWA ECCW – TLC #4 in Vancouver, British Columbia: Volt Vegas b. Mikey D by DQ, Azeem The Dream b. “Brilliant” Billy Suede in a 4-man Gaunlet match to win the vacant NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title (Suede beat “Bollywood Don” Harv Sihra w/”Golden Lion” Gurv Sihra then “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz w/Tony Baroni and Nick Price before losing to Azeem), Freddy Funk b. Scott Steel, The Divine Prophet b. Rick the Weapon X, Pop Culture (Ice and Bishop)b. The Cat and The Fiddle (“Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks and MANTHER) and Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz) in a three team elimination match to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Memphis b. MR2 to retain the NWA/ECCW Championship, Scotty Mac b. El Phantasmo and “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and Sid Sylum in a TLC match to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title.
- July 18, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Nicole Matthews b. KC Spinelli, Lumberjack Bubba and Junior b. The Divine Prophet and “The Mayor” Austin Spencer, Callos b. Volcano, Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Nick Price w/Tony Baroni) b. Red Money and Weed, Tony Baroni b. Scotty Mac by Count-out in a non-title match, Pop Culture (Bishop and Veronika Vice) b. Volt Vegas and Mother Diaz in an integender tag team match, The Divine Prophet b. Junior to retain ECCW SLAM Academy title.
- July 24, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: The Divine Prophet b. Davey Vega, Cremator w/Mystery Person b. Volt Vegas w/”Dastardly” Danni Deeds in a No DQ match, Nick Price w/Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni) vs. “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks – No Contest (As Brooks did not appear for match), MANTHER b. Mike Dempsey w/The Divine Prophet, MR2 b. Fast Freddy Funk, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. “Brilliant” Billy Suede, Tony Baroni w/Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Nick Price) b. “Bollywood Don” Harv Sihra w/”Golden Lion” Gurv Sihra, Sid Sylum and Azeem The Dream w/The Natural defeated Pop Culture (Ice and Bishop) and Scotty Mac (Dropkick Murphy did not show up for match) in a 3-Team Elimination match to win the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles from Pop Culture.
- August 1, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: BJ Laredo b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and Callos and Carrot Adams in a four-way frenzy, Moondog Manson b. Scott Steel to retain the ECCW Hardcore title, “Superfly” Dan Myers b. Jamie Diaz w/Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price), Kyle O’Reilly w/The Natural and Sid Sylum b. Alex Plexis, Memphis b. Ice w/Bishop in a No Holds Barred match to retain the NWA/ECCW Championship, Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price) w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. The Kelownafornians (“The Canadian Classic” Collin Cutler and Adam “SureFire” Fedyk), Tenille Tayla b. Nicole Matthews and Veronika Vice w/Bishop in a triple threat match to win the SuperGirls title, El Phantasmo b. “Ravenous” Randy Myers.
- August 15, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: The Cat and The Fiddle (“Southern” Comfort” Ray Brooks and MANTHER) b Azeem The Dream and The Natural, BJ Laredo b. Red Money and Tough Love in a triple-threat match, “The Mayor” Austin Spencer b. Junior, Danni Deeds and Enid Urkhart b. Callos and Mary Diaz in an intergender tag team match, Volt Vegas b. Scott Steel, The Divine Prophet w/Artemis Spencer b. Lumberjack Bubba to retain the Slam Academy title, Scotty Mac b. Ice to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Championship.
- August 28, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: BJ Laredo b. Red Money, Artemis Spencer w/The Divine Prophet b. Pete Powers, Fast Freddy Funk b. T-Bone, Sid Sylum w/The Natural b. Dropkick Murphy, Tony Baroni w/Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Nick Price) b. “The Athelete” Alexander Hale, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural, Sid Sylum and Kyle O’Reilly b. Scotty Mac by countout therefore Scotty retains the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Scotty Mac defeated Kyle O’Reilly w/The Natural to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title (O’Reilly stated would quit ECCW if did not win title), El Phantasmo and Cremator battled to a double disqualification, Tenille Tayla and Nicole Matthews b. Veronika Vice and Katrina Valentine, Memphis b. Bishop to retain the NWA/ECCW Championship in a Stretcher match.
- September 5, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: BJ Laredo b. Carrot Adams, Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Nick Price) b. SuperWild (“Superfly” Dan Myers and Mattias Wild) in a first round match of tournament for NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, The Divine Prophet w/The Mini Prophet and “Meanstreak” Mike Dempsey b. Alex Plexis, Tenille Tayla b. Veronika Vice w/Bishop to retain the SuperGirls title, Moondog Manson b. Volt Vegas to retain the ECCW Hardcore title, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and “Brilliant Billy Suede b. The Sihra Brothers (Gurv and Harv Sihra) in a first round match of tournament for NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Memphis b. MR2 to retain NWA/ECCW Championship, Scotty Mac b. Azeem The Dream w/The Natural and Sid Sylum in a match where the title could change hands on a Count-Out to retain NWA Canadian Heavyweight title.
