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- January 31, 2004 – CWA in Montreal before 150 fans: AfterShock b Tommy Rose and Sweet Pete, Jimmy Stone NC Jay-Z and Trax, Jake Matthews b Chase Ironside, LuFisto b Guil Reno, 2.0 b TNT and Alex Price, Manuel Vegas b Michael Von Payton, Dru Onyx and Tank b Sunny War Cloud and Brick Crawford.
- February 28, 2004 – CWA in Montreal, Quebec: Sexxxy Eddy b Shane Simmons and Nick Blade, Michael Van Payton b Sweet Pete, TNT b Koko Mansour-DQ, Tank and Dru Onyx won Gold Rush, Sunny War Cloud and Brick Crawford b Madd Dogg and Tray Hugh Mongus, Chakal b Guil Reno, Dru Onyx b Tank.
- May 8, 2004 – CWA in Montreal before 250 fans: Twin Terrors b 2.0 and Sweetest Thing and Jimmy Kraven and Christopher Wells, Sunny War Cloud b Adib Mansuor, Michael Von Payton and Misty Haven b Hot Show and Moonlight, Brick Crawford b Jake Matthes, Guil Reno b LuFisto, Jaguar b Shayne Hawke, Manuel Vegas and Chase Ironside b Onyx and Tank.
- May 29, 2004 – CWA in Montreal before 150 fans: Shayne Hawke won elimination match, Mad Dog and Tank and Misty Haven b Aftershock and Sweet Cherry, Jake Matthews b Chakal, Chris Stevens and Moonlight b Twin Terrors, Guil Reno b Jaguar, Michael Von Payton b Ruffy Silverstein and LuFisto, Sunny War Cloud b Dru Onyx in a strap match.
- June 19, 2004 – CWA in Montreal, Quebec before 150 fans: Hot Show b Guil Reno, Davey Jackson and Mr. X-Treem b Alex Price and James Kraven, Misty Haven b Sweet Cherrie, Jaguar b Shayne Hawke, Tank b Chris Stevens, LuFisto b Michael Von Payton, 2.0 b Twin Terros, Dru Onyx b Sunny War Cloud and Manuel Vega in a three-way to win the CWA title.
- July 31, 2004 – CWA in Montreal, Quebec before 200 fans: Jimmy Stone and Chris Stevens b Guil Reno and Shayne Hawke, Alex Price and James Kraven b Player Uno and Davey Jackson, Sunny War Cloud and Lance Hammer b Jake Matthews and Mad Dogg, Tank b Jaguar, Mr. X-Treem b Michael Von Payton, Mansour Family b LuFisto and After Shock, Manuel Vegas b Dru Onyx-DQ.
- August 28, 2004 – CWA in Montreal, Quebec: Davey Jackson b Nick Blade, Jaguar and Aftershock b Tank and Mad Dog and Michael Von Payton, The Shawinigan Boyz b Red Romeos, LuFisto (female) b Abid Mansuor (manager) in a whipping match, TNT Action b Twin Terrors, Jake Matthews b Mr. X-Treem, Dru Onyx and Carl LeDuc (who appeared in “Wrestling with Shadows” getting stretched by Stu Hart) b Manuel Vegas and Sunny War Cloud.
- September 25, 2004 – CWA in Montreal, Quebec before 200 fans: Weapons of Mass Destruction b Jaguar and Mr. X-Treem, Alex Price b Davey Jackson, Alex and Jay Dynamite won elimination match, Sunny War Cloud b Nino Mancuso, Shawinigan Boyz b Red Romeos in a tables match, Jake Matthews b Manuel Vegas, Michael Von Payton b LuFisto in a towel match, Dru Onyx b Carl Leduc.
- October 23, 2004 – CWA in Montreal, Quebec before 200 fans: Red Romeos b TNT Action, Sweet Cherrie and LuFisto b Tank and MVP and Misty Haven, Twin Terrors b AfterShock, Mr. X-TreeM b Jaguar, Jake Matthews b Jaguar, Matthews b Dave Pronovost, Matthews b Nino Mancuso, Davey Jackson and Justin Diamond b James Kraven and Alex Price, Carl LeDuc b Sunny War Cloud in a street fight.
- November 20, 2004 – CWA Quebec in Montreal, Quebec before 200 fans: Shawinigan Boyz b Mansour Brothers, Justin Diamond b Alex Price, Mr. X-Treem b Davey Jackson, Handsome JF and Kona b Twin Terrors, Manuel Vegas b LuFisto-DQ, Weapons of Mass Destruction b Nino Mancuso and Sunny War Could, TNT and Action and Moonlight b Red Romeos, Dru Onyx NC Jake Matthews.
- January 16, 2006 – AWA CWA Montreal in Montreal, Quebec: Texas Outlaw b Sean Impact, Dave Titan and Matt Cage and Ricky Riot w/Misty Haven b Above Standards and Reggie Marley, The Prophet and Damien Vachon b Enforcer and Iron Mike Lyons, Moonlight b Misty Haven in a Best 2/3 Falls match, Aftershock and Brick Crawford b Karnage and Abdul Hannish and Kwan Chang, Canadian Extreme © b Really Sensational (Mysery and Sean Reed) to retain the Tag Team titles, MVP b Brick Crawford to retain the CWA titles, Gino Martino b Pierre Vachon in a Bloodbath to retain the Brass Kuckles title.