- September 12, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Abbotsford, British Columbia: Ray Brooks b. Red Money and Volt Vegas and Nick Price w/Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni) in a four-way frenzy, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. Scott Steel to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, Bishop b. Weed, Enid Urkhart b. Katrina Valentine, Artemis Spencer b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds, Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz andTony Baroni) w/Nick Price b. Lumberjack Bubba and Juinor, BJ Laredo b. Todd Quality, Scotty Mac and Nicole Matthews b. Sid Sylum and The Natural in an intergender tag team match.
- September 19, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Red Money vs. Tough Love – NO CONTEST, Sid Sylum b. Red Money and Tough Love in a handi-cap match, Volt Vegas and Katrina Valentine b. “The Mayor” Austin Spencer and KC Spinelli, Nicole Matthews b. Enid Urkhart, Big Sexy Dream (Bishop and Azeem The Dream) and The Natural b. “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks, Junior and Volcano in a six-man tag team match, Artemis Spencer b. Callos, The Divine Prophet b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds to retain the Slam Academy title, Memphis b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz w/Nick Price to retain NWA/ECCW Championship.
- September 25, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price) w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Volt Vegas and Scott Steel, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and Artemis Spencer b. El Phantasmo and Cremator in a Friend and Foe match (winning team would face later for NWA/ECCW Championship match @ Halloween Hell), Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, “Golden Lion” Gurv Sihra b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz w/Nick Price and Tony Baroni, The Divine Prophet b. MANTHER, Moondog Manson b. BJ Laredo to retain the ECCW Hardcore title, Artemis Spencer b. “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush to receive a NWA/ECCW Championship match @ Halloween Hell, Mikey D b. Fast Freddy Funk, Scotty Mac b. Sid Sylum w/The Natural to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title.
- October 3, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: “Superfly” Dan Myers w/Mattias Wild b. Tony Baroni w/Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Nick Price), Bishop and Volt Vegas b. Lumberjack Bubba and Junior in a first round match of tournament for NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Synn vs. Tom MacDonald – NO CONTEST, Tenille Tayla b. Veronika Vice w/Bishop to retain the SuperGirls title, Scotty Mac and Dropkick Murphy b. Sid Sylum and Cremator w/The Natural and Cremator’s unnamed friend by DQ in a first round match of tournament for NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz w/Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price) b. Mattias Wild w/”Superfly” Dan Myers, “Ravenous” Randy Myers w/SuperWild (“Superfly” Dan Myers and Mattias Wild) b. Nick Price w/Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni), “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. Memphis to win the NWA/ECCW Championship.
- October 17, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Scotty Mac b. Nick Price w/Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni) to retain NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Azeem The Dream and Artemis Spencer and Bishop and KC Spinelli b. Ray Brooks and Weed and Tough Love and “Brilliant” Billy Suede in an Eight-Person Elimination Tag Match (Survivors: Bishop and Azeem The Dream), Junior b. Lumberjack Bubba by DQ, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Volt Vegas, “Golden Lion” Gurv Sihra b. “The Mayor” Austin Spencer, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and Mother Diaz b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and The Natural w/Azeem The Dream and Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price), El Phantasmo b. Tony Baroni w/Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Nick Price).
- October 30, 2009 – NWA ECCW – Halloween Hell in Surrey, British Columbia: Tony Baroni (Scott Hall) won the annual costume battle royal, Memphis b. Tony Baroni, Tenille Tayla b. Veronika Vice in a Falls Count Anywhere match to retain the SuperGirls title, Dropkick Murphy b. Bishop, Azeem The Dream b. Gurv Sihra to retain the NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title with The Divine Prophet as special referee, Bishop pinned Scott Steel to win ECCW Hardcore title in a Fans Bring the Weapons Hardcore Invitational; other participants were Volt Vegas and BJ Laredo and Lumberjack Bubba and Ray Brooks and MANTHER and Wrathchild and Moondog Manson (champion), Cremator b. El Phantasmo in a Casket match, Artemis Spencer b. “Brilliant” Billy Suede by DQ; Suede retains the NWA/ECCW Championship, Scotty Mac b. Sid Sylum in a Steel Cage match to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title.
- November 7, 2009 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Memphis b. A.C. Zeidel w/MR2, Skag Rollins b. Todd Quality, “Brilliant” Billy Suede and “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Pop Culture (Bishop and Volt Vegas) to advance to the final round of the NWA/ECCW Tag Team title tournament, The Divine Prophet w/ The Tiny Prophet and Cremator and Cremator’s minion) b. Tom MacDonald, Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni w/Nick Price) b. Scotty Mac and Dropkick Murphy to advance to the final round of the NWA/ECCW Tag Team title tournament, Azeem the Dream w/ The Natural b. El Phantasmo to retain NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight title, “The Rocket” Randy Tyler w/ Ladies Choice and “Champagne” Roger Ferrari b. “The Mayor” Austin Spencer, “Brilliant” Billy Suede and “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz) in NWA/ECCW Tag Team title tournament final to win titles.
- November 15, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Lumberjack Bubba, Artemis Spencer and The Natural b. “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks and Red Money, Scott Steel b. “The Mayor” Austin Spencer, Volt Vegas b. Weed with Mother Diaz as Special Referee, Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Nick Price) b. The New Machines (Callos and Tough Love), Enid Urkhart b. KC Spinelli, “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks won Batte Royal for #1 Contendership of SLAM Academy title.
- November 27, 2009 – NWA ECCW – in Surrey, British Columbia: Mikey D vs Callos – NO CONTEST, Dropkick Murphy b. Nick Price w/Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni), Lumberjack Bubba b. Junior, “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks and “Golden Lion” Gurv Sihra b. Azeem The Dream and The Divine Prophet w/The Natural and The Tiny Prophet, Scott Steel and BJ Laredo b. Pop Culture (Bishop and Volt Vegas) in a hardcore tag team match, Veronika Vice w/Bishop b. Tenille Tayla to win the SuperGirls title, Skag Rollins b. Scotty Mac by DQ therefore Scotty retains the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. Memphis and The Divine Prophet to retain the NWA/ECCW Championship in a triple threat match.
- December 5, 2009 – NWA ECCW – Extreme Rumble in Vancouver, British Columbia: Nick Price b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds and Scott Steel and Ray Brooks in a fou-way frenzy, Artemis Spencer b. Memphis, El Phantasmo b. Cremator w/mystery person in a Mexican Influenced Lucha Fiesta Match, Skag Rollins b. Sid Sylum and Scotty Mac and Fast Freddy Funk and Azeem The Dream and Bishop and Moondog Manson and Ladies Choice to win Extreme Rules Rumble, Nicole Matthews b. KC Spinelli, Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni) w/Nick Price b. “the Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and “Brilliant” Billy Suede to win the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles.
- December 12, 2009 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: El Phantasmo and Junior b. Artemis Spencer and The Natural, Tony Baroni w/Nick Price b. Red Money, Weed and Enid Urkhart b. Volt Vegas and Katrina Valentine in an intergender tag team match, Lumberjack Bubba and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Fast Freddy Funk and Tough Love, Scotty Mac b. Volt Vegas, “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks b. The Divine Prophet to win SLAM Academy title.
- December 18, 2009 – NWA ECCW – Season’s Beatings in Surrey, British Columbia: Moondog Manson b Volt Vegas in a hardcore match, Sid Sylum w/The Natural b. Memphis in a #1 contenders match for NWA Canadian Heavyweight title, Cremator b. Junior, El Phantasmo b. “Dastardly” Danni Deeds w/The Cremator and The Divine Prophet and The Tiny Prophet by DQ, “Brilliant” Billy Suede defeated Artemis Spencer in a No Time Limit match to retain the NWA/ECCW Championship, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and Nicole Matthews b. Pop Culture (Bishop and Veronika Vice), “Golden Lion” Gurv Sihra w/”Bollywood Don” Harv Sihra b. Azeem The Dream w/The Natural to win NWA Canadian Juniot Heavyweight title, Scotty Mac b. Skag Rollins in a Surrey Street Fight to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title.
- January 2, 2010 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: The Church of Divine Prophecy (Artemis Spencer and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds) b. Scott Steel and “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks, Memphis and Pete Powers b. MR2 and AC Ziedel, The Cremator w/”Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. BJ Laredo in a hardcore match, Scotty Mac and Dropkick Murphy b. BBC (“The Rocket” Randy Tyler and Ladies Choice) by DQ, Fast Freddy Funk b. “The Mayor” Austin Spencer, The Divine Prophet w/Artemis Spencer and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. El Phantasmo, Egos and Icons (Tony Baroni and Nick Price) w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and Nicole Matthews in an intergender match to retain NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz to retain NWA/ECCW Championship.
- January 16, 2010 – NWA ECCW (SLAM Academy) in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia: Scotty Mac and Dropkick Murphy b. Pop Culture (Bishop and Volt Vegas), KC Spinelli b. Enid Urkhart, MR2 and AC Ziedel and “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz w/Nick Price b. Junior and Tough Love and Red Money in a six-man tag team match, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. Callos, “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks b. Nick Price w/”Untouchable” Jamie Diaz to retain SLAM Academy title.