- March 5, 2006 – AWA CWA MONTREAL – TV Tapings in Montreal, Quebec: Abdul Hannish b Jefrex, Gino Martino b Hellraiser Payne to retain the AWA Brass Knuckles title, Moonlight b Shadow,The Enforcer b Voltage, Damien Vachon b Ivan Sullivan and Osirus in a 3-WAY, The Hickster b Jefrex, The Alliance of Violence (Pierre Vachon and Gino Martino) b Karnage and Abdul Hannish in a Tag Team Turmoil Match | Internet Television Championship 3rd Round Matches: Damien Vachon b Osirus, Karnage b the Prophet, Pierre Vachon b “Iron” Mike Lyons, Brick Crawford b Gorgeous Mike.
- March 19, 2006 – AWA CWA MONTREAL in Montreal, Quebec: Above Standards b Ivan Sullivan and Tim Pittman, Moonlight b Tim Pittman, Karnage and Abdul Hannish b Jefrex and Rebel, Osirus b Sean Impact, Alliance of Violence (Gino Martino and Pierre Vachon) b The Hellraisers (Pain and Mizery), Los Latinos b Bad Radiation 2000, Osirus b Jefrex, Iron Mask b The Prophet, Gino Martino b Abdul Hannish in a bloody Match to retain the AWA Brass knuckles title, Brick Crawford won the battle royal to become #1 Contender to the AWA/CWA heavyweight title | Semi Finals for the Internet Television Championship: Karnage b Pierre Vachon in a Dog collar match, Brick Crawford b Damian Vachon.
- April 8, 2006 – AWA CWA Montreal – kNOw FEAR in Montreal, Quebec 150 fans: Los Latinos and Dave Titan and Misty Haven b Above Standards and Sweet Cherrie, The Hickster b the Prophet, Karnage b Brick Crawford to win the iTV Title Tournament, Damian “The Pitbull” Vachon b Sean Impact, Gorgeous Mike b Reggie Marley and Eddie Osbourne in a 3-WAY, Canadian Extreme b Hellraiser Mizery and Osirus to retain the Tag Team titles, The Texas Outlaw b Ruffy Silverstein in a Texas Bullrope Match, Iron Mask b Kwan Chang by DQ, Brick Crawford b MVP (c) and Damien “The Pitbull” Vachon in a 3-WAY to win the AWA/CWA title, The Alliance of Violence (Gino Martino and Pierre Vachon) b Necro Butcher and Sexxxy Eddy in a American Hardcore Frenzy match.
- April 9, 2006 – AWA CWA Montreal – Powersurge TV Tapings in Montreal, Quebec: Texas Outlaw b Eddie Osbourne, Damien “The Pitbull” Vachon b Ivan SUllivan, Ruffy Silverstein and “Cowboy” Matt Cage b Hellraiser Mizery and Osirus by DQ, Reggie Marley b Parasyte, Canadian Extreme b Los Latinos to retain the AWA-CWF Tag Team titles, The Hickster b Ivan Sullivan, Iron Mask b Eddie Osbourne and Jefrex in a 3-WAY, Canadian Extreme b The Prophet and Sean Impact to retain the AWA-CWF Tag Team titles.
- July 22, 2006 – AWA CWA Montreal in Montreal, Quebec: Damian Vachon b Karnage (iTV Champion) by Countdown, Kid Nichols b Osirus, Sean Impact b Patrice Lacroix, The Hellraisers won a Battle Royal to win the vacated Tag Team titles (Included: Aftershock, Los Latinos, Above Standards, Jacques le Séparatiste and The Blakk Manthis and Iron Mask and Hybrid Raid). Sexxxy Eddy b The Prophet to retain the CZW Junior Heavyweight title, Brick Crawford and Gino Martino vs Karnage and Abdul Hannish ended in a No Contest (Gino Martino turned his back on Brick Crawford). Necro Butcher b “Sick” Rick Matrix to become CWA Hardcore champion.
- August 19, 2006 – AWA CWA Montreal in Montreal, Quebec: Pierre “The Beast” b Patrice Lacroix, Sean Impact and PWE’s Seth Sendrick (acc. Rene Parizeau) b PWE’s Sylver and Mike Myers, Damian “The Pitbull” Vachon b Karnage (iTV champion) by DQ, Los Latinos b Ryan Rush and Zack Storm and The Red Romeos (Velvet Jones and Ace Jordan) in a 3-WAY, Vampire Priest b Manthor in a Chain Match, Aftershock b The Hellraisers (Tag Team Champions) by DQ, Gino Martino b Brick Crawford for the AWA/CWA Heavyweight title, Kevin Steen and The Prophet b SeXXXy Eddy and Steve McFly.
- February 23, 2008 – CWA: New Beginning in Montreal, Quebec at Bogey’s World: Jaguar and Josianne the Pussycat b Superstar Shane Hawke and Sweet Cherrie, Iron Mike Lyons b Harley Davison, [INSERT] b CJ Felony, The Latino Connection b The Twin Terrors, Aftershock b Carnage and Sexxxy Eddy in a 3-WAY, The Asian Nightmare and Quinson Valentino and Excess b Reggie Marley and Soul Rage and Jeremy Barnoff in a 6 Man Elimination Tag Match where the last man standing would be the new CWA Champion. (Order of eliminations were: Excess eliminated SoulRage. Marley eliminated Excess. Valentino eliminated Marley. Prophet eliminated Valentino. Kwan Chang eliminated The Prophet to win the CWA Heavyweight Title!)

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