- January 29, 2010 – NWA ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: “Untouchable” Jamie Diaz b. Junior, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Tony Baroni, Memphis b. Volt Vegas w/Bishop, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. “Southern Comfort” Ray Brooks, Tenille Tayla b. Veronika Vice by DQ therefore Veronika retains the SuperGirls title, Moondog Manson b. Bishop to win the ECCW Hardcore title, El Phantasmo and Rick The Weapon X b. Artemis Spencer and The Divine Prophet with stipulation of Phantasmo would unmask if his team lost and Prophet would shave beard if his team lost, Scotty Mac b. Sid Sylum and Juggernaut in a triple threat match to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title.
- January 30, 2010 – NWA ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: “The Mayor” Austin Spencer b. Callos, “Dastardly” Danni Deeds w/The Divine Prophet and The Tiny Prophet b. El Phantasmo by DQ, BBC (“The Rocket” Randy Tyler and Ladies Choice) b. Scotty Mac and Dropkick Murphy with stipulation that Scotty and Dropkick could not use SuperKick or Top Rope Leg Drop during match, AC Ziedel b. Fast Freddy Funk, Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni) w/Nick Price vs. “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and “Brilliant” Billy Suede w/Nicole Matthews fought to a no contest for NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles therefore Egos and Icons retain titles, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush and “Brilliant” Billy Suede and Nicole Matthews b. Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni and Nick Price) in a six-person tag team match for NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles as Nicole (who was not in original title match) pinned Price therefore titles do no change hands and Egos and Icons retain NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles, Artemis Spencer w/The Divine Prophet and The Tiny Prophet b. Rick the weapon X, Juggernaut b. Sid Sylum w/The Natural in a No DQ match.
- February 19, 2010 – NWA ECCW – TIME TO KILL in Surrey, British Columbia: Nicole Matthews b. KC Spinelli, The Divine Prophet w/The Tiny Prophet and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds b. Dropkick Murphy in a Time to Kill match, El Phantasmo b. Lumberjack Bubba in a Time to Kill match, “The Loose Cannon” Kenny Lush b. Artemis Spencer w/The Divine Prophet and The Tiny Prophet in a Time to Kill match, “Brilliant” Billy Suede b. Tony Baroni w/Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Nick Price) by DQ to retain ECCW Championship, Scotty Mac and Tenille Tayla b. Pop Culture (Bishop and Veronika Vice w/Volt Vegas) in an Intergender tag team match, Gurv Sihra b. Azeem The Dream to retain NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Championship, Sid Sylum b. Kyle O’Reilly.
- March 6, 2010 – NWA ECCW – TLC V in Vancouver, British Columbia: Pete Powers b. Travis Sparx w/Pop Culture (Bishop and Ice), Rick The Weapon X b. Ice w/Pop Culture (Bishop and Travis Sparx) in a 2010 Pacific Cup qualifying match, El Phantasmo and Moondog Manson b. The Church of Divine Prophecy (The Cremator and “Dastardly” Danni Deeds) w/The Tiny Prophet by DQ, Kyle O’Reilly b. Artemis Spencer w/The Divine Prophet and The Tiny Prophet, Tenille Tayla b. KC Spinelli, The Divine Prophet w/The Tiny Prophet b. Memphis, Azeem The Dream w/The Natural b. Mike Santiago in a 2010 Pacific Cup qualifying match, Egos and Icons (“Untouchable” Jamie Diaz and Tony Baroni and Nick Price) b. Kenny Lush and “Brilliant” Billy Suede and Nicole Matthews in TLC V to retain the NWA/ECCW Tag Team titles.
- December 26, 2010 – ECCW in Surrey, British Columbia: Stallyn Smith b Red Money, Tony Baroni b Artemis Spencer, Bishop b Billy Suede, Azeem the Dream b Alex Plexis and Pete Powers, Rocky Della Serra and Ray Brooks b Egos and Icons, Scotty Mac b Phantasmo, Bishop b Tony Baroni, Nicole Matthews b Tenille Tayla, Kyle O’Reilly and Phantasmo b The Bollywood Lions.
- January 8, 2011 – ECCW in Vancouver, British Columbia: Apollo Dean b Red Money, Chuck Awesomesauce b Scotty Mac by Countout, J-Sinn Sullivan b Gurv Sihra, Stallyn Smith b Phantasmo, Veronika Vice b K.C. Spinelli and Tenille Tayla in a 3-WAY, A.C. Zeidel b Dropkick Murphy, Cremator and Danni Deeds b Artemis Spencer and Divine Prophet, J-Sin Sullivan won the Extreme Rumble.

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